1,072 research outputs found

    Progenitors of Supernovae Type Ia and Chemical Enrichment in Hydrodynamical Simulations -I. The Single Degenerate Scenario

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    The nature of the Type Ia supernovae (SNIa) progenitors remains still uncertain. This is a major issue for galaxy evolution models since both chemical and energetic feedback play a major role in the gas dynamics, star formation and therefore in the overall stellar evolution. The progenitor models for the SNIa available in the literature propose different distributions for regulating the explosion times of these events. These functions are known as the Delay Time Distributions (DTDs). This work is the first one in a series of papers aiming at studying five different DTDs for SNIa. Here, we implement and analyse the Single Degenerate scenario (SD) in galaxies dominated by a rapid quenching of the star formation, displaying the majority of the stars concentrated in the bulge component. We find a good fit to both the present observed SNIa rates in spheroidal dominated galaxies, and to the [O/Fe] ratios shown by the bulge of the Milky Way. Additionally, the SD scenario is found to reproduce a correlation between the specific SNIa rate and the specific star formation rate, which closely resembles the observational trend, at variance with previous works. Our results suggest that SNIa observations in galaxies with very low and very high specific star formation rates can help to impose more stringent constraints on the DTDs and therefore on SNIa progenitors.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Slow to fast infinitely extended reservoirs for the symmetric exclusion process with long jumps

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    We consider an exclusion process with long jumps in the box Λ_N={1,,N1}\Lambda\_N=\{1, \ldots,N-1\}, for N2N \ge 2, in contact with infinitely extended reservoirs on its left and on its right. The jump rate is described by a transition probability p()p(\cdot) which is symmetric, with infinite support but with finite variance. The reservoirs add or remove particles with rate proportional to κNθ\kappa N^{-\theta}, where κ>0\kappa>0 and θR\theta \in\mathbb R. If θ>0\theta>0 (resp. θ<0\theta<0) the reservoirs add and fastly remove (resp. slowly remove) particles in the bulk. According to the value of θ\theta we prove that the time evolution of the spatial density of particles is described by some reaction-diffusion equations with various boundary conditions

    Neuropathological events in an animal model resembling human fetal post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus

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    Introduction: In premature newborns, intraventricular hemorrhages (IVH) probably trigger the disruption of the neurogenic ventricular zone. Most of the cases with severe IVH develop post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus (PHH). A mouse model with IVH has been developed to research into the common neuropathological events present in PHH and into possible therapies. Methods: In two-day-old mice, the blood serum from littermates was injected into the ganglionic eminence of one hemisphere or both hemispheres. Fourteen days later, a histopathological analysis was carried out. In the case of injection in one hemisphere, the effects were compared with the contralateral non-injected hemisphere. Results: Mice with IVH developed the following neuropathological effects. The ependyma was found denuded and replaced by reactive astrocytes. A reaction of astrocytes over-expressing aquaporin-4 and of NG2 cells was also found developed in the white matter. Alterations in the neurogenesis were also common in the ventricular zone and in the white matter. Conclusions: The animal model of IVH developed shows similar neuropathological events to other forms of congenital hydrocephalus and can be used to research into therapies for PHH.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. PI15/0619 (ISCIII/FEDER) to AJJ

    IPSC differentiation into ependymal progenitors to treat ventricular damage during hydrocephalus

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    Introduction: During both obstructive congenital hydrocephalus and post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus additional pathological events are intimately associated with their ethiology: a) a detrimental inflammatory response; b) severe damage of the underlying periventricular nervous tissue, including white matter, and c). Therapeutic approaches have been directed to overcome a) and b), however recovery of damaged neuroepithelium/ependyma is, in our present, an important therapeutic gap. Methods: Human and mouse induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) have been artificially differented into ependymal progenitors. Intracerebroventricular (ICV) injections of iPCS are performed ex vivo and in vivo in the damaged ventricular wall. Their integration and differentiation has been studied by immunohistochemistry and histopathological analysis. Results: Mice and human ependymal progenitors are able to integrate and differentiate into ependyma in damaged ventricular wall. Stage of ependymal differentiation by the time of the injection defined different degrees of integration. Conclusions: IPSC appear to be a good ependymal progenitor source with no ethical controversy associated.RyC 2014-16980 Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    El diseño de campañas sobre el ictus y su evaluación : una revisión de 10 años de literatura científica (1999-2009)

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    Ictus es el nombre que reciben las manifestaciones agudas de un conjunto de enfermedades que tienen en común producir el taponamiento o ruptura de una arteria, lo que provoca que la sangre no llegue a una parte del cerebro y que las células cerebrales mueran; representan la tercera causa de muerte en el mundo occidental. La finalidad de este escrito es identificar las metodologías y estrategias de comunicación más adecuadas para la efectividad de los mensajes de prevención de episodios de ictus, centrándonos en si las campañas son evaluadas y en qué forma. Para ello, se hizo una revisión de la literatura científica de campañas de comunicación o intervenciones de educación comunitaria sobre ictus en cualquier revista médica de impacto en castellano, catalán, francés e inglés entre los años 1999 y 2009. La búsqueda de la literatura se realizó mediante palabras claves introducidas en las bases de datos Pubmed/Medline, ISI Web of Knowledge y Scopus y posterior búsqueda manual a partir de las referencias bibliográficas incluidas en los artículos seleccionados. Con posterioridad se rellenaron fichas-cuestionarios para el vaciado de los artículos. Los resultados demuestran que la evaluación de campañas de ictus es escasa y que esta suele ser cuantitativa y basada en el recuerdo.Stroke is the general name given to the acute manifestation of a series of conditions that have in common the production of a blockage or rupture of an artery, causing the blood to be unable to reach the brain and the consequent death of brain cells; it is the third cause of death in the Western world. The goal of this article is identifying the most adequate communication methodologies and strategies for the effectiveness of messages trying to prevent a stroke episode: the focus will be on discerning if the campaign has been evaluated and how. In order to reach this goal, we performed a review of scientific literature about stroke communication campaigns or community education interventions in any impact journal in Spanish, Catalan, French or English between 1999 and 2009. The literature selection was based on a keywords search on various databases (Pubmed/Medline, ISI Web of Knowledge and Scopus) and a subsequent manual search from bibliography included in the selected articles. We created a database with a form per article, later on. Results show that evaluation of stroke campaigns is scarce and, when it exists, it is quantitative and based on remembrance

    Effect of row orientation on soil water content and vine water status on a Cabernet franc vineyard in Madrid, spain

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of row orien¬tation on vine and soil water status in an irrigated vineyard. The trial was developed during 2006, 2007 and 2008, in the South East region of Madrid (Spain) on 5-year old Cabernet franc grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) grafted onto 140Ru. Plant spacing was 2.5 m x 1.5 m and vines were trained to a VSP. Four orientations were stu¬died: North-South (N-S), East-West (E-W), Northeast-Southwest (N+45) and North-South +20o (N+20). Irrigation (0.4•ET0) started when shoot growth stopped. Soil water availability was measured using a TDR technique with forty buried probes. Row orientation did not have any effect on water consumption in the vineyard. At maturity, leaf water potential was measured at predawn, early mor¬ning, midday and 14:00 solar time, on both canopy sides - sun and shade – ; the early morning measurement was the one that better differentiated treatments. Leaf water potential was a good indica¬tor of plant water status. Differences between (N-S and E-W) and (N+20 and N+45) treatments were obtained both on sun and shade canopy sides, N+20 and N+45 having lower leaf water potentials then drier leaves. The water stress integral shows that N-S and E-W reach the end of maturation with a greater level of hydration than N+45 and N+20. As a whole, N+45 and N+20 orientations, without affecting too much the soil available water content, induce regularly more water stress to the vine at some periods, probably due to an higher sunlight interception in early morning which makes water limitation for the vine more early and thus more severe during the day


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    La educación sexual de los estudiantes pasa, necesariamente por padres y maestros(as), ellos(as) son responsables directos de una educación que integre las diversas áreas de la personalidad del educando. No se puede ignorar, ni olvidar que la sexualidad es el trasfondo de todo el desarrollo del estudiante y que educamos (o deseducamos) a través de las actividades que realizamos como personas, por lo cual no podemos renunciar o prescindir de dar educación sexual a nuestros hijos(as) o alumnos(as). Esta función es inherente a nuestra condición natural de orientadore

    Long-time effects of an experimental therapy with mesenchymal stem cells in congenital hydrocephalus

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    Introduction: Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSC) are a potential therapeutic tool due to their ability for migrating and producing neuroprotector factors when they are transplanted in other neurodegenerative diseases. Moreover, some investigations have shown that BM-MSC are able to modulate astrocyte activation and neuroprotector factor production. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-time effects of a BM-MSC experimental therapy in the hyh mouse model of congenital hydrocephalus. Methods: BM-MSC were characterized in vitro and then transplanted into the ventricles of young hydrocephalic hyh mice, before they develop the severe hydrocephalus. Non-hydrocephalic normal mice (wt) and hydrocephalic hyh mice sham-injected (sterile saline serum) were used as controls. Samples were studied by analyzing and comparing mRNA, protein level expressions and immunoreaction related with the progression and severity of hydrocephalus. Results: Fourteen days after transplantation, hydrocephalic hyh mice with BM-MSC showed lower ventriculomegaly. In these animals, BM-MSC were found undifferentiated and spread into the periventricular astrocyte reaction. There, BM-MSC were detected producing several neuroprotector factors (BDNF, GDNF, NGF, VEGF), in the same way as reactive astrocytes. Total neocortical levels of NGF, TGF-β and VEGF were found increased in hydrocephalic hyh mice transplanted with BM-MSC. Furthermore, astrocytes showed increased expressions of aquaporin-4 (water channel protein) and Slit-2 (neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory molecule). Conclusions: BM-MSC seem to lead to recovery of the severe neurodegenerative conditions associated to congenital hydrocephalus mediated by reactive astrocytes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. PI15/0619 (ISCIII/FEDER

    Evaluacion del uso de restricciones de adyacencia en una planificacion de aprovechamiento forestal

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    64 p.Se realizó una evaluación de la planificación volumétrica de una empresa forestal al considerar variables restrictivas de adyacencia en su planificación táctica. Se formularon modelos de programación por objetivos, minimizando desviaciones asociadas a objetivos volumétricos por períodos y horizonte táctico para cada predio. Los resultados muestran, al incluir restricciones de adyacencia en la planificación táctica de la empresa, una leve diferencia de un 8% menos de volumen a cosechar. SUMMARY An evaluation of the effect on volume planning by a forest enterprise when adjacency constraints are considered in its tactical planning was developed. Goal programming models were formulated, minimizing deviations associated with volumetric goals by periods and tactical horizon for each management area. The results show, when adjacency constraints are included in tactical planning, a moderated difference of 8% less of projected harvest volume