4,773 research outputs found

    Solubilidad de Urea en mezclas de etanol-agua y etanol puro a temperaturas de 278,1K a 333,1K

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    This paper deals with the solubility of urea in ethanol-water mixtures in mole fractions of ethanol between 0.0901 and 1.000 at temperatures ranging from 278.1 to 333.1K. The investigation of solubility contributes to research in many others fields of study in chemical engineering, since there are several studies where the solubility of urea and its behavior in solution influence the system. The experiment was carried out at constant temperature, stirring for 2 hours and then leaving the solution at rest for 2 hours. After collecting the data, the solubility of urea was calculated based on the gravimetric method. The experimental results obtained were correlated with the temperature of the solvents using three equations based on the literature. The three models demonstrated results in line with the experimental data. It was observed that adding ethanol to the water decreased urea solubility in all cases. The differences between the predicted and the experimental values were on average 4.7%.Este artículo trata de la solubilidad de la urea en mezclas de etanol-agua en fracciones molares de etanol entre 0,0901 y 1,000 a temperaturas de 278,2 a 333,2K. La investigación de la solubilidad contribuye en muchos estudios en muchos otros campos de estudio en ingeniería química, ya que hay varios estudios en que la solubilidad de la urea y su comportamiento en solución influyen en el sistema. El experimento se llevó a cabo a temperatura constante, se agitó durante 2h y en seguida la solución se dejó en reposo también por 2h. Después de recoger los datos, la solubilidad de la urea se calculó basándose en el método gravimétrico. Los resultados experimentales obtenidos se correlacionaron con la temperatura de los disolventes usando tres ecuaciones basadas en la literatura. Los modelos han demostrado resultados en línea con los datos experimentales. Se observó que la adición de etanol al agua disminuye la solubilidad de la urea en todos los casos. Las diferencias entre los predichos y los valores experimentales fueron en promedio de 4,7%.Este artigo trata da solubilidade de uréia em misturas de etanol-água em frações molares de etanol entre 0,0901 e 1,000 e temperaturas que variam de 278,1 a 333,1K. A investigação de solubilidade contribui para a pesquisa em muitos outros campos de estudo em engenharia química, uma vez que há vários estudos em que a solubilidade da ureia e o seu comportamento em solução influenciam o sistema. O experimento foi realizado a uma temperatura constante com agitação de 2h e, em seguida, deixando a solução em repouso durante 2h. Depois de recolher os dados, a solubilidade da ureia foi calculada com base no método gravimétrico. Os resultados experimentais obtidos foram correlacionados com a temperatura dos solventes utilizando três equações com base na literatura. Os três modelos demonstraram resultados condizentes com os dados experimentais. Observou-se que a adição de etanol na mistura provoca diminuição na solubilidade ureia em todos os casos. As diferenças entre os valores previsto e os experimentais foram, em média, 4,7%


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    Devido o aumento do desemprego e as péssimas condições de trabalho varias iniciativas vem se desenvolvendo no Brasil no campo da economia solidária. As experiências de geração de trabalho e renda vem se desenvolvendo em todas as regiões do país, de forma solidaria e associativa. Essas iniciativas que se mostravam isoladas deram lugar a uma realidade que se expande, motivando a ação de entidades de classe e de política públicas, orientadas para uma economia alternativa que está em processo de formação. A idéia do trabalho é refletir sobre essa nova forma de organização que vem crescendo no Estado do Acre, sendo assim este trabalho tem como objetivo geral traçar o perfil dos empreendimentos solidários no Estado do Acre.---------------------------------------------------Due to rising unemployment and bad working conditions several initiatives has been developed in Brazil in the field of economic solidarity. The experiences of generating employment and income has been developing in all regions of the country, in solidarity and associative. These initiatives which showed isolated led to a reality that expands, motivating the action of entities of class and public policy, geared towards alternative economy that is in the process of training. The idea of work is reflect on this new form of organization that has been growing in the state of Acre, and thus this work aims to draw the general profile of solidary ventures in the state of Acre.Economia Solidária, Autogestão e Geração de Trabalho e Renda, economic solidarity, Selfmanagment, Income, Work, International Development,

    Efficiency analysis of a congested Brazilian airport applying slots optimization control: Congonhas Airport Case

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    The current slot allocation mechanism in Brazil, based on the International Air Transport Association (IATA) rules, and its supplementary local regulation The National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), displays a few issues and limitations (e.g. slot misuse, allocation inefficiencies). Such issues are particularly present in the case of busy airports that works near their maximum capacity for major parts of the day. This inefficiency problem is generated because of the complexity of slot allocation added to the limited decision support available for the Brazilian system. This study focuses on the implementation of an optimal slot model, based on IATA regulations with local adaptations from ANAC at Congonhas Airport (CGH/SBSP). Final results include the reallocated slots examined within airport capacity limits and declared capacity for flights GOL 1389 and GOL 1666. This optimal solution represents an improvement in the slot allocation efficiency of 35,22% and 67,83% for flights GOL 1389 for GOL 1666 respectively. The main limitation is that the model focuses only on the availability of slots and their optimization. No consideration is given to the airport capabilities such as gate availability, baggage handling capacity and aircraft size. This leads to a less systemic analysis of the whole system

    Cuando la psicología escolar crítica va a la clínica

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    Suicídio e luto no contexto da pandemia de Covid-19: análise psicossocial dos atravessamentos de gênero e religião

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    Este artigo traz uma análise psicossocial dos fenômenos do luto e do suicídio no contexto da pandemia de Covid-19, considerando os recortes de gênero e religião. Apresentamos uma discussão sobre luto e pandemia, seguida de uma análise de dados que se referem a suicídio e gênero, fechando com um debate que articula estes elementos. O objetivo principal do texto é refletir sobre as marcas sociais e psicológicas que a morte e algumas de suas dimensões como o suicídio e o luto deixaram nas relações, em especial as de gênero, a partir da situação pandêmica, demonstrando como são necessários espaços de conscientização coletiva sobre o tema, tanto na vida pública, quanto no âmbito acadêmico, que carece de mais pesquisas que articulam marcadores sociais e a morte

    Diseño incremental de experiencias interdisciplinarias: uma experiência no curso de sistemas de informação/ Diseño incremental de experiencias interdisciplinarias: an experience in the course of information systems

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    O presente artigo é um relatório sobre a realização de um projeto interdisciplinar implementado com um grupo de estudantes de graduação em Sistemas de Informação em uma faculdade particular. O projeto foi criado de acordo com a metodologia "Design Incremental de Experiencias Interdisciplinarias" (Design Incremental de Experiência Interdisciplinar), que foi dividida em estágios bem definidos, proporcionando uma oportunidade para seu desenvolvimento durante uma Reunião do Conselho da Faculdade. O projeto compreendeu 07 (sete) cursos envolvendo 06 (seis) professores e 28 (vinte e oito) alunos. Ao terminar, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa para avaliar a perspectiva dos alunos sobre o trabalho que haviam recebido como parte do projeto. Essa avaliação foi a seção transversal. As descobertas mostraram que os alunos se sentiam satisfeitos com o projeto, e suas principais vantagens eram a cooperação que eles empenhavam em estabelecer para as tarefas, além da possibilidade de experimentar problemas reais, tanto técnicos quanto comportamentais, relacionados às suas atividades em potencial como profissionais graduado

    Giant Fibrolipoma in the Distal Limb of a Cow

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    Background: Lipomas are adipocytic tumors of slow and expansive growth. They can be classified into several subtypes depending on the tissue present next to the neoplastic adipocytes. One of such subtypes is the fibrolipoma, which is formed by well-differentiated adipocytes and fibrous connective tissue. This neoplasm has been little described in cattle, and rare reports present the treatment and resolution of the case. Thus, the dissemination of cases of fibrolipomas in cattle is essential to help veterinarians diagnose this neoplasm. The present report describes a case of fibrolipoma in the distal pelvic limb of a cow successfully treated by surgical excision. Case: A 4-year-old 3/4 Girolando cow from the municipality of Vazante-MG, Brazil, was treated on the farm. According to the owner, the animal had been showing tumoral growth in the left pelvic limb over the period of 1 year and 3 months. The tumor involved the entire left metatarsus and was 40 x 37 cm, without ulcerations and painless on palpation. A neoplasm was suspected and surgical excision was the chosen approach. The cow was sedated, positioned and restrained in right lateral recumbency for surgery. The operative field was prepared and a subcutaneous locoregional ring block was performed dorsally to the tumor. The tumor mass was excised with a safety margin of 1 cm. After removal, the mass was found to weigh 10.4 kg and to be yellowish-white upon sectioning. Due to the distance between the edges of the surgical wound, skin suture could not be performed. Thus, second-intention healing and wound protection with bandages were the choice of management. In the postoperative period, the adopted treatment consisted of antibiotic therapy with benzathine penicillin, analgesia with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, daily dressings and wound protection with bandages. The animal did not show postoperative complications and, over 8 months of monitoring after surgery, there was no recurrence of the neoplasm and the cow was in productive activity. Tumor fragments were fixed in 10%buffered formalinand sent for histopathological examination, which revealed a neoplasm of mesenchymal cells in the subcutaneous adipose tissue supported by dense fibrovascular stroma with solid arrangement. A large amount of dense connective tissue was found among the neoplastic cells. In view of these findings, the diagnosis of fibrolipoma was established.Discussion: Fibrolipoma is a benign neoplasm little described in the veterinary literature, especially in cattle, with only 3 cases reported. To the knowledge of the authors, this is the first report of this neoplasm in the distal limb of cattle. Fibrolipomas are a rare type of lipoma formed by well-differentiated lipocytes and fibrous tissue. The fibrolipoma described in this report was 40 cm in diameter and weighed 10.4 kg, so it can be classified as a type of giant lipoma, as it was more than 10 cm in diameter and more than 1 kg in weight. In the present report and in others in the medical literature, surgical removal of the fibrolipoma resulted in complete recovery of the patient without postoperative complications. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice in these cases and usually promotes healing. However, surgery must be performed early and the neoplasm must be completely removed. The histological characteristics of the fibrolipoma in this case are similar to those found in other cases in cattle and corroborate the choice for surgical treatment and maintenance of the animal in the herd. Although rare, fibrolipomas should be included in the differential diagnosis of tumors of slow and expansive growth in cattle.Keywords: bovine, adipose tissue, lipoma, neoplasia, surgery.Descritores: bovino, cirurgia, tecido adiposo, lipoma, neoplasia.Título: Fibrolipoma gigante no membro distal de uma vaca


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    Objective: to present an algorithm for the indication of venous accesses for newborns in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Development: descriptive study conducted in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in southern Brazil, in the period from 2017 to 2020 in two stages of idealization: design of the algorithm; and the adequacy based on the application according to observations made by the nurses involved. The developed algorithm contemplated the prediction of venous access for patients with indication for abdominal and other surgeries, premature infants stratified in gestational age higher and lower than 30 weeks, heart diseases with dependence or not on arterial channel and persistent neonatal hypoglycemia. According to the venous network, number of prescribed therapies, fasting, antibiotic therapy and vasoactive drugs, there is an initial indication for one type of catheter that may be followed by another according to need.Conclusion: the participation of nurses in the indication of venous access integrates interprofessional practices and increases neonatal care

    Ensino de Ciências por Investigação e Questões Sociocientíficas em Sala de Aula: Conexões a Partir da Análise de Práticas Epistêmicas

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    Neste artigo, analisamos continuidades e mudanças na construção de práticas epistêmicas em dois contextos instrucionais distintos: investigativo (EnCI) e sociocientífico (QSC). Baseados na Etnografia em Educação, acompanhamos estudantes de uma turma do 8° ano do Ensino Fundamental ao longo de um ano em aulas de ciências. Selecionamos um evento para análise das práticas epistêmicas a partir de interações discursivas. Os resultados da análise deste evento, à luz de outros eventos ocorridos ao longo do ano, indicam relações complementares entre as abordagens EnCI e QSC. Atividades em contexto investigativo favoreceram o posicionamento consciente e justificado pelos estudantes em discussões sociocientíficas. Atividades em contexto sociocientífico, por sua vez, catalisaram a emergência de práticas epistêmicas mais complexas. Defendemos, portanto, as vantagens pedagógicas de articulações entre o EnCI e as QSC, entendidas como complementares, tendo em vista os objetivos da educação científica no século XXI