157 research outputs found

    Cytokines and Maternal Omega-3 LCPUFAs Supplementation

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    Daily supplementation of maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation with a fish oil-enriched dairy product increases the percentage of DHA and other omega-3 (ω-3) long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) in mothers (placenta, plasma, erythrocyte membranes, and breast milk) and children (plasma and erythrocyte membranes). This supplementation during critical periods such as pregnancy, lactation, and early development of a newborn may influence the levels of certain inflammatory cytokines, reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines and promoting an anti-inflammatory “environment”. In pregnant women who have not received any supplement of omega-3 LCPUFAs, IL-6 plasma levels are higher, while TNF-alpha plasma levels are also higher in their breastfed infant at birth and 2 months thereafter. There could be a relationship between docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and the concentrations of different cytokines

    Bio-plausible digital implementation of a reward modulated STDP synapse

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    Reward-modulated Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity (R-STDP) is a learning method for Spiking Neural Network (SNN) that makes use of an external learning signal to modulate the synaptic plasticity produced by Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity (STDP). Combining the advantages of reinforcement learning and the biological plausibility of STDP, online learning on SNN in real-world scenarios can be applied. This paper presents a fully digital architecture, implemented on an Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), including the R-STDP learning mechanism in a SNN. The hardware results obtained are comparable to the software simulations results using the Brian2 simulator. The maximum error is of 0.083 when a 14-bits fix-point precision is used in realtime. The presented architecture shows an accuracy of 95% when tested in an obstacle avoidance problem on mobile robotics with a minimum use of resources

    Instrumentalización parental, una pauta de interacción al interior de la familia

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    This article presents the construct parental instrumentation as a categorization of a problematic inside families. This phenomenon has already been noticed by different psychological perspectives and currents, but a consensus has not been reached. Most of the orists and researchers in the area have described and explained different states of the same from their own theoretical perspectives, but allude to a same phenomenon, which is proposed to denominate parental instrumentation, defining the phenomenon in function of its main characteristic. Finally, it is concluded this construct will allow to cement the necessary theoretical bases to enable applications in the clinical-systemic intervention with families that suffer from it.En este artículo se presenta el constructo instrumentalización parental como categorización de una problemática al interior de las familias, siendo un fenómeno que ya ha sido advertido por distintas perspectivas y corrientes de la psicología, pero que al presente no se ha llegado a un consenso al respecto. La mayoría de teóricos e investigadores en el área han descrito y explicado distintos estados del mismo desde sus propias perspectivas teóricas, pero que hacen alusión a un mismo fenómeno, el cual se propone denominar instrumentalización parental, definiendo al fenómeno en función a su principal característica. Finalmente, se concluye que este constructo permitirá cimentar las bases teóricas necesarias que posibilitaran aplicaciones en la intervención clínica-sistémica con familias que lo padecen

    Análisis psicométrico preliminar de la escala perfil de Impacto emocional COVID-19 en universitarios peruanos

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    The instrumental psychometric qualities of the Emotional Impact Profile COVID-19 (García Pérez & Magaz, 2020) are analyzed and established in this instrumental study (Ato, López-García, & Benavente, 2013), in order to use it posteriori in the university student population in relation to the emotional impact generated by the effects of this virus in the Lima population. In a sample of 161 university students (117M; 44V) of an average age of 23 years (RIQ = 3), a virtual Profile form was administered, estimating the validity by analyzing its internal structure using a confirmatory factor analysis (AFC), intercorrelating the items of the five scales of the Profile: anger / resentment, fear, anxiety, stress and depression, with the polychoric coefficient and using the Weighted Least Square Mean and Variance Adjusted (WLSMV) estimator. The resulting indices show an excellent empirical typified fit between the theoretical structure of the Profile and the data collected (χ² = 426.83, gl = 265, CFI = .970, TLI = .966, RMSEA = .062, SRMR = .079). On the other hand, the reliability of the five scales calculated by the alpha and omega coefficients, yielded high results (> .85). These excellent psychometric qualities endorse the use of the Profile in research processes on emotional effects of COVID-19.Se analiza y establece en este estudio de tipo instrumental (Ato, López-García, & Benavente, 2013), las cualidades psicométricas fundamentales del Perfil de Impacto Emocional COVID-19 (García Pérez & Magaz, 2020), con la finalidad de utilizarlo a posteriori en la población de estudiantes universitarios con relación al impacto emocional generado por los efectos de este virus en la población de Lima. En una muestra de 161 estudiantes universitarios (117M; 44 V) de una edad promedio de 23 años (RIQ = 3), se administró un formulario virtual del Perfil, estimándose la validez analizando su estructura interna empleando un análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC), intercorrelacionando los ítems de las cinco escalas del Perfil: ira/resentimiento, miedo, ansiedad, estrés y depresión, con el coeficiente policórico y empleando   el estimador Weighted Least Square Mean and Variance Adjusted (WLSMV). Los índices resultantes muestran un ajuste empírico tipificado de excelente entre la estructura teórica del Perfil y los datos colectados (χ² = 426.83, gl = 265, CFI = .970, TLI = .966, RMSEA = .062, SRMR = .079). Por otro lado, la fiabilidad de las cinco escalas calculadas por los coeficientes alfa y omega, arrojaron resultados elevados (>.85). Estas excelentes cualidades psicométricas avalan el uso del Perfil en procesos de investigación sobre efectos emocionales del COVID-19

    Nivel de conocimiento y aplicación de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional en adultos mayores

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    Introduction: older adults are considered at risk due to the dissimilar vulnerabilities that accompany senescence, hence the application of procedures of Natural and Traditional Medicine is recommended, thus guaranteeing a higher quality of life. Objective: to characterize the level of knowledge and application of the Natural and Traditional Medicine in older adults. Material and methods: an observational, descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in a group of older adults belonging to the "Manuel González Díaz" Teaching Polyclinic, Bahía Honda, Artemisa, from September to October 2020. The universe was made up of 150 older adults, working with all of them. The information was collected from a survey. Descriptive statistics were used. Results: the age group from 60 to 69 years (35,33 %) and the female sex (56,67 %) predominated. 95,33 % (N=143) reported knowledge about Natural and Traditional Medicine, considered therapeutic procedures as useful and effective and affirmed their application. Of them, 100 % reported knowing and applying herbal medicine as a therapeutic procedure. The recommendations of family and friends were the most representative means of acquiring knowledge about Natural and Traditional Medicine (76,92 %). Conclusions: the level of knowledge and application of Natural and Traditional Medicine in the studied older adults was high. It is necessary to increase in variety the application of therapeutic procedures of Natural and Traditional Medicine and to promote the role of health professionals as diffusers of its usefulness.Introducción: los adultos mayores son considerados de riesgo por las disímiles vulnerabilidades que acompañan a la senescencia, de ahí que se recomienda la aplicación de procedimientos de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional para garantizar consigo una mayor calidad de vida. Objetivo: caracterizar el nivel de conocimiento y aplicación de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional en adultos mayores. Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo de corte transversal en un grupo de adultos mayores pertenecientes al Policlínico Docente “Manuel González Díaz”, Bahía Honda, Artemisa; en el periodo de septiembre a octubre de 2020. El universo estuvo conformado por 150 adultos mayores, trabajándose con la totalidad. Se recogió la información a partir de una encuesta. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva. Resultados: predominó el grupo de edades de 60 a 69 años (35,33 %) y el sexo femenino (56,67 %). El 95,33 % (N=143) refirieron conocimientos sobre la Medicina Natural y Tradicional, consideraron los procedimientos terapéuticos como útiles y efectivos y afirmaron su aplicación. De ellos el 100 % refirió conocer y aplicar la fitoterapia como procedimiento terapéutico. Las recomendaciones de familiares y amigos fueron el medio de adquisición de los conocimientos sobre la Medicina Natural y Tradicional más representativo (76,92 %). Conclusiones: el nivel de conocimiento y aplicación de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional en los adultos mayores estudiados fue elevado. Es necesario aumentar en variedad la aplicación de procedimientos terapéuticos de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional y fomentar el papel de los profesionales de la salud como difusores de su utilidad

    Level of knowledge and application of Natural and Traditional Medicine in older adults

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    Introducción: los adultos mayores son considerados de riesgo por las disímiles vulnerabilidades que acompañan a la senescencia, de ahí que se recomienda la aplicación de procedimientos de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional para garantizar una mayor calidad de vida.Objetivo: caracterizar el nivel de conocimiento y aplicación de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional en adultos mayores.métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo de corte transversal en un grupo de adultos mayores pertenecientes al Policlínico Docente “Manuel González Díaz”, Bahía Honda, Artemisa; en el periodo de septiembre a octubre de 2020. El universo estuvo conformado por 150 adultos mayores, se trabajó con la totalidad. Se recogió la información a partir de una encuesta. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva.Resultados: predominó el grupo de edades de 60 a 69 años (35,33 %) y el sexo femenino (56,67 %). El 95,33 % (N=143) refirieron conocimientos sobre la Medicina Natural y Tradicional, consideraron los procedimientos terapéuticos como útiles, efectivos y afirmaron su aplicación. De ellos el 100 % refirió conocer y aplicar la fitoterapia como procedimiento terapéutico. Las recomendaciones de familiares y amigos fueron el medio de adquisición de los conocimientos sobre la Medicina Natural y Tradicional, más representativo (76,92 %).Conclusiones: el nivel de conocimiento y aplicación de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional en los adultos mayores estudiados fue elevado. Es necesario aumentar en variedad la aplicación de procedimientos terapéuticos de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional, y fomentar el papel de los profesionales de la salud como difusores de su utilidad.Introduction: older adults are considered at risk due to the different vulnerabilities associated with senescence, therefore the application of Natural and Traditional Medicine procedures are recommended to assure a better quality of life.Objective: to characterize the level of knowledge and application of Natural and Traditional Medicine in older adults.Methods: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in a group of older adults belonging to Manuel Gonzalez Diaz Teaching Polyclinic in Bahía Honda municipality, Artemisa province, during September to October 2020. The target group comprised 150 older adults, working with the totality. The information was collected from a survey. Descriptive statistics was applied.Results: the age group 60 to 69 years (35,33 %) and female sex (56,67 %) predominated. The 95,33 % (N=143) reported having knowledge regarding the application of Natural and Traditional Medicine, who considered these therapeutic procedures as useful and effective and recognized their application. Out of them, the 100% reported knowing and applying phytotherapy as a therapeutic procedure. Recommendations from family and friends were the most representative means of acquiring knowledge in relation to the application of Natural and Traditional Medicine (76,92 %).Conclusions: the level of knowledge and application of Natural and Traditional Medicine in the studied older adults was high. It is necessary to increase in variety the application of therapeutic procedures of Natural and Traditional Medicine and to promote the role of healthcare professionals as disseminators of its usefulness

    Biological Markers of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Epidemic High-Risk Clones

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    A limited number of Pseudomonas aeruginosa genotypes (mainly ST-111, ST-175, and ST-235), known as high-risk clones, are responsible for epidemics of nosocomial infections by multidrug-resistant (MDR) or extensively drug-resistant (XDR) strains worldwide. We explored the potential biological parameters that may explain the success of these clones. A total of 20 isolates from each of 4 resistance groups (XDR, MDR, ModR [resistant to 1 or 2 classes], and MultiS [susceptible to all antipseudomonals]), recovered from a multicenter study of P. aeruginosa bloodstream infections performed in 10 Spanish hospitals, were analyzed. A further set of 20 XDR isolates belonging to epidemic high-risk clones (ST-175 [n = 6], ST-111 [n = 7], and ST-235 [n = 7]) recovered from different geographical locations was also studied. When unknown, genotypes were documented through multilocus sequence typing. The biological parameters evaluated included twitching, swimming, and swarming motility, biofilm formation, production of pyoverdine and pyocyanin, spontaneous mutant frequencies, and the in vitro competition index (CI) obtained with a flow cytometry assay. All 20 (100%) XDR, 8 (40%) MDR, and 1 (5%) ModR bloodstream isolate from the multicenter study belonged to high-risk clones. No significant differences were observed between clonally diverse ModR and MultiS isolates for any of the parameters. In contrast, MDR/XDR high-risk clones showed significantly increased biofilm formation and mutant frequencies but significantly reduced motility (twitching, swimming, and swarming), production of pyoverdine and pyocyanin, and fitness. The defined biological markers of high-risk clones, which resemble those resulting from adaptation to chronic infections, could be useful for the design of specific treatment and infection control strategies

    Revisión anatómica del cuero cabelludo

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    The scalp is a structure formed by five layers that surround the cranial bones, distributed from the surface, we find the first three structures firmly attached, these are: skin, dense connective tissue and the aponeurotic galea, which is separated from the pericranium by means of loose connective tissue. The innervation is supplied by two of the cranial nerves (facial and trigeminal) and the nerves of the cervical plexus. A limit was established (ears and vertex of the head), which divides the innervation into an anterior and posterior region. This region comprises of various arteries that anastomose to each other forming a large system that provides a characteristic blood supply; similarly, it presents a venous return system parallel to the arterial and accompanied by the lymphatic.El cuero cabelludo es una estructura formada por cinco capas que rodean los huesos craneales, distribuidos desde la superficie encontramos las primeras tres estructuras unidas firmemente, estas son: piel, tejido conectivo denso y la gálea aponeurótica, la cual se separa del pericráneo por medio de tejido conectivo laxo. La inervación está suministrada por dos de los nervios craneales (facial y trigémino) y los nervios del plexo cervical. Se estableció un límite (orejas y vértice de la cabeza), el cual divide la inervación en una región anterior y posterior.  Esta región comprende de diversas arterias que se anastomosan entre sí formando un gran sistema que brinda un suministro sanguíneo característico; de modo parecido presenta un sistema de retorno venoso paralelo al arterial y acompañado del linfático

    Transferrin Isoforms, Old but New Biomarkers in Hereditary Fructose Intolerance

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    Hereditary Fructose Intolerance (HFI) is an autosomal recessive inborn error of metabolism characterised by the deficiency of the hepatic enzyme aldolase B. Its treatment consists in adopting a fructose-, sucrose-, and sorbitol (FSS)-restrictive diet for life. Untreated HFI patients present an abnormal transferrin (Tf) glycosylation pattern due to the inhibition of mannose-6-phosphate isomerase by fructose-1-phosphate. Hence, elevated serum carbohydrate-deficient Tf (CDT) may allow the prompt detection of HFI. The CDT values improve when an FSS-restrictive diet is followed; however, previous data on CDT and fructose intake correlation are inconsistent. Therefore, we examined the complete serum sialoTf profile and correlated it with FSS dietary intake and with hepatic parameters in a cohort of paediatric and adult fructosemic patients. To do so, the profiles of serum sialoTf from genetically diagnosed HFI patients on an FSS-restricted diet (n = 37) and their age-, sex- and body mass index-paired controls (n = 32) were analysed by capillary zone electrophoresis. We found that in HFI patients, asialoTf correlated with dietary intake of sucrose (R = 0.575, p < 0.001) and FSS (R = 0.475, p = 0.008), and that pentasialoTf+hexasialoTf negatively correlated with dietary intake of fructose (R = −0.386, p = 0.024) and FSS (R = −0.400, p = 0.019). In addition, the tetrasialoTf/disialoTf ratio truthfully differentiated treated HFI patients from healthy controls, with an area under the ROC curve (AUROC) of 0.97, 92% sensitivity, 94% specificity and 93% accuracy.This work was supported by Exp. No. 2018111095, Basque Government, Health Department to J.D.H., and by FEDER; Federación Española de Enfermedades Raras (FI18053)

    Identification of clinical variants beyond the exome in inborn errors of metabolism

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    Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) constitute a huge group of rare diseases affecting 1 in every 1000 newborns. Next-generation sequencing has transformed the diagnosis of IEM, leading to its proposed use as a second-tier technology for confirming cases detected by clinical/biochemical studies or newborn screening. The diagnosis rate is, however, still not 100%. This paper reports the use of a personalized multi-omics (metabolomic, genomic and transcriptomic) pipeline plus functional genomics to aid in the genetic diagnosis of six unsolved cases, with a clinical and/or biochemical diagnosis of galactosemia, mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I), maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA), citrullinemia, or urea cycle deficiency. Eight novel variants in six genes were identified: six (four of them deep intronic) located in GALE, IDUA, PTS, ASS1 and OTC, all affecting the splicing process, and two located in the promoters of IDUA and PTS, thus affecting these genes’ expression. All the new variants were subjected to functional analysis to verify their pathogenic effects. This work underscores how the combination of different omics technologies and functional analysis can solve elusive cases in clinical practic