99 research outputs found

    Marketing communication of HC BanĂ­k Sokolov

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    Title: Marketing communication of HC BanĂ­k Sokolov Objectives: The main goal of the thesis is to evaluate the current state of marketing communication of HC BanĂ­k Sokolov on the basis of quantitative and qualitative research and to propose specific changes that will lead to its improvement. Methods: In this thesis the method of quantitative and qualitative research was used. The quantitative research was in the form of electronic surveys. Respondents mainly evaluated their satisfaction with the marketing communication of HC BanĂ­k Sokolov and answered questions about what they would like to improve in the club. The qualitative research was conducted in the form of detail interview with Karel Mlejnek, the sports manager of the club, who helped to get more into the club's problems. Results: Based on the evaluation it was found that the current state of marketing communication HC BanĂ­k Sokolov is at a very good level, compared to other semi-professional clubs. The analysis of marketing communication also found that the club has problems with the ice rink and cooperation with more advantageous potential partners. Keywords: Marketing, sponsoring, ice hockey, promotion, public relationsNĂĄzev: MarketingovĂĄ komunikace HC BanĂ­k Sokolov CĂ­le: HlavnĂ­m cĂ­lem prĂĄce je na zĂĄkladě kvantitativnĂ­ho a kvalitativnĂ­ho vĂœzkumu zhodnotit současnĂœ stav marketingovĂ© komunikace HC BanĂ­k Sokolov a navrhnout konkrĂ©tnĂ­ změny, kterĂ© povedou k jejĂ­mu zlepĆĄenĂ­. Metody: V prĂĄci bylo vyuĆŸito metody kvantitativnĂ­ho a kvalitativnĂ­ho vĂœzkumu. KvantitativnĂ­ vĂœzkum probĂ­hal formou elektronickĂ©ho dotazovĂĄnĂ­. Respondenti pƙedevĆĄĂ­m hodnotili spokojenost s marketingovou komunikacĂ­ HC BanĂ­k Sokolov a odpovĂ­dali i na otĂĄzky, co by v klubu chtěli vylepĆĄit. KvalitativnĂ­ vĂœzkum proběhl formou hloubkovĂ©ho interview se sportovnĂ­m manaĆŸerem klubu Karlem Mlejnkem, kterĂœ napomohl proniknout do problematiky klubu vĂ­ce do hloubky. VĂœsledky: Na zĂĄkladě provedenĂ©ho hodnocenĂ­ bylo zjiĆĄtěno, ĆŸe současnĂœ stav marketingovĂ© komunikace HC BanĂ­k Sokolov je na velmi dobrĂ© Ășrovni, v porovnĂĄnĂ­ s ostatnĂ­mi poloprofesionĂĄlnĂ­mi kluby. AnalĂœza marketingovĂ© komunikace dĂĄle zjistila, ĆŸe klub mĂĄ problĂ©my se zimnĂ­m stadionem a spolupracĂ­ s vĂœhodnějĆĄĂ­mi potenciĂĄlnĂ­mi partnery. KlíčovĂĄ slova: Marketing, sponzoring, lednĂ­ hokej, propagace, vztahy s veƙejnostĂ­ManagementFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesnĂ© vĂœchovy a sport

    Ignition Risks of Biomass Dust on Hot Surfaces

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    Combustible biomass dusts are formed at various handling stages, and accumulations of these dusts can occur on hot surfaces of electrical and mechanical devices and can pose fire risks. This study evaluates the ignition characteristics of dust from two types of biomass commonly used in the U.K. power stations: herbaceous miscanthus and woody pine. The ignition risks of the individual biomass and their blends in two different weight ratios, 90 wt % pine to 10 wt % miscanthus and 50 wt % pine to 50 wt % miscanthus, were investigated. Biomass–biomass blends represent the power plant scenario where a number of biomass are fired under daily operation, and thus, dust sedimentation could consist of material blends. The influence of washing pretreatment (particularly to remove catalytic potassium) on the ignition behavior of these dusts was investigated. Fuel characterization via proximate and ultimate analyses was performed on all fuels and combustion characteristics via thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The risk of self-ignition propensity of both untreated and washed biomass was ranked graphically using the activation energy (Ea) for combustion and the temperature of maximum weight loss (TMWL) determined from the derivative TGA (DTG) curve. It was found that the TMWL and Ea of washed biomass were higher than those of the untreated biomass, implying a lower self-ignition risk. Similar analyses were performed on untreated and washed blends, and comparable results were observed. The ignition characteristics were studied following the British Standard test methods for determining the minimum ignition temperature of a 5 mm dust layer on a heated surface. It was found that the washed individual biomass and their blends revealed slightly higher dust ignition temperatures than their respective untreated counterparts, a 20 and 10 °C difference for individual biomass and blends, respectively. The effect of washing on the ignition delay time was more obvious for pine than for miscanthus, but the time difference between the untreated and washed biomass never exceeded 4 min for all biomass and blends. The biomass pretreatment method of washing did change the combustion and self-ignition characteristics of biomass dust, and there was evidence of potassium being leached from the fuels upon washing (particularly miscanthus). This is considered the main reason for the increase in the minimum ignition temperature. While the washed biomass is found to have a lower ignition risk, it should be noted that the result (validated for up to 5 mm thickness) is not significant enough to influence plant operations for the ignition risk from thin dust layers according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard

    Body Mass Index is Associated with USF1 Haplotype in Korean Premenopausal Women

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    The upstream stimulatory factor 1 (USF1) gene has been shown to play an essential role as the cause of familial combined hyperlipidemia, and there are several association studies on the relationship between USF1 and metabolic disorders. In this study, we analyzed two single nucleotide polymorphisms in USF1 rs2073653 (306A>G) and rs2516840 (1748C>T) between the case (dyslipidemia or obesity) group and the control group in premenopausal females, postmenopausal females, and males among 275 Korean subjects. We observed a statistically significant difference in the GC haplotype between body mass index (BMI) ≄25 kg/m2 and BMI <25 kg/m2 groups in premenopausal females (χ2=4.23, p=0.04). It seems that the USF1 GC haplotype is associated with BMI in premenopausal Korean females

    Prognosis of Atrial Fibrillation with or without Comorbidities: Analysis of Younger Adults from a Nationwide Database.

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    To assess the prognosis of AF patients with or without cardiac or extra-cardiac concomitant conditions. All consecutive patients diagnosed with AF admitted to French hospitals between 2011 and 2020 were identified. Patients were classified into four groups: (1) &gt; 60 yo; (2) with known cardiac disease (KCD group); (3) with extra-cardiac comorbidities (ECC); and 4) AF without KCD or ECC ("Lone AF"). Altogether 2,435,541 patients were identified, from which 2,203,702 patients aged &gt;60 years and 231,839 patients aged &lt;60 years (with KCD (55.2%), with ECC (14.7%) and with "Lone AF" (30.1%)). During follow-up, the incidences of all-cause and CV deaths were 13.7%, 5.7%, 6.2%, and 2.3%, and 4.2%, 1.7%, 0.8%, and 0.3% in the older than 60 yo group, KCD group, ECC group and "Lone AF" AF group, respectively. In the age and sex-adjusted analysis (patients &lt; 60 yo), patients with AF and KCD had worse outcomes than patients with "Lone AF" for all major cardiac events. There are three distinct prognostic criteria based on the presence or lack of HD or extra-cardiac concomitant comorbidities. Patients in the so-called "Lone AF" group remain severe in terms of CV events but still with a lower incidence than the patients with associated KCD or ECC. The presence of KCD or ECC makes it possible to distinguish a profile in terms of events that are very different between the patients

    Customer satisfaction analysis of company Cafe Hrnek

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    Objective of this thesis was to analyze customer satisfaction with services of Cafe Hrnek by using correlation analysis and was to answer research questions that were focused not only on customer satisfaction but also on behavioral intentions. Based on earned informations from the theoretical part and from the PAPI method research there were defined 17 key factors which significantly affect overall customer satisfaction and which were used to answer research questions. Primary data from questionnaire survey, which was attended by 200 respondents, were used to meet the objectives of the diploma thesis. Based on the satisfaction with individual factors and their strength of correlation with overall satisfaction there were determined factors on which the company should primarily focus to increase its competitiveness. These factors are the capacity of the cafĂ©, the clarity of the offer, the speed of service and the price of the assortment.CĂ­lem diplomovĂ© prĂĄce je pomocĂ­ korelačnĂ­ zĂĄvislosti zanalyzovat zĂĄkaznickou spokojenost se sluĆŸbami Cafe Hrnek a zodpovědět pƙedem stanovenĂ© vĂœzkumnĂ© otĂĄzky, kterĂ© se zaměƙovaly nejen na zĂĄkaznickou spokojenost, ale i na behaviorĂĄlnĂ­ zĂĄměry zĂĄkaznĂ­kĆŻ. Na zĂĄkladě zĂ­skanĂœch poznatkĆŻ z teoretickĂ© části a z vĂœzkumu metodou PAPI, bylo vydefinovĂĄno 17 klíčovĂœch faktorĆŻ, kterĂ© vĂœznamně ovlivƈujĂ­ celkovou zĂĄkaznickou spokojenost a kterĂ© byly dĂĄle vyuĆŸity k zodpovězenĂ­ vĂœzkumnĂœch otĂĄzek. Pro splněnĂ­ cĂ­lĆŻ diplomovĂ© prĂĄce byla pouĆŸita primĂĄrnĂ­ data z dotaznĂ­kovĂ©ho ĆĄetƙenĂ­, kterĂ©ho se Ășčastnilo 200 respondentĆŻ. Na zĂĄkladě spokojenosti s jednotlivĂœmi faktory a jejich sĂ­lou korelačnĂ­ zĂĄvislosti s celkovou spokojenostĂ­ byly stanoveny faktory, na kterĂ© by se podnik měl primĂĄrně zaměƙit pro zvĂœĆĄenĂ­ svĂ© konkurenceschopnosti. Mezi tyto faktory patƙí kapacita kavĂĄrny, pƙehlednost nabĂ­dky, rychlost obsluhy a cena sortimentu

    Quand l’économie sociale et solidaire rencontre la libĂ©ration d’entreprise. Entre commun et agonisme : une analyse dĂ©mocratique de deux organisations alternatives

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    This research focuses on the association of two management objects: the SSE companies, with democratic governance, and the liberated companies, which advocate an emancipatory managerial organization. The academic literature seems to condemn democratic governance to degeneration. However, we show that this determinism is based on an inconceived democratic organization of work. In parallel, the liberated companies are criticized by scientific literature. We show that "liberation" is limited to management level. There is a glass ceiling of corporate governance. Therefore, these two organizational categories seem complementary and their association constitutes an original union to rethink companies in a democratic prism. This research mobilizes a double theoretical framework : the commons and the agonism. From an empirical point of view, two unique business cases have been mobilised: a food-coop setting up a sociocratic and holacratic organization, and a social enterprise in the home help sector, a commercial company of the SSE with self-managed teams, like Buurtzorg. This thesis makes a triple contribution to the literature. First, we analyze the democratic potential of an open governance within the liberated company. Then, we contribute to deepening the democratic functioning of SSE companies. More precisely, this thesis enables to re-examine the theory of degeneration. Finally, we reveal conditions, effects and challenges of an organizational democratization of the company.Cette recherche porte sur l’association de deux objets de gestion : l’entreprise de l’ESS, Ă  la gouvernance dĂ©mocratique, et l’entreprise libĂ©rĂ©e, prĂŽnant une organisation managĂ©riale libĂ©ratrice et Ă©mancipatrice. Alors que le fonctionnement dĂ©mocratique de la premiĂšre semble condamner Ă  la dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rescence par la littĂ©rature, nous montrons que ce dĂ©terminisme s’appuie sur un impensĂ© : une organisation dĂ©mocratique du travail. ParallĂšlement, l’entreprise libĂ©rĂ©e, derniĂšre mode managĂ©riale contemporaine, est amplement critiquĂ©e par la littĂ©rature scientifique. En particulier, nous montrons que ses partisans se sont contentĂ©s d’une « libĂ©ration » de l’organisation du travail. Il existe de fait un plafond de verre de la gouvernance d’entreprise. Ces deux catĂ©gories organisationnelles semblent donc complĂ©mentaires et leur association constitue une rĂ©union originale pour repenser l’organisation et la gestion de l’entreprise. Pour Ă©tudier le potentiel dĂ©mocratique de cet objet de gestion unique, cette recherche mobilise une double approche thĂ©orique dĂ©mocratique : les communs et l’agonisme. D’un point de vue empirique, nous nous appuyons sur une Ă©tude de deux cas d’entreprise : un supermarchĂ© coopĂ©ratif, mettant en place une organisation sociocratique et holacratique, et une entreprise sociale du secteur de l’aide Ă  domicile, entreprise commerciale de l’ESS organisĂ©e par Ă©quipe autonome. Cette thĂšse propose une triple contribution. Tout d’abord, nous analysons le potentiel dĂ©mocratique d’une ouverture de la gouvernance au sein de l’entreprise libĂ©rĂ©e. Ensuite, nous contribuons Ă  approfondir le fonctionnement dĂ©mocratique des entreprises de l’ESS. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, cette thĂšse permet de rĂ©examiner la thĂ©orie de la dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rescence. Enfin, nous dĂ©voilons des conditions, des effets et des enjeux d’une dĂ©mocratisation organisationnelle de l’entreprise

    Objet, raison d’ĂȘtre et praxis : les coopĂ©ratives et le commun au secours de l’entreprise ?

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    International audienceThe Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the stakeholders’approaches prevent to create a new conception of the firm theory. They are still based on an individualist and contractual paradigm where the shareholders’value remains central. Besides, the society is not yet included in the firm theory. However, we demonstrate that the current workers co-operatives manage to propose a different conception of the relation corporation/firm/society. We suggest to use the theory of commons as the theorical basis for a collective and democratic conception of the firm which disrupts the purpose andpractices of the firm.En partant des derniers projets de loi en France proposant une (re)dĂ©finition juridique de l’entreprise, nous montrons que le courant de la responsabilitĂ© sociale de l’entreprise et l’approche des parties-prenantes n’ont pas pu accompagner la rupture nĂ©cessaire de notre conception moderne de l’entreprise. Prise au piĂšge d’une conception individualiste et contractualiste, celle-ci est restĂ©e sous la domination d’une valeur actionnariale et sĂ©parĂ©e de la sociĂ©tĂ©. Cependant, en partant des coopĂ©ratives contemporaines (SCOP et SCIC), nous montrons que celles-ci nous permettent d’entrouvrir une nouvelle conception de l’entreprise par un repositionnement de l’entreprise vis-Ă -vis de la sociĂ©tĂ© juridique et une inscription dans et pour la sociĂ©tĂ©. Nous proposons alors la thĂ©orie des communs comme socle thĂ©orique pour un renouvellement conceptuel de l’entreprise. Dans ce sens, nous montrons comment l’entreprise peut (doit ?) devenir une organisation collective et dĂ©mocratique bouleversant de fait nos conceptions de l’objet, la praxis et la raison d’ĂȘtre des entreprises modernes

    Offspring of the Blue Whale

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