117 research outputs found

    Implementación de estrategias en materia de gestión pública para evitar hechos de corrupción en el Concejo de Bogotá

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    Para el presente trabajo de grado se desarrollará un proyecto aplicado a la máxima autoridad del Distrito Capital que es el Concejo de Bogotá, debido a la situación actual de corrupción al interior de esa entidad pública, además se busca entender y dar solución al interrogante: ¿por qué el Concejo de Bogotá, siendo la máxima autoridad del Distrito Capital, se encuentra entre las entidades con alto nivel de corrupción? El tema de la corrupción es un tema que cada vez es mayor en la sociedad actual, afectando no solo a las empresas privadas o entidades públicas, sino también a la ciudadanía en general, y de acuerdo a la primera medición realizada por la Veeduría Distrital en asocio con la Corporación Transparencia por Colombia, Pro-Bogotá y la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá, dentro de las 34 entidades del Distrito que fueron evaluadas, el Concejo de Bogotá es la entidad que se encuentra con el indicador de nivel de riesgo más alto con un 59.9% en el Índice de Transparencia, lo que significaría que su gestión administrativa ha sido deficiente y se ha visto afectada por hechos de corrupción. (Veeduría Distrital, 2018). El objetivo de este proyecto es, una vez analizado el problema de corrupción en el Concejo de Bogotá, establecer estrategias que fortalezcan el Índice de Transparencia en la gestión administrativa y prevenir la corrupción a futuro en esta Entidad Distrital, a través de acciones que promuevan los principios y valores éticos de la función como servidores públicos para que su desempeño en la Entidad sea confiable y transparente. El análisis que se realizará es de tipo cualitativo, donde se pretende a través de la observación, identificar la naturaleza del problema, para ello se analizará la información que reposa en la página web sobre la medición que obtuvo el Concejo de Bogotá, con el fin de mejorar los riesgos de corrupción evaluados en el Índice de Transparencia sobre la gestión administrativa. Las técnicas de recolección de datos, como se mencionó anteriormente, se desarrollarán por medio de la observación, recopilando la información de los indicadores o variables con los resultados arrojados en las mediciones desde el 2015 a la fecha, que han presentado sobre la medición de la corrupción y la transparencia en Colombia. Como el estudio se va a realizar mediante la observación de la población, éste estaría dado en las medidas o factores que se tuvieron en cuenta para la medición del Índice de Transparencia. Como resultado del análisis del proyecto de investigación se presentan algunas recomendaciones con el fin de establecer estrategias, lineamientos o una política pública que fortalezca la transparencia de la gestión administrativa y prevenga la corrupción, como realizar sensibilización o socialización de los compromisos, éticas, valores y de las buenas prácticas de las instituciones; establecer estrategias donde se fortalezca, se cree conciencia y compromisos institucionales a los servidores públicos; entre otras. Palabras clave: Corrupción, Divulgación, Medición, Ley 1712 de 2014, Transparencia.For the present thesis an applied project to the highest authority of the capital district that is the Bogota council will be developed. Because of the current situation of corruption inside of that public entity, besides it looks for understanding and giving solution to the question: Why Bogota council, being the highest authority of the capital district, its amongst the entities with high level of corruption? The corruption issue, is an issue that each time is getting bigger in the actual society, affecting not only the public companies or public entities, but also the citizens in general, according to the first measuring made by the district overseer in associate with the transparency corporation for Colombia, Pro-Bogota and the chamber of commerce of Bogota, within of the 34 entities of the district that were evaluated, Bogota council is the entity that is found with the highest risk level indicator with a 59,9% in the transparency rate. What it would mean it administrative process has been deficient and has been affected because of corruption´s facts. (District overseer 2008). The objective of this project is, once analyzed the problem of corruption at Bogota council, establishing strategies that strengthen the transparency indicator in the administrative management and preventing a future corruption in that district entity, through actions that promote principles and ethical values of the function as a public server so that their achievement at the entity be thrust worthy and transparent. That analysis that it will be carried out is of quantitative type, where the intention is through the observation, identifying the nature of the problem, for this, it will be analyzed the information that rest on the web page about measuring that Bogota council obtained with the purpose of improving the risk of corruption evaluated in the transparent indicator about the administrative management. The techniques of data collection, like it was mentioned previously, they will be developed by means of the observation, compiling the information of the indicators or variables with the results generated in the measurements from 2015 to date, that they have presented about the measurements of corruption and the transparency in Colombia. How the study is going to realize by the observation of the residents, this would be given in the measurements or factors that it was kept in mind for the measurement of the transparency rate. As result of the investigation project analysis some recommendations are presented with, the purpose of stablishing strategies, lineaments or a public policy that strengthen the transparency of the administrative management and preventing corruption like making sensitivities or socialization, agreements, ethic values and the good practices of the institutions; establishing strategies where it´s strengthened, awareness and institutional agreement are created to the public servers; among others. Keywords: High level of corruption, Divulgation, Measurement, Law 1712 of 2014 risk factors, Transparenc

    Generación de capacidades para promover a través del currí­culo el emprendimiento cultural en el marco de la economí­a naranja : caso de la institución educativa Madre Laura - Cartagena /

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    En la actualidad los centros de educación media requieren de cada vez más habilidades diversas adaptadas a los contextos actuales. El propósito de esta investigación fue determinarla percepción sobre desarrollo de Capacidades Culturales según lo propuesto por Nussbaum (2012) en estudiantes de 9° de la Institución Educativa Madre Laura de la ciudad de Cartagena. La dinámica socioeconómica actual motiva a potencializar espacios como la escuela en aras de generar capacidades para promoverlas en los estudiantes y que se puedan insertar de manera efectiva y digna al mundo laboral y productivo. El estudio se desarrolla en una institución de carácter oficial, donde se partió de una iniciativa que respondiera a la solución de la problemática que se contextualiza en la pregunta ¿Cómo es percibido el desarrollo de capacidades humanas según el enfoque de Martha Nussbaum (2012), por los estudiantes de grado 9° de IE Madre Laura de la Ciudad de Cartagena? En sí­ntesis, este artí­culo plasma apartes de una investigación que caracteriza al Emprendimiento cultural como una estrategia pedagógica para la generación de capacidades en entornos educativos, generando con ello espacios de reflexión, sobre el quehacer académico y las innovaciones que se deben hacer si se quiere responder desde los ambientes escolares a las nuevas exigencias de los jóvenes y la sociedad global de hoy.Seminario Cultura y Desarrollo Sostenible en el Gran Caribe.Incluye referencias bibliográficas (páginas 15- 17) y anexos

    Recent consequences of climate change have affected tree growth in distinct Nothofagus macrocarpa (DC.) FM Vaz & Rodr age classes in Central Chile

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    Forests play an important role in water and carbon cycles in semiarid regions such as the Mediterranean ecosystems. Previous research in the Chilean Mediterranean forests revealed a break point in 1980 in regional tree-ring chronologies linked to climate change. However, it is still unclear which populations and age classes are more affected by recent increases in drought conditions. In this study, we investigated the influence of recent variations in precipitation, temperature, and CO2 concentrations on tree growth of various populations and age classes of Nothofagus macrocarpa trees in Central Chile. We sampled 10 populations from five sites of N. macrocarpa through its whole geographic distribution in both Coastal and Andes ranges. We used standard dendrochronological methods to (i) group populations using principal component analysis, (ii) separate age classes (young, mature, and old trees), (iii) evaluate linear growth trends based on the basal area increment (BAI), and (iv) analyze the link between BAI and atmospheric changes using linear mixed-effects models. Results showed that young trees are more sensitive to climate variability. Regarding population grouping, we observed that all population clusters were sensitive to winter-spring precipitation, but only the Andes and Coastal populations were negatively correlated with temperature. The results of CO2 fertilization analyses were controversial and unclear. Since young trees from all population clusters reacted positively in the phase with an increase of atmospheric CO2 between 1980 and 2014, this behavior was not translated into growth for the last 15 years (2000-2014). However, it should be noted that the young trees of the highest elevation populations did not have a negative growth trend, so it seems that CO2 counteracted the negative effect of recent regional climate change (increase in temperature and precipitation decrease) in these population trees. Further studies are needed to assess the effects of climate variability over other ecological and physiological processes.Fil: Venegas González, Alejandro. Universidad Mayor.; ChileFil: Roig Junent, Fidel Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Peña Rojas, Karen. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Hadad, Martín Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera; ArgentinaFil: Aguilera Betti, Isabella. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso; Chile. Universidad Austral de Chile; ChileFil: Muñoz, Ariel A.. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso; Chil

    Suitable conditions for natural regeneration in variable retention harvesting of southern Patagonian Nothofagus pumilio forests

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    Background: Variable retention (aggregated and dispersed retention) harvesting proposed for Nothofagus pumilio was designed for timber purposes and biodiversity conservation. Harvesting by opening canopy generates different microenvironments and creates contrasting conditions for seedling establishment, growth, and eco-physiology performance due to synergies (positives or negatives) with biotic and abiotic factors. This study evaluated the regeneration in different microenvironment conditions within managed stands during 5 years after harvesting. Remnant forest structure after harvesting and different microenvironments were characterized in managed stands, where 105 regeneration plots were measured (3 stands × 7 microenvironments × 5 replicas). We characterized the seedling bank, as well as growth and ecophysiology performance of the regeneration. Univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted for the comparisons. Results: Microenvironments offered different environmental conditions for natural regeneration (soil moisture and light availability). Seedling under debris and dicot plants showed better eco-physiological performance, establishment, and growth than plants growing under monocots or located in the dispersed retention without the protection of other understory plants. The most unfavorable microenvironment conditions were high canopy cover of remnant trees (inside the aggregates or close to trees in the dispersed retention) and heavily impacted areas (skidder extraction roads). Conclusions: Favorable microenvironments in the harvested areas will improve the natural recruitment, growth, and eco-physiology performance of the natural regeneration after harvesting. It is necessary to develop new silvicultural practices that decrease the unfavorable microenvironments (e.g., road density or excessive woody accumulation), to assure the success of the proposed silvicultural method.EEA Santa CruzFil: Toro Manríquez, Mónica D.R. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Cellini, Juan Manuel. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Laboratorio de Investigaciones en Maderas; ArgentinaFil: Lencinas, María Vanessa. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Santa Cruz; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Peña Rojas, Karen A. Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y de Conservación de la Naturaleza. Departamento de Silvicultura y Conservación de la Naturaleza; ChileFil: Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina

    Evaluación de la aplicación de biosólidos en plantaciones de Eucalyptus globulus, en Chile central

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    Fertilization with biosolid is an option for beneficial use of waste generated from wastewater treatment plant. At this point of view, it is necessary know its effect in forest plantations. The study was established in two sectors with plantations of Eucalyptus globulus (blue gum), in the Región Metropolitana de Santiago: 1) 12 years old plantation, without silvicultural interventions; 2) coppice 2 years old, with multiple sprouts by stump. Were evaluated three amounts of biosolids applications: T0 (addition of 0 Mgha-1), T30 (30 Mgha-1), T50 (50 Mgha-1). In each plantation diameter growth, predawn water potential and relative water content during four years and leaf nutritional status of the trees during two years were measured. The main results showed the improvement in the predawn water potential of trees fertilized with biosolids in the 12 years old plantations. The sector of coppice showed no significant differences in the variables evaluated, as this comes from shoots of harvested stools, taking lots of root mass which provides water and nutritional requirements for the trees.La fertilización con biosólidos es una alternativa para la utilización benéfica de residuos generados por las Plantas de Tratamiento de Aguas Servidas (PTAS). En este contexto, es necesario conocer su efecto en plantaciones forestales. El estudio se efectuó en dos plantaciones de Eucalyptus globulus (eucalipto) en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago: 1) plantación de 12 años sin intervenciones silvícolas; 2) monte bajo con rebrotes de 2 años con múltiples vástagos por cepa. En ellas se ensayaron tres montos de aplicación de biosólidos: T0 (adición de 0 Mg ha-1), T30 (30 Mg ha-1), T50 (50 Mg ha-1). En cada plantación se evaluó, en un período de cuatro años, crecimiento en diámetro, potencial hídrico y contenido hídrico relativo a prealba, y estado nutricional foliar de los árboles durante dos años. El principal resultado corresponde al mejoramiento de la condición hídrica de árboles fertilizados con biosólidos, en la plantación adulta. El sector de monte bajo no presentó diferencias significativas en las variables evaluadas, al provenir de rebrotes de cepas cosechadas, teniendo una raíz desarrollada que suministra agua y nutrientes a rebrotes nuevos

    Effects of climate variability on growth and establishment patterns of nothofagus macrocarpa in central Chile

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    Se ha documentado un aumento de las condiciones de sequía durante el último siglo en Chile central, que estaría afectando al bosque mediterráneo, especialmente a los bosques septentrionales del género Nothofagus en América (Nothofagus macrocarpa). Por esta razón resulta imprescindible estudiar la influencia del clima en el crecimiento radial y establecimiento de árboles a fin de diseñar estrategias de conservación y mitigación al cambio climático. Diez poblaciones de N. macrocarpa fueron seleccionadas para analizar la relación entre las sequías y el crecimiento radial anual y la influencia de condiciones hídricas en el establecimiento. Se identificaron tres patrones de crecimiento: (i) poblaciones más degradadas de la Cordillera de la Costa, (ii) bosques poco intervenidos y que se encuentran a una mayor altitud de la Cordillera de la Costa, y (iii) poblaciones poco intervenidas de la Cordillera de Los Andes. Todas las poblaciones presentaron correlaciones positivas con el índice de sequía SPEI (índice estandarizado de precipitación-evapotranspiración) durante invierno-primavera, siendo sensibles hasta 36 meses después de un período seco. Más del 64 % de los años con bajo crecimiento en todas las cronologías fue asociado a sequías históricas. Se observó mayor establecimiento de N. macrocarpa vinculado a períodos húmedos especialmente en los bosques poco degradados. Estos resultados entregan una visión ecológica sobre la sensibilidad climática del bosque mediterráneo de Chile y pueden contribuir en el diseño de proyectos de restauración, conservación y mitigación frente al calentamiento global.An increase in drought conditions over the last century has been documented in Central Chile, a fact that could affect the Mediterranean forests, especially the northernmost Nothofagus populations from South America (Nothofagus macrocarpa). For this reason, it is key to study the climate influence on radial growth and trees establishment to design strategies of conservation and mitigation in the face of a climate change situation. In this study, 10 trees populations of N. macrocarpa were selected across natural distribution for a dendroecological analysis. The relationship between droughts and radial growth was analyzed annually, while the influence of water favorable conditions in trees establishment was evaluated in periods of 10 years. Results identified three growth patterns: (i) most degraded populations of the Coastal Mountains (young trees predominate), (ii) low-intervened forests found at a higher altitude in the Coastal Mountains and (iii) low-intervened forests of the Andes Mountains. All populations showed positive correlations with the SPEI-drought index during winter-spring, being sensitive up to 36 months after a dry period. More than 64% of the years with lowest growth are associated with historical droughts in all the chronologies, whereas trees establishment linked to humid periods was found especially in the less degraded forests (37-41% trees). These results provide an ecological vision of the climatic sensitivity of the Chilean Mediterranean forest and can contribute to the design restoration, conservation and mitigation actions in situations of global warming.Fil: Venegas González, Alejandro. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasil. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso; ChileFil: Roig Junent, Fidel Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Gutiérrez, Alvaro G.. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Peña-Rojas, Karen. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Filho, Mario Tomazello. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    Suitable conditions for natural regeneration in variable retention harvesting of southern Patagonian <i>Nothofagus pumilio</i> forests

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    Background: Variable retention (aggregated and dispersed retention) harvesting proposed for Nothofagus pumilio was designed for timber purposes and biodiversity conservation. Harvesting by opening canopy generates different microenvironments and creates contrasting conditions for seedling establishment, growth, and eco-physiology performance due to synergies (positives or negatives) with biotic and abiotic factors. This study evaluated the regeneration in different microenvironment conditions within managed stands during 5 years after harvesting. Remnant forest structure after harvesting and different microenvironments were characterized in managed stands, where 105 regeneration plots were measured (3 stands × 7 microenvironments × 5 replicas). We characterized the seedling bank, as well as growth and ecophysiology performance of the regeneration. Univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted for the comparisons. Results: Microenvironments offered different environmental conditions for natural regeneration (soil moisture and light availability). Seedling under debris and dicot plants showed better eco-physiological performance, establishment, and growth than plants growing under monocots or located in the dispersed retention without the protection of other understory plants. The most unfavorable microenvironment conditions were high canopy cover of remnant trees (inside the aggregates or close to trees in the dispersed retention) and heavily impacted areas (skidder extraction roads). Conclusions: Favorable microenvironments in the harvested areas will improve the natural recruitment, growth, and eco-physiology performance of the natural regeneration after harvesting. It is necessary to develop new silvicultural practices that decrease the unfavorable microenvironments (e.g., road density or excessive woody accumulation), to assure the success of the proposed silvicultural method.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y ForestalesLaboratorio de Investigaciones en Mader

    La Biblioteca Virtual de Salud de la provincia Holguín: un diagnóstico preliminar

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    Aimed at the development of the Medical Virtual Library of Holguin Province a preliminary diagnosis of existing conditions was carried out. The main concepts related to the virtual library are exposed, institutions with a higher scientific potential in health care areas are identified as well as the products and information services that can be moved to the web. The strategy to the introduction of the virtual library is provided as well as its extension to the different institutions of the Health Care System of the province. Finally, some critical aspects for the success of this project are exposed

    La Biblioteca Virtual de Salud de la provincia Holguín: un diagnóstico preliminar

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    Aimed at the development of the Medical Virtual Library of Holguin Province a preliminary diagnosis of existing conditions was carried out. The main concepts related to the virtual library are exposed, institutions with a higher scientific potential in health care areas are identified as well as the products and information services that can be moved to the web. The strategy to the introduction of the virtual library is provided as well as its extension to the different institutions of the Health Care System of the province. Finally, some critical aspects for the success of this project are exposed

    Prevention and clinical management of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia: Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines from the national reference institute in maternal health of Peru

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    Introducción. En Perú, los trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo son la segunda causa de mortalidad materna. Objetivo. La&nbsp;presente guía de práctica clínica basada en evidencias (GPC-BE) brinda recomendaciones para la prevención y tratamiento de la&nbsp;pre-eclampsia y eclampsia. Métodos. Se elaboró una GPC-BE adaptada mediante un proceso sistemático, riguroso y transparente&nbsp;con un grupo elaborador conformado por metodólogos y profesionales de la salud expertos en el manejo de la enfermedad.&nbsp;La guía cuenta con dieciséis preguntas clínicas y dieciséis recomendaciones. Se realizó la búsqueda y preselección de GPC,&nbsp;las mismas que fueron evaluadas mediante el instrumento “Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II” (AGREEII),&nbsp;para su adaptación. La búsqueda sistemática de evidencias para responder las preguntas clínicas se realizó en múltiples&nbsp;bases de datos: MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE/Ovid, Cochrane Library, LILACS y SciELO. Las evidencias fueron seleccionadas&nbsp;y analizadas críticamente por pares clínicos y metodológicos; las recomendaciones fueron elaboradas mediante la metodología&nbsp;Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE). Resultados. Con la participación de un panel&nbsp;de expertos clínicos del Instituto Nacional Materno Perinatal, redes de salud y otras instituciones de referencia, se elaboraron&nbsp;16 recomendaciones dirigidas a la prevención y tratamiento de mujeres gestantes en riesgo de pre-eclampsia, gestantes con&nbsp;pre-eclampsia, eclampsia o enfermedad hipertensiva. Conclusiones. Este artículo resume la guía de práctica clínica basada en&nbsp;evidencias para la prevención y tratamiento de pre-eclampsia y eclampsia en gestantes en el instituto de referencia nacional en&nbsp;salud materna y neonatal del Perú.Introduction. In Peru, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are the second cause of maternal mortality. Objective. This evidence-based clinical&nbsp;practice guideline (EB-CPG) provides recommendations for the prevention and treatment of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. Methods. An&nbsp;adapted EB-CPG was elaborated through a systematic, rigorous and transparent process with a group consisting of methodologists and health&nbsp;professionals who are experts in the management of the disease. The guide has sixteen clinical questions and sixteen recommendations.&nbsp;The search and pre-selection of EB-CPGs were performed, which were evaluated through the “Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and&nbsp;Evaluation II” tool (AGREE-II), for its adaptation. The systematic search for evidence to answer the 16 clinical questions were made in multiple&nbsp;databases: MEDLINE / PubMed, EMBASE / Ovid, Cochrane Library, LILACS and SciELO. Evidences were selected and analyzed critically&nbsp;by clinicians and methodologists in pairs, recommendations were elaborated through the Grading of Recommendations Assessment,&nbsp;Development, and Evaluation methodology (GRADE). Results. With the participation of a panel of clinical experts from the National Perinatal&nbsp;Maternal Institute, representatives from health care networks and other reference institutions, 16 recommendations were established for the&nbsp;prevention and treatment of pregnant women at risk of pre-eclampsia, for pregnant women with pre-eclampsia, eclampsia or hypertensive&nbsp;disease. Conclusions. This article summarizes the evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for the prevention and treatment of preeclampsia&nbsp;and eclampsia in peruvian pregnant women for the national reference institute for maternal and neonatal health of Peru