97 research outputs found

    Sistema de Recomendación de Canciones OL-RadioUJA. Ampliación de Funcionalidades

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    La radio por Internet es un servicio con gran atractivo para los internautas en general, en cuyo ámbito destaca la reciente irrupción de radios personalizadas colaborativas, que ayudan al usuario a encontrar nueva música de su agrado, basándose en las preferencias de la música que ya ha escuchado el usuario. En 2009 fue presentada OL-RadioUJA, una radio personalizada sobre la que subyace un sistema de recomendación con filtrado colaborativo de canciones, las cuales se encuentran bajo algún tipo de licencia Creative Commons. La principal limitación de OL-RadioUJA es el reducido conjunto de canciones disponible, por lo que los usuarios, cansados de escuchar siempre las mismas canciones, dejaban de utilizar dicho servicio. En este artículo presentamos una nueva versión de OL-RadioUJA que contiene un nuevo módulo para incrementar la base de datos de canciones de la radio y así solventar la carencia del número de canciones. Para ello, dicho módulo permite que cualquier grupo musical pueda incorporar nuevas obras musicales (canciones) a OL-RadioUJA y gestionar el tipo licencia deseada para sus obras. Así, nuevas canciones son incorporadas a la radio colaborativa con la posibilidad de ser recomendadas a los usuarios. La inclusión de nuevas canciones origina el principal problema de los sistemas de recomendación con filtrado colaborativo: arranque frío o cold-start. En este artículo, presentaremos también una solución a dicho problema, la cual está basada en el género musical preferente de usuarios de OL-RadioUJA. Finalmente, nuevas funcionalidades relacionadas con las redes sociales que han sido incorporadas a la última versión de la radio serán presentadas

    Revisiting the Decomposition Process of Tetrahydrate Co(II) Acetate: A Sample’s Journey through Temperature.

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    Cobalt oxides, CoO and Co3O4, were obtained from Co (II) acetate tetrahydrate. The thermal decomposition pathway of the starting product was followed by combining thermogravimetric analysis and in situ X-ray thermodiffraction. Under a nitrogen atmosphere, cobalt monoxide with Zn-blende and rocksalt polymorphs could be obtained almost as single phases at 330 and 400 °C, respectively. In addition to these oxides, a Co (II) oxyacetate, Co3O(CH3COO)4, was stabilized as an intermediate phase. Under an air atmosphere, Co3O4 (spinel structure type) was obtained as the only final product. The involved phases in this thermal decomposition process were characterized with scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM, respectively).Depto. de Química InorgánicaFac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEpu

    Seasonal variability of intermediate water masses in the Gulf of Cádiz: implications of the Antarctic and subarctic seesaw

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    Global circulation of intermediate water masses has been extensively studied; however, its regional and local circulation along continental margins and variability and implications on sea floor morphologies are still not well known. In this study the intermediate water mass variability in the Gulf of Cádiz (GoC) and adjacent areas has been analysed and its implications discussed. Remarkable seasonal variations of the Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) and the Subarctic Intermediate Water (SAIW) are determined. During autumn a greater presence of the AAIW seems to be related to a reduction in the presence of SAIW and Eastern North Atlantic Central Water (ENACW). This interaction also affects the Mediterranean Water (MW), which is pushed by the AAIW toward the upper continental slope. In the rest of the seasons, the SAIW is the predominant water mass reducing the presence of the AAIW. This seasonal variability for the predominance of these intermediate water masses is explained in terms of the concatenation of several wind-driven processes acting during the different seasons. Our finding is important for a better understanding of regional intermediate water mass variability with implications in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), but further research is needed in order to decode their changes during the geological past and their role, especially related to the AAIW, in controlling both the morphology and the sedimentation along the continental slopes

    Latent antibiotic resistance genes are abundant, diverse, and mobile in human, animal, and environmental microbiomes

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    BACKGROUND: Bacterial communities in humans, animals, and the external environment maintain a large collection of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). However, few of these ARGs are well-characterized and thus established in existing resistance gene databases. In contrast, the remaining latent ARGs are typically unknown and overlooked in most sequencing-based studies. Our view of the resistome and its diversity is therefore incomplete, which hampers our ability to assess risk for promotion and spread of yet undiscovered resistance determinants. RESULTS: A reference database consisting of both established and latent ARGs (ARGs not present in current resistance gene repositories) was created. By analyzing more than 10,000 metagenomic samples, we showed that latent ARGs were more abundant and diverse than established ARGs in all studied environments, including the human- and animal-associated microbiomes. The pan-resistomes, i.e., all ARGs present in an environment, were heavily dominated by latent ARGs. In comparison, the core-resistome, i.e., ARGs that were commonly encountered, comprised both latent and established ARGs. We identified several latent ARGs shared between environments and/or present in human pathogens. Context analysis of these genes showed that they were located on mobile genetic elements, including conjugative elements. We, furthermore, identified that wastewater microbiomes had a surprisingly large pan- and core-resistome, which makes it a potentially high-risk environment for the mobilization and promotion of latent ARGs. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that latent ARGs are ubiquitously present in all environments and constitute a diverse reservoir from which new resistance determinants can be recruited to pathogens. Several latent ARGs already had high mobile potential and were present in human pathogens, suggesting that they may constitute emerging threats to human health. We conclude that the full resistome-including both latent and established ARGs-needs to be considered to properly assess the risks associated with antibiotic selection pressures. Video Abstract

    Large-scale characterization of the macrolide resistome reveals high diversity and several new pathogen-associated genes

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    Macrolides are broad-spectrum antibiotics used to treat a range of infections. Resistance to macrolides is often conferred by mobile resistance genes encoding Erm methyltransferases or Mph phosphotransferases. New erm and mph genes keep being discovered in clinical settings but their origins remain unknown, as is the type of macrolide resistance genes that will appear in the future. In this study, we used optimized hidden Markov models to characterize the macrolide resistome. Over 16 terabases of genomic and metagenomic data, representing a large taxonomic diversity (11 030 species) and diverse environments (1944 metagenomic samples), were searched for the presence of erm and mph genes. From this data, we predicted 28 340 macrolide resistance genes encoding 2892 unique protein sequences, which were clustered into 663 gene families (<70 % amino acid identity), of which 619 (94 %) were previously uncharacterized. This included six new resistance gene families, which were located on mobile genetic elements in pathogens. The function of ten predicted new resistance genes were experimentally validated in Escherichia coli using a growth assay. Among the ten tested genes, seven conferred increased resistance to erythromycin, with five genes additionally conferring increased resistance to azithromycin, showing that our models can be used to predict new functional resistance genes. Our analysis also showed that macrolide resistance genes have diverse origins and have transferred horizontally over large phylogenetic distances into human pathogens. This study expands the known macrolide resistome more than ten-fold, provides insights into its evolution, and demonstrates how computational screening can identify new resistance genes before they become a significant clinical problem

    El Derecho a la Conformación de Sindicatos de los Trabajadores de las Empresas Dedicadas a la Prestación de Servicios (Call Center)

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    El inicio de este trabajo de grado surgió de la interrogante; ¿pueden los trabajadores de las empresas dedicadas a la prestación de servicios (Call center)formar un sindicato? y si pueden ¿porque no lo han hecho?, simples preguntas que son el punto de partida de esta investigación. Esta investigación pretende demostrar a través de un estudio detallado de los centros de llamadas (Call Center) y su incidencia como un nuevo medio de trabajo en Europa, Latinoamérica, Centro América; hasta llegar a nuestro país con el fin de analizar a las empresas que se dedican a este rubro ya que otorgan empleos con horarios flexibles a muchos jóvenes en edad productiva, también el estudio del derecho de asociación regulado en la Constitución de la República de El Salvador establecido en el artículo 7 que literalmente dice: “Art. 7.-Los habitantes de El Salvador tienen derecho a asociarse libremente y a reunirse pacíficamente y sin armas para cualquier objeto lícito. Nadie podrá ser obligado a pertenecer a una asociación....”El estudio de Los códigos y leyes secundarias referentes a los derechos de los trabajadores, y así verificar por qué los trabajadores de los Call Center no ejercen su derecho a la libre sindicalización a pesar de que la ley es clara en cuanto a los derechos laborales que todo trabajador tiene. Finalmente, se pretende aportar un análisis completo a partir de nuestra investigación el cual pueda servir para todos los trabajadores de Call Center tener una mejor comprensión y conocimiento de sus derechos laborales y así ellos puedan formar un sindicato en su trabajo para el beneficio de todos en su centro de trabajo

    Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction in Stool Detects Transmission of Strongyloides stercoralis from an Infected Donor to Solid Organ Transplant Recipients

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    Solid organ transplant recipients can acquire Strongyloides stercoralis from an infected donor. The diagnosis of S. stercoralis in immunocompromised individuals may be challenging due to a lower sensitivity of available parasitological and serological methods, compared with immunocompetent individuals. Recently, a real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in stool has been developed for S. stercoralis diagnosis. We report two cases of S. stercoralis infection transmitted by a donor to two solid organ transplant recipients, whose stool samples were diagnosed using RT-PCR. This test could play an important role in S. stercoralis diagnosis in immunosuppressed patients, facilitating rapid treatment initiation and reducing the risk of severe strongyloidiasis. Adherence to current recommendations of screening among donors and recipients from endemic areas is also urgently needed

    First cold spraying of carbonated biomimetic nanocrystalline apatite on Ti6Al4V: physical-chemical, microstructural, and preliminary mechanical characterizations

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    Carbonated Biomimetic Nanocrystalline Apatite (BNAc) coatings are obtained for the first time by Cold Spray. The coatings are characterized by FTIR, Raman, XRD, and SEM and compared to the powders. No significant chemical and structural changes are detected and the nanostructure features of these very reactive BNAc are preserved in the coating. These results and preliminary mechanical assays show that Cold Spray can produce an operational biomimetic coatings offering a high potential for implants functionalization and osseointegration. However, these first results need further studies in order to understand the mechanism of adhesion and the interactions at the coating-substrate interface

    Juana Francisca Rubio (1911 – 2008): compromiso político y obra artística durante la Guerra Civil española

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    Juana Francisca Rubio (1911 ¿ 2008): compromiso político y obra artística durante la Guerra Civil española.Juana Francisca Rubio (1911 ¿ 2008) no fue una mujer española más que vivió a lo largo del siglo XX y también a principios del XXI, sino que se ha convertido en nuestro objeto de estudio para superar el estigma con el que la historiografía tradicional la ha clasificado: relegándola a ser conocida casi exclusivamente como la mujer de José Bardasano. Pretendemos demostrar que fue una mujer y artista que plasmó su propia personalidad e idiosincrasia en sus obras. Al tratarse del primer trabajo de investigación de carácter monográfico, hemos centrado nuestra atención en dos áreas muy concretas: por un lado, hemos reconstruido su biografía, en la que hemos aunado los acontecimientos tanto personales como profesionales más significativos e importantes. Esta narrativa la hemos dividido en dos periodos de tiempo, los cuales siguen un orden cronológico: el primero, versa sobre los años que duró el conflicto bélico español en los años 30 del pasado siglo; y, después, hemos tratado de resumir de manera escueta su trayectoria profesional a lo largo de sus años de exiliada republicana y a su vuelta a España. Y, por el otro, hemos llevado a cabo una recopilación de la gran mayoría de sus trabajos artísticos durante aquellos oscuros años. No solo los carteles bélicos, quizá lo más llamativo de su producción, sino otros elementos propagandísticos y sus publicaciones aparecidas en la prensa del momento, las cuales contribuyeron a reforzar el relato gubernamental del gobierno de la Republica en relación a la figura de la mujer y los arquetipos posibles para las actividades propias del género femenino; así como, también, exportar esta imagen tanto en el interior del país como en las demás potencias extrajeras. <br /

    Phenotypic, molecular characterization, antimicrobial susceptibility and draft genome sequence of Corynebacterium argentoratense strains isolated from clinical samples

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    During a 12-year period we isolated five Corynebacterium argentoratense strains identified by phenotypic methods, including the use of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. In addition, antimicrobial susceptibility was determined, and genome sequencing for the detection of antibiotic resistance genes was performed. The organisms were isolated from blood and throat cultures and could be identified by all methods used. All strains were resistant to cotrimoxazole, and resistance to β-lactams was partly present. Two strains were resistant to erythromycin and clindamycin. The draft genome sequences of theses isolates revealed the presence of the erm(X) resistance gene that is embedded in the genetic structure of the transposable element Tn5423. Although rarely reported as a human pathogen, C. argentoratense can be involved in bacteraemia and probably in other infections. Our results also show that horizontal transfer of genes responsible for antibiotic resistance is occurring in this species.Supported in part by the Gerencia Regional de Salud, Junta de Castilla y León, Spain (research project GRS 698/A/2011