1,241,868 research outputs found

    Economics of dairy breeding

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    From Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-1148.R. W. Everett (Cornell University), R. E. Pearson (Agricultural Research, U.S. Department of Agriculture), Adapted by Rex Ricketts (Dairy Husbandry Department, College of Agriculture)New 9/79/8

    Farm & Home Science Vol. 13 No. 1, March 1952

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    Studies on feasibility of the Weber Basin Reclamation Project completed, by G. T. Blanch 1 Winter of 1951-52 one of deep snows, by G. L. Pearson 2 Peach varieties for Utah, by R. K. Gerber, O. Kirk, and S. W. Edgecombe 4 Balance nitrogen and water for sweet corn, by H. B. Peterson 5 Is alfalfa meal economical feed for turkey poults, by C. I. Draper 6 Right amounts of nitrogen fertilizer important in sugar beet production, by J. L. Haddock 7 Two more years\u27 data support earlier pruning recommendations, by S. W. Edgecombe, R. K. Gerber, and o. Kirk 8 Plan your kitchen to be an efficient work center, by M. P. Bennion 10 Leafhoppers found to transmit western X-disease virus, by G. H. Kaloostian and M. W. Nielson 12 Phosphate fertilizer increases alfalfa hay yields, by R. Nielson 14 Tomatoes with large blossom ends often harbor thrips. 16 Fluid milk market in Utah unstable, by W. M. Allred 1

    Program doskonalenia kompetencji nauczycieli akademickich - doświadczenia hiszpańskie

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    This paper provides a detailed discussion of the Spanish concept of teaching competence programming for academic teachers and the implications of this concept. The programme in question emerged from the work on continuous training model for academic teachers in Andalusia, under the leadership of professor Luis Miguel Villar Angulo, conducted until 2002. The outputs of that effort included a course for academic teachers, taught in the academic year 2002/2003 (from 8 January to 2 April 2003) and a book entitled Programa para la Mejora de la Docencla Universitaria (Programme for quality improvement in university education) published in 2004 by Pearson Education. The book was published in a few countries in parallel, notably in Spanish speaking ones (it was released in Madrid, Mexico City, Santafe de Bogota, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Lima, Montevideo, San Juan, San Jose, Santiago, Sao Paulo, White Plains) and came with a CD-ROM containing key information on programme design and its theoretical underpinnings. Luis Miguel Villar Angulo is a professor at the University of Seville and specialises in didactics and organisation of schooling. He co-ordinated a team of 24 academic lecturers specialising in teacher training, representing eight Spanish universities and four fields (didactics and organisation of schooling, education studies methodology, social psychology, sociology).Przedmiotem artykułu jest szczegółowe omówienie hiszpańskiej koncepcji programowania doskonalenia kompetencji u nauczycieli akademickich oraz implikacji, jakie owa propozycja za sobą niesie. Omawiany program powstał w wyniku prac nad modelem rozwoju zawodowego nauczycieli akademickich w Andaluzji, prowadzonych pod kierunkiem prof. Luisa Miguela Villar Angulo do 2002 r. Efektem prac nad tym programem był kurs dla nauczycieli akademickich, przeprowadzony w roku akademickim 2002/2003 (między 8 stycznia a 2 kwietnia 2003 r.), oraz książka zatytułowana Program podnoszenia jakości kształcenia uniwersyteckiego (Programa para la Mejora de la Docencia Universitaria) wydana w 2004 r. przez wydawnictwo Pearson Educación. Książka ukazała się w kilku krajach jednocześnie, przede wszystkim hiszpańskojęzycznych (miejsca wydania: Madryt, Meksyk, Santafe de Bogota, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Lima, Montevideo, San Juan, San José, Santiago, Sao Paulo, White Plains) i dołączono do niej CD z najważniejszymi informacjami dotyczącymi konstrukcji samego programu oraz założeń teoretycznych, które legły u jego podstaw. Luis Miguel Villar Angulo jest profesorem mianowanym Uniwersytetu w Sewilli i zajmuje się dydaktyką oraz organizacją szkolnictwa. Koordynował pracę zespołu naukowców złożonego z 24 wykładowców uniwersyteckich, specjalizujących się w kształceniu nauczycieli, reprezentujących osiem uczelni hiszpańskich i cztery dziedziny nauki: dydaktykę i organizację szkolnictwa, metodologię badań edukacyjnych, psychologię społeczną oraz socjologię

    Fast iterative solution of reaction-diffusion control problems arising from chemical processes

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    PDE-constrained optimization problems, and the development of preconditioned iterative methods for the efficient solution of the arising matrix system, is a field of numerical analysis that has recently been attracting much attention. In this paper, we analyze and develop preconditioners for matrix systems that arise from the optimal control of reaction-diffusion equations, which themselves result from chemical processes. Important aspects in our solvers are saddle point theory, mass matrix representation and effective Schur complement approximation, as well as the outer (Newton) iteration to take account of the nonlinearity of the underlying PDEs

    Ames ER-2 ozone measurements

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    The objective of this research is to study ozone (O3) in the stratosphere. Measurements of the ozone mixing ratio at 1 s intervals are obtained with an ultraviolet photometer which flies on the ER-2 aircraft. The photometer determines the amount of ozone in air by measuring the transmission of ultraviolet light through a fixed path with and without ambient O3 present

    Sir Francis Galton

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    Cousin to Charles Darwin and a talented statistician, Sir Francis Galton had an influence on social science that was profound. His major contributions to mathematical statistics included the initial development of quantiles and linear regression techniques. Along with F. Y. Edgeworth and Karl Pearson, he developed general techniques of multiple regression and correlation analysis, statistical devices that serve as substitutes for experiments in social science. Galton had a major impact on economics, and with W. R. Greg, was instrumental in creating the “science” of eugenics

    Genetic diversity is considered important but interpreted narrowly in country reports to the Convention on Biological Diversity: current actions and indicators are insufficient

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    20openInternationalInternational coauthor/editorInternational agreements such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) have committed to conserve, and sustainably and equitably use, biodiversity. The CBD is a vital instrument for global conservation because it guides 195 countries and the European Union in setting priorities and allocating resources, and requires regular reporting on progress. However, the CBD and similar policy agreements have often neglected genetic diversity.openHoban, Sean; Campbell, Catriona D.; da Silva, Jessica M.; Ekblom, Robert; Funk, W. Chris; Garner, Brittany A.; Godoy, José A.; Kershaw, Francine; MacDonald, Anna J.; Mergeay, Joachim; Minter, Melissa; O'Brien, David; Vinas, Ivan Paz; Pearson, Sarah K.; Pérez-Espona, Sílvia; Potter, Kevin M.; Russo, Isa-Rita M.; Segelbacher, Gernot; Vernesi, Cristiano; Hunter, Margaret E.Hoban, S.; Campbell, C.D.; da Silva, J.M.; Ekblom, R.; Funk, W.C.; Garner, B.A.; Godoy, J.A.; Kershaw, F.; Macdonald, A.J.; Mergeay, J.; Minter, M.; O'Brien, D.; Vinas, I.P.; Pearson, S.K.; Pérez-Espona, S.; Potter, K.M.; Russo, I.M.; Segelbacher, G.; Vernesi, C.; Hunter, M.E

    Determination of the respiratory compensation point by detecting changes in intercostal muscles oxygenation by using near-infrared spectroscopy

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    This study aimed to evaluate if the changes in oxygen saturation levels at intercostal muscles (SmO2-m.intercostales) assessed by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) using a wearable device could determine the respiratory compensation point (RCP) during exercise. Fifteen healthy competitive triathletes (8 male; 29±6 years; height 167.6±25.6 cm; weight 69.2±9.4 kg; V ̇O2-máx 58.4±8.1 mL·kg-1·min-1) were evaluated in a cycle ergometer during the maximal oxygen-uptake test (V ̇O2-máx), while lung ventilation (V ̇E), power output (watts, W) and SmO2-m.intercostales were measured. RCP was determined by visual method (RCPvisual: changes at ventilatory equivalents (V ̇E·V ̇CO2-1, V ̇E·V ̇O2-1) and end-tidal respiratory pressure (PetO2, PetCO2) and NIRS method (RCPNIRS: breakpoint of fall in SmO2-m.intercostales). During exercise, SmO2-m.intercostales decreased continuously showing a higher decrease when V ̇E increased abruptly. A good agreement between methods used to determine RCP was found (visual vs NIRS) at %V ̇O2-máx, V ̇O2, V ̇E, and W (Bland-Altman test). Correlations were found to each parameters analyzed (r=0.854; r=0.865; r=0.981; and r=0,968; respectively. p<0.001 in all variables, Pearson test), with no differences (p<0.001 in all variables, t-student test) between methods used (RCPvisual and RCPNIRS). We concluded that changes at SmO2-m.intercostales measured by NIRS could adequately determine RCP in triathletes

    Asking the experts : developing and validating parental diaries to assess children's minor injuries

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    The methodological issues involved in parental reporting of events in children's everyday lives are discussed with reference to the development and validation of an incident diary, collecting concurrent data on minor injuries in a community study of children under eight years old. Eighty-two mothers participated in a comparison over nine days of daily telephone interviews and structured incident diaries. Telephone methods resulted in more missing data, and participants in both groups expressed a preference for the diary method. This diary was then validated on a sample of 56 preschool and school-aged children by comparing injury recording by a research health visitor with that of their mothers. Each failed to report some injuries, but there was good agreement overall, and in descriptive data on injuries reported by both. Parental diaries have the potential to provide rich data, of acceptable validity, on minor events in everyday life