281 research outputs found

    Un fait hors de l'ordinaire

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    http://revel.unice.fr/anthropo/document.html?id=147Trace et indice Traces intrinsèques et identité de la personne Les traces extrinsèques L'interprétation de la trace et la manifestation de la vérit

    Blows or Falls? Distinction by Random Forest Classification

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    In forensic anthropology, skeletal trauma analysis can assist pathologists in determining the circumstance, cause, and manner of death. Determining whether the trauma is related to falls or induced by homicidal blows is often asked in relevance to legal issues. The hat brim line rule (HBL) is one of the most commonly used methods. The rule says that fractures resulting from blows may be found above and within the HBL, not on the skull’s base. Recent studies have found that the HBL rule must be used carefully, and postcranial skeletal trauma could be useful in this distinction. Evidence presented in court must follow Daubert’s guidelines for validity and reliability (evidence validated; error rates known; standards available; findings should be peer-reviewed and accepted by the scientific community). In this study, we assessed skeletal fracture patterns resulting from both etiologies. We tested various models for the method; the best one was based on the binary coding of 12 anatomical regions or 28 bones with or without baseline (age and sex). The results show the possible identification of the etiology in 83% of the cases. This method could be helpful for forensic experts in the interpretation of bone fracturesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Technical Note: The Forensic Anthropology Society of Europe (FASE) Map of Identified Osteological Collections

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    Identified (documented) osteological collections represent an important resource in the development of forensic anthropology standards and methods as well as a precious tool for learning and training of practitioners. Even though the number of papers presenting identified collections worldwide increases, many of the collections have still not been divulged to the scientific community in sufficient detail to ascertain their exact number. The Forensic Anthropology Society of Europe (FASE) therefore developed a tool that goes beyond sporadic publications: the FASE Map of Identified Osteological Collections, which is freely accessible and continuously updated and revised. The online map is available at http://forensicanthropology.eu/osteological-collections/. The map of skeletal collections was created in 2017 and currently displays information on 153 identified osteological collections (43 of them categorized as contemporary) located in 41 different countries. This article offers a short analysis of the type, geographical location and content of the collections included in the map. The aim of this article and the map as such is to provide a useful resource to facilitate research planning and teaching in forensic anthropology and related disciplines.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Mesurer les pertes - Détermination du Nombre minimum d'Individus (NMI)

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    National audienc

    La levée du squelette en pratique médico-légale - Workshop

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    International audienc

    Evaluation multiparamétrique de la croissance foetale - Applications à la détermination du sexe et de l'âge

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    Mention très honorable (félicitations du jury) Composition du jury : • G. BOETSCH, Directeur de Recherche, CNRS, Marseille• P. DARLU, Directeur de Recherche, CNRS, Paris• O. DUTOUR, Professeur, Université de la Méditerranée, Directeur• A.-M. GUIHARD-COSTA, Directeur de Recherche, CNRS, Paris, Rapporteur• F. KOSA, Professeur, Université de Szeged, Hongrie• G. LEONETTI, Professeur, Université de la Méditerranée, Directeur• D. ROUGE, Professeur, Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, RapporteurLa détermination de l'âge et du sexe à partir de restes osseux est une problématique essentielle en anthropologie biologique et en anthropologie médico-légale. Les moyens existants sont anciens et font l'objet de nombreuses critiques méthodologiques. Nous avons donc étudié 3 séries : notre série (inédite) de 782 fœtus, les ossements de la collection Fazekas et Kosa, ainsi que les restes fœtaux de la fouille archéologique de la Chapelle St Jean (Hautes-Alpes). Au moyen de différentes méthodes et tests méthodologiques que nous avons préalablement validés, nous avons d'une part démontré les grandes difficultés de la détermination du sexe fœtal, et nous avons d'autres part amélioré et fiabilisé les estimations de l'âge à partir d'une méthodologie originale utilisant la mesure radiographique des os longs. Ces résultats sont comparés aux moyens de détermination de l'âge classiquement utilisés par les anthropologues et nous permettent de confirmer la grande fiabilité de la méthode que nous avons établie