81 research outputs found

    Correlations Between Incidence of Foot Pad Lesions and Body Weight of Broilers in Different Rearing Systems

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    The incidence of foot pad lesions of broilers of moderate growth was investigated in order to establish correlations with body weight. Broilers were reared until the age of 42 days in the floor system in the poultry house and then were divided into two groups. The first group continued growing in the poultry house until the age of 84 days and the second group was growing in the free range system until the same age. Individual measurements of body weight and evaluation of the incidence of foot pad lesions of broilers were carried out at the end of the experiment. In a correlation analysis of previously transformed data on the percentage of broilers with lesions and body weight within each weight group, data were obtained that showed an association between these traits depending on the rearing system. System of rearing had significant impact on the strength and direction of correlation between body weight and the incidence of foot pad lesions, in light of the determined correlation coefficient r = -0.95 at the significance level p=0.01 in the free range system, and r=0.56 (p>0.05) in chickens reared in the poultry house

    Različiti izvori i nivoi ulja u ishrani brojlera

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of soybean, flax and rapeseed oil on productive performance and carcass quality of broilers chickens. At the beginning of the experiment six groups of 40 one day-old chicks, hybrid line Cobb 500 was formed, with five replications. For nutrition two feed mixtures were used. During the first two weeks, in preparation period, chickens were fed with starter mixture, and then with grower mixture until the end of the experiment. Control group was fed with mixture of standard composition and quality based on corn and soybean meal with the addition of 4% and 8% soybean oil, while the experimental group included 4% and 8% flaxseed oil and 4% and 8% rapeseed oil. The experiment lasted 35 days. During the experimental period, chickens were fed and watered ad libitum and microclimatic conditions were constantly monitored. Control of body weight and feed consumption was carried out every seven days. At the end of the experiment 10 chickens from each group were sacrificed for the purpose of testing the carcass quality. Upon completion of the experiment, control group achieved weight of 2122g and 2053g, and the experimental group with flax oil 2164g and 2094g, and the group with rapeseed oil weighs of 2121g and 2081g. Chickens on treatment with 4% flax oil in the diet achieved significantly higher body mass (P (lt) 0.05) at the end of the experiment compared with the groups who were on treatment with 8% rapeseed and soybean oil. Soybean oil at a rate of 4% showed significantly (P (lt) 0.05) increased final body weight compared to body mass of chicks in a group with the addition of 8% soybean oil. Feed conversion ratio was lowest in the group with the addition of 4% flax oil and rapeseed oil, and the highest in the group with the addition of 8% flax oil. The differences found in the carcass quality between the control and experimental groups were not statistically significant (P>0.05). The largest amount of abdominal fat (18.9 g) was in the group with the addition of 4% rapeseed oil and lowest in the group with the addition of 8% soybean oil (12.6 g). Based on these results it can be concluded that the addition of 4% oil showed better productive results, but had no effect on carcass quality of chickens.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita efekat ulja soje, lana i uljane repice na proizvodne parametre i kvalitet trupa brojlera. Na početku ogleda formirano je šest grupa sa po 40 jednodnevnih pilića linijskog hibrida Cobb 500, u pet ponavljanja. Za ishranu su korišćene dve smeše. Tokom prve dve nedelje pripremnog perioda, za ishranu pilića je korišćena starter, a potom grover smeša do kraja eksperimenta. Kontrolna grupa je hranjena smešom standardnog sastava i kvaliteta na bazi sojine sačme i kukuruza sa dodatkom 4% i 8% ulja soje, dok je u eksperimentalnim grupama bilo uključeno 4% i 8% lanenog ulja, odnosno 4% i 8% ulja repice. Ogled je trajao 35 dana. U toku eksperimentalnog perioda piliću su hranjeni i napajani po volji, a mikroklimatski uslovi redovno kontrolisani. Kontrola telesne mase i utroška hrane je vršena svakih sedam dana. Na kraju eksperimenta žrtvovano je po 10 pilića iz svake grupe za potrebe ispitivanja kvaliteta trupa. Po završetku eksperimentalnog perioda, kontrolna grupa je ostvarila masu od 2122g i 2053g, a ogledne grupe sa uljem lana 2164g i 2094g, dok su grupe sa repičinim uljem ostvarile masu od 2121g i 2081g. Pilići na tretmanu sa 4% ulja lana u ishrani ostvarili su statistički značajno veću telesnu masu (P (lt) 0,05) na kraju eksperimenta u poređenju sa grupama koje su bile na tretmanu sa 8% ulja repice i soje. Ulje soje u količini od 4% je takođe statistički značajno (P (lt) 0,05) uticalo na povećanje završne telesne mase u poređenju sa telesnom masom pilića u grupi sa dodatkom 8% sojinog ulja. Konverzija hrane je bila najniža u grupi sa dodatkom 4% ulja lana i uljane repice, a najviša u grupi sa dodatkom 8% ulja lana. Utvrđene razlike u kvalitetu trupa između kontrolne i oglednih grupa nisu bile statistički značajne (P>0,05). Najveća količina abdominalne masti (18,9g) je u grupi sa dodatkom 4% ulja repice, a najmanja u grupi sa dodatkom 8% ulja soje (12,6g). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je dodatak 4% ulja ispoljio bolje prozvodne rezulate, ali nije uticao na kvalitet trupa pilića

    Monitoring evolved stars for binarity with the HERMES spectrograph

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    Binarity is often invoked to explain peculiarities that can not be explained by the standard theory of stellar evolution. Detecting orbital motion via the Doppler effect is the best method to test binarity when direct imaging is not possible. However, when the orbital period exceeds the duration of a typical observing run, monitoring often becomes problematic. Placing a high-throughput spectrograph on a small semi- robotic telescope allowed us to carry out a radial-velocity survey of various types of peculiar evolved stars. In this review we highlight some findings after the first four years of observations. Thus, we detect eccentric binaries among hot subdwarfs, barium, S stars, and post- AGB stars with disks, which are not predicted by the standard binary interaction theory. In disk objects, in addition, we find signs of the on- going mass transfer to the companion, and an intriguing line splitting, which we attribute to the scattered light of the primary.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the conference "Setting a new standard in the analysis of binary stars", A. Tkachenko (ed.), European Astron. Soc. Publ. Se


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    Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of soybean, flax and rapeseed oil on productive performance and carcass quality of broilers chickens. At the beginning of the experiment six groups of 40 one day-old chicks, hybrid line Cobb 500 was formed, with five replications. For nutrition two feed mixtures were used. During the first two weeks, in preparation period, chickens were fed with starter mixture, and then with grower mixture until the end of the experiment. Control group was fed with mixture of standard composition and quality based on corn and soybean meal with the addition of 4% and 8% soybean oil, while the experimental group included 4% and 8% flaxseed oil and 4% and 8% rapeseed oil. The experiment lasted 35 days. During the experimental period, chickens were fed and watered ad libitum and microclimatic conditions were constantly monitored. Control of body weight and feed consumption was carried out every seven days. At the end of the experiment 10 chickens from each group were sacrificed for the purpose of testing the carcass quality. Upon completion of the experiment, control group achieved weight of 2122g and 2053g, and the experimental group with flax oil 2164g and 2094g, and the group with rapeseed oil weighs of 2121g and 2081g. Chickens on treatment with 4% flax oil in the diet achieved significantly higher body mass (P<0.05) at the end of the experiment compared with the groups who were on treatment with 8% rapeseed and soybean oil. Soybean oil at a rate of 4% showed significantly (P<0.05) increased final body weight compared to body mass of chicks in a group with the addition of 8% soybean oil. Feed conversion ratio was lowest in the group with the addition of 4% flax oil and rapeseed oil, and the highest in the group with the addition of 8% flax oil. The differences found in the carcass quality between the control and experimental groups were not statistically significant (P>0.05). The largest amount of abdominal fat (18.9 g) was in the group with the addition of 4% rapeseed oil and V.Ž. Stanaćev et al. 322 lowest in the group with the addition of 8% soybean oil (12.6 g). Based on these results it can be concluded that the addition of 4% oil showed better productive results, but had no effect on carcass quality of chickens

    Effects of dietary soybean, flaxseed and rapeseed oil addition on broilers meat quality

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    The aim of this paper is was to investigate the effects of soybean oil, flax and rapeseed oil on the body weight, fatty acid composition of lipids and sensory characteristics of chicken breast meat. At the beginning, six groups with 40 one day old chicks Cobb 500 hybrid line, with five replications was formed. Chickens were fed with three mixtures of 21, 20 and 18% protein, respectively. The experiment lasted 42 days. The use of different types of oils in the diet did not exhibited statistically significant (P>0.05) differences in body weight of chickens. The control group achieved final body weight of 2704 g and 2695 g, and the experimental groups in a row 2735, 2645, 2735 and 2670g. The use of flax oil and rapeseed oil changes the fatty acid composition of lipids. Replacing rapeseed with soybean oil reduces the percentage of palmitic, stearic and linoleic acids, and increases the share of oleic and linolenic acids in the abdominal fat pad. The inclusion of flax oil in the diet of chickens in an amounts of 4% and 8% increase the amount of linoleic acid to 63% and 203%, which was statistically highly significant (P<0.01) difference compare to the control groups I and II, whereas the amount of linoleic acid is reduced by 14% and 33%. Dietary addition of vegetable oils in this experiment did not show any improvement of chicken breast meat sensory quality, but lipids of meat was improved with the higher levels of PUFAs which contributes to a higher quality of gained chicken meat

    Comparative estimation of biochemical composition of fruits of Ericaceae species under conditions of Belarus

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    Thus, as a result of biochemical screening of 30 taxons of Ericaceae species taking into account 32 parameters in a long-term cycle of observation it has been established the different degree of dependence of variability level of biochemical structure components of fruits of alien crops on genotype and a hydrothermal mode of the period of their maturing has been revealed. The similarity of parameters of genotypic variability of some traits of all investigated Ericaceae species is also revealed: low one – for the general contents in fruits of soluble sugars, flavonols, of potassium, calcium, magnesium and high one – for the contents of anthocyanins, and also the ratio of fractions of pectinaceous substances and bioflavonoids. Specific features of genetic determinacy of the analyzed traits, testifying the greatest degree of its displays of V. corymbosum for total accumulation of soluble sugars and bioflavonoids, flavonols contents, calcium and magnesium and by the lowest degree – for the contents of titratable acids, vitamin C, anthocyanins and values of a sugar-acid index were established. If to mention V. vitis-idaea L., the parameters of general accumulation in fruits of soluble sugars, dry substances and all major mineral elements were characterized by the greatest degree of genetic determinacy, whereas by the least degree – the contents of anthocyanins, catechines and tannins. If to mention V. macrocarpon, the parameters of accumulation in fruits of dry substances, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phenol-carboxylic acids have been noted by the most expressed genetic determinacy, and by the least expressed – the contents of anthocyanins, sucrose and pectinaceous substances in fruits


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    In this paper, we consider methods for producing artificial latexes based on butadiene-styrene thermoplastic elastomer in the presence of cationic surfactants, as well as their mixtures with nonionic and silicone surfactants. The obtained results are compared for the particle size distribution, and conclusions are drawn about the stability of the polymer suspension. The size of particles of polymer suspensions was determined by the method of photon correlation spectroscopy (dynamic light scattering) using a laser particle analyzer. This method allows us to consider the properties of the resulting polymer suspensions and directly draw conclusions about the effect of nature and the concentration of surface active substances on the stability of the resulting latexes. It can be assumed that in this case, structural- mechanical and electrostatic barriers form in the surface layers of the particles. The combined action of these barriers has made it possible to obtain stable polymer emulsions. Thus, it can be concluded that the used surfactant mixtures make it possible to increase the stability of artificial latexes in the stages of emulsification and distillation.Рассмотрены способы получения искусственных латексов на основе бутадиен-стирольного термопластичного эластомера в присутствии катионных поверхностно-активных веществ, а также их смеси с неионными и кремнийорганическими поверхностно-активными веществами. Полученные результаты сравниваются для распределения частиц по размерам и сделаны выводы об устойчивости полимерной суспензии. Размер частиц полимерных суспензий определяли методом фотонной корреляционной спектроскопии (динамического рассеяния света) с использованием лазерного анализатора частиц. Этот метод позволяет рассматривать свойства полученных полимерных суспензий и непосредственно делать выводы о влиянии природы и концентрации поверхностно-активных веществ на стабильность полученных латексов. Можно предположить, что в этом случае в поверхностных слоях частиц образуются структурно-механический и электростатический барьеры, совместное действие которых позволило получить стабильные полимерные эмульсии. Таким образом, можно сделать вывод, что используемые смеси поверхностно-активных веществ позволяют повысить стабильность искусственных латексов на стадиях эмульгирования и отгонк


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    The article presents the results of a comparative study of the variability of the biochemical composition of the fruits of six cultivars introduced in Belarus: Oxycoccus macrocarpus (Ait.) Pers. – Stevens, Bain Favorit, Hiliston, Holistar Red, Stankovic and WSU 108 during contrast moistening seasons. It has been established that the least pronounced intersectional differences are characterized by the parameters of accumulation in the fruits of dry substances, ascorbic and hydroxycinnamic acids, as well as the total amount of antoniated pigments and bioflavonoids in general, while of most significance are the sugar-dependent concentration and the content of soluble sugars, pectins, leucoanthocyanins and flavonols. It is shown that in the taxonomic series of large-fruited cranberries the Stankovich cultivar was characterized by the greatest resistance of the biochemical composition of the fruits to weather factors, while the lowest cultivar was Bain Favorit and especially Hiliston. Приведены результаты сравнительного исследования изменчивости биохимического состава плодов 6 новых интродуцированных в Беларуси сортов: Oxycoccus macrocarpus (Аit.) Рers. – Stevens, Bain Favorit, Hiliston, Holistar Red, Stankovich и WSU 108 в контрастные по режиму увлажнения сезоны. Установлено, что наименее выраженными межсезонными различиями характеризовались параметры накопления в плодах сухих веществ, аскорбиновой и гидроксикоричных кислот, а также общее количество антоциановых пигментов и биофлавоноидов в целом, тогда как наиболее значительными – показатель сахарокислотного индекса и содержание в них растворимых сахаров, пектиновых веществ, лейкоантоцианов и флавонолов. Показано, что в таксономическом ряду клюквы крупноплодной наибольшей устойчивостью биохимического состава плодов к погодным факторам характеризовался сорт Stankovich, тогда как наименьшей – сорта Bain Favorit и особенно Hiliston.

    Weighing stars from birth to death : mass determination methods across the HRD

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    Funding: C.A., J.S.G.M., and M.G.P. received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 670519: MAMSIE). N.B. gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Royal Society (University Research Fellowships) and from the European Research Council (ERC-CoG-646928, Multi-Pop).The mass of a star is the most fundamental parameter for its structure, evolution, and final fate. It is particularly important for any kind of stellar archaeology and characterization of exoplanets. There exist a variety of methods in astronomy to estimate or determine it. In this review we present a significant number of such methods, beginning with the most direct and model-independent approach using detached eclipsing binaries. We then move to more indirect and model-dependent methods, such as the quite commonly used isochrone or stellar track fitting. The arrival of quantitative asteroseismology has opened a completely new approach to determine stellar masses and to complement and improve the accuracy of other methods. We include methods for different evolutionary stages, from the pre-main sequence to evolved (super)giants and final remnants. For all methods uncertainties and restrictions will be discussed. We provide lists of altogether more than 200 benchmark stars with relative mass accuracies between [0.3 ,2 ]% for the covered mass range of M ∈[0.1 ,16 ] M⊙ , 75 % of which are stars burning hydrogen in their core and the other 25 % covering all other evolved stages. We close with a recommendation how to combine various methods to arrive at a "mass-ladder" for stars.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Weighing stars from birth to death: mass determination methods across the HRD

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    The mass of a star is the most fundamental parameter for its structure, evolution, and final fate. It is particularly important for any kind of stellar archaeology and characterization of exoplanets. There exists a variety of methods in astronomy to estimate or determine it. In this review we present a significant number of such methods, beginning with the most direct and model-independent approach using detached eclipsing binaries. We then move to more indirect and model-dependent methods, such as the quite commonly used isochrone or stellar track fitting. The arrival of quantitative asteroseismology has opened a completely new approach to determine stellar masses and to complement and improve the accuracy of other methods. We include methods for different evolutionary stages, from the pre-main sequence to evolved (super)giants and final remnants. For all methods uncertainties and restrictions will be discussed. We provide lists of altogether more than 200 benchmark stars with relative mass accuracies between [0.3,2]%[0.3,2]\% for the covered mass range of M\in [0.1,16]\,\msun, 75%75\% of which are stars burning hydrogen in their core and the other 25%25\% covering all other evolved stages. We close with a recommendation how to combine various methods to arrive at a "mass-ladder" for stars.Comment: Invited review article for The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review. 146 pages, 16 figures, 11 tables. Accepted version by the Journal. It includes summary figure of accuracy/precision of methods for mass ranges and summary table for individual method