2,938 research outputs found


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    This article discusses how gender attributes are manipulated by judicial actors when dealing with criminal cases of parricide perpetrated by women, prosecuted in the city of São Paulo (Brazil), between 1990 and 2002. The sentences related to the crimes of parricide committed by daughters characterize the women as victims of ";;madness";; or domestic violence. However, when confessing the crimes, parricide perpetrators are not benefited by this logic construed over gender roles and violence between fathers and daughters. In these cases, the financial interest overlaps gender representations based on the principle of female passivity and male domination.Keywords: Judiciary, parricide, women.Este artículo discute cómo los atributos de género son manejados por los actores judiciales para resolver los asuntos penales de parricidio cometido por  mujeres juzgadas en la ciudad de São Paulo (Brasil), entre 1990 y 2002. Las sentencias que dan  inteligibilidad a los delitos de parricidio cometidos por hijas victimizan a las mujeres a través de la ";locura"; o la violencia doméstica. Sin embargo, en los crímenes confesos, la lógica del cumplimiento de los roles de género y los relatos de violencia entre padres e hijas no resultan favorables para las mujeres parricidas. En tales casos, los intereses financieros se sobreponen a las representaciones de género basadas en el principio de la pasividad femenina y la dominación masculina.Palabras-clave: Poder Judicial, parricidio, mujeres.ResumoEste artigo discute a forma como os atributos de gênero são manipulados pelos atores judiciais ao lidarem com os processos criminais de parricídio cometido por mulheres, julgados na cidade de Paulo, entre os anos de 1990 e 2002. As sentenças que dão inteligibilidade aos crimes de parricídio em que as filhas são autoras estão associadas aos argumentos que vitimam a mulher por meio da “loucura” e da violência intrafamiliar. Entretanto, nos crimes confessos, a lógica do cumprimento dos papéis de gênero e as narrativas que evidenciam a violência entre pais e filhas não resultam favoravelmente para as mulheres parricidas. Nesses casos, o interesse financeiro se sobrepõe às representações de gênero baseadas no princípio da passividade feminina e da dominação masculina.Palavras-chave: Judiciário, parricídio, mulheres

    Biofilms, nontuberculous mycobacteria and infection

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    As micobactérias não tuberculosas (MNTs) são agentes infeciosos emergentes responsáveis por infeções diversas, nomeadamente infeções associadas aos cuidados de saúde. Neste trabalho foi avaliada a capacidade de formação de biofilmes por duas MNTs (M. smegmatis e M. chelonae). Os biofilmes foram caracterizados utilizando microscopia eletrónica e a eficácia de diversos desinfetantes foi avaliada contra MNTs recuperadas de biofilmes. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que as MNTs são capazes de formar biofilmes em materiais presentes em ambiente hospitalar e de resistir à ação de diversos desinfetantes.Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTMs) are emerging infectious agents responsible for various infections, namely, health-care-associated infections. In this work, biofilms assembly by two NTMs (M. smegmatis and M. chelonae) was assessed. Biofilms were characterized using electron microscopy and the ef ficacy of several disinfectants was determined against NTMs recovered from biofilms. The results obtained demonstrate that NTMs are able to assemble biofilms on materials present in a hospital environment and to resist the action of various disinfectants.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A depressão no feminino: o género e a doença como laboratório de laços sociais

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Sociologia (área de especialização em Saúde)O nosso estudo tem como objectivos analisar as trajectórias de vida de mulheres que sofrem de depressão, face às mudanças sociais e familiares ocorridas na sociedade moderna, nas relações familiares e sociais; e explorar a natureza dos laços sociais no processo da doença depressiva, com o intuito de averiguar se existe, ou não, influência destes e, se sim, quais as implicações e natureza desses laços. A depressão, apesar de não ser uma doença nova, tem um grande protagonismo na sociedade contemporânea. Está mais associada ao género feminino e representa uma importante fatia das doenças mentais que acedem aos serviços psiquiátricos. Os motivos para tal predisposição estão associados a factores neurobiológicos e psicossociais manifestados na singularidade de cada pessoa e enquadrados com o contexto sócio-cultural. Neste sentido foi utilizada a metodologia qualitativa cujas técnicas de investigação reúnem a observação participante, pesquisa bibliográfica e entrevista semi-estruturada. Foram entrevistadas quinze mulheres que frequentam em regime de ambulatório, o Serviço de Reabilitação Psicossocial do Hospital de Magalhães Lemos. A informação foi sujeita a análise de conteúdo após terem sido elaboradas categorias de análise. Podemos concluir que os resultados do estudo vêm ao encontro do já referido pela literatura de que vivências familiares traumáticas e relações familiares e sociais pouco gratificantes podem ser promotores de patologia depressiva. Também foi possível constatar que as mulheres agregam na sua identidade um maior número de papéis e tarefas que na prática são difíceis de gerir não só pela pressão social, como pela familiar. No que diz respeito à conjugação entre as obrigações familiares (esposa, dona de casa, mãe) e a realização profissional a primeira está sempre em vantagem. A transição do estado de saúde/doença é vivida com profundas alterações no seu dia-a-dia em diferentes contextos (pessoal, familiar, laboral, social). Ao contrário do que sentem nos grupos sociais em geral, o contexto hospitalar funciona como um meio de protecção e de confiança para essas mulheres, onde é possível estabelecer laços sociais gratificantes. A presença de laços sociais que transmitem um bom suporte social e um sentimento de satisfação e possibilidade de partilha é factor crucial na protecção das doenças mentais onde se inclui a depressão, especialmente nas mulheres que cultivam e necessitam deste tipo de relações.The main objectives of this study are to analyse the life trajectories of women diagnosed with depression, in view of the social and family changes that occurred in the modern society; and also to explore the nature of social bonds in the depressive disorder process, to ascertain how these are influenced and what the implications and nature of these bonds are. Although depression is not a new disorder, it plays a major role in the modern society. It is often linked with females and is one of the most common mental health disorders in psychiatric units. One of the reasons for this predisposition is related to neurobiological and psychosocial factors of each individual and framed within their socio-cultural context. We used a qualitative methodology where the research techniques include observation of the participant, literature search and semi-structured interview. Fifteen women that that attend the Psycho-social Rehabilitation Service of the Hospital de Magalhães Lemos were interviewed. The content of the information was analysed after categories were created. The results of this study are corroborated with the ones mentioned in the current literature. The traumatic family experiences and less satisfactory family relationships can contribute to the development of depressive pathology. Moreover, we could also demonstrate that women have in their identity a larger number of roles and tasks that are difficult to manage in real life not only by social pressure but also by family pressure. With regards to the family duties (wife, housewife, mother) and professional duties, the first one always comes first. The transition between health/disease is experienced with profound changes in the daily life in the different contexts (personal, family, work, social). Opposite of what it is felt in the social groups in general, the hospital context acts as a protection and confidence medium to these women, where it is also possible to establish satisfactory social bonds. The presence of these social bonds provide a good social support, a satisfaction feeling and the chance for sharing which are crucial factors in the protection of mental disorders such as depression, specially in women that seek and need these type of relationships

    Recent Developments in Climate Justice

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    Climate justice can be defined generally as addressing the disproportionate burden of climate change impacts on poor and marginalized communities. It seeks to promote more equitable allocation of these burdens at the local, national, and global levels through proactive regulatory initiatives and reactive judicial remedies that draw on international human rights and domestic environmental justice theories. Yet, efforts to define climate justice as a field of inquiry remain elusive and underinclusive; a recent book, Climate Justice: Case Studies in Global and Regional Governance Challenges (ELI Press 2016), seeks to fill that void by providing an overview of the landscape of climate justice from a variety of legal and geographic perspectives. On March 10, 2017, ELI convened the book’s editor and three contributing authors to discuss current developments. Below, we present a transcript of the seminar, which has been edited for style, clarity, and space considerations

    Leaf litter decomposition in western Iberian forested wetlands : lentic versus lotic response

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    Leaf litter breakdown is frequently used to measure both structural and functional integrity in aquatic ecosystems. Forested wetlands are interface systems that received little attention, especially in the Iberian Peninsula. The present study compares the decomposition of alder and willow in two biotopes (lentic and lotic) located in two different sites (Caxarias and Alpiarça). Litterbags were used to compare decomposition among the different treatments. Throughout decay, dry weight loss, nitrogen and phosphorus content, microbial community physiological profiles, microbial and macro-invertebrate colonization were measured at days 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64. Decomposition rates ranged from intermediate to rapid for alder (0.006 day−1 to 0.0338 day−1) and slow to rapid for willow (0.0024 day−1 to 0.0272 day−1), depending on site and biotopes type. The combined effects biotope × time was significant for heterotrophs (P < 0.05), molds (P < 0.05) and yeasts (P < 0.001). The analysis of average well colour development (AWCD), richness (R) and Shannon-Wiener index (H') based on the oxidation of carbon and nitrogen sources by the microbial community, showed differences between the two biotopes, lotic and lentic, and sites. These differences were also shown by the principal component analysis (PCA). Moreover, the macroinvertebrate communities clearly distinguished between lentic and lotic systems. The invertebrates belonging to Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera were absent from lentic habitats.La descomposición de hojarasca se utiliza frecuentemente para medir la integridad estructural y funcional en los sistemas acuáticos. Los humedales arbolados son sistemas de transición que han recibido escasa atención especialmente en la Península Ibérica. El presente trabajo compara la descomposición de la hojarasca de aliso y sauce en dos sistemas (lenítico y lótico) situados en dos localidades (Caxarias y Alpiarça). Se utilizaron bolsas para hojarasca para comparar la descomposición entre los diferentes tratamientos. Se determinaron las pérdidas de peso seco, contenido en N y P en el detritus vegetal, perfiles fisiológicos de la comunidad microbiana, la colonización microbiana y de macroinvertebrados a los 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 y 64 días del experimento. Las tasas de descomposición variaron de intermedias a rápidas para el aliso (0.006 día−1 a 0.0338 día−1) y de lentas a rápidas para el sauce (0.0024 día−1 a 0.0272 día−1), dependiendo de la localidad de muestreo y del tipo de sistema. Los efectos combinados sistema × tiempo resultaron significativos para los heterótrofos totales (p < 0.05), hongos filamentosos (p < 0.05) y levaduras (p < 0.001). El análisis del desarrollo medio del color (AWCD), la riqueza (R) y el índice de Shannon-Wiener (H') basados en la oxidación de las fuentes de nitrógeno y carbono por parte de la comunidad microbiana, mostraron diferencias entre los dos sistemas, lótico y lenítico y entre las localidades de muestreo. Estas diferencias se pusieron también de manifiesto en el análisis de componentes principales (PCA). Además, las comunidades de macroinvertebrados claramente diferenciaron los sistemas leníticos de los lóticos. Se observó que en los sistemas leníticos los organismos pertenecientes a Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera y Trichoptera estaban ausentes

    Assessing the connectivity of riparian forests across a gradient of human disturbance: the potential of Copernicus "Riparian Zones" in two hydroregions

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    The connectivity of riparian forests can be used as a proxy for the capacity of riparian zones to provide ecological functions, goods and services. In this study, we aim to test the potential of the freely available Copernicus “Riparian Zones” dataset to characterize the connectivity of riparian forests located in two European bioclimatic regions—the Mediterranean and the Central Baltic hydroregions—when subject to a gradient of human disturbance characterized by land-use/landcover and hydromorphological pressures. We extracted riparian patches using the Copernicus “Actual Riparian Zone” (ARZ) layer and calculated connectivity using the Integral Index of Connectivity (IIC). We then compared the results with a “Manual Riparian Zone” (MRZ) layer, produced by manually digitizing riparian vegetation patches over a very high-resolution World Imagery layer. Our research evidenced reduced forest connectivity in both hydroregions, with the exception of Least Disturbed sites in the Central Baltic hydroregion. The ARZ layer exhibited overall suitability to assess the connectivity of riparian forests in the Central Baltic hydroregion, while the Mediterranean hydroregion displayed a consistent pattern of connectivity overestimation in all levels of human disturbance. To address this, we recommend some improvements in the spatial resolution and thematic accuracy of the Copernicus ARZ layerinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fatty Acids, Gut Microbiota, and the Genesis of Obesity

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    Obesity is a major public health problem, which is growing around the world. It is a multifactorial disease and a risk factor for other noncommunicable diseases (e.g., cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and hepatic steatosis). Among the etiological factors, gut microbiota and diet, especially lipids, have been highlighted, which seem to have an important potential as a modulator of its composition, being the key factor in the link between microbiota and obesity. Gut microbiota interacts with the host metabolism in the development of this disease through dietary fatty acids or when produced by intestinal bacteria. Short-chain, saturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids have an impact with respect to gut microbiota and health, presenting central and systemic effects associated with the genesis of obesity. Finally, gut microbiota seems to play a significant role in controlling the endocannabinoid system, and imbalance in this system can be associated with obesity

    Nutritional parameters of infusions and decoctions obtained from Fragaria vesca L. roots and vegetative parts

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    Fragaria vesca L. (wild strawberry) roots and vegetative parts are commonly used in infusions and decoctions for different medicinal purposes. The composition in non-nutrients (mainly phenolic compounds) has previously been reported, but the contribution in nutritional compounds has not been researched. Therefore, chemical parameters with nutritional role, namely macronutrients, mineral components, some vitamins (ascorbic acid, folate and tocopherols), as well as, fatty acids, soluble sugars and organic acids, present in F. vesca roots and vegetative parts were evaluated using commercial and wild samples. Furthermore, their infusions and decoctions were also fully characterized; as well as the percentages of vitamins and minerals released for the aqueous preparations. The processing steps, the collection region and also the physiological state in which the samples were collected could influence the differences found between commercial and wild samples. The infusion and decoction preparations showed significantly high released percentages of folate and minerals, and also allowed the detection of xylose, proving to be more effective for soluble sugars extraction. Roots and vegetative parts of F. vesca, normally consumed as infusions and decoctions, can be sources of macro and micronutrients.The authors are grateful to Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) for financial support to CIMO (strategic project PEst-OE/AGR/UI0690/2011), REQIMTE (PEst-C/EQB/LA0006/2011) and ALIMNOVA research group (UCM-GR35/10A). M.I. Dias thanks to FCT for the grant (SFRH/BD/84485/2012) and L. Barros contract under “Programa Compromisso com a Ciência-2008”

    Nutritional and antioxidant properties of pulp and seeds of two xoconostle cultivars (Opuntia joconostle F.A.C. Weber ex Diguet and Opuntia matudae Scheinvar) of high consumption in Mexico

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    The genus Opuntia embraces different species of cactus, and many of them produce acid fruits known as xoconostle, which are considered valuable vegetable foods in Latin America. Xoconostle fruit contains an edible thick-acid-freshly mesocarp, and seeds that are considered as by-products. Given the high potential of its use and consumption, and the lack of information about its detailed chemical composition and bioactive compounds, the aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional and antioxidant properties of pulp and seeds of two highly consumed commercial cultivars of xoconostle fruits (Opuntia joconostle F.A.C. Weber ex Diguet, cv. Cuaresmeño, and Opuntia matudae Scheinvar, cv. Rosa). This investigation shows that the pulp of the studied xoconostle cultivars had an appreciable amount of soluble fiber and antioxidant compounds such as ascorbic acid, while the seeds are a source of fiber, phenolics, flavonoids, PUFAs and tocopherols (specially γ-tocopherol), which provide a good antioxidant capacity. In the light of these results, xoconostle fruits should be considered of great interest for either promoting the conventional consumption, and also as sources of bioactive compounds for the addition to other food products, so that all the nutrients present are fully used, instead of being discarded

    Adaptação cultural e validação de instrumento sobre habilidades de pensamento crítico em enfermagem

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    Infermeria; Estudi de validació; Anàlisi factorialEnfermería; Estudio de validación; Análisis factorialNursing; Validation Study; Factor AnalysisObjectives: to validate the Nursing Critical Thinking in Clinical Practice Questionnaire regarding cultural aspects and metric properties. Methods: a methodological research carried out through cross-cultural adaptation, face and content validity, dimensional construct and known groups validity, test-retest reliability and internal consistency. 511 nurses from four hospitals participated in the study, of which 54 participated in retest. Results: the instrument validation for Brazilian Portuguese maintained equivalences, according to the original version. The dimensional validity demonstrated adjustment to the tetrafactorial structure of the original version (GFI=0.69). There were statistically significant differences in critical thinking skills between nurses with graduate degrees and who undertook training, reading articles, developing research and working in an institution with a longer time implementation of the Nursing Process. The instrument showed temporal stability (ICC 073-0.84; p<0.001) and adequate internal consistency (α=0.97). Conclusions: the instrument proved to be valid and reliable for the studied population.Objetivos: realizar la validación del Nursing Critical Thinking in Clinical Practice Questionnaire sobre aspectos culturales y propiedades métricas. Métodos: investigación metodológica realizada a través de adaptación transcultural, validez de rostro y contenido, validez de constructo dimensional y grupos conocidos, confiabilidad test-retest y consistencia interna. En el estudio participaron 511 enfermeras de cuatro hospitales, de las cuales 54 participaron en la nueva prueba. Resultados: la validación del instrumento para portugués brasileño mantuvo las equivalencias, según la versión original. La validez dimensional demostró ajuste a la estructura tetrafactorial de la versión original (GFI=0,69). Hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las habilidades de pensamiento crítico entre enfermeros con posgrados, que completaron su formación, leyendo artículos, desarrollando investigaciones y trabajando en una institución con un tiempo de implementación más largo del Proceso de Enfermería. El instrumento mostró estabilidad temporal (ICC=073-0,84; p<0,001) y adecuada consistencia interna (α=0,97). Conclusiones: el instrumento resultó válido y confiable para la población estudiada.This work was carried out with the support of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Brazil (CAPES)