205 research outputs found

    Conducta antisocial en adolescentes: factores de riesgo y de protección

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    Es bien sabido por todos que la denominada “conducta antisocial” constituye, desafortunadamente, un tema de relevancia social indiscutible en la actualidad, no sólo por las graves consecuencias que a nivel social, familiar, escolar o jurídicamente conlleva, sino también, por los efectos tan devastadores que acarrea al propio adolescente. Teniendo presente la ambigüedad conceptual del constructo “conducta antisocial” y sus complejas manifestaciones conductuales a lo largo de la infancia y la adolescencia, la presente investigación doctoral se ha centrado en: a) Describir las distintas manifestaciones de la conducta antisocial (comportamientos antisociales graves y/o violentos, conductas agresivas y consumo de sustancias) en función tanto de la edad como del sexo de los adolescentes. b) Comparar los diferentes patrones de consumo de sustancias y prevalencias de conductas agresivas en función del nivel de conducta antisocial mostrada por los adolescentes. c) Determinar la forma en la que se asocian las diferentes sustancias de comercio legal e ilegal en los adolescentes (tabaco, alcohol, cannabis, fármacos antirreumáticos y tranquilizantes, derivados morfínicos, estimulantes, cocaína, heroína, inhalantes y drogas de síntesis). d) Determinar la capacidad predictiva de los factores bioevolutivos, escolares, familiares, del grupo de iguales y de personalidad, en el intento de establecer un perfil específico asociado a un mayor riesgo de manifestación de comportamientos antisociales en los adolescentes. e) Presentar distintos modelos de riesgo y protección en función de su valor predictivo, que sirvan como base para la posterior construcción y diseño de distintos modelos explicativos de la conducta antisocial en los adolescentes. f) Contrastar la validez de diferentes modelos explicativos en relación con los diversos factores de riesgo asociados a la conducta antisocial y el consumo de sustancias, que ayuden, por una parte, a la explicación de la conducta antisocial en adolescentes, y, por otra, que contribuyan a diseñar programas de intervención y prevención

    Social Networks, Engagement and Resilience in University Students

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    16 p.Analysis of social networks may be a useful tool for understanding the relationship between resilience and engagement, and this could be applied to educational methodologies, not only to improve academic performance, but also to create emotionally sustainable networks. This descriptive study was carried out on 134 university students. We collected the network structural variables, degree of resilience (CD-RISC 10), and engagement (UWES-S). The computer programs used were excel, UCINET for network analysis, and SPSS for statistical analysis. The analysis revealed results of means of 28.61 for resilience, 2.98 for absorption, 4.82 for dedication, and 3.13 for vigour. The students had two preferred places for sharing information: the classroom and WhatsApp. The greater the value for engagement, the greater the degree of centrality in the friendship network among students who are beginning their university studies. This relationship becomes reversed as the students move to later academic years. In terms of resilience, the highest values correspond to greater centrality in the friendship networks. The variables of engagement and resilience influenced the university students’ support networks.S

    Prevalence of psychopathy in a community sample of Spanish adults: Definitions and measurements matter

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    The main objective of this work is to examine the prevalence of psychopathy in the general adult population from the main currently existing theoretical perspectives of psychopathy, using for this purpose the five-factor or Big Five model as a common language that allows the comparison and integration of the personality traits considered as defining psychopathy by these different perspectives. The NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO PI-R) was applied to a sample of 682 adults of the general Spanish population. The prevalence of clinical and subclinical psychopathy was calculated according to six different definitions of these two constructs based on Hare’s, Lilienfeld’s, triarchic, and DSM-5-hybrid models, and the simultaneous presence of a minimum number of personality traits that differed from the sample mean by one standard deviation. Prevalence rates for the different definitions were consistently low, indicating that the prevalence of clinical psychopathy in the general Spanish population is around 0.55%, and that of subclinical psychopathy is around 1.65%. There were no significant sex differences in the prevalence of psychopathy. These results question the alarmist claims that warn about the existence in society of a very high number of people with psychopathy who can cause many social, economic, physical, and psychological damage to others

    Broad cognitive complaints but subtle objective working memory impairment in fibromyalgia patients

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    Background Cognitive dysfunction in fibromyalgia (FM) encompasses objective cognitive difficulties, as measured in neuropsychological tests, and self-reported cognitive complaints. Although it has been suggested that FM patients display problems in working memory, the data are inconsistent, and the overall working memory status of the patients is unclear. It is also not clear whether the working memory problems are related to cognitive complaints or how the dyscognition is affected by the characteristic clinical symptoms of FM. Methods To clarify these aspects, we explored the neuropsychological performance for different components of working memory and the subjective self-perception of cognitive status in a sample of 38 women with FM. They were compared with a matched group of 32 healthy women. Results Our findings suggested that the FM patients do not differ from healthy controls in their overall working memory functioning. Only a poor performance was found in a single task of visuospatial working memory, mediated by the presence of depressive symptoms, fatigue and pain. The FM patients also displayed a higher level of perception of cognitive difficulties than healthy controls, and this difference was mediated by depression and fatigue. Furthermore, cognitive complaints in FM patients were only associated with a lower verbal WM capacity. Discussion FM patients have a subtle specific impairment in their working memory functioning, as well as elevated concern about their cognitive status. These findings suggest a disconnection between neuropsychological performance and subjective complaints. In FM patients, clinical variables such as pain, fatigue, and depression play an important role in dyscognition, as assessed by both objective and subjective measures, and should be taken into account in future researchThis work was supported by funding from the Galician Government (Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; axudas para a consolidación e Estruturación de unidades de investigación competitivas do Sistema universitario de Galicia [grant number GPC2014/047] and funding from the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) [Grant Number PSI2013-45818-R]. Alberto González-Villar was supported by a grant from the Fundación Ramón DomínguezS

    Risk prediction and assessment of intervention, re-education and reintegration of juvenile offenders: development and psychometric properties of the PREVI-A

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    This paper proposes and analyzes the psychometric properties of the PREVI-A scale (Predicción del Riesgo y Valoración de la Intervención en la ARRMI—-Risk Prediction and Intervention Assessment in the ARRMI). It describes the process of item development, the factorial structure of the scale, reliability, evidence of validity and diagnostic performance with regard to recidivism risk in juvenile offenders. The sample was made up of 212 juvenile offenders held at detention centers run by the Madrid Agency for Reeducation and Reintegration of Juvenile Offenders, a regional government body. Statistical analyses were used to corroborate the theoretical factorial structure of the PREVI-A, which consists of six risk/protection dimensions (64 items) based on the Risk- Needs-Responsivity Model, and to obtain empirical support for the reliability and validity of PREVI-A as a tool to assess the risk of recidivism by juvenile offenders in Spai

    Cuestionario de agresión reactiva y proactiva : un instrumento de medida de la agresión en adolescentes

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    The psychometrical characteristics of the Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire (RPQ), designed by Raine et al. (2006), was examined in this work. When applied to a sample of 732 adolescents from Madrid (360 males and 372 females), the confirmatory factor analysis showed that the bifactorial structural model fitted the data better than the unifactorial model. On the other hand, statistically significant differences were observed in both types of aggression according to sex and age of participants. Males showed higher levels of proactive aggression than females, whereas in all the analyzed age groups, reactive was significantly higher than proactive aggression in men as well as in women. The results obtained in this study suggest that this instrument measures two functional types of aggression associated to different processes and motivational mechanisms in a reliable and valid way.En este trabajo se examinan las propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario de Agresión Reactiva-Proactiva (RPQ; Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire), elaborado por Raine et al. (2006). En su aplicación a una muestra de 732 adolescentes de la Comunidad de Madrid (360 varones y 372 mujeres), el análisis factorial confirmatorio reveló que el modelo estructural bifactorial presenta un mejor ajuste a los datos que el modelo estructural unifactorial. Por otra parte, se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en ambos tipos de agresión en función del sexo y la edad de los participantes. Los hombres presentaron mayores niveles de agresión proactiva que las mujeres; mientras que en todos los grupos de edad analizados la agresión reactiva fue significativamente mayor que la proactiva tanto en hombres como en mujeres. Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio sugieren que este instrumento mide de forma fiable y válida dos tipos funcionales de agresión asociados a diferentes procesos y mecanismos motivacionales

    Estudio evaluativo-comparativo acerca de una intervención grupal a madres con hijos prematuros del Hospital San josé, en relación al vínculo temprano materno-infantil, desde la teoría del apego.

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    Tesis (Licenciado en Psicología)La presente investigación tuvo por finalidad diseñar e implementar una intervención dirigida a madres de recién nacidos prematuros. El objetivo de la investigación es la contribución a través de la intervención del fortalecimiento del vínculo de la pareja madre-bebé. La población se constituyó con madres -entre 16 y 35 años-que durante el segundo semestre del 2003 dieron a luz a sus hijos de manera prematura. Para fines de nuestra investigación se escogió una muestra de diez madres del Hospital San José, las que en primera instancia atravesaron por un proceso de evaluación que constó de la aplicación de instrumentos de diversa índole entrevista de despistaje (PERI), entrevista de fantasías, Pauta de apego en adultos (P.8.1. Posteriormente, se dividió la muestra en un grupo control y uno experimental. Este último fue escogido para participar en el taller diseñado por las investigadoras, cuyo objetivo principal consistió en entregarles herramientas a las madres para que pudiesen establecer un apego más seguro y confiable con sus hijos, impartiendo contenidos -madre suficientemente buena, bebé imaginario y real, mentalización, sintonía afectiva, reverie, etc. y generando un ambiente de contención donde tuviesen la oportunidad de desplegar sus ansiedades y temores. La metodología empleada para evaluar a ambos grupos una vez terminada la intervención, consistió en la observación de las díadas en su ambiente natural. Dicho procedimiento se llevó a cabo una vez a la semana durante un mes, con una duración de una hora por visita -de acuerdo al modelo propuesto por la clínica Tavistock, Londres-. Posteriormente, se sistematizó lo observado en una pauta de perfil de la observación del vínculo madre-bebé. Esta pauta fue utilizada para poder comparar a ambos grupos después de haber realizado la intervención. Los resultados confirman la efectividad de la realización de una intervención temprana en díadas, generando aportes en el establecimiento de un apego más seguro en la pareja madre-bebé.The objective of this study is to design and implement an intervention aimed at mothers with prematura new-bom babies. Moreover, this intervention will contribute to strengthen the link between the mother and her child. The group studied was constituted by mothers between the ages of 16 and 35 years, who had given birth to a prematura child during the last six months of the year 2003. For the purposes of this study, a test-group of ten mothers from the Hospital San José was chosen. These mothers underwent, in the first instance, a period of evaluation where diverse tools were applied, such as interviews to make sure that there were no pathologies associated (PERI), fantasy interviews and a Parental Bonding lnstrument (PBI). The samples were then divided into two groups, a control group and an experimental group. This latter group was chosen to participate in the workshop designad by the research team. The main objective of this workshop was to provide the mothers with tools to furthen strengthen their relation with the new-bom child. This could be done using the following tools: explaining to the mothers the concepts of sufficiently good mother, imaginad baby and real baby, mentalization, affective syntony, reverie, etc., as well as by generating an atmosphere of contension where the mothers could express their anxieties and fears. The methodology used to evaluate both groups once finalised the intervention was to observe the interaction between mothers and their newbom babies in their natural environment. Such a procedure took place once a week during one month. The duration of the visit was of one hour, using the time-frame proposed by the Tavistock Clinic in London. Further to this, the observations were recordad in a profile guideline of the mother-baby link. These guidelines were used to analyse and compare both groups after the intervention had taken place. The results confirm the effectiveness of carrying out this intervention at an early stage with mothers and their newbom babies in order to contribute to the strengthening and securing of mother-child ties

    El impacto de la COVID-19 en el enfoque pedagógico y seguimiento de una asignatura del Grado de Enfermería

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    RESUMEN: La situación provocada por la COVID-19 impulsó la aplicación de la metodología del Aula Invertida en una asignatura del Grado de Enfermería. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el impacto de dicha metodología en las calificaciones de la asignatura. Los resultados mostraron un incremento de la puntuación en el examen final; además el alumnado percibe que la metodología empleada favorece llevar al día la asignatura y adaptarla a su propio ritmo de aprendizaje.ABSTRACT: The situation caused by COVID-19 prompted the application of the Flipped Classroom methodology in a subject of the Nursing Degree. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of such methodology on the ratings of the subject. The results showed an increase in the qualification in the final exam, in addition the students perceive that their use favored keeping the subject up to date and adapting it to their own learning pace