35 research outputs found

    Descartes' Conception of the First Principles

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    Descartes' Conception of the First Principles RNDr. Bc. Pavel KŘÍŽEK Master's degree thesis, Prague, June 2017 Summary In this Master's thesis, seven interpretations of Descartes' Cogito are reviewed. The introductory chapter presents a brief explanation of the origin and development of Descartes' views on the role of the first philosophical principles, in fact, the principles of certain knowledge, that is, principles understood by him as the necessary and indispensable starting point for laying the foundations of all science. First - naturally - Descartes' own diverse formulations of Cogito are reproduced. Then, based on relevant text and (their) broader context, all Descartes' necessary concepts and terms concerning Cogito are systematically explained. The second chapter, which is the core of the entire study, contains short reviews of seven interpretations of Descartes' Cogito as presented in a number of established academic publications as well as in more recent papers. Every review is then briefly commented on. The authors of the seven interpretations were chosen to show the differences in understanding and explaining Descartes' first principle, as established on the European continent by the philosophical traditions of German-speaking countries, beginning with Hegel's attitude towards Descartes, on...Descartovo pojetí prvních principů RNDr. Bc. Pavel KŘÍŽEK Diplomová magisterská práce, Praha, červen 2017 Resumé V předložené magisterské práci je probráno sedm interpretací Descartova Cogito. Přípravná první kapitola podává stručné vysvětlení původu a vývoje Descartových názorů na roli prvních filosofických principů a vůbec principů jistého vědění, tedy principů chápaných Descartem jako nezbytné a nepostradatelné východisko pro položení základů veškeré vědy. Na úplném začátku, jak snad lze považovat za přirozené, jsou reprodukovány rozdílné Descartovy formulace Cogito. Poté jsou na textovém základě systematicky ve svém širším kontextu vysvětleny všechny potřebné Descartovy pojmy a termíny týkající se Cogito. Druhá kapitola obsahuje hlavní část celé práce, tj. krátký přehled sedmi interpretací Cogito, jak jsou podávány v některých zavedených akademických publika- cích i novějších časopiseckých pracích. Po podání přehledu každé interpretace následuje náš vlastní komentář. Autoři těchto sedmi interpretací byli vybráni s úmyslem ukázat rozdíly mezi interpretacemi Descartova prvního principu, jak se ustálily na evropském kontinentě pod vlivem filosofické tradice zemí, kde se mluví německy, započaté Hegelovým postojem k Descartovi, a stanovisky zastávanými v novějších pracích, které se začaly objevovat v...Katedra filozofieDepartment of PhilosophyKatolická teologická fakultaCatholic Theological Facult

    Can Arginine Inhibit Insulin Aggregation? A Combined Protein Crystallography, Capillary Electrophoresis, and Molecular Simulation Study

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    The oligomeric state of the storage form of human insulin in the pancreas, which may be affected by several endogenous components of β-cell storage granules such as arginine, is not known. Here, the effect of arginine on insulin oligomerization is investigated independently by protein crystallography, molecular dynamics simulations, and capillary electrophoresis. The combined results point to a strong effect of ionic strength on insulin assembly. Molecular simulations and electrophoretic measurements at low/mM salt concentrations show no significant effect of arginine on insulin aggregation. In contrast, crystallographic data at high/molar ionic strength indicate inhibition of insulin hexamerization by arginine due to its binding at the site relevant for intermolecular contacts, which was also observed in MD simulations. Our results thus bracket the in vivo situation in pancreatic β-cell storage granules, where the ionic strength is estimated to be in the hundreds of millimolar to submolar range. The present findings add to a molecular understanding of in vivo insulin oligomerization and storage, with additional implications for insulin stability in arginine-rich injections

    Why does DNA have three terminal triplets and only one initial triplet?

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    Descartes' Conception of the First Principles

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    Descartes' Conception of the First Principles RNDr. Bc. Pavel KŘÍŽEK Master's degree thesis, Prague, June 2017 Summary In this Master's thesis, seven interpretations of Descartes' Cogito are reviewed. The introductory chapter presents a brief explanation of the origin and development of Descartes' views on the role of the first philosophical principles, in fact, the principles of certain knowledge, that is, principles understood by him as the necessary and indispensable starting point for laying the foundations of all science. First - naturally - Descartes' own diverse formulations of Cogito are reproduced. Then, based on relevant text and (their) broader context, all Descartes' necessary concepts and terms concerning Cogito are systematically explained. The second chapter, which is the core of the entire study, contains short reviews of seven interpretations of Descartes' Cogito as presented in a number of established academic publications as well as in more recent papers. Every review is then briefly commented on. The authors of the seven interpretations were chosen to show the differences in understanding and explaining Descartes' first principle, as established on the European continent by the philosophical traditions of German-speaking countries, beginning with Hegel's attitude towards Descartes, on..

    Coaching - Perception and Prediction

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    Hlavním cílem mé práce je zjistit atraktivitu coachingu a názor na něj mezi studenty Vysoké školy ekonomické v Praze pomocí kvantitativního výzkumu. Názory studentů poté porovnat s názory lidí, kteří jsou jiţ začleněni do pracovního procesu a s coachingem mají praktické zkušenosti. Jejich názory zjistím pomocí kvalitativního výzkumu. Díky porovnání lze vytvořit určitou predikci, jakým způsobem se bude zájem o coaching vyvíjet, formulovat, jak si vybrat coache, identifikovat slabé a silné stránky coachingu spolu s nutnými předpoklady pro začátek spolupráce s coachem, a zjistit, zda je preference na straně ţivotního, individuálního nebo týmového coachingu. Ze získaných dat lze formulovat i doporučení pro management, při jakých situacích lidé stojí o to, coaching vyuţívat.The main objective of my thesis is to discover the atractivity of coaching and what students of the University of Economics think about the subject using quantitative research. Then compare student's opinions with opinions of people who are already in the working process and have practical experience with coaching. I will find out their opinion using quantitative research. Comparison allows creation of a certain prediction of in which direction will the interest in coaching develop, give advice how to choose a coach, identify strenghts and weaknesses of coaching with essential assumptions for starting a cooperation with a coach and get to know if the preference is on life, individual or team coaching. From all the gathered data is possible to create an advice for management, in which situations people tent to use coaching

    The solution of the deliveries of purchased components

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    Smyslem mé diplomové práce je stanovit optimální variantu dodávky vybraného vzorku dílů na montážní linku formy Škoda Auto. V první variantě posuzuji možnost interních sekvencí prováděné firmou Škoda Auto. Ve druhé variantě se zabývám možností externích sekvencí, které by byly u částí dílů provedeny metodou JIT a pro zbytek by byla využita externí logistická firmy. V závěru přináším ekonomické posouzení jednotlivých variant

    Proofs for the Existence of God in Descartes' Principles of Philosophy

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    Proofs for the Existence of God in Descartes' Principles of Philosophy Summary In present bachelor's degree work, a short review of Descartes' arguments for the God's existence is given. After a brief explanation of the structure of Descartes' system and of the basic philosophical terms used by Descartes in his works, the fundamental role of arguments for the God's existence in developing of Descartes' system is described. This introduction makes the reader familiar with the subject of the present work; the individual versions of Descartes' arguments are presented in a concise form. Then the Priniciples' version of the arguments is shown in comparison with other versions, first of all, with that ones from Meditations. The ontological argument is attended and it's simplicity is noted, particularly in Principles. It is shown a close connection between Descartes and the scholastic tradition consisting in Descartes's using and developing of a unique, sophisticated solution of the traditional problem of relation between essence and existence of finite beings (the theory of rational distinction), extended by Descartes to the nonfinite substance as well. The effectiveness of this version of the ontological argument makes it, at least partly, resistant to a whole set of the most common objections including the..

    Trh práce na okresu Mladá Boleslav

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