129 research outputs found

    Perception of Competence in Male and Female Pilots: Between Group Differences

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    This study investigated the relationship between gender and competence as perceived by pilots. Scenarios were utilized that depicted an airline captain successfully landing an airplane amidst adverse conditions. Scenarios varied only by the gender of the Captain: male, female, or unspecified by variance of pilot name. Perceived effectiveness, competence, avoidance, blame, and attribution as depicted by the Captain\u27s performance in the scenario were assessed by 30 male and 30 female certified flight instructors. Results showed that female flight instructors\u27 ratings of avoidance ability and attribution for success differed from male flight instructors. Attribution for blame differences between scenario conditions was also found. No significant gender or scenario differences occurred for ratings of effectiveness or competence

    Synthesis of Potential Metallo-β-Lactamase Inhibitors

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    Oppgaven omhandler syntesen av mulige metallo-beta-lactamaser inhibitorer

    Effect of Different Degrees of Hydrogenated Fish Oil on Intestinal Carcinogenesis in Min/+ mice

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    Intake of trans fatty acids from hydrogenated fish oils has been related to increased risk of coronary heart diseases. The possible effect on colorectal carcinogenesis is unclear. Materials and Methods: Multiple intestinal neoplasia (Min/+) mice were fed one of four experimental diets: either raw fish oil (FO), low (LHFO)-, high (HHFO)- or fully-hydrogenated fish oil (FFHO), from 0 to 9 weeks of age. The number and size of intestinal tumors were recorded. Results: There was no difference between the intervention groups in the numbers of developed intestinal tumors. The tumor size was statistically significantly lower in HHFO vs. the FO-group in male Min/+ mice. The HHFO and FHFO groups had lower weight gain than did the FO group (p=0.008 and p=0.04, respectively), but gender differences, due to effect of dietary intervention on weight gain, were found in Min/+ mice. Conclusion: When compared with raw fish oil, different degrees of hydrogenation of the fish oil had no effect on intestinal carcinogenesis in Min/+ mice

    The marine natural product mimic MPM-1 is cytolytic and induces DAMP release from human cancer cell lines

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    Bioprospecting contributes to the discovery of new molecules with anticancer properties. Compounds with cytolytic activity and the ability to induce immunogenic cell death can be administered as intratumoral injections with the aim to activate anti-tumor immune responses by causing the release of tumor antigens as well as damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) from dying cancer cells. In the present study, we report the cytolytic and DAMP-releasing efects of a new natural product mimic termed MPM-1 that was inspired by the marine Eusynstyelamides. We found that MPM-1 rapidly killed cancer cells in vitro by inducing a necrosis-like death, which was accompanied by lysosomal swelling and perturbation of autophagy in HSC-3 (human oral squamous cell carcinoma) cells. MPM-1 also induced release of the DAMPs adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) from Ramos (B-cell lymphoma) and HSC-3 cells, as well as cell surface expression of calreticulin in HSC-3 cells. This indicates that MPM-1 has the ability to induce immunogenic cell death, further suggesting that it may have potential as a novel anticancer compound

    Entwicklung der Biokristallisation für die Unterscheidung von Proben mittels computerunterstützter Texturanalyse und visueller Bildauswertung

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    Because of the growing market in organic produce screening methods are needed which allow the characterization of the food. Since many years the so called biocrystallization technique has been used to characterize products derived from different farming systems yet the method was not validated. The results of our investigations in the last three years show that the method can fulfill the requirements for the validation process due to international standards. The sample preparation and the crystallization procedures could be standardised and documented. For the crystallization factors of influence were described and controlled. In addition to the traditionally used visual evaluation a new computerized image texture analysis program was succesfully applied. Furthermore visual evaluation was standardized due to international norms used in sensory analysis. With a panel of trained people, crystal patterns from fresh and freeze dried carrot samples can be differentiated as statistically significant. This is a siginificant step forward because this allows the development of a structure analysis programme and will contribute to connect the different approaches within the researches in this field

    Jord og vannovervåking i landbruket JOVA. Hotranelva 2009

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    Dyrket areal i nedbørfeltet til Hotran domineres av kornproduksjon, med betydelig innslag av eng og beite. Konsentrasjoner målt i Hotranelva viser at elva er preget av høye nivåer med fosfor, nitrogen og særlig partikler. Årsmiddelkonsentrasjonene av fosfor og nitrogen i 2009/10 er hhv. 264 μg/l og 4,0 mg/l, og vassdraget vurderes som i meget dårlig tilstand mht eutrofi jf tilstandsklassifiseringen i henhold til vannforskriften. Det er store årlige variasjoner i gjennomsnittskonsentrasjoner av fosfor. I 2009 var det flere og høyere funn av plantevernmidler enn tidligere, med funn i 8 av 10 prøver. Trifloksystrobin-metabolitt er svært giftig og ble påvist én gang over grenseverdien for både akutt (MF) og kronisk (AMF) miljøfarlighetsgrense

    Foredrag Øko2020, Tema Frukt og bær, Landbrukets Økologikongress 2020

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    Vi har samla slides fra foredraga holdt på Landbrukets Økologikonferanse 2020 under tema Frukt og bær Øko2020 ble arranger 21 - 22. januar. Hovedtema for konferansen var jord. PROGRAM Frukt og bær (ikke alle foredrag er publisert) Tankar og erfaringar frå ein fruktdyrkar, Marianne Bøthun, Fresvik, Sogn Økologiske jordbær, Brit Mjåland, Inspirasjonsbonde, Marnadal i Agder Status, statistikk økologisk frukt og bær, Frøydis Linden, FM Vestland Regelverk, viktige punkter, Kristin Nymoen-Paulsen, NLR Vest Gjødsel for økologisk frukt og bær, Stanislav Strbac, NLR Viken Økologisk frukt, Gaute Myren, NLR Viken Økologisk jordbær, Jan Karstein Henriksen, NLR Agder Økologisk bringebær, Stanislav Strbac, NLR Viken Økologisk ribes, Sigrid Mogan, NLR Viken Planteverntiltak i økologisk frukt og bær, Sigrid Mogan, NLR Erfaring med blomsterrabatter i frukt og bær i Sverige, Elisabeth Ögren, Jordbruksverket, Sverige NLRs rådgivingstilbud, Sigrid Mogan, NL

    Tailored anti-biofilm activity – Liposomal delivery for mimic of small antimicrobial peptide

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    The eradication of bacteria embedded in biofilms is among the most challenging obstacles in the management of chronic wounds. These biofilms are found in most chronic wounds; moreover, the biofilm-embedded bacteria are considerably less susceptible to conventional antimicrobial treatment than the planktonic bacteria. Antimicrobial peptides and their mimics are considered attractive candidates in the pursuit of novel therapeutic options for the treatment of chronic wounds and general bacterial eradication. However, some limitations linked to these membrane-active antimicrobials are making their clinical use challenging. Novel innovative delivery systems addressing these limitations represent a smart solution. We hypothesized that incorporation of a novel synthetic mimic of an antimicrobial peptide in liposomes could improve its anti-biofilm effect as well as the anti-inflammatory activity. The small synthetic mimic of an antimicrobial peptide, 7e-SMAMP, was incorporated into liposomes (~280 nm) tailored for skin wounds and evaluated for its potential activity against both biofilm formation and eradication of pre-formed biofilms. The 7e-SMAMP-liposomes significantly lowered inflammatory response in murine macrophages (~30 % reduction) without affecting the viability of macrophages or keratinocytes. Importantly, the 7e-SMAMP-liposomes completely eradicated biofilms produced by Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli above concentrations of 6.25 μg/mL, whereas in Pseudomonas aeruginosa the eradication reached 75 % at the same concentration. Incorporation of 7e-SMAMP in liposomes improved both the inhibition of biofilm formation as well as biofilm eradication in vitro, as compared to non-formulated antimicrobial, therefore confirming its potential as a novel therapeutic option for bacteria-infected chronic wounds

    Association of smoking and cancer with the risk of venous thromboembolism: the Scandinavian Thrombosis and Cancer cohort

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    Smoking is a well-established risk factor for cancer, and cancer patients have a high risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE). Conflicting results have been reported on the association between smoking and risk of VTE, and the effect of smoking on VTE-risk in subjects with cancer is scarcely studied. We aimed to investigate the association between smoking and VTE in subjects with and without cancer in a large population-based cohort. The Scandinavian Thrombosis and Cancer (STAC) cohort included 144,952 participants followed from 1993–1997 to 2008–2012. Information on smoking habits was derived from self-administered questionnaires. Active cancer was defined as the first two years following the date of cancer diagnosis. Former smokers (n = 35,890) and those with missing information on smoking status (n = 3680) at baseline were excluded. During a mean follow up of 11 years, 10,181 participants were diagnosed with cancer, and 1611 developed incident VTE, of which 214 were cancer-related. Smoking was associated with a 50% increased risk of VTE (HR 1.49, 95% CI 1.12–1.98) in cancer patients, whereas no association was found in cancer-free subjects (HR 1.07, 95% CI 0.96–1.20). In cancer patients, the risk of VTE among smokers remained unchanged after adjustment for cancer site and metastasis. Stratified analyses showed that smoking was a risk factor for VTE among those with smoking-related and advanced cancers. In conclusion, smoking was associated with increased VTE risk in subjects with active cancer, but not in those without cancer. Our findings imply a biological interaction between cancer and smoking on the risk of VTE