188 research outputs found

    La vacante general

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    Educação física para todos: visão de alunos sem condição de deficiência

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    Nos últimos anos tem-se verificado um movimento que proclama a implementação de uma escola inclusiva, procurando transformar a escola enquanto instituição. Face a esta problemática, a Educação Física enquanto disciplina não pode ficar desfasada de todo processo. Neste contexto, centramo-nos na necessidade de conhecer quais as perspetivas dos alunos sem condição de deficiência relativamente à inclusão de alunos com condição de deficiência nas aulas de Educação Física. Os participantes foram selecionados numa escola do distrito de Castelo Branco, que tivesse 3 alunos com condição de deficiência (diferentes patologias) a participarem na aula de Educação Física. De forma a operacionalizarmos todo o processo, solicitamos que as diretoras de turmas selecionassem 3 alunos sem condição de deficiência, a fim de realizarem uma entrevista sobre esta temática. Após a transcrição e análise das entrevistas, elaboramos as nossas conclusões com base em 3 categorias criadas: Gosto pelas atividades corporais, Grau de inclusão no contexto aula de Educação Física e Dinâmica da aula.In recent years there has been a movement that proclaims the implementation of an inclusive school, trying to transform the school as an institution. Faced with this problem Physical Education, as a discipline, can not be out of step with any process. In this context, we focus on the need to know the perspectives of students with no disability condition regarding the inclusion of students with disabilities in Physical Education classes. The sample was selected in a school in the district of Castelo Branco, which had 3 students with disabilities (different pathologies) to participate in the Physical Education class. In order to operationalize the whole process, we asked the class directors to select 3 students without a disability, in order to conduct an interview on this subject. After the transcription and analysis of the interviews, we elaborated our conclusions based on 3 categories created: Taste for the corporal activities, Degree of inclusion in the context Physical Education class and Dynamics of the class.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    El orden de Melquisedec

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    Trabajo en equipo en el compromiso organizacional de los profesionales de la salud en un hospital de Huaylas, 2023

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    La presente investigación contó con el siguiente objetivo general: Determinar la influencia del trabajo en equipo en el compromiso organizacional de los profesionales de la salud en un Hospital de Huaylas, 2023; con un enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo básico con un diseño no experimental de corte transversal correlacional causal, la población estuvo compuesta por 140 profesionales, donde se calculó la muestra para poblaciones finitas en la cual se obtuvo un promedio de 103 trabajadores, a quienes se les aplico un cuestionario para ambas variables. Las técnicas se obtuvieron de las encuestas que se formularon en trabajo de equipo 13 ítems y 18 en compromiso organizacional, se aplicó una prueba piloto de ,819 en el trabajo en equipo y el compromiso organizacional ,915 donde manifiesta que es confiable. Como resultados Los resultados de las pruebas de Chi cuadrado indican un sig. de ,000 y el coeficiente V de Cramer fue de ,512 significativo, lo cual, implica rechazar la H0. Esto quiere decir que el trabajo en equipo influye en un 51.2% sobre el Compromiso Organizacional

    Diseño de un sistema de gestión de seguridad de la información en el área de sistema de la empresa Rymco S.A bajo la norma ISO IEC/27001:2013

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    Hoy en día nos encontramos que en algunas empresas en Colombia sus profesionales del área de informática, aún se encuentran llenos de tabúes, en cuanto a la protección de la información. Considerando que con el solo hecho de tener software y antivirus licenciados y de realizar periódicamente backup es suficiente para estar protegidos ante posibles ataques informáticos. Es decir aun no admiten la necesidad de implementar los Sistemas de Gestión de la Seguridad de la Información SGSI. Este proyecto es un diseño metodológico para implementación de un SGSI en el área de sistema de la empresa RYMCO S.A bajo la norma ISO IEC/27001:2013.Today we find that in some companies in Colombia its professionals in information technology, are still full of taboos regarding the protection of information . Whereas the sole fact of having antivirus software and graduates and for the regular backup is sufficient to be protected against possible attacks. Ie not even recognize the need to implement Systems Management Information Security ISMS. This project is a design methodology for implementing an ISMS in the area of ​​enterprise system RYMCO SA under ISO IEC / 27001: 2013

    A Solar Dually PVT Driven Direct Expansion Heat Pump One-Year Field Operation Results at Continental Climate

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    The high energy-consuming building sector needs to meet both electricity and heat demands. In a nearly zero energy building scenario, most of the consumed energy would be generated locally by means of renewable solutions that nowadays seem not to provide an attractive performance or cost-competitiveness. Solar-based technologies tend to be the most promising ones, but for high densely populated areas, the usual photovoltaic or thermal single approaches may not be efficient enough. The current work is focused on the analysis of the dual use of the solar resource by means of hybrid PVT collectors and their smart combination with direct expansion heat pumps through predictive control strategies. To that end, a system was developed, installed in a real-use single-family house at a continental climate for domestic hot water application, operated and monitored for one entire year. The average day indicator results show 83% renewable energy share, 220% self-sufficiency ratio, 41% heat pump self-consumption and 46% of the solar fraction.This research was funded by EIT InnoEnergy, grant number 56_2014_IP127_Handle and the APC was funded by Fundación TECNALIA Research & Innovation

    Cuentos Gaditanos

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2007Lugar de publicación tomado del colofó

    A Solar Dually PVT Driven Direct Expansion Heat Pump One-Year Field Operation Results at Continental Climate

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    The high energy-consuming building sector needs to meet both electricity and heat demands. In a nearly zero energy building scenario, most of the consumed energy would be generated locally by means of renewable solutions that nowadays seem not to provide an attractive performance or cost-competitiveness. Solar-based technologies tend to be the most promising ones, but for high densely populated areas, the usual photovoltaic or thermal single approaches may not be efficient enough. The current work is focused on the analysis of the dual use of the solar resource by means of hybrid PVT collectors and their smart combination with direct expansion heat pumps through predictive control strategies. To that end, a system was developed, installed in a real-use single-family house at a continental climate for domestic hot water application, operated and monitored for one entire year. The average day indicator results show 83% renewable energy share, 220% self-sufficiency ratio, 41% heat pump self-consumption and 46% of the solar fraction.This research was funded by EIT InnoEnergy, grant number 56_2014_IP127_Handle and the APC was funded by Fundación TECNALIA Research & Innovation

    Productividad y Visibilidad Científica de los Profesores Funcionarios de las Universidades Públicas Españolas en el Área de Tecnologías Informáticas

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    Este informe describe y analiza de una manera estructurada, la productividad y visibilidad científica internacional de los profesores (Catedrático de Universidad (CU), Titular de Universidad (TU), Catedrático de Escuela Universitaria (CEU) y Titular de Escuela Universitaria (TEU)) de las universidades públicas españolas adscritos a las áreas de conocimiento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de los Computadores (ATC), Ciencia de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial (CCIA), y Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos (LSI), detectando tanto las fortalezas como debilidades de los mismos. El análisis se realiza tanto a nivel nacional como por comunidades autónomas, universidades, áreas de conocimiento y categorías profesionales. Con ello se consigue una visión global y detallada de la situación actual en el área de las Tecnologías Informática

    SAgric-IoT: an IoT-based platform and deep learning for greenhouse monitoring

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) and convolutional neural networks (CNN) integration is a growing topic of interest for researchers as a technology that will contribute to transforming agriculture. IoT will enable farmers to decide and act based on data collected from sensor nodes regarding field conditions and not purely based on experience, thus minimizing the wastage of supplies (seeds, water, pesticide, and fumigants). On the other hand, CNN complements monitoring systems with tasks such as the early detection of crop diseases or predicting the number of consumable resources and supplies (water, fertilizers) needed to increase productivity. This paper proposes SAgric-IoT, a technology platform based on IoT and CNN for precision agriculture, to monitor environmental and physical variables and provide early disease detection while automatically controlling the irrigation and fertilization in greenhouses. The results show SAgric-IoT is a reliable IoT platform with a low packet loss level that considerably reduces energy consumption and has a disease identification detection accuracy and classification process of over 90%