229 research outputs found

    Novi nalazi vodenih grinja (Acari, Hydrachnidia) iz materijala koji je sakupio u Hrvatskoj T. Petkovski, s popisom vrsta vodenih grinja iz Hrvatske

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    New records of water-mites from Croatia are given based on the material collected by T. Petkovski. Nine species are identified, four of which are new for the fauna of Croatia and one species is recorded for the first time in the Balkans. The ecological significance of the new records is briefly discussed.U radu se daju novi podaci o vodenim grinjama iz Hrvatske, temeljeni na materijalu koji je prikupio T. Petkovski. Određeno je devet vrsta, od čega su četiri nove za hrvatsku faunu, a jedna vrsta je zabilježena prvi put za Balkan. Kratko se raspravlja o ekološkom značaju novih podataka

    Toward a Vygotskian theory of textbook

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    This is an attempt to place the problem of textbook theory into a new frame of reference provided by cultural-historical theory of development, using the idea about cultural-historical mediation of individual development and concept of CST as a basic analytical concepts. The new frame of reference introduces a new language on textbooks, opening a range of new research problems, while dealing with the old ones in a new and more complex way. Textbook is shifted from the usual pedagogic-didactic setting and placed in a more basic and cultural context. The paper is an attempt to bring the concept of cultural tools to a completely operational level, as well as to test the actual power of that concept by identifying CST in textbooks. Furthermore, this paper is an attempt elaborate the forms of social assistance that constitute the zone of proximal development, seen as the characteristics of joint activities of the child and a more competent participant (which is "hidden”, i.e., indirectly present, in this case). Vygotsky never specified the forms of social assistance, but rather gave general prescriptions (Moll, 1990), thus presenting one of the central theoretical and practical tasks for the followers of his ideas

    Impact of genetics on neoadjuvant therapy with complete pathological response in metastatic colorectal cancer: case report and review of the literature

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    Treatment of colorectal metastatic cancer is still challenging, despite recent improvements in chemotherapy. A genetic cancer profile, such as the KRAS (Kirsten rat sarcoma) gene status, plays a key role in individualized tailored therapy. Molecular targeted therapy added to neoadjuvant chemotherapy can achieve a better pathological response and prolong survival. Pathological complete response of colorectal cancer stage N is rare. A 47-year-old female patient presented with rectal adenocarcinoma and three liver metastases (cT3d/4, N2, M1). After seven cycles of Bevacizumab and CAPOX in neoadjuvant setting, we noted more than 70.0% regression of metastases and complete regression of the primary tumor. We performed low anterior resection of rectum and synchronous subsegmental resection of S3, because the other two lesions were not detectable. Pathology revealed complete response of the primary and also secondary tumors. After 8 months, diagnostic tests did not show any sign of recurrence and the remaining liver lesions disappeared. Colorectal cancer is a heterogeneous disease and it is necessary to identify patients who are at-risk of recurrence and suitable for neoadjuvant therapy. Genetic biomarkers play an important role in metastatic colorectal cancer treatment. Because of the mutated KRAS gene, Bevacizumab was added to cytotoxic therapy achieving a complete pathological response of primary tumor and metastasis. This case is unique because all reported cases with similar results, described staged surgery and one of reverse staged surgery, but with similar results. This neoadjuvant therapy has extra ordinary results for colorectal cancer stage IV and can help disease-free and long-term survival

    Frequencies of clinically important CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 alleles are graded across Europe

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    CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 are important drug-metabolizing enzymes that are involved in the metabolism of around 30% of allmedications. Importantly, the corresponding genes are highly polymorphic and these genetic differences contribute tointerindividual and interethnic differences in drug pharmacokinetics, response, and toxicity. In this study we systematicallyanalyzed the frequency distribution of clinically relevantCYP2C19andCYP2D6alleles across Europe based on data from82,791 healthy individuals extracted from 79 original publications and, for thefirst time, provide allele confidence intervalsfor the general population. We found that frequencies ofCYP2D6gene duplications showed a clear South-East to North-West gradient ranging from <1% in Sweden and Denmark to 6% in Greece and Turkey. In contrast, an inverse distributionwas observed for the loss-of-function allelesCYP2D6*4andCYP2D6*5. Similarly, frequencies of the inactiveCYP2C19*2allele were graded from North-West to South-East Europe. In important contrast to previous work we found that theincreased activity alleleCYP2C19*17was most prevalent in Central Europe (25–33%) with lower prevalence inMediterranean-South Europeans (11–24%). In summary, we provide a detailed European map of commonCYP2C19andCYP2D6variants andfind that frequencies of the most clinically relevant alleles are geographically graded reflective ofEurope’s migratory history. Thesefindings emphasize the importance of generating pharmacogenomic data sets with highspatial resolution to improve precision public health across Europe

    Satirical literary projections of social and political reality in the public sphere of Serbia at the end of XIX and beginning of XX century

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    4 УДК 316.7:821.163.4.09“20“ 821.163.41.О2РЕАЛИЗАМ 303.442.4 САТИРИЧКЕ КЊИЖЕВНЕ ПРОЈЕКЦИЈЕ ДРУШТВЕНЕ И ПОЛИТИЧКЕ СТВАРНОСТИ У ЈАВНОЈ СФЕРИ СРБИЈЕ КРАЈЕМ XIX И ПОЧЕТКОМ XX ВЕКА Резиме Предмет овог рада је српска књижевна сатира епохе реализма, као специфичан књижевноисторијски и друштвени феномен у јавној сфери Србије крајем XIX и почетком XX века. Полазећи од схватања сатире као дискурзивне праксе, дефинисали смо следеће циљеве истраживања: реконструисати сатиричке пројекције друштвене и политичке стварности ондашње Србије на основу синтезе система значења установљених тумачењем репрезентативног узорка сатиричких књижевних текстова; контекстуализовати сатиричке пројекције стварности успостављањем интетрпетативних релација са конкретним историјским збивањима, политичким догађајима и личностима, као и са специфичним променама друштвеног живота ондашње Србије; идентификовати особена књижевно- уметничка средства сатире – кључне системе уметничког посредовања сатиричког значења и механизме којима сатира остварује своју критичко-корективну функцију. Примењена је метода квалитативне анализе садржаја, која је објединила елементе структурално-семиотичке методе тумачења књижевних дела, херменеутичке методе (пошто се значењски потенцијал сатиричког дискурса ствара у интеракцији текста и контекста), као и критичке анализе дискурса. Резултати показују да сатиричке пројекције власти, грађанина, друштвених нарави и националног идентитета Срба творе разуђен и прилично кохерентан систем значења, у коме се може препознати и модел кружног условљавања. Неутемељеност политичког и друштвеног живота у принципу општег добра, од највиших преко нижих нивоа власти до друштвеног карактера Срба, прво је чвориште значења сатиричких пројекција. Друго се односи на неефикасност и нерационалност (апсурдност) друштвеног и политичког поретка, као и на одсуство друштвених снага које би могле бити носиоци прогреса. Будући да се такав поредак одржава репресијом и манипулацијом, из претходних природн о произлази трећи значењски фокус сатиричких пројекција, оличен у вези репресивна власт – поданички послушан народ, као и четврти: стварање привида опште добробити и благостања, уз неговање митоманских, у реалности неутемељених представа о себи. Дехуманиза ција човека и девијантан систем вредности, као последње чворно значење сатиричких пројекција стварности, представљају у исто време и последицу описаног друштвеног контекста, али и моћан механизам његовог самоодржавања. Ефиксаности критичко- корективне функције сатире, али и њеној персуазивној снази, доприносе особени књижевноуметнички поступци, који делом произлазе из реалистичке поетике, а делом су израз јединствене поетике аутора.This paper deals with Serbian literary satire epoch of Realism, as a specific literary historical and social phenomenon in the public sphere of Serbia at the end of XIX and beginning of XX century. Starting from the understanding of satire as a discursive practice, we have defined the following research objectives: to reconstruct satirical projections of the social and political reality in Serbia from that period, through the of systems of meanings derived from a representative sample of satirical literary texts; to contextualize satirical projections of reality by establishing an interpretative relation with concrete historical and political events, personalities as well as the specific changes of the social life in Serbia; to identify distinct satiric literary tools – key systems of mediating satirical meanings and mechanisms throughout satire achieves its critical-corrective function. We apply the method of qualitative content analysis, integrating the elements of structural-semiotic analysis of literary texts, hermeneutic method (since the semantic potential of satirical discourse is created in the interaction between text and context), as well as critical discourse analysis. The results show that satirical projections of the Serbian government, citizenship, social character and national identity form elaborated and fairly coherent system, in which the model of circular influence can be recognized. The political and social life unfounded in the principle of the common good, referring to both the highest and lowest levels of government, as well as to Serbian social character, embodies the first nodal meaning of satirical projections. The second one refers to the inefficiency and irrationality (absurdity) of the social and political organization, as well as the absence of social forces that could be a carrier of progress. Since such a system is maintained by repression and manipulation, the previous two focuses of satirical projection naturally lead to a third one, embodied in a repressive government – obedient people relation, as well as a fourth one, identified as creating the illusion of general prosperity and well-being, and fostering mythomaniac self-image, unfounded in reality. Dehumanization and deviant value system, as the last nodаl meaning of satirical projections of reality, exemplify the effects of given social context, but, at the same time, a powerful mechanism of its self-preservation. What contributes to efficacy of satire's critically-corrective function, as well as its persuasive force, is the distinctive set of literary tools, derived partly from the poetics of Realism, and partly from the author's unique poetics

    Lirska povest Ervina Šinka (E. Šinko: "Aronova ljubav " - Mala biblioteka, br. 102, Zagreb 1951. Izdanje "Zore", str. 206).

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    Ovo delo Ervina Šinka predstavlja lirsku pripovetku jednog realističkog pisca. U njoj su u vidu monologa i opisa prikazani život, rad i ljubav jevrejskog revolucionara Arona, muzičkog intelektualca i borca protiv fašizma.Ervin Šinko's work is a lyrical tale of a realist writer in the form of monologues and descriptions. The book describes the life, work and love of a Jewish revolutionary Aaron, musician and intellectual who was a fighter against fascism

    Effect of electrodeposition current density on the microstructure and magnetic properties of nickel-cobalt-molybdenum alloy powders

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    Nanostructured nickel-cobalt-molybdenum alloy powders were electrodeposited from an ammonium sulfate bath. The powders mostly consist of an amorphous phase and a very small amount of nanocrystals with an mean size of less than 3 nm. An increase in deposition current density increases the amorphous phase percentage, the density of chaotically distributed dislocations and internal microstrains in the powders, while decreasing the mean nanocrystal size. The temperature range over which the structural relaxation of the powders deposited at higher current densities occurs is shifted towards lower temperatures. A change in relative magnetic permeability during structural relaxation is higher in powders deposited at higher current densities. Powder crystallization takes place at temperatures above 700oC. The formation of the stable crystal structure causes a decrease in relative magnetic permeability

    Proteinski sastav tofua korigovanog kvaliteta

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    Soybeans are an inexpensive, high-quality protein source. Soybeans have long been a staple of the human diet in Asia, especially as tofu, which is prepared from soymilk. In this study, tofu was made using a new production method which includes hydrothermal cooking (HTC) and rennin-pepsin coagulant. The effects of the addition of gallic acid to the slurry during tofu processing were studied. Tofu was made from two soybean genotypes: Lana and Balkan. The observed genotypes are characterized by relatively high content of total proteins in flour, from 45.88% to 48.83%. The prepared tofu samples are characterized by extremely high content of total proteins (52.17% - Lana tofu and 56.08% - Balkan tofu). The presence of gallic acid significantly affects the solubility of tofu protein. The applied modifications of traditional procedure of tofu production significantly improved sensory properties of soybean protein products.Tofu je želirani proteinski proizvod, koji se dobija koagulacijom zagrejanog sojinog mleka. Potrošačima naše populacije ne odgovara aroma 'zelenog zrna', takozvani 'leguminozni miris i ukus', koji se oseća u proizvodima soje pripremljenim na tradicionalni način. Sa namerom poboljšanja arome dobijenih sireva, pripremljen je tofu primenom hidrotermičkog tretmana i enzima za koagulaciju mleka (himozin-pepsin) uz dodatak galne kiselina, koja je jak antiseptik i antioksidant. Zahvaljujući visokom sadržaju ukupnih proteina sojinog semena (45,88-48,83% u obezmašćenom brašnu) i pripremljeni tofu se karakteriše visokim sadržajem ukupnih proteina (52,17% s.m.- Lana tofu i 65,08 % s.m. - Balkan tofu). Postupak dodatka galne kiseline menja sadržaj rastvorljivih proteina (27,48% - Lana tofu i 41,55% - Balkan tofu) koji se značajno razlikuje u odnosu na uzorke bez nje (14,20% - Lana tofu i 28,88% - Balkan tofu). Poliakrilamidnom-gel elektroforezom ekstrakta tofua pripremljenog uz dodatak galne kiseline razdvojen je veći broj komponenata, koje se ne uočavaju na elektroforegramima tofua nemodifikovanog kvaliteta. Gasnohromatografskom analizom isparljivih komponenata tofua registrovan je uglavnom acetaldehid, tako da je postignut cilj ublažavanja legulinoznog mirisa. Poboljšanje senzornih karakteristika potvrđuju i povoljne senzorne ocene koje su dobili uzorci pripremljeni sa galnom kiselinom (3,65 - Lana tofu i 3,87 - Balkan tofu)

    Physical Approach to Ferroelectric Impedance Spectroscopy: The Rayleigh Element

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    The Rayleigh law describes the linear dependence of the permittivity of a ferroelectric on the applied ac electric field amplitude due to irreversible motions of domain walls. We show that this gives rise to a new equivalent-circuit element predestined to fit the impedance spectra of ferroelectrics based on an accepted physical model. Such impedance spectroscopy is a powerful tool to obtain a dielectric and resistive representation of the entire sample structure. The superiority of the Rayleigh analysis based on impedance spectroscopy compared to the common single-frequency approach is demonstrated for a ferroelectric Si : HfO₂ thin fil

    Natural antibacterial characteristics of honey

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    Honey was used as a medicine in traditional medicine of the Ancient Times ever since the age of Hippocrates. Scientifically based investigations of the medicinal qualities of honey date back to the 19th century. There have been constant polemics, about the medicinal characteristics of honey and parameters that cause them, among scientists and apiculture experts. In this paper, we processed much data from literature, which indicate the antibacterial characteristics of honey through the experimental results that have been presented. The factors which lead to honey possessing these characteristics are: somotic effect, acidity, effect of hydrogen peroxide and others. The priority in today’s investigations is to prove the effects and safety of using honey as an alternative to conventional forms of treatment of skin diseases, gastro-intestinal infections in the area of medicine, and the treatment of mastitis and wounds in the area of veterinary medicine