857 research outputs found

    Estudo de pórticos metálicos enrijecidos com alvenaria

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    Este trabalho aborda o estudo experimental e numérico do comportamento de pórticos metálicos preenchidos com painel de alvenaria constituído por blocos de concreto celular autoclavado, levando-se em consideração a contribuição do painel de alvenaria na rigidez global da estrutura. O conjunto pórtico-painel foi submetido à acção de carga horizontal aplicada no eixo da viga superior do pórtico. Foram utilizadas barras de aço lisas, na forma de estribos, soldadas às mesas dos pilares metálicos, denominadas barras de aço “ferro-cabelo”, numa tentativa de retardar o descolamento precoce existente na interface pórtico-painel. A pesquisa consta de uma série de 6 ensaios experimentais do conjunto em escala real, 2 ensaios com o pórtico metálico isolado (sem o painel de preenchimento) e de análises numéricas, onde a alvenaria foi considerada um material não-linear

    Molecular Control by Non-coding RNAs During Fruit Development: From Gynoecium Patterning to Fruit Ripening

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    Fruits are originated from the transition of a quiescent ovary to a fast-growing young fruit. The evolution of reproductive structures such as ovary and fruit has made seed dispersal easier, which is a key process for reproductive success in flowering plants. The complete fruit development and ripening are characterized by a remarkable phenotypic plasticity which is orchestrated by a myriad of genetic factors. In this context, transcriptional regulation by non-coding small (i.e., microRNAs) and long (lncRNAs) RNAs underlies important mechanisms controlling reproductive organ development. These mechanisms may act together and interact with other pathways (i.e., phytohormones) to regulate cell fate and coordinate reproductive organ development. Functional genomics has shown that non-coding RNAs regulate a diversity of developmental reproductive stages, from carpel formation and ovary development to the softening of the ripe/ripened fruit. This layer of transcriptional control has been associated with ovule, seed, and fruit development as well as fruit ripening, which are crucial developmental processes in breeding programs because of their relevance for crop production. The final ripe fruit is the result of a process under multiple levels of regulation, including mechanisms orchestrated by microRNAs and lncRNAs. Most of the studies we discuss involve work on tomato and Arabidopsis. In this review, we summarize non-coding RNA-controlled mechanisms described in the current literature that act coordinating the main steps of gynoecium development/patterning and fruit ripening

    Mucociliary clearance, airway inflammation and nasal symptoms in urban motorcyclists

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    OBJECTIVES: There is evidence that outdoor workers exposed to high levels of air pollution exhibit airway inflammation and increased airway symptoms. We hypothesized that these workers would experience increased airway symptoms and decreased nasal mucociliary clearance associated with their exposure to air pollution. METHODS: In total, 25 non-smoking commercial motorcyclists, aged 18-44 years, were included in this study. These drivers work 8-12 hours per day, 5 days per week, driving on urban streets. Nasal mucociliary clearance was measured by the saccharine transit test; airway acidification was measured by assessing the pH of exhaled breath condensate; and airway symptoms were measured by the Sino-nasal Outcome Test-20 questionnaire. To assess personal air pollution exposure, the subjects used a passive-diffusion nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentration-monitoring system during the 14 days before each assessment. The associations between NO2 and the airway outcomes were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test and the Chi-Square test. Clinicaltrials.gov: NCT01976039. RESULTS: Compared with clearance in healthy adult males, mucociliary clearance was decreased in 32% of the motorcyclists. Additionally, 64% of the motorcyclists had airway acidification and 92% experienced airway symptoms. The median personal NO2 exposure level was 75 mg/m3 for these subjects and a significant association was observed between NO2 and impaired mucociliary clearance (p = 0.036). CONCLUSION: Non-smoking commercial motorcyclists exhibit increased airway symptoms and airway acidification as well as decreased nasal mucociliary clearance, all of which are significantly associated with the amount of exposure to air pollution

    Chemical composition and antimicrobial properties of the essential oils of two Guadua Kunth species (Poaceae-Bambusoideae)

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    Bamboos are described as one of the most important renewables, easily obtained, and valuable of all forest resources. Brazil is the country with the greatest diversity of bamboo species in the New World [1]. One of the most important bamboo groups growing in South America belongs to the Guadua genus, from which two species, G. angustifolia Kunth. and G. chacoensis (Rojas Acosta) Londoño & P.M. Peterson, are morphologically closely related. Due to the taxonomic difficulties presented by the Guadua complex, the main objective of this work was to evaluate the potential of their volatile oils for distinguishing the closely related species and to evaluate new potential applications for these plants. Leaves of the taxa were collected at an Experimental Unit from the Agronomical Institute from Campinas (IAC) located in Tatuí-SP. The essential oils were obtained by hydrodistillation for 4 h, and component identification was performed by GC/MS [2]. The yields were found to be 0.027% and 0.00079% (w/w), for G. angustifolia and G. chacoensis, respectively. Terpenes and terpene-related compounds accounted for most of the compositions of the two samples. The major compounds of G. angustifolia oil were hexahydrofarnesyl acetone (23.1%) and (Z)-phytol (21.3%), while G. chacoensis oil was characterized by (E)-β-ionone (8.8%), hexadecanoic acid (6.8%), hexadecenoic acid (6.5%), (Z)-phytol (5.3%) and (E)-α-ionone (5.0%). The antimicrobial activity was assayed by a microdilution method in microplates [2] against Aspergillus brasiliensis, Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus; none of the oils exerted any considerable activity (MIC > 250 µg/mL), as only extracts with MIC < 100 µg/mL can be considered as candidates for developing new antimicrobial agents [3]

    Efeitos do Tipo de Abate na Produção de Carne Bovina

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    O rebanho bovino nacional tem aumentado nos últimos anos, sendo necessário conhecer os processos de abate para a produção de carne e métodos para a qualidade da carne

    Diversity of ferns and lycophytes in Brazil

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    This compilation of ferns and lycophytes in Brazil is an update of the one published in 2010 in Catálogo de Plantas e Fungos do Brasil. The methodology consisted in collecting data from regional checklists, taxonomic revisions, and selected databases. Invited specialists improved the list accessing a website housed at the Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. The results show 1,253 species: 1,111 of ferns and 142 of lycophytes. This number is 6.5% higher than the previous one (1,176 spp.). The percentage of endemic species decreased from 38.2% to 36.7%. We recognized 36 families and 133 genera (vs. 33 families, 121 genera in 2010). The 10 most diverse families are Pteridaceae (196 spp.), Dryopteridaceae (179), Polypodiaceae (164), Hymenophyllaceae (90), Thelypteridaceae (86), Aspleniaceae (78), Lycopodiaceae (64), Selaginellaceae (55), Anemiaceae (51), and Cyatheaceae (45). The three most diverse genera are still Elaphoglossum (87 spp.), Thelypteris (85), and Asplenium (74). The richest phytogeographic domain continues to be in the Atlantic Rainforest with 883 species which also has the largest number of endemic and threatened species, followed by the Amazon Rainforest (503), Cerrado (269), Pantanal (30), Caatinga (26), and Pampa (eight). Minas Gerais remains as the richest state (657 spp. vs. 580 in 2010).Esta compilação de samambaias e licófitas do Brasil é uma atualização daquela de 2010, no Catálogo de Plantas e Fungos do Brasil. A metodologia consistiu na reunião de dados de listas regionais, revisões de grupos e bancos de dados selecionados. Especialistas convidados melhoraram a lista através do acesso a um sítio da web do Jardim Botânico do Rio Janeiro. Os resultados apontam uma diversidade de 1.253 espécies, sendo 1.111 samambaias e 142 licófitas. Este número é 6,5% maior que o anterior (1.176 espécies). As espécies endêmicas decresceram de 38,2% para 36,7%. Foram reconhecidas 36 famílias e 133 gêneros (vs. 33 famílias, 121 gêneros em 2010). As dez famílias mais diversas são: Pteridaceae (196 espécies), Dryopteridaceae (179), Polypodiaceae (164), Hymenophyllaceae (90), Thelypteridaceae (86), Aspleniaceae (78), Lycopodiaceae (64), Selaginellaceae (55), Anemiaceae (51) e Cyatheaceae (45). Os três gêneros mais diversos continuam sendo Elaphoglossum (87 espécies), Thelypteris (85) e Asplenium (74). O Domínio Fitogeográfico mais rico continua sendo a Mata Atlântica (883 espécies) e também com mais espécies endêmicas e ameaçadas, seguido pela Amazônia (503 espécies), Cerrado (269), Pantanal (30), Caatinga (26) e Pampa (oito). Minas Gerais permanece como o estado com maior riqueza (657 espécies vs. 580 em 2010)

    GWAS in Breast Cancer

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    Breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer in women, and the second cause of cancer-related deaths among women worldwide. It is expected that more than 240,000 new cases and 40,450 deaths related to the disease will occur in 2016. It is well known that inherited genetic variants are drivers for breast cancer development. There are many mechanisms through which germline genetic variation affects prognosis, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, which account for approximately 20% of the increased hereditary risks. Therefore, it is evident that the genetic pathways that underlie cancer development are complex in which networks of multiple alleles confer disease susceptibility and risks. Global analyses through genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have revealed several loci across the genome are associated with the breast cancer. This chapter compiles all breast GWAS released since 2007, year of the first article published in this area, and discuss the future directions of this field. Currently, hundreds of genetic markers are linked to breast cancer, and understanding the underlying mechanisms of these variants might lead to the discover of biomarkers and targets for therapy in patients

    Initial modelled outputs at field scale

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    This report comprises Deliverable 6.16 in the project, which contributes to the third objective as it presents field-scale evaluation of innovations, in order to adapt and evaluate agroforestry designs and practices for locations where agroforestry is currently not-widely practised or declining. The modelling of outputs at field scale to support best agroforestry practices is an ongoing activity during the AGFORWARD project. This report highlights some of the outputs which has been produced in the form of three papers (either submitted or about to be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal) or in four presentations at the Third European Agroforestry Conference in May 2016N/