466 research outputs found

    Generalizing the Convex Hull of a Sample: The R Package alphahull

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    This paper presents the R package alphahull which implements the ñ-convex hull and the ñ-shape of a finite set of points in the plane. These geometric structures provide an informative overview of the shape and properties of the point set. Unlike the convex hull, the ñ-convex hull and the ñ-shape are able to reconstruct non-convex sets. This flexibility make them specially useful in set estimation. Since the implementation is based on the intimate relation of theses constructs with Delaunay triangulations, the R package alphahull also includes functions to compute Voronoi and Delaunay tesselations. The usefulness of the package is illustrated with two small simulation studies on boundary length estimation.

    Advances and uncertainties in compliance measures for users from the Nagoya Protocol in the European Union

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    The Nagoya Protocol developed the legal regime for the access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilization that were already enshrined in the Convention on Biological Diversity, and introduced binding rules on compliance. With its Regulation 511/2014 adopted in 2014, the European Union (EU) – the second most important geographical area in the global biotechnology market – has developed and sought to harmonize the compliance and monitoring measures for users from the Nagoya Protocol in the EU territory. This article presents and assesses the progress made in this recent EU legal field, including the challenges in the form of several uncertainties that still lie ahead


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    La contemporaneidad del mundo de vida tiene en lo dubitativo su principal expresi\uf3n. Temores, angustias, paradojas, responsabilidades re\uf1idas con las convicciones, deseos e intereses reprimidos por la l\uf3gica de la dominaci\uf3n, irresoluciones y sobre todo, las dudas sobre la realidad percibida y las expectativas del futuro, alientan el deseo del hombre por liberarse de lo carente de sentido y significaci\uf3n. Es este el mundo cotidiano que invita a construir una identidad para hacer uso de ella, decidida y responsablemente, a fin de transgredir convencionalismos y encauzar las intenciones sin menoscabar los leg\uedtimos intereses del resto de actores integrantes de la comunidad moral. En este art\uedculo, entendiendo la identidad como una construcci\uf3n moral a partir de lo cotidiano, y utilizando los postulados te\uf3ricos de Castells, Habermas y Ricoeur, se vinculan los elementos intervinientes en la intenci\uf3n emancipadora, con la pretensi\uf3n de encontrar puntos de convergencia entre las instituciones dominantes y los actores dominados, para asegurar su coexistencia pac\uedfica ante el pluralismo moral y el relativismo \ue9tico. ABSTRACT IDENTITY CONSTRUCTION: EMANCIPATION FROM QUOTIDIAN The contemporary life world has in doubtful its main expression Fears, anguishes, paradoxes, responsibilities bitter with the convictions, desires and interest repressed by the logic of the domination, hesitations and mainly, the doubts that hang over the perceived reality and the expectations of the future, encourage the desire of the man to free themselves of which it stops he makes no sense and meaning. It is the this daily world that it invites to construct an identity to make use of her, determined and responsibly, in order to transgress conventionalisms and to channel the intentions without reducing the legitimate interests of the rest of actors of the moral community. In this article, understanding the identity like a moral construction starting from quotidian, and using the theoretical postulates of Castells, Habermas and Ricoeur, the elements that take part in the emancipated intention, with the pretension to find points of convergence between the dominant institutions and the dominated actors, to assure their pacific coexistence, in the presence of moral pluralism and the ethical relativism

    Visualization and analytics of codicological data of Hebrew books

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    The goal is to provide a proper data model, using a common vocabulary, to decrease the heterogenous nature of these datasets as well as its inherent uncertainty caused by the descriptive nature of the field of Codicology. This research project was developed with the goal of applying data visualization and data mining techniques to the field of Codicology and Digital Humanities. Using Hebrew manuscript data as a starting point, this dissertation proposes an environment for exploratory analysis to be used by Humanities experts to deepen their understanding of codicological data, to formulate new, or verify existing, research hypotheses, and to communicate their findings in a richer way. To improve the scope of visualizations and knowledge discovery we will try to use data mining methods such as Association Rule Mining and Formal Concept Analysis. The present dissertation aims to retrieve information and structure from Hebrew manuscripts collected by codicologists. These manuscripts reflect the production of books of a specific region, namely "Sefarad" region, within the period between 10th and 16th.A presente dissertação tem como objetivo obter conhecimento estruturado de manuscritos hebraicos coletados por codicologistas. Estes manuscritos refletem a produção de livros de uma região específica, nomeadamente a região "Sefarad", no período entre os séculos X e XVI. O objetivo é fornecer um modelo de dados apropriado, usando um vocabulário comum, para diminuir a natureza heterogénea desses conjuntos de dados, bem como sua incerteza inerente causada pela natureza descritiva no campo da Codicologia. Este projeto de investigação foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de aplicar técnicas de visualização de dados e "data mining" no campo da Codicologia e Humanidades Digitais. Usando os dados de manuscritos hebraicos como ponto de partida, esta dissertação propõe um ambiente para análise exploratória a ser utilizado por especialistas em Humanidades Digitais e Codicologia para aprofundar a compreensão dos dados codicológicos, formular novas hipóteses de pesquisa, ou verificar existentes, e comunicar as suas descobertas de uma forma mais rica. Para melhorar as visualizações e descoberta de conhecimento, tentaremos usar métodos de data mining, como a "Association Rule Mining" e "Formal Concept Analysis"

    On inside ownership of biddings and M&A premia

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    Mestrado em FinançasEste estudo pretende aferir a relação entre o prémio pago numa fusão pela empresa alvo e o nível de ações prórias controladas pela empresa adquirente. Os dados cobrem 870 fusões efetuadas em capital na Europa e nos Estados Unidos da America entre 2010 e 2019. Os resultados são inconclusívos se o prémio pago pela empresa adquirente varia com o nível de ações próprias controladas pela empresa adquirente. No entanto, a relação é negativa para prémios calculados tendo em conta o preço médio da empresa adquirente entre o dia em que a fusão é anunciada e o dia anterior. Considerando o prémio pago tendo em conta o preço das ações no dia do anúncio da fusão, ou a média dos preços da semana anterior ao anúncio ou a média dos preços do mês anterior ao anúncio, então a relação negativa deixa de ser estatisticamente significante. Os resultados deste estudo permitem uma melhor compreensão do prémio oferecido pela empresa adquirente numa aquisição o que, tendo em conta que o prémio pode ser uma das razões que leva ao insucesso de fusões, pode permitir que a taxa de insucesso das fusões diminua futuramente.This study aims to assess the relationship between the premium paid in a merger for the target company and the level of inside ownership of the acquirer. Data covers 870 cash deals in Europe and in the USA between 2010 and 2019. Results are inconclusive whether the premium paid by the acquiring company changes depending on acquirer?s level of inside ownership. Nevertheless, the relationship is negative for premiums computed considering the average price of the target company between the day of the announcement and the day before the announcement. Narrowing the analysis to the premium paid against the stock price at the announcement date, one-week average, or one-month prior the announcement, then the negative relationship is no longer statistically significant. The results of this study allow a better understanding of the premium paid by the acquiring company on a takeover which, considering that premium can be a reason why mergers fail, may help decrease the rate of merger failure in the future.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A multivariate uniformity test for the case of unknown support

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    The final publication is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11222-010-9222-

    Polynomial volume estimation and its applications

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    Given a compact set S ⊂ R d we consider the problem of estimating, from a random sample of points, the Lebesgue measure of S, µ(S), and its boundary measure, L(S) (as defined by the Minkowski content of ∂S). This topic has received some attention, especially in the two-dimensional case d = 2, motivated by applications in image analysis. A new method to simultaneously estimate µ(S) and L(S) from a sample of points inside S is proposed. The basic idea is to assume that S has a polynomial volume, that is, that V (r) := µ{x : d(x, S) ≤ r} is a polynomial in r of degree d, for all r in some interval [0, R). We develop a minimum distance approach to estimate the coefficients of V (r) and, in particular µ(S) and L(S), which correspond, respectively, to the independent term and the first degree coefficient of V (r). The strong consistency of the proposed estimators is proved. Some numerical illustrations are givenThis work has been partially supported by Spanish Grants MTM2016-78751-P (A. Cuevas) and MTM2016-76969-P (B. Pateiro-López)S