252 research outputs found

    Promoting Conservation: An Investigation and Treatment of Seneca-Iroquois Moccasins

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    In 2016 there are currently 566 federally recognized American Indian Tribes. Of these hundreds of tribes only a small portion operate tribal archives, libraries and/or museums. An even small percentage of these tribes are able to address conservation and preservation needs of their collections. The Seneca Iroquois National Museum (SINM) located in Salamanca, NY is currently building a new Cultural Center to help promote, protect, and safeguard their historical artifacts. By strengthening ties to the SUNY Buffalo State College Art Conservation Department in Buffalo, NY the caretakers at SINM will have access to current preservation information, state of the art analytical tools, and cost-effective treatment all of which can further promote conservation and potential funding at the museum. This project involves working closely with the staff at SINM, the treatment of a pair of lady’s embroidered leather moccasins, material analysis with some surprising results, and the production of a short video to help promote conservation at the museum

    Applications and Mechanisms of Near Infrared Spectroscopy For Age Estimation in Otoliths of Red Snapper \u3ci\u3eLutjanus Campechanus\u3c/i\u3e

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    Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a light spectroscopy method useful for non-invasively discriminating and quantifying chemical composition of a wide variety of substances. Recently-developed applications of NIRS to fish age estimation across a range of taxa have sparked intense interest in exploring the feasibility of its use for rapid age estimation in fisheries population management. In this pursuit, development of species-specific calibration models relating traditionally-derived age estimates (i.e., those estimated from growth band counts) to NIR spectral signatures from ageing structures is required to derive predictive models that can then estimate age from rapid scans of whole ageing structures alone. Otoliths and corresponding traditionally-derived ages of juvenile and adult red snapper Lutjanus campechanus were used to generate NIRS models for predicting both daily and annual ages. NIRS-predicted daily ages were accurate to within six days of traditional estimates and were not significantly different than traditionally-derived ages for juveniles aged 39 – 120 days when used to produce length-at-age models. NIRS-predicted annual ages were accurate to within approximately one year in fish aged 0 – 30 years, but prediction error rose substantially for fish aged 31 – 38 years. Across all models, age-related otolith morphometric dynamics changed the physical interaction of NIR light with the structures and impacted the resolution of age prediction models. When size and otolith morphometrics for a subset of otoliths (n=26) were standardized by grinding and subsampling a fixed mass from each for NIRS analysis, NIRS prediction error increased by approximately 30% but ages remained accurate to within 2 years of traditional ages; hence, otolith structure is of some importance to predictive models but ontogenetic compositional changes underlie most of the correlation of NIRS otolith spectral signatures with age. Protein concentration (% otolith weight) was positively correlated with traditional age, but the impact of this relationship on otolith spectral signatures was not easily discernable. However, comparison of otolith spectral signatures to those of two primary otolith constituents, calcium carbonate and type I collagen, revealed that absorbance features at characteristic wavenumbers for each constituent were correlated to NIRS otolith age prediction, providing the first insights to the NIRS age-prediction mechanism in otoliths

    Irrigação subterranea no desenvolvimento da cultura do morangueiro

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    Orientador: Edson Eiji MatsuraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia AgricolaResumo: Estudos anteriores comprovaram que a aplicação da água pelo sistema de irrigação subterrânea é vantajosa para o desenvolvimento das culturas, pois reduz a perda de água por evaporação, melhorando a eficiência de irrigação e diminuindo o aparecimento de doenças, além de economizar água. Em princípio, o sistema deve produzir uma iãixa larga e contínua de umidade, oferecendo uniformidade de aplicação em todo o seu comprimento. Preocupou-se o uso da irrigação subterrânea em condições de campo, controlando a quantidade de água a ser aplicada, avaliando a uniformidade de aplicação na linha de irrigação em função da textura do solo, a probabilidade de entupimento do equipamento e a comprovação da eficiência do equipamento no fornecimento de água. O tubo de irrigação foi testado a duas profundidades e com aplicação em duas e em três linhas de irrigação por canteiro. Procurou-se avaliar qual o tratamento que oferece melhores resultados para parâmetros de sanidade da planta e de desenvolvimento vegetativo e de sistema radicular. Nas medidas de umidade os tratamentos enterrados a 10 em tiveram resultados mais homogêneos, Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos estudados para matéria seca da parte aérea (MSP A), índice de área foliar (IAF), máxima dimensão horizontal da pJanta (DHP) e altura da planta (AP), tanto em plantas sadias como em plantas doentes. Na avaliação do sistema radicular, apenas alguns tratamentos apresentaram diferença significativa: os tratamentos de raízes sadias e doentes de O a 10 em e de raízes sadias de SO a 60 cm. Na profundidade de O a 10 em, em plantas sadias, no tratamento com 3 linhas a 20 cm, foram observadas medidas menores que os outros três tratamentos. Já as raizes das plantas doentes, de O a 10 cm de profundidade, mostraram valores de peso seco de raiz maiores nos tratamentos de 3 linhas do que nos tratamentos de 2 linhas de irrigação. De SO a 60 cm, as raízes sadias, tiveram resuhados maiores nos tratamentos de 2 linhas do que nos tratamentos de 3 linhasAbstract: Previous papers have confirmed that applying water througb the subsurface irrigation system is advantageous for the development of cultures, as it reduces the water loss for evaporation, improving irrigation efficacy and diminishing the emergence of diseases. It also promotes water savings. At first, the system should produce a large and continuous humidity string, providing application uniformity in its whole length. We are concemed about the use of subsurfàce irrigation in field conditions, as for controlling the quantity of water to be applied, assessing the application unifonnity on the irrigation string in function of the soil texture, the probability of the equipment clogging, and the confirmation of the equipment efficiency on water supplying. The irrigation pipe was tested at two depths and with application in two and in three irrigation strings per seedbed. The aim was assessing which treatment offers better resu1ts for sanitation parameters of the plant, the vegetative development and the radicular system. As for the humidity measures, the treatments buried at 10 em (3,9 inches) have presented more. It were not observed significant differences among the studied treatments for dry matter of aerial portion, foliar area index, maximum horizontal dimension of the plant and plant height, both in healthy and in sick plants. On the radicular system assessment, only a few treatments have presented significam differences: the treatments of healthy and sick roots at O to 10 cm (3,9 inches) and heahhy roots at 50 to 60 em (19,6 to 23,6 inches). The treatment at O to 10 cm of healthy 3 L 20 cm plants has presented smaller measures than the other three treatments. As for roots of sick plants at O to 10 em of depth, they've shown Jarger results 00 the 3 strings treatment than on the 2 irrigation strings treatments. From 50 to 60 em, the healthy roots have presented larger results on the 2 strings treatments than the 3 strings onesMestradoAgua e SoloMestre em Engenharia Agrícol

    Inferring Life History Characteristics of the Oceanic Whitetip Shark \u3cem\u3eCarcharhinus longimanus\u3c/em\u3e From Vertebral Bomb Radiocarbon

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    Oceanic whitetip sharks Carcharhinus longimanus are a cosmopolitan epipelagic species that was once prolific throughout the tropics and subtropics but was recently listed as Critically Endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and as Threatened under the United States Endangered Species Act. Although historically conspicuous in oceanic fisheries catches, relatively little is known about their habitat use, movement, and life history during migration. Given the paucity of data on migratory patterns and lack of age estimate validation available for this species, we evaluated vertebral growth bands for bomb radiocarbon (14C) patterns to derive additional information on these metrics. Individual growth bands (n = 62) were milled from vertebrae of eight individuals caught in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. Age estimates based on vertebral growth bands ranged 1–13 years, with capture dates spanning 1978–2004. Plots of vertebral Δ14C relative to regional coral, shark, and fish otolith reference curves suggest age estimates based on presumed annual growth bands were accurate, although specimens were not old enough to capture the most informative portion of the bomb radiocarbon reference period. The magnitude of Δ14C varied among individuals, and individual chronologies demonstrated semi-cyclic patterns of Δ14C depletion and subsequent enrichment, which may be indicative of changes to diet as a function of annual migratory patterns and is supported by recently published telemetry, diet, and stable isotope studies. Although these data are preliminary in nature, they provide some evidence that Δ14C patterns in vertebrae can serve as a multi-purpose tool for life history studies of oceanic sharks

    Profile of Fournier gangrene patients using hyperbaric oxygen therapy as an adjuvant treatment

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    Objective: Evaluating the results obtained from hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) as an adjuvant treatment in Fournier's Gangrene (GF). Casuistic and Method: Cross-sectional, retrospective, and descriptive study based on the analysis of physical records of patients with GF submitted to hyperbaric oxygen therapy through the hyperbaric chamber from February 2008 to May 2018, assisted at the hyperbaric oxygen therapy clinic, in Bauru, SP. The data collected were age, gender, etiology, comorbidities, lesion location and extension, total session number, and mortality. Result: It totaled 38 patients, 76% male, with a mean age of 55.6 years. Among the patients, 17 (44.7%) were discharged, 18 (47.4%) discontinued treatment before termination, and three (8.21%) deaths occurred. The main etiology was an abscess and the main predisposing comorbidities were diabetes mellitus and hypertension. The location and extension lesion with the most affected areas were in the scrotal region, followed by the perineal region. Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrated that the effect of HBOT as an adjuvant treatment has an advantage in the treatment of GF resulting in considerable patient medical discharge and low mortality.Objetivo: Avaliar os resultados obtidos da oxigenoterapia hiperbárica (OHB) como tratamento adjuvante na Gangrena de Fournier (GF). Casuística e Método: Estudo transversal, retrospectivo e descritivo baseado na análise de prontuários físicos de pacientes portadores de GF submetidos a oxigenoterapia hiperbárica, através da câmara hiperbárica no período de fevereiro de 2008 a maio de 2018, atendidos em uma clínica de oxigenoterapia hiperbárica na cidade de Bauru, SP. Os dados coletados foram: idade, sexo, etiologia, comorbidades, localização e extensão da lesão, número total de sessão e mortalidade. Resultado: Trinta e oito pacientes foram analisados, sendo 76% do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 55,6 anos. Entre os pacientes, 17 (44,7%) obtiveram alta médica, 18 (47,4%) interromperam o tratamento antes do término e ocorreram três (8,21%) óbitos. A principal etiologia foi o abcesso e os principais comorbidades predisponentes foram a diabetes mellitus e a hipertensão arterial. A localização e extensão com áreas mais afetadas foram na região escrotal, seguida pela região perineal. Conclusão: Os resultados deste estudo demostraram que o efeito da OHB como tratamento adjuvante oferece vantagem no tratamento da GF, resultando em considerável alta médica dos pacientes e baixa mortalidade

    Age and growth of the smooth hammerhead, Sphyrna zygaena, in the Atlantic Ocean: comparison with other hammerhead species

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    The smooth hammerhead Sphyrna zygaena (Sphyrnidae) is a pelagic shark occasionally caught as bycatch in pelagic longline fisheries, but is one of the least studied of all pelagic sharks. Age and growth of S. zygaena was studied along a wide Atlantic region covering both the northern and southern hemispheres. Data from 304 specimens, caught between October 2009 and September 2014, ranging in size from 126 to 253 cm fork length (FL), were analysed. Growth models were fitted using the three-parameter von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF) re-parameterized to calculate L0 (size at birth). Growth models were fitted to the sample data and data from several back-calculation models. The model fit to the quadratic modified Dahl-Lea back-calculated data seems to be the most appropriate to describe growth in this species, with resulting growth parameters of Linf = 285 cm FL, k = 0.09 year−1 for males and Linf = 293 cm FL, k = 0.09 year−1 for females. Compared with other species of the same genus, estimated growth coefficients for S. zygaena seem to fall in the low to middle range. Although further work is still needed, this study adds to knowledge of the vital life-history parameters of smooth hammerheads in the Atlantic Ocean, which can be used in the management and conservation of this species.Programa Operacional Potencial Humano: IF/00253/2014info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Age and growth of the smooth hammerhead shark, Sphyrna zygaena, in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic Ocean, using vertebral sections

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    The smooth hammerhead shark Sphyrna zygaena (Sphyrnidae) is regularly caught as bycatch in pelagic longline fisheries, but is one of the least studied of all pelagic sharks. Recently, ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas) issued recommendations underlining the need for more studies on the life history parameters of this and other pelagic shark species. To this end, the age and growth of S. zygaena were studied in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic Ocean, in an area where growth parameters were not yet available for this species. Data from 139 specimens, caught between June and September 2009, ranging in size from 136 to 233 cm fork length (FL), were analysed. Preliminary trials were carried out to assess the most efficient growth band enhancement technique. These indicated that sectioning the vertebrae into 500 μm sections followed by staining with crystal violet produced the best results. Growth models were fitted using the traditional von Bertalanffy growth equation and a modification of this equation using a known size at birth. Growth models were compared using the Akaike information criterion (AIC). The von Bertalanffy growth equation seemed to be the most adequate model to describe growth in this species, with resulting growth parameters of L inf = 272 cm FL, k = 0.06 year for males and L inf = 285 cm FL, k = 0.07 year for females. In the first four years of life, S. zygaena grows 25 cm per year on average, but its growth slows down in later life. Future stock assessment models should incorporate these age and growth parameters for species management and conservation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tissue hyaluronan expression, as reflected in the sputum of lung cancer patients, is an indicator of malignancy

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    Hyaluronan (HA) shows promise for detecting cancerous change in pleural effusion and urine. However, there is uncertainty about the localization of HA in tumor tissue and its relationship with different histological types and other components of the extracellular matrix, such as angiogenesis. We evaluated the association between HA and degree of malignancy through expression in lung tumor tissue and sputum. Tumoral tissue had significantly increased HA compared to normal tissue. Strong HA staining intensity associated with cancer cells was significant in squamous cell carcinoma compared to adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma. A significant direct association was found between tumors with a high percentage of HA and MVD (microvessel density) in tumoral stroma. Similarly significant was the direct association between N1 tumors and high levels of HA in cancer cells. Cox multivariate analysis showed significant association between better survival and low HA. HA increased in sputum from lung cancer patients compared to cancer-free and healthy volunteers and a significant correlation was found between HA in sputum and HA in cancer tissue. Localization of HA in tumor tissue was related to malignancy and reflected in sputum, making this an emerging factor for an important diagnostic procedure in patients suspected to have lung cancer. Further study in additional patients in a randomized prospective trial is required to finalize these results and to validate our quantitative assessment of HA, as well as to couple it to gold standard sputum cytology.Research supported by FAPESP (2010/11005-5 and 2010/04462) and CNPq (#471939/2010-2 and 483005/2012-6

    Compensatory Growth of the Sandbar Shark in the Western North Atlantic Including the Gulf of Mexico

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    The number of Sandbar Sharks Carcharhinus plumbeus in the western North Atlantic Ocean has experienced a drastic decline since the early 1980s, reaching a minimum during the early 1990s. Catch rates in the early 1990s were a mere 25% of those during the 1980s. According to several fishery-independent surveys, the low point in Sandbar Shark abundance followed a period of high exploitation. Growth models fit to age-length data collected from 1980 to 1983 and from 2001 to 2004 were compared to investigate potential changes in parameter estimates that might reveal compensatory responses in the Sandbar Shark population. Statistical differences were found between the model parameters for the two time periods, but the differences in growth rates were minimal. The parameters from the three-parameter von Bertalanffy growth model for female sharks during the 1980-1983 and 2000-2004 time periods were as follows: L = 188.4 and 178.3cm FL; k = 0.084 and 0.106; and t(0) = -4.097 and -3.41. For males the growth parameters were as follows: L = 164.63 and 173.66cm; k = 0.11 and 0.11; and t(0) = -3.62 and -3.33. The estimated age at 50% maturity for female Sandbar Sharks changed from 15years to 12.49years between the two time periods

    Interactions between irregular wave fields and sea ice: A physical model for wave attenuation and ice breakup in an ice tank

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    Irregular, unidirectional surface water waves incident on model ice in an ice tank are used as a physical model of ocean surface wave interactions with sea ice. Results are given for an experiment consisting of three tests, starting with a continuous ice cover and in which the incident wave steepness increases between tests. The incident waves range from causing no breakup of the ice cover to breakup of the full length of ice cover. Temporal evolution of the ice edge, breaking front, and mean floe sizes are reported. Floe size distributions in the different tests are analyzed. The evolution of the wave spectrum with distance into the ice-covered water is analyzed in terms of changes of energy content, mean wave period, and spectral bandwidth relative to their incident counterparts, and pronounced differences are found between the tests. Further, an empirical attenuation coefficient is derived from the measurements and shown to have a power-law dependence on frequency comparable to that found in field measurements. Links between wave properties and ice breakup are discussed
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