945 research outputs found

    Intellectual Property Law & Competition Law

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    Competition law and intellectual property rights (IPRs) have evolved historically as two separate systems of law. There is a considerable overlap in the goals of the two systems of law because both are aimed at promoting innovation and economic growth. Yet there are also potential conflicts owing to the means used by each system to promote those goals. IP laws generally offer a right of exclusive use and exploitation to provide a reward to the innovator, to provide an incentive to other innovators and to bring into the public domain innovative information that might otherwise remain trade secrets. Competition authorities regulate near monopolies, mergers and commercial agreements with the aim of maintaining effective competition in markets. This article introduces the concept of IPRs and Competition law. It highlights important areas of conflict between the two laws and also talks about the Indian scenario of antitrust law. It concludes by trying to harmonize the conflicts

    Cadherin-11 Provides Specific Cellular Adhesion between Fibroblast-like Synoviocytes

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    Cadherins are integral membrane proteins expressed in tissue-restricted patterns that mediate homophilic intercellular adhesion. During development, they orchestrate tissue morphogenesis and, in the adult, they determine tissue integrity and architecture. The synovial lining is a condensation of fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) and macrophages one to three cells thick. These cells are embedded within the extracellular matrix, but the structure is neither an epithelium nor an endothelium. Previously, the basis for organization of the synovium into a tissue was unknown. Here, we cloned cadherin-11 from human rheumatoid arthritis (RA)-derived FLS. We developed L cell transfectants expressing cadherin-11, cadherin-11 fusion proteins, and anti–cadherin-11 mAb. Cadherin-11 was found to be expressed mainly in the synovial lining by immunohistologic staining of human synovium. FLS adhered to cadherin-11–Fc, and transfection of cadherin-11 conferred the formation of tissue-like sheets and lining-like structures upon fibroblasts in vitro. These findings support a key role for cadherin-11 in the specific adhesion of FLS and in synovial tissue organization and behavior in health and RA

    An Environment-Wide Association Study (EWAS) on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Background: Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) and other chronic diseases are caused by a complex combination of many genetic and environmental factors. Few methods are available to comprehensively associate specific physical environmental factors with disease. We conducted a pilot Environmental-Wide Association Study (EWAS), in which epidemiological data are comprehensively and systematically interpreted in a manner analogous to a Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS). Methods and Findings: We performed multiple cross-sectional analyses associating 266 unique environmental factors with clinical status for T2D defined by fasting blood sugar (FBG) concentration $126 mg/dL. We utilized available Centers for Disease Control (CDC) National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) cohorts from years 1999 to 2006. Within cohort sample numbers ranged from 503 to 3,318. Logistic regression models were adjusted for age, sex, body mass index (BMI), ethnicity, and an estimate of socioeconomic status (SES). As in GWAS, multiple comparisons were controlled and significant findings were validated with other cohorts. We discovered significant associations for the pesticide-derivative heptachlor epoxide (adjusted OR in three combined cohorts of 1.7 for a 1 SD change in exposure amount; p,0.001), and the vitamin c-tocopherol (adjusted OR 1.5; p,0.001). Higher concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) such as PCB170 (adjusted OR 2.2; p,0.001) were also found. Protective factors associated with T2D included b-carotenes (adjusted OR 0.6; p,0.001)

    Predicting environmental chemical factors associated with disease-related gene expression data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many common diseases arise from an interaction between environmental and genetic factors. Our knowledge regarding environment and gene interactions is growing, but frameworks to build an association between gene-environment interactions and disease using preexisting, publicly available data has been lacking. Integrating freely-available environment-gene interaction and disease phenotype data would allow hypothesis generation for potential environmental associations to disease.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We integrated publicly available disease-specific gene expression microarray data and curated chemical-gene interaction data to systematically predict environmental chemicals associated with disease. We derived chemical-gene signatures for 1,338 chemical/environmental chemicals from the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD). We associated these chemical-gene signatures with differentially expressed genes from datasets found in the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) through an enrichment test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We were able to verify our analytic method by accurately identifying chemicals applied to samples and cell lines. Furthermore, we were able to predict known and novel environmental associations with prostate, lung, and breast cancers, such as estradiol and bisphenol A.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We have developed a scalable and statistical method to identify possible environmental associations with disease using publicly available data and have validated some of the associations in the literature.</p

    Integrating new approaches to atrial fibrillation management: the 6th AFNET/EHRA Consensus Conference.

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    There are major challenges ahead for clinicians treating patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). The population with AF is expected to expand considerably and yet, apart from anticoagulation, therapies used in AF have not been shown to consistently impact on mortality or reduce adverse cardiovascular events. New approaches to AF management, including the use of novel technologies and structured, integrated care, have the potential to enhance clinical phenotyping or result in better treatment selection and stratified therapy. Here, we report the outcomes of the 6th Consensus Conference of the Atrial Fibrillation Network (AFNET) and the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), held at the European Society of Cardiology Heart House in Sophia Antipolis, France, 17-19 January 2017. Sixty-two global specialists in AF and 13 industry partners met to develop innovative solutions based on new approaches to screening and diagnosis, enhancing integration of AF care, developing clinical pathways for treating complex patients, improving stroke prevention strategies, and better patient selection for heart rate and rhythm control. Ultimately, these approaches can lead to better outcomes for patients with AF
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