680 research outputs found

    Understanding the performance of the low energy neutrino factory: the dependence on baseline distance and stored-muon energy

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    Motivated by recent hints of large {\theta}13 from the T2K, MINOS and Double Chooz experiments, we study the physics reach of a Low Energy Neutrino Factory (LENF) and its dependence on the chosen baseline distance, L, and stored-muon energy, E_{\mu}, in order to ascertain the configuration of the optimal LENF. In particular, we study the performance of the LENF over a range of baseline distances from 1000 km to 4000 km and stored-muon energies from 4 GeV to 25 GeV, connecting the early studies of the LENF (1300 km, 4.5 GeV) to those of the conventional, high-energy neutrino factory design (4000 km and 7000 km, 25 GeV). Three different magnetized detector options are considered: a Totally-Active Scintillator Detector (TASD) and two models of a liquid-argon detector distinguished by optimistic and conservative performance estimates. In order to compare the sensitivity of each set-up, we compute the full {\delta}-dependent discovery contours for the determination of non-zero {\theta}13, CP-violating values of {\delta} and the mass hierarchy. In the case of large {\theta}13 with sin^2(2*{\theta}13) = (few)*10^{-3}, the LENF provides a strong discovery potential over the majority of the L-E_{\mu} parameter space and is a promising candidate for the future generation of long baseline experiments aimed at discovering CP-violation and the mass hierarchy, and at making a precise determination of the oscillation parameters.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Observations of Extragalactic Sources with the MAGIC Telescope

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    MAGIC is currently the world's largest single dish ground based imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope. During the first year of operation, more than 20 extragalactic sources have been observed and several of them detected. Here we present results of analyzed data, including discussion about spectral and temporal properties of the detected sources. In addition, we discuss implications of the measured energy spectra of distant sources for our knowledge of the extragalactic background light.Comment: to appear in proceedings of Multi Messenger conference, Barcelona, July 4-7, 200

    MeV sterile neutrinos in low reheating temperature cosmological scenarios

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    It is commonly assumed that the cosmological and astrophysical bounds on the mixings of sterile with active neutrinos are much more stringent than those obtained from laboratory measurements. We point out that in scenarios with a very low reheating temperature T_RH << 100 MeV at the end of (the last episode of) inflation or entropy creation, the abundance of sterile neutrinos becomes largely suppressed with respect to that obtained within the standard framework. Thus, in this case cosmological bounds become much less stringent than usually assumed, allowing sterile neutrinos to be ``visible'' in future experiments. Here, we concentrate on massive (mostly sterile) neutrinos heavier than 1 MeV.Comment: 14 pp, 7 fig

    Full polarization study of SiO masers at 86 GHz

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    We study the polarization of the SiO maser emission in a representative sample of evolved stars in order to derive an estimate of the strength of the magnetic field, and thus determine the influence of this magnetic field on evolved stars. We made simultaneous spectroscopic measurements of the 4 Stokes parameters, from which we derived the circular and linear polarization levels. The observations were made with the IF polarimeter installed at the IRAM 30m telescope. A discussion of the existing SiO maser models is developed in the light of our observations. Under the Zeeman splitting hypothesis, we derive an estimate of the strength of the magnetic field. The averaged magnetic field varies between 0 and 20 Gauss, with a mean value of 3.5 Gauss, and follows a 1/r law throughout the circumstellar envelope. As a consequence, the magnetic field may play the role of a shaping, or perhaps collimating agent of the circumstellar envelopes in evolved objects.Comment: 22 pages, accepted in A&A (19/12/2005

    Daedalus: A hardware signal analyser for Icarus

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    Icarus detector [1] is a large-volume (400 cm) liquid Argon TPC that requires continuous high rate sampling signal recording on each channel (about 50 000) to produce event images quite similar to the ones from bubble chambers. In order to optimize the memory usage, a signal feature extractor, that commands memory writing only upon signal detection, has been designed in VLSI CMOS. ( 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Immunohistochemical localization of IGF-I, IGF-II and MSTN proteins during development of triploid sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)

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    The cellular localization of IGF-I, IGF-II and MSTN proteins was investigated during ontogenesis of triploid sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) by an immunohistochemical approach. The results were compared with those observed in diploids. IGF-I immunostaining was mainly observed in skin, skeletal muscle, intestine and gills of both diploids and triploids. From day 30 of larval life, IGF-I immunoreactivity observed in skeletal muscle, intestine, gills and kidney was stronger in triploids than in diploids. At day 30, triploids exhibited a standard length significantly higher than the one of diploids. Although IGF-II and MSTN immunoreactivity was detectable in different tissues and organs, no differences between diploids and triploids were observed. The spatial localization of IGF-I, IGF-II and MSTN proteins detected in this study is in agreement with previous findings on the distribution of these proteins in diploid larvae and fry. The highest IGF-I immunoreactivity observed in triploids suggests a possible involvement of ploidy in their growth performance

    Investigation of double beta decay with the NEMO-3 detector

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    The double beta decay experiment NEMO~3 has been taking data since February 2003. The aim of this experiment is to search for neutrinoless (0νββ0\nu\beta\beta) decay and investigate two neutrino double beta decay in seven different isotopically enriched samples (100^{100}Mo, 82^{82}Se, 48^{48}Ca, 96^{96}Zr, 116^{116}Cd, 130^{130}Te and 150^{150}Nd). After analysis of the data corresponding to 3.75 y, no evidence for 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta decay in the 100^{100}Mo and 82^{82}Se samples was found. The half-life limits at the 90% C.L. are 1.1⋅10241.1\cdot 10^{24} y and 3.6⋅10233.6\cdot 10^{23} y, respectively. Additionally for 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta decay the following limits at the 90% C.L. were obtained, >1.3⋅1022> 1.3 \cdot 10^{22} y for 48^{48}Ca, >9.2⋅1021> 9.2 \cdot 10^{21} y for 96^{96}Zr and >1.8⋅1022> 1.8 \cdot 10^{22} y for 150^{150}Nd. The 2νββ2\nu\beta\beta decay half-life values were precisely measured for all investigated isotopes.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables; talk at conference on "Fundamental Interactions Physics" (ITEP, Moscow, November 23-27, 2009

    The MAGIC Experiment and Its First Results

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    With its diameter of 17m, the MAGIC telescope is the largest Cherenkov detector for gamma ray astrophysics. It is sensitive to photons above an energy of 30 GeV. MAGIC started operations in October 2003 and is currently taking data. This report summarizes its main characteristics, its rst results and its potential for physics.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium ''Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics'' (FFP6), Udine (Italy), Sep. 26-29, 200

    Joint Power Control and Structural Health Monitoring in Industry 4.0 Scenarios using Eclipse Arrowhead and Web of Things

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    The integration of legacy IoT ecosystems in Industry 4.0 scenarios requires human effort to adapt single devices. This process would highly benefit from features like device lookup, loose coupling and late binding. In this paper, we tackle the issue of integrating legacy monitoring systems and actuation systems in an industrial scenario, by looking into the Web of Things (WoT) as a communication standard and the Eclipse Arrowhead Framework (AHF) as a service orchestrator. More specifically, we propose a general architectural approach to enable closed-loop automation between the above mentioned legacy systems by leveraging the adaptation of the WoT to the AHF. Then, we develop a rule-based engine that enables the control of the actuation based on sensor values. Finally, we present a proof-of-concept use case where we integrate a Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) scenario with a power control actuation subsystem using the developed component
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