50 research outputs found
The development of a model for integrated management of port services from the aspect of quality, environmental protection and safety
Osnovni cilj doktorske disertacije jeste da se pomoću savremenih naučnih
metoda i pristupa razvije model sa kojim se definiše novi model integracije u
sistemy upravljanja, utvrđivanjem potrebnih praktičnih pojmova realnih sistema
koji najčešće funkcionišu u pomorskoj praksi u oblasti integrisanih sistema
menadžmenta (IMS) sa aspekta sigurnosti i bezbjednosti plovila i luka. Predmet
istraživanja su pomorske, a posebno lučke usluge, kroz definisanje internih i
eksternih prednosti uvođenjem integrisanih sistema menadžmenta. Istraživanje će se
realizovati kroz teorijska i primjenjena istraživanja na analizi studije slučajeva na
primjeru kompanije Luke Kotor AD.
Predmet rada je integrisano upravljanje lučkim uslugama. Polaz je analiza
postojećeg stanja i odvijanja procesa prije i poslije uplovljavanja broda u luku. Kao
reprezent je izabrana Luka Kotor zbog veće složenosti, značenja za nacionalnu
privredu Crne Gore i pristupa podacima.
Drugi aspekt problema istraživanja je problem integracije različitih
sistema menadžmenta u okviru postojeće poslovne strategije. Primenom Hoshin Kanri
pristupa, definisana je strategija koja se transformisala u strategiju IMS-a, iz koje
će se definisati ključni procesi i zahtevi za unapređenje istih.
Treći aspekt analize problema istraživanja odnosi se na ključne procese, za
koje je izrađena metrika IMS-a i isti povezati sa poslovnim performansama.
Četvrti aspekt problema istraživanja je problem unapređenja i odnosi se na
održivost luke i lučkih usluga u turbulentnom poslovnom okruženju, posmatrano iz
ugla primjene strategije IMS-a.
Peti aspekt problema istraživanja odnosi se na simulacioni model, u čijem
parametarskom dijelu su pridruženi različiti skupovi i vrijednosti parametara. U
deklarativnom dijelu modela definisana je statička struktura koja je dala optimalne
vrijednosti rezultata simulacionog modela.The main objective of this research is development of a model by using modern
scientific methods and approaches, that defines a new model of integration into the system
management, by determing the requisite practical terms of real systems usually operate in
maritime practice in the field of integrated management systems (IMS) from the aspect of
safety and security of vessels and ports. The subject of investigation are maritime, and
especially port services, through defining of the internal and external advantages, by
introduction integrated systems of management. The research will be implemented through
theoretical and applied research of the analysis of case studies on the example of the
company Port of Kotor H. Co.
The work subject is integrated management of port services. The starting point is
analysis of the current state and flow of the process before and after the entering of the ship in
the port. The Port of Kotor is chosen as a representative port because of the complexity, the
importance for the national economy of Montenegro and the data access.
Another aspect of the research is the problem of integration of different management
systems within the existing business strategy. By applying the Hoshin Kanri approach, it is
defined a strategy that is transformed in the the strategy of IMS, which will be used to
determine the key processes and requirements for the improvement.
The third aspect of the analysis of treated problem refers to the key processes, for
which is made IMS metrics and which are linked with business performances.
The fourth aspect of the treated problem is the problem of improvement and refers to
the port sustainability and port services within the turbulent bussiness environment, from the
viewpoint of the application the IMS strategy.
The fifth aspect of the treated problem refers to the simulation model, in which
parameter part are assigned different sets of parameters and values of parameters. In the
declarative part of the model the static structure is defined which gave the optimal values of
the results of the simulation model
Application of a widely-used tropical anti-worm agent, mebendazole, in modern oncology
Although clinical trials have not been completed, it has already been confirmed that mebendazole, a well-known anti-parasitic drug widely used in the tropical areas, inhibits cancer cell growth. Preclinical studies show that mebendazole notably impedes the growth of malignant and metastatic tumors such as osteosarcoma and soft tissue sarcoma, melanoma, carcinoma (lung, colorectal, breast, ovarian, hepatocellular and adrenocortical), acute myeloid leukaemia, glioblastoma multiforme and meduloblastoma. Mebendazole can induce the depolymerization of microtubules in neoplasms and newly formed vasculature, stopping tumor growth and neoangiogenesis, along with other proposed mechanisms of action.Keywords: Anthelmintic, Mebendazole, Cancer treatment, Antimicrotubullar effect, Antineoangiogenesi
Chemical changes caused by air drying of fresh plum fruits
Drying of fresh plums may provide an excellent delicacy, but such technological process
is inevitably followed by certain chemical changes. Three plum cultivars were dried at two
different temperatures (70°C and 90°C), and the effect of drying procedure on total anthocyanins,
flavonoids, phenolics, selected bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity were monitored.
Polyphenolic compounds suffered strong changes, depending on the applied drying temperature.
Drying procedure at both 70°C and 90°C influenced to a great extent for total polyphenolic
content in the fresh plums of ‘Čačanska Rodna’ (1.8 and 2.1-fold increase, respectively). The
identical drying conditions showed almost no influence on plums of ‘Stanley’, while drying
‘Mildora’ at 70°C resulted in significant decrease, but higher temperature caused the opposite
effect. Statistical analysis showed high correlation between polyphenolic content and antioxidant
activity, in all tested cultivars and for both fresh plums and prunes. Caffeoylquinic acids and
caffeic acids suffered certain changes depending on the cultivar and temperature applied.
Anthocyanins completely disappeared after drying. Although drying of fresh plums prompted
severe chemical changes, prunes might be considered as functional food due to the high level
of antioxidant.chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/http://www.ifrj.upm.edu.my/26%20(04)%202019/9%20-%20IFRJ181411.R1-Final.pd
Supplementary data for article : Panic, V. V.; Seslija, S. I.; Popovic, I. G.; Spasojevic, V. D.; Popovic, A. R.; Nikolic, V. B.; Spasojevic, P. M. Simple One-Pot Synthesis of Fully Biobased Unsaturated Polyester Resins Based on Itaconic Acid. Biomacromolecules 2017, 18 (12), 3881–3891. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.biomac.7b00840
Supporting information for: [https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.biomac.7b00840]Related to published version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2568]Related to accepted version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3058
An integrated SWOT–extended PIPRECIA model for identifying key determinants of tourism development: The case of Serbia
This paper proposes a new integrated model based on SWOT and extended PIvot Pairwise RElative Criteria Importance Assessment (PIPRECIA) that offers a systematic approach to strategic planning in tourism. The applicability of the proposed integrated model is demonstrated through a case study defining the main determinants of tourism development in Serbia. The result emphasizes the strategy Improving the organization, management, and enhancement of tourism development as the highest priority for implementation. The model facilitates decision-making in tourism, and its key advantages are its suitability for application in group decision-making and its simplicity
Production of three-dimensional parts in 3D printing process gains growing importance in various fields, such as: aviation and car industry, architecture, medicine, dentistry, etc. Mechanical performance is an important users’ requirement for manufacturers of 3D printed parts. Furthermore, printed part highly depends on process parameters, position and orientation of the printed part, and performances of the 3D printer which prints the part. In this paper, based on experimental results, an artificial neural network has been used for modeling the dependence of process parameters and object orientation during printing, on the one side, and tensile strength as very important mechanical performance, on the other side. After establishing abovementioned dependence, the developed neural network has been used as a fitness function for the genetic algorithm while the genetic algorithm has been created for the optimization process. The result of optimization process was a set of optimal process parameters and part orientation giving the maximum tensile strength. The results have shown acceptable potential of the developed methodology for optimizing the 3D printing process as a complex engineering problem
Methodology of Selecting Optimal Fare System for Public Transport of Passengers
According to the European Committee (EC) on Transport, the future road transport strategy lies in creating a strong road transport sector which is based on a well-functioning internal market, fair competition and workers’ rights, decarbonization, and use of digital technologies. Urban and suburban passenger transportation systems, according to the principles of the EC, have a key role in achieving the goal of sustainable development and sustainable transport in cities. The fare, ticketing, and payment modes have a significant impact on public urban transport systems, primarily in terms of collecting transport service fees, and represent the basic source of financing of such systems, in addition to subsidies and grants from city budgets. This paper presents the selection methodology of the optimal fare system for urban public transport, applicable for all cities with an organized public city passenger transport (PCPT) system. Based on the established criteria with respect to setting tariff limits and fare systems, passenger demand, and the enterprise organizing the transport, the tariff system was selected. The presented method is that of multi- criteria optimization of the tariff system with numerical results on the example of the City of Novi Sad
Contribution to knowledge of the vascular flora of the Resava Gorge, Eastern Serbia
The Resava Gorge is situated in Eastern Serbia in the region of the Gornja Resava River, extending westward from Mt. Globski Krš to the town of Lisine. In floral research conducted during 1997 and 1998, 297 taxa of vascular flora belonging to 68 families were discovered. The families Poaceae (28), Asteraceae (21), Fabaceae (20) and Lamiaceae (19) were best represented. The presence of 49 floral elements was also noted. The greatest number of plants are sub-Central European (18,86 %), Eurasian (14,14 %), sub-Mediterranean (8,75 %), Central European (6,40 %) and sub- Eurasian (6,40 %). As for life forms, hemi-cryptophytes (49,50 %), phanerophytes (19,53 %) and geophytes (11,11 %) were noted as dominant.Resavska klisura se nalazi u predelu Gornje Resave i prostire se od Globskog krša na istoku do varošice Lisine na zapadu. Floristička istraživanja na ovom području vršena su tokom 1997. i 1998. godine, kada je zabeleženo 297 vrsta vaskularnih biljaka svrstanih u 68 familija. Najveći broj vrsta pripada familijama Poaceae (28), Asteraceae (21), Fabaceae (20) i Lamiaceae (19). Konstatovano je prisustvo 49 flornih elemenata, od kojih su najzastupljeniji subsrednjeevropski (18,86 %), evroazijski (14,14 %), submediteranski (8,75 %), srednjeevropski (6,40 %) i subevroazijski (6,40 %). U spektru životnih formi dominiraju hemikriptofite (49,50 %), fanerofite (19,53 %) i geofite (11,11 %). Veliki procenat drvenastih vrsta u ovom regionu, ukazuje na polidominantnu strukturu i na reliktnost biljnih zajednica.nul
Potential health benefits of blueberry and raspberry pomace as functional food ingredients: Dietetic intervention study on healthy women volunteers
The fruit juice industry generates pomace as a valuable by-product especially rich in polyphenols, dietary fibers, vitamins, minerals, and unsaturated fatty acids. In the cookies used in this study, 30% of the gluten-free flour was replaced with dried and ground blueberry and raspberry pomace, rich source of polyphenols, dietary fibers, linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid. In order to examine whether the addition of blueberry and raspberry pomace in cookie formulation can have beneficial effects on certain blood parameters and anthropometric measurements, the designed cookies were tested in 20 healthy, normally fed female subjects, aged 30–50 years (41.35 ± 8.58 years) over four-week dietetic intervention study. Significant changes in the composition of fatty acids serum phospholipids, decrease in LDL-cholesterol level (20.16%), increase in adiponectin level (25.52%) and decrease in ALT and AST values were observed, thus indicating that inclusion of cookies containing blueberry and raspberry dried and ground pomace to usual diet might have positive effects on certain cardiovascular risk factors and liver function indicators
Supplementary data for article : Panic, V. V.; Seslija, S. I.; Popovic, I. G.; Spasojevic, V. D.; Popovic, A. R.; Nikolic, V. B.; Spasojevic, P. M. Simple One-Pot Synthesis of Fully Biobased Unsaturated Polyester Resins Based on Itaconic Acid. Biomacromolecules 2017, 18 (12), 3881–3891. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.biomac.7b00840
Supporting information for: [https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.biomac.7b00840]Related to published version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2568]Related to accepted version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3058