45 research outputs found

    Satellite SAR interferometry for monitoring dam deformation in Portugal

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    The paper offers three examples of satellite SAR interferometry (InSAR) application for monitoring dam deformations: Paradela, Raiva and Alto Ceira, all of them in Portugal. Dam deformations were estimated using several sets of ERS and Envisat C-band SAR data by PS-InSAR method that offers accuracy of a millimeter per year at monitoring man-made tructures. The results show potential of InSAR but also summarize limits of C-band InSAR in these particular cases and can be handful to recognize applicability of new Sentinel-1 data (since 2014) for continuous monitoring of dam deformations. While Alto Ceira dam lies in SAR radar shadow and was represented by only one observable point, and the movement detected (in satellite line-of-sight direction) appears to fit with geodetical measurements. Raiva and Paradela dams were represented by sufficient number of points feasible for PS-InSAR processing. Deformations at slope near to Raiva dam and slow linear movements of the center of Paradela dam were detected

    Multi-temporal SAR Interferometry for Monitoring of Man-Made Sfructures.

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    Multi-temporal InSAR (MTI) methods are effective tools for monitoring and investigating surface displacement on Earth based on conventional radar interferometry. These techniques allow us to measure deformation with uncertainties up to one millimeter per year, interpreting time series of interferometric phases at coherent/stable point scatterers. Considering the regular revisit time and wide-area coverage of satellite radar sensors, and that stable points usually correspond to buildings and other man-made structures, these techniques are particularly suitable for application in urban environments. In this paper we present some examples of the application of MTI techniques to study the stability of port structures and one example of dam monitoring. These promising results make it possible to think in the development of an interferometric methodology using the new high-resolution synthetic aperture radar satellites scenes for structural health monitoring

    Factorial validity and measurement invariance of the uncertainty response scale

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    Abstract This study presents the adaptation of the Uncertainty Response Scale (Greco & Roger, Pers. Individ. Differ, 31:519-534, 2001) to Portuguese. This instrument was administered to a non-clinical community sample composed of 1596 students and professionals, allowing a thorough validity and invariance analysis by randomly dividing participants into three subsamples to perform: an exploratory factor analysis (sample one: N = 512); a preliminary confirmatory factor analysis to identify the final solution for the scale (sample two: N = 543); and the confirmatory factor analysis (sample three: N = 541). Samples two and three were also used for multi-group analysis to assess measurement invariance, invariance across gender, sociocultural levels, and students versus active professionals. Results showed the scale reflects the original factorial structure, as well as good internal consistency and overall good psychometric qualities. Invariance results across groups reached structural invariance which provides a confident invariance measurement for this scale, while invariance across gender and sociocultural levels reached metric invariance. Accordingly, differences between these groups were explored, by comparing means with multi-group analysis to establish the scale's sensitivity toward social vulnerability, by demonstrating the existence of statistically significant differences regarding gender and sociocultural levels on how individuals cope with uncertainty, specifically in terms of emotional strategies, as a self-defeating strategy. Thus, females scored higher on emotional uncertainty, as well as low sociocultural levels, compared with higher ones. Therefore, it is proposed that this scale could be a sound alternative to explore strategies for coping with uncertainty, when considering social, economic, or other environmental circumstances that may affect them

    Estudo da competitividade da produção de algodão entre Brasil e Estados Unidos - safra 2003/04

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a competitividade da produção de algodão entre o Brasil e os Estados Unidos da América (EUA) com base nos custos de produção agrícola, tomando como referência a safra 2003/04. No Brasil, os dados foram coletados por meio de painéis com agentes do sistema produtivo, nas regiões de Campo Novo do Parecis (MT), Primavera do Leste (MT) e norte do Paraná. Os dados dos EUA são de fontes secundárias. Os resultados apontaram que, no Brasil, há maior competitividade, com alta produtividade, mas os custos considerados altos por hectare. O risco da cultura é elevado, devido às margens estreitas e aos sunk cost. Nos EUA, há menor produtividade, custos relativamente altos e margens negativas na maioria das regiões. Os dados indicam que a sustentabilidade do setor algodoeiro nos EUA é artificial, dependente de ajuda governamental.This study aims to analyze the competitivity of the cotton production in Brazil and United States of America (USA) in terms of production costs, taking into consideration the 2003/04 crop season. In Brazil, data were colleted in panel conferences in the state of Mato Grosso (Campo Novo do Parecis and Pimavera do Leste) and also in the north of the Parana state. USA's data came from secondary sources. The results showed that Brazil has a better competitivity, with good productivity, but high costs per hectare. The risk of the culture is high, given the short margins and the sunk costs. In USA, the average productivity is smaller than in Brazil; the costs are relatively high and the margins are negative in most regions. Results show that the sustainability of the cotton industry in USA is artificial, and dependent of government support

    NEO-FFI : propriedades psicométricas de um inventário reduzido de personalidade no contexto português

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    The aim of this study was to assess the psychometric properties (validity and reliability) of the Portuguese adaptation of the NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) and to compare the obtained structure to the original North American version. The methods of analysis used for cross-validation of the factorial structure were the Principal Axis Factoring (PAF) and the Confi rmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). PAF reproduced the original structure of NEO-FFI and CFA revealed a satisfactory fi t of single-factor models for the fi ve dimensions. The reliability analysis showed high values of internal consistency which are congruent with previous international adaptations of the NEO-FFI. Multidimensional analysis showed signifi cant main effects of gender and academic qualifi cations on personality using age as covariant. The fi ndings suggest that the Portuguese version of the NEO-FFI is a reliable instrument to measure the fi ve dimensions of personality.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as propriedades psicométricas (validade e fidelidade) da adaptação portuguesa do NEO-FFI e comparar a estrutura obtida com a versão original americana. Como métodos para a validação cruzada da estrutura fatorial foram usados a Análise Fatorial de Eixos Principais (PAF) e uma Análise Fatorial Confirmatória (CFA). A PAF reproduziu a estrutura original do NEO-FFI e a CFA revelou modelos uni-factoriais de ajustamento satisfatório para cada uma das cinco dimensões. A análise de fidelidade revelou elevados valores de consistência interna, congruentes com as adaptações prévias internacionais do NEO-FFI. A análise multidimensional revelou efeitos principais significativos do género e das qualificações académicas na personalidade, usando a idade como co-variante. Os resultados sugerem que a versão portuguesa do NEO-FFI é um instrumento fiável para medir as cinco dimensões da personalidade

    Pittosporum Undulatum and Hedychium Gardnerianum: nutritive value and secondary metabolites on cattle reproductive performances

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    Hedychium gardnerianum (HG) and Pittospporum undulatum (PU) are invasive plants all over the world, being in the Azores supplied to cattle on periods of shortage food. As these plants produce secondary metabolites, including a diverse range of phytochemicals compounds, the aim of the presente study is to identify how these metabolites can be related to animal’s reproductive performances. For such purpose, plants were harvested on winter, compounds extracted by method of decoction and analysed by combination of liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry as well as highperformance liquid chromatography. For nutritive evaluations, Van Soest and Weende methodologies were used. In HG quercetin-3, 4'-di-O-betaglucopyranoside, myricetin rhamnoside, quercetin rhamnoside, and gibberellin A1 and A8 were identified, while for PU were found cafeic acid derivatives, including dicaffeoylquinic acid and caffeoylquinic acid. In nutritional terms, these plants can be considered as poor, presenting percentages of dry matter (DM%) of 16.34% and 40.39%, respectively for HG and PU. Values for ash 10.4%, crude protein (CP) 7.75%, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) 64.5, acid detergent fiber (ADF) 34.69%, acid detergent lignin (ADL) 3.47% and ether extract (EE) 2.03% were found for HG. For PU values were ash 6.64%, CP 6.11%, NDF 43.84%, acid ADF 35.57%, ADL 3.56% and EE 2.71%. This study clearly indicated that, besides their low nutritive values, these plants can be used to feed ruminants, especially when pasture lacks. Nevertheless, as some compounds, namely the caffeoylquinic and dicaffeoylquinic acids, are known to be associated to physiological reproductive mechanisms, one could speculate that these compounds can be directly or indirectly associated to reproductive performances in bovine fed with these plants

    Efeito da condição climática na temperatura de pavimento de concreto asfáltico espesso / Effect of climatic condition on the temperature of thick asphalt concrete sidewalk

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo estudar o efeito da condição climática na temperatura de pavimentos de concreto asfáltico espesso, através da análise da relação entre a temperatura do pavimento e as variáveis climáticas temperatura do ar, umidade e radiação solar. O estudo foi realizado com a instalação de sensores de temperatura tipo K no pavimento de concreto asfáltico espesso da estação de controle em pista do Posto Integrado Automatizado de Fiscalização (PIAF) em Araranguá/SC. Constatou-se que todas as variáveis analisadas influenciam a temperatura do pavimento, porém a influência não é linear e varia tanto com o tipo de material da camada quanto com a profundidade, além disso, notou-se que ao longo do dia é possível dividir o comportamento do pavimento em um ciclo de aquecimento e um ciclo de resfriamento e assim traças linhas de influência que relacionam a temperatura do ar com a temperatura do pavimento em diferentes camadas


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    Introdução: Pancreatite aguda por hipertrigliceridemia ocorre em aproximadamente 1-4% dos casos, sendo a terceira causa de pancreatite após etiologia biliar e alcoólica. De acordo com a literatura, valores de triglicérides acima de 1000 mg/dl já podem induzir pancreatite. A hipertrigliceridemia pode ser produzida por causas primárias associadas a distúrbios genéticos no metabolismo lipídico e por causas secundárias. Portanto, realizar uma história clínica adequada, associada a testes de laboratório, exame físico e de imagem são importantes para manter em mente a hipertrigliceridemia como parte da etiologia da pancreatite aguda. Objetivo: Este relato tem o objetivo de descrever um caso raro de pancreatite por hipertrigliceridemia e sua complicação, enfatizando os seus aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos, terapêuticos e o resultado obtido no pós-operatório. Relato de Caso: Homem de 48 anos, com quadro de dor abdominal em região epigástrica e hipocôndrio direito há um dia, de forte intensidade, sem irradiação, associada a náuseas e vômitos. História patológica pregressa de dislipidemia. Exame clínico, valor da amilasemia, achados nos exames de imagens, ato cirúrgico e o anatomopatológico corroboraram o diagnóstico de pancreatite aguda e a hipertrigliceridemia foi caracterizada como sendo a causa, mediante aos elevados níveis plasmáticos de triglicérides. Conclusão: Patologia considerada incomum na sociedade médica para a qual as abordagens cirúrgica e farmacológica foram eficazes