130 research outputs found

    Nanowire assembly, e.g. for optical probes, comprises optically trapping high aspect ratio semiconductor nanowire with infrared single-beam optical trap and attaching nanowire to organic or inorganic structure

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    NOVELTY - A nanowire assembly method comprises optically trapping a semiconductor nanowire with an infrared single-beam optical trap and attaching the nanowire to an organic or inorganic structure by laser fusing. The nanowire is further trapped in a fluid environment. The optical trap has a beam wavelength of 1064 nm. The nanowire has an aspect ratio greater than 100 and a diameter less than 100 (preferably less than 80) nm. The nanowire and the organic or inorganic structure form a heterostructure. USE - For fabricating a nanowire assembly for use as e.g. active photonic devices, passive photonic devices, optical probes, subwavelength microscopy. ADVANTAGE - Nanowires with diameters as small as 20 nm and aspect ratios of above one hundred can be trapped and transported in three dimensions, enabling the construction of nanowire architectures which may function in various capacities. Nanowire structures can now be assembled in physiological environments, offering new forms of chemical, mechanical and optical stimulation of living cells. DETAILED DESCRIPTION - An INDEPENDENT CLAIM is included for a nanowire assembly comprising a nanowire and an organic or inorganic structure or an arbitrary structure. DESCRIPTION OF DRAWING(S) - The figure shows a schematic diagram of an optical tweezers instrument for nanowire trapping

    Tunable nanowire nonlinear optical probe

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    One crucial challenge for subwavelength optics has been the development of a tunable source of coherent laser radiation for use in the physical, information and biological sciences that is stable at room temperature and physiological conditions. Current advanced near-field imaging techniques using fibre-optic scattering probes(1,2) have already achieved spatial resolution down to the 20-nm range. Recently reported far-field approaches for optical microscopy, including stimulated emission depletion(3), structured illumination(4), and photoactivated localization microscopy(5), have enabled impressive, theoretically unlimited spatial resolution of fluorescent bio-molecular complexes. Previous work with laser tweezers(6-8) has suggested that optical traps could be used to create novel spatial probes and sensors. Inorganic nanowires have diameters substantially below the wavelength of visible light and have electronic and optical properties(9,10) that make them ideal for subwavelength laser and imaging technology. Here we report the development of an electrode-free, continuously tunable coherent visible light source compatible with physiological environments, from individual potassium niobate (KNbO3) nanowires. These wires exhibit efficient second harmonic generation, and act as frequency converters, allowing the local synthesis of a wide range of colours via sum and difference frequency generation. We use this tunable nanometric light source to implement a novel form of subwavelength microscopy, in which an infrared laser is used to optically trap and scan a nanowire over a sample, suggesting a wide range of potential applications in physics, chemistry, materials science and biology

    Thick target preparation and isolation of 186Re from high current production via the 186W(d,2n)186Re reaction

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    Rhenium-186 has a half-life (t1/2 = 3.72 days) and emission of both gamma and beta particles that make it very attractive for use as a theranostic agent in targeted radionuclide therapy. 186Re can be readily prepared by the 185Re(n,Îł)186Re reac-tion1. However, that reaction results in low specific activity, severely limiting the use of reactor produced 186Re in radiopharmaceuticals. It has previously been shown that high specific activity 186Re can be produced by cyclotron irradiations of 186W with protons and deuterons2,3. In this investigation we evaluated the 186W(d,2n)186Re reaction using thick target irradiations at higher incident deuteron energies and beam currents than previously reported. We elected not to use copper or aluminum foils in the preparation of our 186W targets due to their activation in the deuteron beam, so part of the investigation was an evaluation of an alternate method for preparing thick targets that withstand ÎŒA beam currents. Irradiation of 186W. Initial thick targets (~600-1100 mg) were prepared using 96.86% enriched 186W by hydraulic pressing (6.9 MPa) of tungsten metal powder into an aluminum target support. Those thick targets were irradiated for 10 minu-tes at 10 ”A with nominal extracted deuteron energies of 15, 17, 20, 22, and 24 MeV. Isolation of 186Re. Irradiated targets were dissolved with H2O2 and basified with (NH4)2CO3 prior to separation using column(s) of ~100–300 mg Analig Tc-02 resin. Columns were washed with (NH4)2CO3 and the rhenium was eluted with ~80˚C H2O. Gamma-ray spectroscopy was per-formed to assess production yields, extraction yields, and radionuclidic byproducts. Recycling target material. When tested on a natural abundance W target, recovery of the oxidized WO4- target material from the resin was found to proceed rapidly with the addition of 4M HCl in the form of hydrated WO3. The excess water in the WO3 was then removed by calcination at 800 °C for 4 hours. This material was found to undergo reduction to metallic W at elevated temperatures (~1550 °C) in a tube furnace under an inert atmosphere (Ar). Quanti-fication of % reduction and composition analyses were accomplished with SEM, EDS, and XRD and were used to characterize and compare both the WO3 and reduced Wmetal products to a sample of commercially available material. Structural enhancement by surface annealing. In some experiments ~1 g WO3 pellets were prepared from Wmetal that had been chemically treated to simulate the target material recovery process described above. Following calcination, the WO3 was allowed to cool to ambient temperature, pulverized with a mortar and pestle and then uniaxially pressed at 13.8 MPa into 13 mm pellets. Conversion of the WO3 back to Wmetal in pellet form was accomplished in a tube furnace under flowing Ar at 1550 °C for 8 hours. Material characterization and product composition analyses were conducted with SEM, EDS, and XRD spectroscopy. Graphite-encased W targets. Irradiations were conducted at 20 ÎŒA with a nominal extracted deuteron energy of 17 MeV using thick targets (~750 mg) of natural abundance tungsten metal powder uniaxially pressed into an aluminum target support between layers of graphite pow-der (100 mg on top, 50 mg on the bottom). Targets were then dissolved as previously described and preliminary radiochemical isola-tion yields obtained by counting in a dose calibrator. Although irradiations of W targets were possible at 10 ÎŒA currents, difficulties were encountered in maintaining the structural integrity of the full-thickness pressed target pellets under higher beam currents. This led to further investigation of the target design for irradiations conducted at higher beam currents. Comprehensive target material characterization via analysis by SEM, EDS, XRD, and Raman Spectroscopy allowed for a complete redesign of the target maximizing the structural integrity of the pressed target pellet without impacting production or isolation. At the 10 A current, target mass loss following irradiation of an enriched 186W target was < 1 % and typical separation yields in excess of 70 % were observed. Saturated yields and percent of both 183Re (tÂœ = 70 days) and 184gRe (tÂœ = 35 days) relative to 186gRe (decay corrected to EOB) are reported in TABLE 1 below. The reason for the anomalously low yield at 24 MeV is unknown, but might be explained by poor beam alignment and/or rhenium volatility during irradiation. Under these irradiation conditions, recovery yields of the W target material from the recycling process were found to be in excess of 90% with no discernable differences noted when compared to commercially available Wmetal and WO3. Conceptually, increasing the structural integrity of pressed WO3 targets by high temperature heat treatment under an inert atmosphere is intriguing. However, the treated pellets lacked both density and structural stability resulting in disintegration upon manipulation , despite the initially encouraging energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) determination that 94.9% percent of the WO3 material in each pellet had been reduced to metallic W. The use of powdered graphite as a target stabi-lizing agent provided successful irradiation of natural abundance W under conditions where non-stabilized targets failed (20 ”A at 17 MeV for 10 minutes). Target mass loss following irradiation of a natW target was < 1 % and a separation yield in excess of 97 % was obtained. In conclusion, the theranostic radionuclide 186Re was produced in thick targets via the 186W(d,2n) reaction. It was found that pressed W metal could be used for beam currents of 10 ÎŒA or less. For deuteron irradiations at higher beam currents, a method involving pressing W metal between two layers of graphite provides increased target stability. Both target configurations allow high recovery of radioactivity from the W target material, and a solid phase extraction method allows good recovery of 186Re. An effective approach to the recycling of enriched W has been developed using elevated temperature under an inert atmosphere. Further studies are underway with 186W targets sandwiched by graphite to assess 186Re production yields, levels of contaminant radiorhenium, power deposition, and enriched 186W material requirements under escalated irradiation conditions (20 ”A and 17 MeV for up to 2 hours)

    Wave-guided optical waveguides

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    This work primarily aims to fabricate and use two photon polymerization (2PP) microstructures capable of being optically manipulated into any arbitrary orientation. We have integrated optical waveguides into the structures and therefore have freestanding waveguides, which can be positioned anywhere in the sample at any orientation using optical traps. One of the key aspects to the work is the change in direction of the incident plane wave, and the marked increase in the numerical aperture demonstrated. Hence, the optically steered waveguide can tap from a relatively broader beam and then generate a more tightly confined light at its tip. The paper contains both simulation, related to the propagation of light through the waveguide, and experimental demonstrations using our BioPhotonics Workstation. In a broader context, this work shows that optically trapped microfabricated structures can potentially help bridge the diffraction barrier. This structure-mediated paradigm may be carried forward to open new possibilities for exploiting beams from far-field optics down to the subwavelength domain. (C)2012 Optical Society of Americ

    Investigating the use of a hybrid plasmonic–photonic nanoresonator for optical trapping using finite-difference time-domain method

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    We investigate the use of a hybrid nanoresonator comprising a photonic crystal (PhC) cavity coupled to a plasmonic bowtie nanoantenna (BNA) for the optical trapping of nanoparticles in water. Using finite difference time-domain simulations, we show that this structure can confine light to an extremely small volume of ~30,000 nm3 (~30 zl) in the BNA gap whilst maintaining a high quality factor (5400–7700). The optical intensity inside the BNA gap is enhanced by a factor larger than 40 compared to when the BNA is not present above the PhC cavity. Such a device has potential applications in optical manipulation, creating high precision optical traps with an intensity gradient over a distance much smaller than the diffraction limit, potentially allowing objects to be confined to much smaller volumes and making it ideal for optical trapping of Rayleigh particles (particles much smaller than the wavelength of light)

    Optical trapping and integration of semiconductor nanowire assemblies in water

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    Semiconductor nanowires have received much attention owing to their potential use as building blocks of miniaturized electrical(1), nanofluidic(2) and optical devices(3). Although chemical nanowire synthesis procedures have matured and now yield nanowires with specific compositions(4) and growth directions(5), the use of these materials in scientific, biomedical and microelectronic applications is greatly restricted owing to a lack of methods to assemble nanowires into complex heterostructures with high spatial and angular precision. Here we show that an infrared single-beam optical trap can be used to individually trap, transfer and assemble high-aspect-ratio semiconductor nanowires into arbitrary structures in a fluid environment. Nanowires with diameters as small as 20 nm and aspect ratios of more than 100 can be trapped and transported in three dimensions, enabling the construction of nanowire architectures that may function as active photonic devices. Moreover, nanowire structures can now be assembled in physiological environments, offering new forms of chemical, mechanical and optical stimulation of living cells
