18 research outputs found

    RES-NOVA: A new neutrino observatory based on archaeological lead

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    We propose the RES-NOVA project which will hunt neutrinos from core-collapse supernovae (SN) via coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEν\nuNS) using an array of archaeological lead (Pb) based cryogenic detectors. The high CEν\nuNS cross-section on Pb and the ultra-high radiopurity of archaeological Pb enable the operation of a high statistics experiment equally sensitive to all neutrino flavors with reduced detector dimensions in comparison with existing Neutrino Observatories, and easy scalability to larger detector volumes. RES-NOVA is planned to operate according to three phases with increasing detector volumes: (60 cm)3^3, (140 cm)3^3, and ultimately 15×\times(140 cm)3^3. It will be sensitive to SN bursts up to Andromeda with 5σ\sigma sensitivity with already existing technologies and will have excellent energy resolution with 11 keV threshold. Within our Galaxy, it will be possible to discriminate core-collapse SNe from black hole forming collapses with no ambiguity even in the first phase of RES-NOVA. The average neutrino energy of all flavors, the SN neutrino light curve, and the total energy emitted in neutrinos can potentially be constrained with a precision of few %\% in the final detector phase. RES-NOVA will be sensitive to flavor-blind neutrinos from the diffuse SN neutrino background with an exposure of 620620 ton \cdot y. The proposed RES-NOVA project has the potential to lay down the foundations for a new generation of neutrino telescopes, while relying on a very simple technological setu

    TREND towards more energy-efficient optical networks

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    International audienceWith one third of the world population online in 2013 and an international Internet bandwidth multiplied by more than eight since 2006, the ICT sector is a non-negligible contributor of worldwide greenhouse gases emissions and power consumption. Indeed, power consumption of telecommunication networks has become a major concern for all the actors of the domain, and efforts are made to reduce their impact on the overall figure of ICTs, and to support its foreseen growth in a sustainable way. In this context, the contributors of the European Network of Excellence TREND have developed innovative solutions to improve the energy efficiency of networks. This paper gives an overview of the solutions related to optical networks

    The commissioning of the CUORE experiment: the mini-tower run

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    CUORE is a ton-scale experiment approaching the data taking phase in Gran Sasso National Laboratory. Its primary goal is to search for the neutrinoless double-beta decay in 130Te using 988 crystals of tellurim dioxide. The crystals are operated as bolometers at about 10 mK taking advantage of one of the largest dilution cryostat ever built. Concluded in March 2016, the cryostat commissioning consisted in a sequence of cool down runs each one integrating new parts of the apparatus. The last run was performed with the fully configured cryostat and the thermal load at 4 K reached the impressive mass of about 14 tons. During that run the base temperature of 6.3 mK was reached and maintained for more than 70 days. An array of 8 crystals, called mini-tower, was used to check bolometers operation, readout electronics and DAQ. Results will be presented in terms of cooling power, electronic noise, energy resolution and preliminary background measurements

    Results from the Cuore Experiment

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    The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is the first bolometric experiment searching for neutrinoless double beta decay that has been able to reach the 1-ton scale. The detector consists of an array of 988 TeO2 crystals arranged in a cylindrical compact structure of 19 towers, each of them made of 52 crystals. The construction of the experiment was completed in August 2016 and the data taking started in spring 2017 after a period of commissioning and tests. In this work we present the neutrinoless double beta decay results of CUORE from examining a total TeO2 exposure of 86.3kg yr, characterized by an effective energy resolution of 7.7 keV FWHM and a background in the region of interest of 0.014 counts/ (keV kg yr). In this physics run, CUORE placed a lower limit on the decay half- life of neutrinoless double beta decay of 130Te > 1.3.1025 yr (90% C. L.). Moreover, an analysis of the background of the experiment is presented as well as the measurement of the 130Te 2vo3p decay with a resulting half- life of T2 2. [7.9 :- 0.1 (stat.) :- 0.2 (syst.)] x 10(20) yr which is the most precise measurement of the half- life and compatible with previous results

    Radon-induced surface contaminations in neutrinoless double beta decay and dark matter experiments

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    Thèse en co-tutelleIn experiments looking for rare events, like neutrinoless double beta decay (DBD0v) and dark matter search (DM), one of the main issues is to increase the experimental sensitivity through the material selection and production. In the specific the background contribution coming from the materials used for the detector realization has to be minimized. Moreover the net reduction of the background produced by the bulk part of the apparatus has raised concerns about the background contribution coming from the surfaces. Many procedures and techniques were developed during the last years in order to remove and to minimize the presence of possible contaminants on detector surfaces. To succeed in this strategy a big effort was put in defining all possible mechanisms that lead to surface contaminations, as well as specific cleaning procedures, which are able to reduce and control the surface radioactivity. The presence in air and gases of possible radioactive elements that can stick on the detector surfaces can lead to a recontamination process that will vanish all the applied cleaning procedures. Here is presented and analyzed the contribution to the background of rare events experiments like CUORE (DBD0v) and EDELWEISS (DM) produced by an exposure of their detector components to a big activity of 222Rn, radioactive daughter isotope from the 238U chain

    Status of the CUORE experiment

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    Dynamic Routing and Bandwidth Assignment for live Virtual Machines migrations

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    In recent years, virtualization is playing an increasingly important role in the cloud environment, as it allows service providers to create an abstraction of the physical servers running on data centers. In this way services can be directly hosted on these abstract entities, which are then called Virtual Machines (VMs). The direct result of service virtualization is the ability to move services hosted on VMs, from a data center to another, hence, to perform VM migration. Efficient strategies for VM migrations bandwidth provisioning in an inter-data centers scenario are needed as a considerable use of network resources (available bandwidth, especially) is required, and the impact of live VM migrations on the underlying optical transport network has not been extensively investigated. In this paper we propose Routing and Bandwidth Allocation (RBA) algorithms for the live migration of VMs in a distributed DC infrastructure, focusing our attention on the live VM migration technique under dynamic traffic conditions. In order to evaluate the performance of the RBA algorithms in terms of migration blocking probability and network resource occupation we developed a discrete event-based simulator. We find that assigning a bandwidth to the VM migration request in proportion to the path length could improve the network performance

    Overview on diabetic foot: A dangerous, but still orphan, disease

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    Diabetic foot disease is a major health problem that concerns 15% of the 200 million patients with diabetes worldwide. More than 60% of non-traumatic amputations in the western world are performed in the diabetic population. Many patients who undergo an amputation have a history of ulceration. Treatment of foot complications is one of the main items of consumption of economic and health resources in diabetic patients. Over recent years, knowledge about the physiopathological pathways of this complication has increased significantly, together with improvements in diagnostic techniques and, above all, the establishment of a standardized conservative therapeutic approach, which allows limb salvage in a high percentage of cases. An important prelude to diabetic foot treatment is the differential diagnosis between neuropathic and neuroischaemic foot, which is essential for effective treatment. Ulceration in neuropathic foot is due to biomechanical stress and high pressure, which involves the plantar surface of the toes and metatarsal heads. In the diabetic population, peripheral vascular disease (PVD) is the main risk factor for amputation. In diabetic patients, PVD is mostly distal, but often fully involves the femoral, popliteal, and tibial vessels. It can be successfully treated with either open surgical or endovascular procedures. If PVD is ignored, surgical treatment of the lesion cannot be successful. Infection is a serious complication of diabetic foot, especially when neuroischaemic: phlegmon and necrotizing fascitis are not only limb-threatening problems, but also life-threatening. In this case, emergency surgery is needed. The aim of this review is to describe the therapeutic strategies for the various types of diabetic foot syndrome

    Conservative Surgical Treatment of Infected Ulceration of the First Metatarsophalangeal Joint With Osteomyelitis in Diabetic Patients

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    Ulceration of the plantar aspect of the first metatarsophalangeal joint is a common localization in the diabetic foot. Conservative treatment of this lesion is a challenging problem, performed through the soft tissues and osseous debridement. The present study included a cohort of 28 patients affected by diabetes mellitus and a first ray lesion penetrating the bone. After surgical debridement with removal of the infected bone, we positioned antibiotic-loaded bone cement and stabilized the treated area with an external fixator. All patients with critical limb ischemia had their vascular disease treated before the procedure. The mean follow-up was 12.2 ± 6.9 months. Four patients developed a relapse of the ulceration after the procedure. In the postoperative period, 1 patient (3.57%) developed dehiscence of the surgical site and underwent a second procedure. In the follow-up period, 2 patients (7.14%) experienced bone cement dislocation. In 1 of these patients, a new ulceration was observed dorsally to the surgical site. The approach was surgical revision with bone cement replacement and stabilization with a new external fixator. In the other patient, given the absence of ulcerations, the cement was removed, and arthrodesis with internal stabilization using 2 cannulated screws was performed. One patient (3.57%), who had developed a relapse of ulceration after recurrent critical ischemia, underwent a percutaneous revascularization procedure and transmetatarsal amputation. During the follow-up period, no ulceration recurrences, transfer ulcerations, shoe fit problems, or gait abnormalities were detected in the other 24 patients. Our study presents the results of a technique requiring a 1-stage surgical approach to a relatively common problem, which is often difficult to solve

    Social Media & Professioni Sanitarie della Prevenzione, una strategia digitale per la valorizzazione del Tecnico della Prevenzione in Ambiente e nei luoghi di Lavoro

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    Comunemente il Tecnico della Prevenzione in Ambiente e nei luoghi di Lavoro (TdP) appare essere una figura pro fessionale poco chiara nella definizione dei ruoli e dei compiti assegnati per la tutela della Salute Pubblica. A lungo la Prevenzione è stata relegata in una dimensione poco pratica che ha determinato una scarsa conoscenza del TdP, anche al momento di scegliere il percorso di studio dei neodiplomati, sapienti di altre figure professionali, facen done spesso una professione di nicchia piuttosto che come membro integrante di un team multidisciplinare (TM) per le attività di Prevenzione. Scopo del presente lavoro è quello di descrivere l’attività Digitale e di Social media marketing promossa per la valorizzazione di questa Figura Professionale Sanitaria, anche per aiutare i giovani ad effettuare scelte alternative. Tra Gennaio e Agosto 2021 un TM composto da TdP ed esperti di comunicazione ha utilizzato un approccio digitale multimediale riguardo la figura del TdP mostrandone la profondità e l’ampiezza di tale Professione Sanitaria. Le at tività si sono svolte per mezzo di un Sito internet (www.tecnicoprevenzione.it) al quale sono stati collegati i profili dei maggiori Social media (SM) (Facebook, Instagram etc). E’ stato pubblicato un contenuto al giorno (Post, Video, Articoli). L’impatto di queste attività è stato misurato attraverso l’analisi digitale restituita da Google Analytics ed è stato realizzato un servizio televisivo su un talk show nazionale che tratta temi riguardanti la formazione pro fessionale e il mercato del lavoro che ha l’obbiettivo di raccontare storie riguardanti professioni innovative e in ascesa. Nell’arco temporale considerato, il sito internet ha avuto 21.213 visualizzazioni con picchi di 600 visualizzazioni giornaliere ad aprile. I profili Social hanno ottenuto una copertura di persone raggiunte di 480.259, 6.155 intera zioni con il post e 4.809 click sul link. I followers sono stati circa 1900. Effettuando l’attività di promozione si sono registrate 326.112 impression sui post e 140.963 persone raggiunte dalla promozione. Contrariamente l’attività senza promozione sponsorizzata ha raggiunto un massimo di 494 impression con 158 reazioni raggiute e 42 “Mi piace” sui post. Il risultato della attività di comunicazione sul progetto ha portato ad una conoscenza su più ampia scala del TdP, creando una base solida sulla quale consolidare l’attività di comunicazione per il futuro sui canali esistenti. L’ac cessibilità dei SM ha dato più visibilità ai TdP e potrebbe essere applicata a tutte le professioni sanitarie. La scienza della comunicazione ed i social media possono essere determinanti per valorizzare i profili delle Profession