486 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Karakteristik Sampah Elektronik (E-waste) dan Implikasinya pada Kebijakan Daerah di Kota YOGYAKARTA

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi / information technology (IT) telah menjadikan sampah elektronik menjadi isu permasalahan serius seluruh di negara-negara maju namun belum mendapat perhatian yang cukup di negara berkembang. Sampah elektronik (e-waste) adalah dampak yang dihasilkan dari penggunaan barang elektronik secara masif di era teknologi informasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasikan regulasi pengelolaan sampah elektronik dan permasalahan pengelolaan sampah elektronik yang ada di Kota Yogyakarta. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui karakteristik sampah elektronik (e-waste) di Kota Yogyakarta berupa komponen – komponen kecil yang tidak terpakai dan tidak memiliki nilai ekonomi yang terkumpul di tingkat pelaku reparasi barang elektronik, pengepul hingga pelaku daur ulang sampah elektronik. Semua informan menyatakan bahwa sampah elektronik perlu dikelola dan diatur melalui aturan yang legal. Solusi untuk mengatasi sampah elektronik (e-waste) di Kota Yogyakarta dapat dilakukan dengan membuat aturan terlebih dahulu dan diikuti dengan sosialisasi mengenai bahaya sampah elektronik (e-waste) kepada masyarakat Kota Yogyakarta serta penggunaan teknologi lanjut untuk mengolah sampah elektronik agar tidak membahayakan terhadap lingkungan

    One-Pot Synthesis of 2-(Aryl/Alkyl)amino-3-cyanobenzobthiophenes and Their Hetero-Fused Analogues by Pd-Catalyzed Intramolecular Oxidative C�H Functionalization/Arylthiolation

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    We have developed a high-yielding synthesis for substituted 2-(aryl/alkyl)amino-3-cyanobenzobthiophenes and their hetero-fused analogues by using a palladium-catalyzed intramolecular oxidative C�H functionalization/arylthiolation reaction of in situ generated N-(alkyl/aryl)thioamides, prepared from readily available (hetero)arylacetonitriles and alkyl/aryl isothiocyanates. This protocol was then extended to the synthesis of amino-substituted benzothieno2,3-bquinolines by employing a triflic acid mediated intramolecular cyclocondensation of the prepared 2-arylamino-3-cyanobenzobthiophenes. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinhei


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    We devise efficient methods for dynamic inverse problems, where both the quantities of interest and the forward operator (measurement process) may change in time. Our goal is to solve for all the quantities of interest simultaneously. We consider large-scale ill-posed problems made more challenging by their dynamic nature and, possibly, by the limited amount of available data per measurement step. To alleviate these difficulties, we apply a unified class of regularization methods that enforce simultaneous regularization in space and time (such as edge enhancement at each time instant and proximity at consecutive time instants) and achieve this with low computational cost and enhanced accuracy. More precisely, we develop iterative methods based on a majorization-minimization (MM) strategy with quadratic tangent majorant, which allows the resulting least-squares problem with a total variation regularization term to be solved with a generalized Krylov subspace (GKS) method; the regularization parameter can be determined automatically and efficiently at each iteration. Numerical examples from a wide range of applications, such as limited-angle computerized tomography (CT), space-time image deblurring, and photoacoustic tomography (PAT), illustrate the effectiveness of the described approaches.</p

    3D QSAR and pharmacophore studies on inhibitors of insuline like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R) and insulin receptor (IR) as potential anti-cancer agents

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    Insulin like growth factor receptor (IGF-1R) and Insulin receptor (IR) are widely accepted to play a prominent role in cancer drug discovery due to their well-established involvement in various stages of tumorigenesis. Previously, neutralization of IGF-1R via monoclonal antibodies was in focus, which failed because of compensatory activation of IR-A upon inhibition of IGF-1R. Recent studies have demonstrated high homology between IGF-IR and IR particularly in tyrosine kinase domain and targeting both receptors have produced efficient therapeutic approaches such as inhibition of cancer cell cycle proliferation. Herein, we have made an attempt to analyze the unique data set from different chemical classes, containing potent ATP competitors against tyrosine kinase domain. We performed the 2D, 3D quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) studies on inhibitors of these receptors to predict useful pharmacophoric features. We have optimized virtual screening of structurally diverse data set of dual inhibitors of IGF-1R and IR. Based on QSAR studies, we predict potential novel clinical candidates with a demonstrated absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination, and toxicology (ADMETox) track. We also demonstrated comprehensive analysis of co–crystal complexes along with their inhibitors and built 3D- GRid INdependent Descriptors (GRIND) model to obtain insightful features such as H-bond donors and acceptors, overall topology and Vander Waal volume (vdw_vol) which are found to be responsible for dual inhibition of receptors. These findings lead to further description that Tirofiban, Practolol, Edoxaban, Novobiocin have potential to perform dual inhibition of both targets


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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi / information technology (IT) telah menjadikan sampah elektronik menjadi isu permasalahan serius seluruh di negara-negara maju namun belum mendapat perhatian yang cukup di negara berkembang. Sampah elektronik (e-waste) adalah dampak yang dihasilkan dari penggunaan barang elektronik secara masif di era teknologi informasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasikan regulasi pengelolaan sampah elektronik dan permasalahan pengelolaan sampah elektronik yang ada di Kota Yogyakarta. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui karakteristik sampah elektronik (e-waste) di Kota Yogyakarta berupa komponen – komponen kecil yang tidak terpakai dan tidak memiliki nilai ekonomi yang terkumpul di tingkat pelaku reparasi barang elektronik, pengepul hingga pelaku daur ulang sampah elektronik. Semua informan menyatakan bahwa sampah elektronik perlu dikelola dan diatur melalui aturan yang legal. Solusi untuk mengatasi sampah elektronik (e-waste) di Kota Yogyakarta dapat dilakukan dengan membuat aturan terlebih dahulu dan diikuti dengan sosialisasi mengenai bahaya sampah elektronik (e-waste) kepada masyarakat Kota Yogyakarta serta penggunaan teknologi lanjut untuk mengolah sampah elektronik agar tidak membahayakan terhadap lingkungan

    Rheology of moist food powders as affected by moisture content

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    Dynamic testing to determine rheological characteristics of moist food powders (semolina, coarse wheat flour, potato starch) was carried out using a powder rheometer of a new construction. The unique feature of the rheometer is that scale of shearing was confined to the thickness of shearing band of powder bed only. It was found that flow pattern of moistened samples was noticeably and diversely affected by both moisture content (varying in the range of 0–15% w/w) and shear rate. The observed changes showed statistical significance p < 0.01 in all trials carried out. What is noteworthy about the conducted research is that at some shear rate values, the shear stress of the bed reached the maximum for specific moisture content levels, irrespective of particle size of the bed. Such behavior may provide an indication of complex interference of different powder shearing mechanisms in the presence of moisture. For beds consisted of larger particles, shear stress values decreased considerably with increasing moisture content. To explain this, modeling of the shearing process with Discrete Element Method (DEM) was performed. The results obtained supported the idea that friction coefficients of particulate material were significantly reduced at higher moisture content of the powder bed in the whole range of shear rates applied

    FGF Signaling Regulates the Number of Posterior Taste Papillae by Controlling Progenitor Field Size

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    The sense of taste is fundamental to our ability to ingest nutritious substances and to detect and avoid potentially toxic ones. Sensory taste buds are housed in papillae that develop from epithelial placodes. Three distinct types of gustatory papillae reside on the rodent tongue: small fungiform papillae are found in the anterior tongue, whereas the posterior tongue contains the larger foliate papillae and a single midline circumvallate papilla (CVP). Despite the great variation in the number of CVPs in mammals, its importance in taste function, and its status as the largest of the taste papillae, very little is known about the development of this structure. Here, we report that a balance between Sprouty (Spry) genes and Fgf10, which respectively antagonize and activate receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling, regulates the number of CVPs. Deletion of Spry2 alone resulted in duplication of the CVP as a result of an increase in the size of the placode progenitor field, and Spry1−/−;Spry2−/− embryos had multiple CVPs, demonstrating the redundancy of Sprouty genes in regulating the progenitor field size. By contrast, deletion of Fgf10 led to absence of the CVP, identifying FGF10 as the first inductive, mesenchyme-derived factor for taste papillae. Our results provide the first demonstration of the role of epithelial-mesenchymal FGF signaling in taste papilla development, indicate that regulation of the progenitor field size by FGF signaling is a critical determinant of papilla number, and suggest that the great variation in CVP number among mammalian species may be linked to levels of signaling by the FGF pathway


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    Primary Health Care (PHC) adalah kontak pertama individu, keluarga, atau masyarakat  dengan sistem pelayanan kesehatan. PHC bertujuan untuk meningkatkan akses masyarakat terhadap pelayanan kesehatan yang berkualitas. Di Indonesia, PHC memiliki 3 (tiga) strategi utama, yaitu kerjasama multisektoral, partisipasi masyarakat, dan penerapan teknologi. Salah satu peran keluarga dalam PHC yaitu TOGA dalam apotek hidup sebagai bahan baku utama dalam manajemen pencegahan dan penanganan penyakit termasuk yang berhubungan dengan gejala COVID-19. Kader Posyandu yang sehari-harinya berinteraksi dalam mendampingi ibu dalam membangun kesehatan keluarga juga menjadi sosok yang berperan dalam program asuhan mandiri keluarga yang telah dicanangkan pemerintah dalam perwujudan PHC tersebut. TABSTRAKPrimary Health Care (PHC) adalah kontak pertama individu, keluarga, atau masyarakat  dengan sistem pelayanan kesehatan. PHC bertujuan untuk meningkatkan akses masyarakat terhadap pelayanan kesehatan yang berkualitas. Di Indonesia, PHC memiliki 3 (tiga) strategi utama, yaitu kerjasama multisektoral, partisipasi masyarakat, dan penerapan teknologi. Salah satu peran keluarga dalam PHC yaitu TOGA dalam apotek hidup sebagai bahan baku utama dalam manajemen pencegahan dan penanganan penyakit termasuk yang berhubungan dengan gejala COVID-19. Kader Posyandu yang sehari-harinya berinteraksi dalam mendampingi ibu dalam membangun kesehatan keluarga juga menjadi sosok yang berperan dalam program asuhan mandiri keluarga yang telah dicanangkan pemerintah dalam perwujudan PHC tersebut. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat kali ini adalah untuk melakukan perekrutan kader TOGA pada mitra, sosialisasi tupoksi kader serta meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam mengolah jenis TOGA yang secara ilmiah berfungsi mencegah COVID-19. Metode pelaksanaan: survei lokasi, pengurusan izin, penyuluhan, sosialisasi teknik pengolahan tanaman TOGA, evaluasi kegiatan, dokumentasi dan pelaporan. Kegiatan dilaksanakan secara daring dan luring. Dari hasil kegiatan, telah dibentuk suatu wadah kader TOGA di lingkungan Bendega yang berfungsi dalam mengembangkan pelayanan kesehatan primer di lingkungan Bendega melalui pengembangan tanaman obat keluarga. Kata kunci: bendega; covid-19; kader, TOGA. ABSTRACTPrimary Health Care (PHC) is an individual, family, or community's first contact with the health care system. PHC aims to increase public access to quality health services. In Indonesia, PHC has 3 (three) main strategies, namely multisectoral cooperation, community participation, and application of technology. One of the roles of the family in PHC is TOGA in living pharmacies as the main raw material in the management of prevention and treatment of diseases, including those related to the symptoms of COVID-19. Posyandu cadres who interact daily in assisting mothers in building family health are also figures who play a role in the family self-care program that has been launched by the government in the realization of the PHC. The purpose of this community service activity is to recruit TOGA cadres to partners, socialize the main tasks of cadres and increase the knowledge and skills of partners in processing TOGA types which scientifically function to prevent COVID-19. Methods of implementation: site survey, permit processing, counseling, socialization of TOGA plant processing techniques, evaluation of activities, documentation and reporting. Activities are carried out online and offline. From the results of the activity, a TOGA cadre forum has been established in the Bendega environment which functions in developing primary health services in the Bendega environment through the development of family medicinal plants. Keywords: bendega; covid-19; cadre; TOGA.ujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat kali ini adalah untuk melakukan perekrutan kader TOGA pada mitra, sosialisasi tupoksi kader serta meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam mengolah jenis TOGA yang secara ilmiah berfungsi mencegah COVID-19. Metode pelaksanaan: survei lokasi, pengurusan izin, penyuluhan, sosialisasi teknik pengolahan tanaman TOGA, evaluasi kegiatan, dokumentasi dan pelaporan. Kegiatan dilaksanakan secara daring dan luring. Dari hasil kegiatan, telah dibentuk suatu wadah kader TOGA di lingkungan Bendega yang berfungsi dalam mengembangkan pelayanan kesehatan primer di lingkungan Bendega melalui pengembangan tanaman obat keluarga. 

    Evaluation of novel platinum(II) based AIE compound-encapsulated mesoporous silica nanoparticles for cancer theranostic application

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    Advanced biomedical research has established that cancer is a multifactorial disorder which is highly heterogeneous in nature and responds differently to different treatment modalities, due to which constant monitoring of therapy response is becoming extremely important. To accomplish this, different theranostic formulations have been evaluated. However, most of them are found to suffer from several limitations extending from poor resolution, radiation damage, to high costs. In order to develop a better theranostic modality, we have designed and synthesized a novel platinum(II)-based 'aggregation induced emission' (AIE) molecule (named BMPP-Pt) which showed strong intra-cellular fluorescence and also simultaneously exhibited potent cytotoxic activity. Due to this dual functionality, we wanted to explore the possibility of using this compound as a single molecule based theranostic modality. This compound was characterized using elemental analysis, NMR and IR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and single crystal X-ray structure determination. BMPP-Pt was found to exhibit a high AIE property with emission maxima at 497 nm. For more efficient cancer cell targeting, BMPP-Pt was encapsulated into mesoporous silica nanoparticles (Pt-MSNPs) and the MSNPs were further surface modified with an anti-EpCAM aptamer (Pt-MSNP-E). Pt-MSNPs exhibited higher intracellular fluorescence compared to free BMPP-Pt, though both of them induced a similar degree of cell death via the apoptosis pathway, possibly via cell cycle arrest in the G1 phase. Anti-EpCAM aptamer modification was found to increase both cytotoxicity and intracellular fluorescence compared to unmodified MSNPs. Our study showed that EpCAM functionalized BMPP-Pt loaded MSNPs can efficiently internalize and induce apoptosis of cancer cells as well as show strong intracellular fluorescence. This study provides clues towards the development of a potential single compound based theranostic modality in future
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