30 research outputs found

    Computational fluid dynamics multiscale modelling of bubbly flow. A critical study and new developments on volume of fluid, discrete element and two-fluid methods

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    The study and modelling of two-phase flow, even the simplest ones such as the bubbly flow, remains a challenge that requires exploring the physical phenomena from different spatial and temporal resolution levels. CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) is a widespread and promising tool for modelling, but nowadays, there is no single approach or method to predict the dynamics of these systems at the different resolution levels providing enough precision of the results. The inherent difficulties of the events occurring in this flow, mainly those related with the interface between phases, makes that low or intermediate resolution level approaches as system codes (RELAP, TRACE, ...) or 3D TFM (Two-Fluid Model) have significant issues to reproduce acceptable results, unless well-known scenarios and global values are considered. Instead, methods based on high resolution level such as Interfacial Tracking Method (ITM) or Volume Of Fluid (VOF) require a high computational effort that makes unfeasible its use in complex systems. In this thesis, an open-source simulation framework has been designed and developed using the OpenFOAM library to analyze the cases from microescale to macroscale levels. The different approaches and the information that is required in each one of them have been studied for bubbly flow. In the first part, the dynamics of single bubbles at a high resolution level have been examined through VOF. This technique has allowed to obtain accurate results related to the bubble formation, terminal velocity, path, wake and instabilities produced by the wake. However, this approach has been impractical for real scenarios with more than dozens of bubbles. Alternatively, this thesis proposes a CFD Discrete Element Method (CFD-DEM) technique, where each bubble is represented discretely. A novel solver for bubbly flow has been developed in this thesis. This includes a large number of improvements necessary to reproduce the bubble-bubble and bubble-wall interactions, turbulence, velocity seen by the bubbles, momentum and mass exchange term over the cells or bubble expansion, among others. But also new implementations as an algorithm to seed the bubbles in the system have been incorporated. As a result, this new solver gives more accurate results as the provided up to date. Following the decrease on resolution level, and therefore the required computational resources, a 3D TFM have been developed with a population balance equation solved with an implementation of the Quadrature Method Of Moments (QMOM). The solver is implemented with the same closure models as the CFD-DEM to analyze the effects involved with the lost of information due to the averaging of the instantaneous Navier-Stokes equation. The analysis of the results with CFD-DEM reveals the discrepancies found by considering averaged values and homogeneous flow in the models of the classical TFM formulation. Finally, for the lowest resolution level approach, the system code RELAP5/MOD3 is used for modelling the bubbly flow regime. The code has been modified to reproduce properly the two-phase flow characteristics in vertical pipes, comparing the performance of the calculation of the drag term based on drift-velocity and drag coefficient approaches.El estudio y modelado de flujos bifásicos, incluso los más simples como el bubbly flow, sigue siendo un reto que conlleva aproximarse a los fenómenos físicos que lo rigen desde diferentes niveles de resolución espacial y temporal. El uso de códigos CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) como herramienta de modelado está muy extendida y resulta prometedora, pero hoy por hoy, no existe una única aproximación o técnica de resolución que permita predecir la dinámica de estos sistemas en los diferentes niveles de resolución, y que ofrezca suficiente precisión en sus resultados. La dificultad intrínseca de los fenómenos que allí ocurren, sobre todo los ligados a la interfase entre ambas fases, hace que los códigos de bajo o medio nivel de resolución, como pueden ser los códigos de sistema (RELAP, TRACE, etc.) o los basados en aproximaciones 3D TFM (Two-Fluid Model) tengan serios problemas para ofrecer resultados aceptables, a no ser que se trate de escenarios muy conocidos y se busquen resultados globales. En cambio, códigos basados en alto nivel de resolución, como los que utilizan VOF (Volume Of Fluid), requirieren de un esfuerzo computacional tan elevado que no pueden ser aplicados a sistemas complejos. En esta tesis, mediante el uso de la librería OpenFOAM se ha creado un marco de simulación de código abierto para analizar los escenarios desde niveles de resolución de microescala a macroescala, analizando las diferentes aproximaciones, así como la información que es necesaria aportar en cada una de ellas, para el estudio del régimen de bubbly flow. En la primera parte se estudia la dinámica de burbujas individuales a un alto nivel de resolución mediante el uso del método VOF (Volume Of Fluid). Esta técnica ha permitido obtener resultados precisos como la formación de la burbuja, velocidad terminal, camino recorrido, estela producida por la burbuja e inestabilidades que produce en su camino. Pero esta aproximación resulta inviable para entornos reales con la participación de más de unas pocas decenas de burbujas. Como alternativa, se propone el uso de técnicas CFD-DEM (Discrete Element Methods) en la que se representa a las burbujas como partículas discretas. En esta tesis se ha desarrollado un nuevo solver para bubbly flow en el que se han añadido un gran número de nuevos modelos, como los necesarios para contemplar los choques entre burbujas o con las paredes, la turbulencia, la velocidad vista por las burbujas, la distribución del intercambio de momento y masas con el fluido en las diferentes celdas por cada una de las burbujas o la expansión de la fase gaseosa entre otros. Pero también se han tenido que incluir nuevos algoritmos como el necesario para inyectar de forma adecuada la fase gaseosa en el sistema. Este nuevo solver ofrece resultados con un nivel de resolución superior a los desarrollados hasta la fecha. Siguiendo con la reducción del nivel de resolución, y por tanto los recursos computacionales necesarios, se efectúa el desarrollo de un solver tridimensional de TFM en el que se ha implementado el método QMOM (Quadrature Method Of Moments) para resolver la ecuación de balance poblacional. El solver se desarrolla con los mismos modelos de cierre que el CFD-DEM para analizar los efectos relacionados con la pérdida de información debido al promediado de las ecuaciones instantáneas de Navier-Stokes. El análisis de resultados de CFD-DEM permite determinar las discrepancias encontradas por considerar los valores promediados y el flujo homogéneo de los modelos clásicos de TFM. Por último, como aproximación de nivel de resolución más bajo, se investiga el uso uso de códigos de sistema, utilizando el código RELAP5/MOD3 para analizar el modelado del flujo en condiciones de bubbly flow. El código es modificado para reproducir correctamente el flujo bifásico en tuberías verticales, comparando el comportamiento de aproximaciones para el cálculo del término dL'estudi i modelatge de fluxos bifàsics, fins i tot els més simples com bubbly flow, segueix sent un repte que comporta aproximar-se als fenòmens físics que ho regeixen des de diferents nivells de resolució espacial i temporal. L'ús de codis CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) com a eina de modelatge està molt estesa i resulta prometedora, però ara per ara, no existeix una única aproximació o tècnica de resolució que permeta predir la dinàmica d'aquests sistemes en els diferents nivells de resolució, i que oferisca suficient precisió en els seus resultats. Les dificultat intrínseques dels fenòmens que allí ocorren, sobre tots els lligats a la interfase entre les dues fases, fa que els codis de baix o mig nivell de resolució, com poden ser els codis de sistema (RELAP,TRACE, etc.) o els basats en aproximacions 3D TFM (Two-Fluid Model) tinguen seriosos problemes per a oferir resultats acceptables , llevat que es tracte d'escenaris molt coneguts i se persegueixen resultats globals. En canvi, codis basats en alt nivell de resolució, com els que utilitzen VOF (Volume Of Fluid), requereixen d'un esforç computacional tan elevat que no poden ser aplicats a sistemes complexos. En aquesta tesi, mitjançant l'ús de la llibreria OpenFOAM s'ha creat un marc de simulació de codi obert per a analitzar els escenaris des de nivells de resolució de microescala a macroescala, analitzant les diferents aproximacions, així com la informació que és necessària aportar en cadascuna d'elles, per a l'estudi del règim de bubbly flow. En la primera part s'estudia la dinàmica de bambolles individuals a un alt nivell de resolució mitjançant l'ús del mètode VOF. Aquesta tècnica ha permès obtenir resultats precisos com la formació de la bambolla, velocitat terminal, camí recorregut, estela produida per la bambolla i inestabilitats que produeix en el seu camí. Però aquesta aproximació resulta inviable per a entorns reals amb la participació de més d'unes poques desenes de bambolles. Com a alternativa en aqueix cas es proposa l'ús de tècniques CFD-DEM (Discrete Element Methods) en la qual es representa a les bambolles com a partícules discretes. En aquesta tesi s'ha desenvolupat un nou solver per a bubbly flow en el qual s'han afegit un gran nombre de nous models, com els necessaris per a contemplar els xocs entre bambolles o amb les parets, la turbulència, la velocitat vista per les bambolles, la distribució de l'intercanvi de moment i masses amb el fluid en les diferents cel·les per cadascuna de les bambolles o els models d'expansió de la fase gasosa entre uns altres. Però també s'ha hagut d'incloure nous algoritmes com el necessari per a injectar de forma adequada la fase gasosa en el sistema. Aquest nou solver ofereix resultats amb un nivell de resolució superior als desenvolupat fins la data. Seguint amb la reducció del nivell de resolució, i per tant els recursos computacionals necessaris, s'efectua el desenvolupament d'un solver tridimensional de TFM en el qual s'ha implementat el mètode QMOM (Quadrature Method Of Moments) per a resoldre l'equació de balanç poblacional. El solver es desenvolupa amb els mateixos models de tancament que el CFD-DEM per a analitzar els efectes relacionats amb la pèrdua d'informació a causa del promitjat de les equacions instantànies de Navier-Stokes. L'anàlisi de resultats de CFD-DEM permet determinar les discrepàncies ocasionades per considerar els valors promitjats i el flux homogeni dels models clàssics de TFM. Finalment, com a aproximació de nivell de resolució més baix, s'analitza l'ús de codis de sistema, utilitzant el codi RELAP5/MOD3 per a analitzar el modelatge del fluxos en règim de bubbly flow. El codi és modificat per a reproduir correctament les característiques del flux bifàsic en canonades verticals, comparant el comportament d'aproximacions per al càlcul del terme de drag basades en velocitat de drift flux model i de les basades en coePeña Monferrer, C. (2017). Computational fluid dynamics multiscale modelling of bubbly flow. A critical study and new developments on volume of fluid, discrete element and two-fluid methods [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90493TESI

    Performance Evaluation of cuDNN Convolution Algorithms on NVIDIA Volta GPUs

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have recently attracted considerable attention due to their outstanding accuracy in applications, such as image recognition and natural language processing. While one advantage of the CNNs over other types of neural networks is their reduced computational cost, faster execution is still desired for both training and inference. Since convolution operations pose most of the execution time, multiple algorithms were and are being developed with the aim of accelerating this type of operations. However, due to the wide range of convolution parameter configurations used in the CNNs and the possible data type representations, it is not straightforward to assess in advance which of the available algorithms will be the best performing in each particular case. In this paper, we present a performance evaluation of the convolution algorithms provided by the cuDNN, the library used by most deep learning frameworks for their GPU operations. In our analysis, we leverage the convolution parameter configurations from widely used the CNNs and discuss which algorithms are better suited depending on the convolution parameters for both 32 and 16-bit floating-point (FP) data representations. Our results show that the filter size and the number of inputs are the most significant parameters when selecting a GPU convolution algorithm for 32-bit FP data. For 16-bit FP, leveraging specialized arithmetic units (NVIDIA Tensor Cores) is key to obtain the best performance.This work was supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie under Grant 749516, and in part by the Spanish Juan de la Cierva under Grant IJCI-2017-33511Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Development and validation of a one-dimensional solver in a CFD platform for boiling flows in bubbly regimes

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    This paper presents a new one-dimensional solver for two-phase flow simulations where boiling is involved. The solver has been implemented within the OpenFOAM® platform. The basic formulation follows the Eulerian description of the Navier–Stokes equations. Different closure equations for one-dimensional simulations are also included, as well as a subcooled boiling model in order to perform accurate computations of the mass and heat transfer between phases. In addition to the fluid, a domain is included in order to represent the solid structure, so the solver is able to solve conjugate heat transfer problems. Two different test cases are presented in this work, first a single-phase test case in order to verify the conjugate heat transfer, and then a case based on the Bartolomej international benchmark, which consists of a vertical pipe where the fluid runs upwards while it is heated. Transient calculation were performed, and the results were compared to the TRACE system code, and to the experimental data in the corresponding case. With this calculations, the capability of this new solver to simulate one-dimensional single-phase and two-phase flows including boiling is demonstrated. This work is a first step of a final objective, which consists in allowing a 1D–3D coupling within the CFD platform, avoiding external links

    A symbolic emulator for shuffle synthesis on the NVIDIA PTX code

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    Various kinds of applications take advantage of GPUs through automation tools that attempt to automatically exploit the available performance of the GPU's parallel architecture. Directive-based programming models, such as OpenACC, are one such method that easily enables parallel computing by just adhering code annotations to code loops. Such abstract models, however, often prevent programmers from making additional low-level optimizations to take advantage of the advanced architectural features of GPUs because the actual generated computation is hidden from the application developer. This paper describes and implements a novel flexible optimization technique that operates by inserting a code emulator phase to the tail-end of the compilation pipeline. Our tool emulates the generated code using symbolic analysis by substituting dynamic information and thus allowing for further low-level code optimizations to be applied. We implement our tool to support both CUDA and OpenACC directives as the frontend of the compilation pipeline, thus enabling low-level GPU optimizations for OpenACC that were not previously possible. We demonstrate the capabilities of our tool by automating warp-level shuffle instructions that are difficult to use by even advanced GPU programmers. Lastly, evaluating our tool with a benchmark suite and complex application code, we provide a detailed study to assess the benefits of shuffle instructions across four generations of GPU architectures.We are funded by the EPEEC project from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 801051 and the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-107255GB-C21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). This work has been partially carried out on the ACME cluster owned by CIEMAT and funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness project CODEC-OSE (RTI2018-096006-B-I00).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Development and validation of a one-dimensional solver in a CFD platform for boiling flows in bubbly regimes

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    [EN] This paper presents a new one-dimensional solver for two-phase flow simulations where boiling is involved. The solver has been implemented within the OpenFOAM® platform. The basic formulation follows the Eulerian description of the Navier¿Stokes equations. Different closure equations for one-dimensional simulations are also included, as well as a subcooled boiling model in order to perform accurate computations of the mass and heat transfer between phases. In addition to the fluid, a domain is included in order to represent the solid structure, so the solver is able to solve conjugate heat transfer problems. Two different test cases are presented in this work, first a single-phase test case in order to verify the conjugate heat transfer, and then a case based on the Bartolomej international benchmark, which consists of a vertical pipe where the fluid runs upwards while it is heated. Transient calculation were performed, and the results were compared to the TRACE system code, and to the experimental data in the corresponding case. With this calculations, the capability of this new solver to simulate one-dimensional single-phase and two-phase flows including boiling is demonstrated. This work is a first step of a final objective, which consists in allowing a 1D¿3D coupling within the CFD platform, avoiding external links.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion [grant number BES-2013-064783], and the Spanish Ministerio de Economia Industria y Competitividad [project NUC-MULTPHYS ENE2012-34585].Gomez-Zarzuela-Quel, C.; Chiva Vicent, S.; Peña-Monferrer, C.; Miró Herrero, R. (2021). Development and validation of a one-dimensional solver in a CFD platform for boiling flows in bubbly regimes. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 134:1-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pnucene.2021.103680S11613

    DMR API: Improving cluster productivity by turning applications into malleable

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    [EN] Adaptive workloads can change on-the-fly the configuration of their jobs, in terms of number of processes. To carry out these job reconfigurations, we have designed a methodology which enables a job to communicate with the resource manager and, through the runtime. to change its number of MPI ranks. The collaboration between both the workload manager-aware of the queue of jobs and the resources allocation-and the parallel runtime-able to transparently handle the processes and the program data-is crucial for our throughput-aware malleability methodology. Hence, when a job triggers a reconfiguration, the resource manager will check the cluster status and return the appropriate action: i) expand, if there are spare resources; ii) shrink, if queued jobs can be initiated; or iii) none, if no change can improve the global productivity. In this paper, we describe the internals of our framework and demonstrate how it reduces the global workload completion time along with providing a more efficient usage of the underlying resources. For this purpose, we present a thorough study of the adaptive workloads processing by showing the detailed behavior of our framework in representative experiments. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Iserte Agut, S.; Mayo Gual, R.; Quintana Ortí, ES.; Beltrán, V.; Peña Monferrer, AJ. (2018). DMR API: Improving cluster productivity by turning applications into malleable. Parallel Computing. 78:54-66. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.parco.2018.07.006S54667

    ecoHMEM: Improving object placement methodology for hybrid memory systems in HPC

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    Recent byte-addressable persistent memory (PMEM) technology offers capacities comparable to storage devices and access times much closer to DRAMs than other non-volatile memory technology. To palliate the large gap with DRAM performance, DRAM and PMEM are usually combined. Users have the choice to either manage the placement to different memory spaces by software or leverage the DRAM as a cache for the virtual address space of the PMEM. We present novel methodology for automatic object-level placement, including efficient runtime object matching and bandwidth-aware placement. Our experiments leveraging Intel® Optane™ Persistent Memory show from matching to greatly improved performance with respect to state-of-the-art software and hardware solutions, attaining over 2x runtime improvement in miniapplications and over 6% in OpenFOAM, a complex production application.This paper received funding from the Intel-BSC Exascale Laboratory SoW 5.1, the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 749516, the EPEEC project from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 801051, the DEEP-SEA project from the European Commission’s EuroHPC program under grant agreement 955606, and the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion—Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-107255GB-C21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Exploring the interoperability of remote GPGPU virtualization using rCUDA and directive-based programming models

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    [EN] Directive-based programming models, such as OpenMP, OpenACC, and OmpSs, enable users to accelerate applications by using coprocessors with little effort. These devices offer significant computing power, but their use can introduce two problems: an increase in the total cost of ownership and their underutilization because not all codes match their architecture. Remote accelerator virtualization frameworks address those problems. In particular, rCUDA provides transparent access to any graphic processor unit installed in a cluster, reducing the number of accelerators and increasing their utilization ratio. Joining these two technologies, directive-based programming models and rCUDA, is thus highly appealing. In this work, we study the integration of OmpSs and OpenACC with rCUDA, describing and analyzing several applications over three different hardware configurations that include two InfiniBand interconnections and three NVIDIA accelerators. Our evaluation reveals favorable performance results, showing low overhead and similar scaling factors when using remote accelerators instead of local devices.The researchers from the Universitat Jaume I de Castello were supported by Universitat Jaume I research project (P11B2013-21), project TIN2014-53495-R, a Generalitat Valenciana grant and FEDER. The researcher from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) Lausanne was supported by the European Commission (HiPEAC-3 Network of Excellence, FP7-ICT 287759), Intel-BSC Exascale Lab collaboration, IBM/BSC Exascale Initiative collaboration agreement, Computacion de Altas Prestaciones VI (TIN2012-34557) and the Generalitat de Catalunya (2014-SGR-1051). This work was partially supported by the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (SC-21), under contract DE-AC02-06CH11357. The initial version of rCUDA was jointly developed by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) and Universitat Jaume I de Castellon (UJI) until year 2010. This initial development was later split into two branches. Part of the UPV version was used in this paper. The development of the UPV branch was supported by Generalitat Valenciana under Grants PROMETEO 2008/060 and Prometeo II 2013/009. We gratefully acknowledge the computing resources provided and operated by the Joint Laboratory for System Evaluation (JLSE) at Argonne National Laboratory.Castelló-Gimeno, A.; Peña Monferrer, AJ.; Mayo Gual, R.; Planas, J.; Quintana Ortí, ES.; Balaji, P. (2018). Exploring the interoperability of remote GPGPU virtualization using rCUDA and directive-based programming models. The Journal of Supercomputing. 74(11):5628-5642. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-016-1791-yS562856427411Strohmaier E, Dongarra J, Simon H, Meuer M (2015) TOP500 supercomputing sites. http://www.top500.org/lists/2015/11 . Accessed Nov 2015NVIDIA (2015) CUDA API reference, version 7.5Shreiner D, Sellers G, Kessenich JM, Licea-Kane BM (2013) OpenGL programming guide: the official guide to learning OpenGL. Addison-Wesley Professional, BostonMark WR, Glanville RS, Akeley K, Kilgard MJ (2003) Cg: a system for programming graphics hardware in a C-like language. ACM Trans Graph (TOG) 22(3):896–907Munshi A (2014)The OpenCL specification 2.0. 0.5em minus 0.4em Khronos OpenCL working groupOpenACC directives for accelerators (2015). http://www.openacc-standard.org . Accessed Dec 2015OmpSs project home page. http://pm.bsc.es/ompss . Accessed Dec 2015OpenMP application program interface 4.0 (2013). OpenMP Architecture BoardPeña AJ (2013) Virtualization of accelerators in high performance clusters. Ph.D. dissertation, Universitat Jaume I, CastellónKawai A, Yasuoka K, Yoshikawa K, Narumi T (2012) Distributed-shared CUDA: virtualization of large-scale GPU systems for programmability and reliability. In: International conference on future computational technologies and applicationsShi L, Chen H, Sun J, Li K (2012) vCUDA: GPU-accelerated high-performance computing in virtual machines. IEEE Trans Comput 61(6):804–816Xiao S, Balaji P, Zhu Q, Thakur R, Coghlan S, Lin H, Wen G, Hong J, Feng W (2012) VOCL: an optimized environment for transparent virtualization of graphics processing units. In: Innovative parallel computing. IEEE, New YorkKim J, Seo S, Lee J, Nah J, Jo G, Lee J (2012) SnuCL: an OpenCL framework for heterogeneous CPU/GPU clusters. In: International conference on supercomputingDuran A, Ayguadé E, Badia RM, Labarta J, Martinell L, Martorell X, Planas J (2011) OmpSs: a proposal for programming heterogeneous multi-core architectures. Parallel Process Lett 21(02):173–193Castelló A, Duato J, Mayo R, Peña AJ, Quintana-Ortí ES, Roca V, Silla F (2014) On the use of remote GPUs and low-power processors for the acceleration of scientific applications. In: The fourth international conference on smart grids, green communications and IT energy-aware technologies, pp 57–62Iserte S, Castelló A, Mayo R, Quintana-Ortí ES, Reaño C, Prades J, Silla F, Duato J (2014) SLURM support for remote GPU virtualization: implementation and performance study. In: International symposium on computer architecture and high performance computing (SBAC-PAD)Peña AJ, Reaño C, Silla F, Mayo R, Quintana-Ortí ES, Duato J (2014) A complete and efficient CUDA-sharing solution for HPC clusters. Parallel Comput 40(10):574–588Kegel P, Steuwer M, Gorlatch S (2012) dOpenCL: towards a uniform programming approach for distributed heterogeneous multi-/many-core systems. In: International parallel and distributed processing symposium workshops (IPDPSW)Castelló A, Peña AJ, Mayo R, Balaji P, Quintana-Ortí ES (2015) Exploring the suitability of remote GPGPU virtualization for the OpenACC programming model using rCUDA. In: IEEE international conference on cluster computingCastelló A, Mayo R, Planas J, Quintana-Ortí ES (2015) Exploiting task-parallelism on GPU clusters via OmpSs and rCUDA virtualization. In: IEEE international workshop on reengineering for parallelism in heterogeneous parallel platformsHP Corp., Intel Corp., Microsoft Corp., Phoenix Tech. Ltd., Toshiba Corp. (2011) Advanced configuration and power interface specification, revision 5.0Reaño C, Silla F, Castelló A, Peña AJ, Mayo R, Quintana-Ortí ES, Duato J (2014) Improving the user experience of the rCUDA remote GPU virtualization framework. Concurr Comput 27(14):3746–3770PGI compilers and tools (2015) http://www.pgroup.com/ . Accessed Dec 2015Johnson N (2013) EPCC OpenACC benchmark suite. https://www.epcc.ed.ac.uk/ . Accessed Dec 2015Herdman J, Gaudin W, McIntosh-Smith S, Boulton M, Beckingsale D, Mallinson A, Jarvis SA (2012) Accelerating hydrocodes with OpenACC, OpenCL and CUDA. In: SC companion: high performance computing, networking, storage and analysi

    On the One-Dimensional Modeling of Vertical Upward Bubbly Flow

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    [EN] The one-dimensional two-fluid model approach has been traditionally used in thermal-hydraulics codes for the analysis of transients and accidents in water¿cooled nuclear power plants. This paper investigates the performance of RELAP5/MOD3 predicting vertical upward bubbly flow at low velocity conditions. For bubbly flow and vertical pipes, this code applies the drift- velocity approach, showing important discrepancies with the experiments compared. Then, we use a classical formulation of the drag coefficient approach to evaluate the performance of both approaches. This is based on the critical Weber criteria and includes several assumptions for the calculation of the interfacial area and bubble size that are evaluated in this work. A more accurate drag coefficient approach is proposed and implemented in RELAP5/MOD3. Instead of using the Weber criteria, the bubble size distribution is directly considered. This allows the calculation of the interfacial area directly from the definition of Sauter mean diameter of a distribution. The results show that only the proposed approach was able to predict all the flow characteristics, in particular the bubble size and interfacial area concentration. Finally, the computational results are analyzed and validated with cross-section area average measurements of void fraction, dispersed phase velocity, bubble size, and interfacial area concentration.The authors sincerely thank the Plan Nacional de I+D+i for funding the Projects MODEXFLAT ENE2013-48565-C2-1- P, ENE2013-48565-C2-2-P, and NUC-MULTPHYS ENE2012- 34585.Peña-Monferrer, C.; Gómez-Zarzuela, C.; Chiva, S.; Miró Herrero, R.; Verdú Martín, GJ.; Muñoz-Cobo, JL. (2018). On the One-Dimensional Modeling of Vertical Upward Bubbly Flow. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. 2018:1-10. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/2153019S110201

    Particle-in-cell simulation using asynchronous tasking

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    Recently, task-based programming models have emerged as a prominent alternative among shared-memory parallel programming paradigms. Inherently asynchronous, these models provide native support for dynamic load balancing and incorporate data flow concepts to selectively synchronize the tasks. However, tasking models are yet to be widely adopted by the HPC community and their effective advantages when applied to non-trivial, real-world HPC applications are still not well comprehended. In this paper, we study the parallelization of a production electromagnetic particle-in-cell (EM-PIC) code for kinetic plasma simulations exploring different strategies using asynchronous task-based models. Our fully asynchronous implementation not only significantly outperforms a conventional, synchronous approach but also achieves near perfect scaling for 48 cores.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft