118 research outputs found

    New species of Paullinia (Sapindaceae) from continental tropical America

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    Six new species are described in the large Neotropical genus Paullinia (Sapindaceae), P. cidii, P. decorticans, P. fruticosa, P. hondurensis; P. martinellii and P. wurdackii. In addition, they are illustrated and contrasted to the morphologically most similar species currently known. The new species were discovered while working on a forthcoming revision of the genus

    Paullinia trifoliolata (sapindaceae) una nueva especie de los andes de colombia

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    Se describe e ilustra Paullinia trifoliolata, una nueva especie de los Andes deCundinamarca (Colombia). La nueva especie se contrasta con Paullinia turbacensis,su presunto pariente más cercano


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    In this study, the theoretical framework of the fourth industrial revolution was employed to examine the developments of artificial intelligence and augmented reality in the fashion industry. To ensure long-term sustainability and competitiveness in the fashion industry, the implementation of these technologies is crucial. The study's main concern is the clothing purchasing process, which has historically been challenging for customers, as imagining how clothes will fit without trying them on can bedifficult. This constraint, coupled with the biosecurity measures prompted by the Covid-19 pandemic, has made shopping less enjoyable, leading to returns and loss of sales for fashion companies. This issue will be tackled through a project that would transform the way people buy clothes by merging augmented reality and artificial intelligence. The prototype to be createdwill incorporate a camera that projects the user onto a screen, enabling 3D visualization of the modeled clothing. Users will be able to see the garment's fit in real-time while maintaining a 360° field of vision for both the user and the garment.The literature review revealed that adopting augmented reality and artificial intelligence in the fashion industry enhances the user experience by enabling virtual garment visualization, reducing returns, and increasing sales. With the aid of these technologies, consumers can personalize their purchases and virtually try on products, resulting in positive impacts on businessoutcomes and customer satisfaction.Esta investigación empleó el marco teórico de la cuarta revolución industrial para analizar los avances de la inteligencia artificial y la realidad aumentada en la industria de la moda. Se busca asegurar la sostenibilidad y competitividad a largo plazo en este sector, donde la experiencia de compra de ropa ha sido tradicionalmente desafiante, especialmente al intentar visualizarcómo se adapta la ropa sin probársela. Esta dificultad se ha acentuado con las medidas de bioseguridad asociadas a la pandemia de Covid-19, afectando la satisfacción del cliente y generando devoluciones. Para abordar estas problemáticas,se propone un proyecto que combina la realidad aumentada y la inteligencia artificial. A través de un prototipo que proyecta al usuario en una pantalla, se logra una visualización en 3D de la ropa modelada, permitiendo una experiencia de compra virtual en la que el usuario puede observar el ajuste de las prendas en tiempo real y desde diversos ángulos. La revisión bibliográficaresalta que la adopción conjunta de la realidad aumentada y la inteligencia artificial en la industria de la moda mejora la experiencia del usuario al posibilitar la visualización virtual de las prendas, reduciendo las devoluciones y aumentando las ventas. Estas tecnologías permiten a los consumidores personalizar sus compras y probar productos de manera virtual, lo cual impacta positivamente en los resultados comerciales y la satisfacción del cliente

    Development and characterization of 11 microsatellite loci for the Mona Island iguana (Cyclura cornuta stejnegeri)

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    We isolated and characterized 11 microsatellite loci in the Mona Island iguana (Cyclura cornuta stejnegeri). Eleven loci exhibit moderate to high allelic diversity (two to 12 alleles, mean = 4.5) and polymorphism (mean observed heterozygosity, 0.56; range, 0.26 to 0.78) in 41 adults. This marker set has low probability of identity and high parentage exclusion power and will be suitable for studies of paternity, social organization and relatedness in this species

    Composition of Prosobranchia-Pulmonata (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in rocky intertidal zone in the Marine Priority Region 32, Guerrero, Mexico

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    Resumen.- El objetivo de esta investigación fue la descripción de la taxocenosis de las subclases Prosobranchia y Pulmonata (clase Gastropoda), asociados a la zona intermareal rocosa de la Región Marina Prioritaria 32, Guerrero, México. Basada en la riqueza de especies, la composición de la comunidad a partir de la representación de las familias, se evaluó la abundancia, distribución geográfica de las especies, se estimó los estadísticos descriptivos de las tallas (en largo) de las poblaciones y la diversidad. El muestreo se llevó a cabo en 7 sitios, la unidad de muestreo fue de 1 m-2 y el área de muestreo de 10 m-2. Se identificaron 104 especies de prosobranquios y 4 de pulmonados. Las familias Columbellidae y Muricidae fueron las mejores representadas en riqueza de especies y la familia Muricidae en abundancia. Acanthais triangularis se consideró como la representativa de la zona, la especie Macrocypraea cervinetta mostró la mayor talla. Además, 23 especies presentaron amplia distribución, 27 distribución regular y 54 distribución restringida. Veintiocho especies estuvieron representadas por un único organismo, y 6 especies por 2 organismos, estas especies son consideradas raras. Las especies raras se encontraron en las estaciones cuya característica de exposición del oleaje es de bajo a medio. La riqueza de especies fue alta y corresponde a lo esperado en una zona tropical. Palabras clave: Gastropoda, riqueza, distribución geográfica, tallas, Guerrero Abstract.- The aim of this research was the description of the taxocoenosis of Prosobranchia and Pulmonata subclasses (Gastropoda) associated with the rocky intertidal zone of the Marine Priority Region 32, Guerrero, Mexico. Based on known species richness, we examine the composition of the community based on the representation of families, assess abundance, the geographic distribution of species, estimate descriptive statistics of size, and estimate diversity. Sampling was conducted at 7 sites, the sampling unit was 1 m-2 and the sampling area was 10 m-2. One hundred and four species of subclass Prosobranchia and 4 species of subclass Pulmonata were identified. Columbellidae and Muricidae families showed higher species richness, meanwhile family Muricidae was the most abundant. Acanthais triangularis was the most representative species of the study area, and Macrocypraea cervinetta showed the greatest size. Twenty three species were found with broad distribution, 27 taxa with frequent distribution and 54 taxa with restricted distribution. Twenty eight species were represented by a single organism and 6 species with 2 organisms, these species were considered rare and were found in sites whose characteristic wave exposure is low to medium. Species richness was high and corresponds to that expected in the tropics. Key words: Gastropoda, species richness, geographic distribution, size, Guerrer


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    Target 2 of the 2020 Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) calls for a comprehensive list of the world\u27s threatened plant species. The lack of such a list is one of the greatest impediments to protecting the full complement of the world\u27s plant species, and work to achieve this has been slow. An efficient system for identifying those species that are at risk of extinction could help to achieve this goal in a time frame sensitive to today\u27s conservation needs. Two systems that efficiently use available data to assess conservation status were tested against a provisional International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List analysis to evaluate the native seed plant species of Puerto Rico. It was demonstrated that both systems efficiently identify species at risk, which is a step toward both the GSPC Target 2 and a more comprehensive IUCN Red List for plants. Both systems were effective at identifying plant species at risk, with the New York analysis identifying 98% and the Smithsonian analysis 85% of the plant species considered Threatened in the IUCN Red List. Both analyses to some extent overestimated those plants at risk, but the species identified are all range restricted and, thus, of some conservation interest

    Evaluación de los peligros naturales y antrópicos para el turismo en Playas del Este, Cuba

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    Coloquio de Geografía del Turismo, Ocio y Recreación de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. Colmenarejo (Madrid), del 17 al 19 de junio de 2010.Esta investigación forma parte de los resultados del proyecto "El sistema de embalses como forma de regulación y aprovechamiento del agua en la cuenca del río Guanabo, Cuba. Indicadores de sostenibilidad" (Código: A/023914/09), financiado por la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo y cuyo investigador principal es José Damián Ruiz SinogaPublicad

    Coactivation of the Pelvic Floor and Gluteus Medius Muscles While Walking and Running in Female Runners

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    Background: Pelvic-floor-muscle (PFM) activation acts synergistically with multiple muscles while performing functional actions in humans. The purpose of this study was to characterize the activity of the PFMs and gluteus medius (GM) while walking and running in physically active nulliparous females. (2) Methods: The peak and average amplitude of maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) during 60 s of walking (5 and 7 km/h) and running (9 and 11 km/h) were measured with electromyography of the GM and PFMs in 10 healthy female runners. (3) Results: The activation of both muscles increased (p < 0.001) while walking and running. The MVC of the GM was reached when walking and tripled when running, while the PFMs were activated at half their MVC when running. The global ratio of the GM (75.3%) was predominant over that of the PFMs (24.6%) while static and walking. The ratio reached 9/1 (GM/PFM) while running. (4) Conclusion: The GM and PFMs were active while walking and running. The GM’s MVC tripled at high speeds, while the PFMs reached only half of their maximum contraction

    Una mirada a la competitividad de los principales productos agrícolas de exportación holandesa

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    La investigación buscó analizar los niveles de competitividad de los cinco productos agrícolas más representativos de Países Bajos comparándolos con sus principales competidores; se utilizó la matriz de competitividad modificada por Ramón Lacayo y Cristian Morales a la matriz de la CEPAL; se analizó también indicadores RCA y ICTB. Como resultados, Países Bajos evidenció un alto grado de especialización en todos los productos estudiados, demostrando tener una gran ventaja comparativa y una competitividad elevada o constante con los principales países importadores; convirtiéndolo así en un referente para la producción y exportación agrícola en Latinoamérica y en los países en vías de desarrollo