4,522 research outputs found

    L'ereignis, Le Mot-Directeur De La Pensée De Heidegger

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    For over sixty years (from 1910 to 1973), Martin Heidegger carried out a work of thought which led him to create a large quantity of neologisms. It also led him to create a new use of idioms in the German language. This was regarded as a renewed vocabulary. His study bears new meanings and expresses the philosopher's work of thought and the new concepts he proposes. Among them is the Ereignis that this text proposes to question the content. The Ereignis is what makes time and being belongs to each other. It is the relationship of all the relations engendered by this co-membership. This is made possible by the difference installed at the heart of the same. Heidegger himself admitted that the Ereignis was the keyword of his whole thought since the early 1930s. It is the word-director of his thought

    Heterogeneity in Technical Efficiency of the French Urban Transport: 1995 to 2002

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    In this paper, we analyze the heterogeneity in the technical efficiency of a sample of French urban transport companies with a translog production frontier model. The model generates efficiency disentangling homogenous and heterogeneous variables. Our study concluded that outputs and inputs play a major role in transport efficiency and we find that the efficiency scores vary along the sample. Policy implication is derived.Urban Transport; France, Translog random Frontier Model and Decision-Making Unit.

    Funktionalisierte Linker fĂŒr Metallorganische GerĂŒstverbindungen, deren postsynthetische Modifikation und polar markierte Schutzgruppen fĂŒr terminale Alkine

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    Roy P. Funktionalisierte Linker fĂŒr Metallorganische GerĂŒstverbindungen, deren postsynthetische Modifikation und polar markierte Schutzgruppen fĂŒr terminale Alkine. Bielefeld: UniversitĂ€t Bielefeld; 2011.Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) form the class of porous materials with the highest surface areas. This characteristic property combined with the variability of both building blocks, the inorganic node and the organic linker, makes many scientists dream of materials with very special chemical, electronic, optic and/or magnetic properties. For individual applications both building blocks, but also possibly in the framework embedded guests, play a crucial role. This work describes the synthesis of linear, shape-accurate dicarboxylic acids with a length between 1.4 and 3.9 nm consisting of conjugated phenylene and/or ethynylene units for the assembly of MOFs. The dicarboxylic acids bear simple side chains of different length and polarity or chemical addressable, functional groups. The side chains have a direct influence on the chemical interior of the cavities within the MOFs and in the case of accessible functional groups can be chemically transformed. For the exploration of the postsynthetic possibilities Zr-MOFs are especially eligible due to their exceptional high chemical stability. In this work amongst others postsynthetic cycloadditions of propargyl and furan-2-yl groups on interpenetrated Zr-MOFs with very high conversions were performed. For the determination of the conversion via 1H NMR spectroscopy a facile method was developed to dissolve the chemical resistant Zr-MOFs. It includes CsF and DCl in DMSO-d6 and D2O as well as the addition of K2CO3 after dissolving the MOF. Furthermore four polar, silyl-based protecting groups for terminal alkynes were designed. They carry, as a polar tag, a methoxyphenyl group which facilitates chromatographic separations. The steric shielding of the silicon centre differs due to variable alkyl substituents whereby the four polar protecting groups cover the spectrum of the stabilities of the unpolar, silyl-based alkynyl protecting groups and even go beyond it


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi bahwa kemampuan membuat model matematika adalah salah satu kemampuan yang penting untuk menghadapi kehidupan sehari-hari. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membuat model matematika dengan suatu model pembelajaran yang memiliki struktur pembelajaran yang sistematis dan disukai oleh siswa. Problem based learning merupakan suatu pembelajaran yang sistematis dengan lima tahap yang sederhana. Pembelajaran ini kemudian diimplementasikan kepada siswa kelas VII SMP di salah satu sekolah di Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan kuasi eksperimen dan kualitatif dengan teknik penilaian menggunakan rubrik penilaian. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan dua kelas yang merupakan kelas eksperimen yang menerapkan problem based learning dan kelas kontrol yang menerapkan pembelajaran konvensional. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh bahwa peningkatan kemampuan membuat model matematika kelas eksperimen lebih baik daripada kelas kontrol. Siswa pada kelas eksperimen sebagian besar masuk kedalam kategori kemampuan membuat model matematika yang lebih baik daripada siswa pada kelas kontrol yang sebagian besar termasuk dalam kategori rendah. Selanjutnya bahan ajar problem based learning yang telah dikembangkan ini dapat diterapkan ataupun dikembangkan kembali untuk penelitian selanjutnya Kata kunci: Kemampuan Membuat Model Matematika, Problem Based Learning This research is motivated that the ability of make mathematics model is one of the important ability to cope with everyday life. Accordingly, this research aims to increase the ability of make mathematics model with a learning model that has a systematic learning structure and preferred by students. The problem based learning is a systematic approach to the five stages are simple. This learning model is then implemented to class VII JHS at one JHS in Bandung. The method used in this research is quantitative with quasi experiment and qualitative data collection techniques through with rubric assesment. The research desain is use two class, this class is experiment class with problem based learning and other class is control class with convensional learning. Based on the results of the study, found that an increase in ability of make mathematics model in class experiment better than control class. More than half student of experiment class include to high category better than student of control class with more than half student in this class include to low category. Furthermore, the results of the implementation learning model with the revised problem based learning that allows it to continue to be developed for next research. Keywords: Ability of Make Mathematics Model, Problem Based Learnin

    Single-particle dispersion, Lagrangian structure function and Lagrangian energy spectrum in two-dimensional incompressible turbulence

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    The single-particle dispersion, Lagrangian structure functions and Lagrangian energy spectra characteristic of two-dimensional incompressible turbulent flows are investigated theoretically and numerically. The domain of validity of the classical asymptotic estimates is extended; it is shown in particular that the asymptotic behavior of the single-particle dispersion at small times remains valid throughout the whole self-similar range when the Lagrangian energy spectrum is steeper than ω−1. Straightforward estimates of the Lagrangian integral time scale TL and the diffusion coefficient at large times K, based on energy and enstrophy, are proposed; to some extent, they remain valid locally, which allows an analysis of the spatial variability of TL and K within a single turbulent field. Finally, the detrimental effect of artificial numerical diffusion on the numerical simulation of Lagrangian statistics is highlighted and discussed

    Abdominal Distension Associated with Luminal Fungi in the Intestines of Axolotl Larvae

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    Axolotls show a remarkable regeneration capacity compared with higher vertebrates, regenerating missing appendages such as limbs and tail as well as other body parts (i.e., apex of the heart, forebrain, and jaw) after amputations which makes this animal a very interesting research model for tissue regeneration mechanisms. Larvae are individually housed in a 20% Holtfreter's solution within clear plastic containers. The photoperiod light : darkness cycle is 12 : 12 h. Larvae with a total body length of less than 5 cm are fed once a day with large brine shrimp and blood worm. Albino larvae appeared to have a tendency to exhibit abdominal distention. No clinical signs of illness seemed to be associated with the condition; however, these animals exhibit a relatively slower growth rate. To better characterize this condition, we performed histological sectioning for cross sectional slide preparation on wild type and albino axolotl larvae following euthanasia. The only lesion seen in the albino larvae was a thickened gut wall and the presence of fungi within the intestines. We hypothesize that this may be due to a lower efficacy of the albino larvae's immune system

    Abdominal Distension Associated with Luminal Fungi in the Intestines of Axolotl Larvae

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    Axolotls show a remarkable regeneration capacity compared with higher vertebrates, regenerating missing appendages such as limbs and tail as well as other body parts (i.e., apex of the heart, forebrain, and jaw) after amputations which makes this animal a very interesting research model for tissue regeneration mechanisms. Larvae are individually housed in a 20% Holtfreter’s solution within clear plastic containers. The photoperiod light : darkness cycle is 12 : 12 h. Larvae with a total body length of less than 5 cm are fed once a day with large brine shrimp and blood worm. Albino larvae appeared to have a tendency to exhibit abdominal distention. No clinical signs of illness seemed to be associated with the condition; however, these animals exhibit a relatively slower growth rate. To better characterize this condition, we performed histological sectioning for cross sectional slide preparation on wild type and albino axolotl larvae following euthanasia. The only lesion seen in the albino larvae was a thickened gut wall and the presence of fungi within the intestines. We hypothesize that this may be due to a lower efficacy of the albino larvae’s immune system

    THz Magneto-electric atomic rotations in the chiral compound Ba3_3NbFe3_3Si2_2O14_{14}

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    We have determined the terahertz spectrum of the chiral langasite Ba3_3NbFe3_3Si2_2O14_{14} by means of synchrotron-radiation measurements. Two excitations are revealed that are shown to have a different nature. The first one, purely magnetic, is observed at low temperature in the magnetically ordered phase and is assigned to a magnon. The second one persits far into the paramagnetic phase and exhibits both an electric and a magnetic activity at slightly different energies. This magnetoelectric excitation is interpreted in terms of atomic rotations and requires a helical electric polarization
