1,829 research outputs found

    Middle Rio Grande Surface and Well Water Quality and the Health Implications to Humans

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    This professional project reviews the water quality along The Middle Rio Grande in New Mexico from the Cochiti Dam to the town of Bernalillo to San Acacia. This project focuses on the quality of the surface and well water and its implications to human health. The State of New Mexico Environment Department provided historical data of the well water quality in Albuquerque and the surrounding area. This project focuses on the analysis of chemical and microbiological testing in the areas of the North Valley, South Valley and Albuquerque Acres. The Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program (BMEP) provided historical data that identifies surface and well water quality using a chemical and biological panel of testing. The issue of well water in a state such as New Mexico is a major concern. For households served by private wells, wastewater treatment and disposal are usually done by septic and leaching systems. Sewage discharge from households that are close to one another could create a cluster of disease

    Preliminary Evidence on Takeover Target Returns in Spain: A Note.

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    This paper measures the share price returns to Spanish takeover targets over the period 1990 to 1994. Using several estimation and testing methods, we show that target shareholders gain significant abnormal returns in the announcement period. In the first part of the year before the announcement period, firms that become targets do not show significant abnormal returns, though there is some significant upturn in the two months before the bid.Takeovers; Target firms; Abnormal residuals; Market model; Spain;

    Psicodidáctica de la educación física

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    El término PSICODIDACTICA es utilizado por Renzo Titone con especial frecuencia, ya desde los años cincuenta, aunque su historia conceptual es más remota. El componente psicológico es una de las matrices fundamentales de una didáctica explicitamente científica y por ello se va introduciendo cada vez más en cualquier metodología de la enseñanza que intente ser seria y que sea consciente de la pluralidad de las ciencias fundamentales. En esta comunicación pretendemos acercar el término y sus contenidos al ámbito de la Educación Física, centrando su estudio en los procesos de comunicación, las interacciones entre el profesor y los alumnos, así como las características y factores de los aprendizajes de tipo escolar. Para ello se parte de las diferencias que existen entre la enseñanza de la Educación Física y la enseñanza de otras áreas del currículum que tienen un caracter más cognitivo. En cuanto al proceso de comunicación como mediador del proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje hay que decir que es necesario para que se de una correcta transmisión de la información. Sin comunicación no puede hablarse de enseñanza. Una comunicación eficaz requiere una serie de características (compresión, coherencia, enfoque positivo, frecuencia, etc.) La interacción entre el profesor y el alumno está a su vez relacionada con la comunicación y principalmente con el estilo de enseñanza que utiliza el profesor en el desarrollo de sus sesiones. Se hace una descripción de las características básicas de cada estilo de enseñanza, en base a la clasificación propuesta por Muska Mosston. Finalizamos la comunicación estableciendo las características y factores más implicados en los procesos de apredizaje de las acciones motrices

    Effects of solar activity and climate variability on large floods in Switzerland

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    The paper presents the variability of major floods in Switzerland for the period 1800-2008 from a summer index (INU). The index is constructed from the damage caused by flooding, with the aim of establishing the possible influence of the solar and climate variability on the major floods. The coincidence of flood-rich periods with those observed in other regions of different climate and fluvial regimes suggests that climate forcings and changes in the general circulation of the atmosphere are those who govern the appearance of these high-frequency temporal clusters

    Constucción de masculinidades igualitarias

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    Antioxidant activity and lipid peroxidation in Artemia nauplii enriched with a DHA-rich oil emulsion and the effect of adding an external antioxidant based on hydroxytyrosol

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    Artemia nauplii catabolise polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA); in particular, they retroconvert docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3), so enrichment is a continuous quest towards increasing PUFA through the use of PUFA-rich enrichment products. However, optimal conditions during enrichment (aeration, illumination and temperatures around 28 ºC) tend to accelerate autoxidation of PUFA, and the formation of potentially toxic oxidation products. Water-soluble antioxidants like the polyphenolic compound hydroxytyrosol (3,4-dihydroxyphenylethanol), a polar molecule found in the water fraction resulting after the milling process of olives, arise as promising compounds to prevent oxidation during Artemia enrichments. We investigated the antioxidant activity and lipid peroxidation in Artemia nauplii during enrichment, and the effect of adding an external antioxidant based on hydroxytyrosol during the enrichment with a PUFA-rich emulsion (M70). For this purpose, the activity of antioxidant enzymes (catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione-S-transferase, glutathione peroxidase), as well as lipid peroxidation, were determined in enriched and unenriched Artemia nauplii. To validate antioxidant activity and lipid peroxidation, in a first experiment, nauplii were enriched with microalgae (Tetraselmis suecica), yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and M70 emulsion. In a second experiment, enrichment with a commercial emulsion (DC Super Selco), M70, and a combination of M70 and hydroxytyrosol (Hytolive, HYT) added as an external antioxidant was performed. The combination of M70 with HYT produced the best results, in terms of activity of antioxidant enzymes. The analysis of the fatty acids from total lipids showed that the addition of hydroxytyrosol preserved the DHA percentage of enriched nauplii

    Propuesta de planificación estratégica para la empresa GUAGUITEL S.A.

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    Con un mercado cada vez más competitivo, los empresarios deben entender plenamente el significado de la palabra planificación, ya que es visto como el paso más importante para lograr un objetivo particular, que en teoría ayuda a romper el paradigma de que sólo las grandes empresas pueden establecer sus operaciones a través de un proceso llamado Planificación Estratégica. Este proceso está destinado a ser utilizado en GUAGUITEL S.A. principalmente porque nos ayudará a entender mejor donde se encuentra la empresa en este momento y a dónde debería ir, este proceso también ayudará a entender los problemas de la compañía y por lo tanto, nuevas metas y estrategias que se asocian con objetivos cuantificables y que indicadores de seguimiento pueden ser implementados. Todo esto se refleja en el Cuadro de Mando Integral desarrollado por Norton y Kaplan, que se utiliza para medir el desempeño actual y futuro desde cuatro perspectivas: financiera, crecimiento aprendizaje, interna del negocio y del cliente y por lo tanto obtener el beneficio económico esperado.With an always more competitive market, entrepreneurs should fully understand the meaning of planning, because it is the most relevant stage to get a particular objective, that in theory helps break the paradigm that only large companies can establish their operations through a so-called process Strategic Planning. Such process is intended to be used in GUAGUITELS.A., mostly because it shall be useful to better understand the current status of the enterprise and the focus to be adopted. Such process shall also help understand the company troubles, new methods and strategies associated to quantifiable objectives and what follow-up indicators are to be implemented. All of it is shown in the Integral Command Chart developed by Norton and Kaplan, used to measure the current and future performance from four views: financial, growth, learning, business and customer insight, and hence obtaining the expected economic profit

    Phylogeographic analysis of introns and mitochondrial DNA in the clam Ruditapes decussatus uncovers the effects of Pleistocene glaciations and endogenous barriers to gene flow

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    Studies on the phylogeography of species inhabiting the Mediterranean and the nearby coasts of the NE Atlantic Ocean (MEDAT) have found subdivision and/or phylogeographic structure in one or more of the Atlantic, western Mediterranean and eastern Mediterranean basins. This structure has been explained as the result of past population fragmentation caused by Pleistocene sea level changes and current patterns of marine circulation. However, the increasing use of nuclear markers has revealed that these two factors alone are not enough to explain the phylogeographic patterns, and an additional role has been suggested for endogenous barriers to gene flow or natural selection. In this article we examined the role of these factors in Ruditapes decussatus, a commercial clam species native to MEDAT. A genetic analysis of 11 populations was carried out by examining 6 introns with a PCR-RFLP technique. We found subdivision in three regions: Atlantic (ATL), western Mediterranean plus Tunisia (WMED), and Aegean and Adriatic seas (AEGAD). Two introns (Ech and Tbp) showed alleles that were restricted to AEGAD. Sequencing a subsample of individuals for these introns indicated that AEGAD-specific alleles were separate clades, thus revealing a phylogeographic brake at the WMED-AEGAD boundary. Sequencing of the mitochondrial COI locus confirmed this phylogeographic break. Dating of the AEGAD mitochondrial haplotypes and nuclear alleles with a Bayesian MCMC method revealed that they shared common ancestors in the Pleistocene. These results can be explained in the framework of Pleistocene sea level drops and patterns of gene flow in MEDAT. An additional observation was a lack of differentiation at COI between the ATL and WMED, in sharp contrast with 4 introns that showed clear genetic subdivision. Neutrality tests did not support the hypothesis of a selective sweep acting on mtDNA to explain the contrasting levels of differentiation between mitochondrial and nuclear markers across the ATL-WMED transition, and we argue that the difference between markers is best explained by the existence of an endogenous genetic barrier, rather than by a physical barrier to larval migration alone.This work has been funded by grants AGL2003-04143 from MCYT (Spain) and AGL2006-08944 from MEC (Spain) to J.B. Peña, and AGL2007-60049 and AGL2010-16743 from MICINN (Spain) to C. Saavedra. Partial funding was obtained from the Marine Genomics Europe Network of Excellence (GOCE 505403).Peer Reviewe