1,022 research outputs found

    The ATESP 5 GHz radio survey IV. 19, 38, and 94 GHz observations and radio spectral energy distributions

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    It is now established that the faint radio population is a mixture of star-forming galaxies and faint active galactic nuclei (AGNs), with the former dominating below S(1.4GHz) \sim 100 muJy and the latter at larger flux densities. The faint radio AGN component can itself be separated into two main classes, mainly based on the host-galaxy properties: sources associated with red/early-type galaxies (like radio galaxies) are the dominant class down to \sim 100 muJy; quasar/Seyfert--like sources contribute an additional 10-20\%. One of the major open questions regarding faint radio AGNs is the physical process responsible for their radio emission. This work aims at investigating this issue, with particular respect to the AGN component associated with red/early-type galaxies. Such AGNs show, on average, flatter radio spectra than radio galaxies and are mostly compact (<= 30 kpc in size). Various scenarios have been proposed to explain their radio emission. For instance they could be core/core-jet dominated radio galaxies, low-power BL LACs, or advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) systems. We used the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) to extend a previous follow-up multi-frequency campaign to 38 and 94 GHz. (abridged)Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Dumb-bell galaxies in southern clusters: Catalog and preliminary statistical results

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    The dominant galaxy of a rich cluster is often an object whose formation and evolution is closely connected to the dynamics of the cluster itself. Hoessel (1980) and Schneider et al. (1983) estimate that 50 percent of the dominant galaxies are either of the dumb-bell type or have companions at projected distances less than 20 kpc, which is far in excess of the number expected from chance projection (see also Rood and Leir 1979). Presently there is no complete sample of these objects, with the exception of the listing of dumb-bell galaxies in BM type I and I-II clusters in the Abell statistical sample of Rood and Leir (1979). Recent dynamical studies of dumb-bell galaxies in clusters (Valentijn and Casertano, 1988) still suffer from inhomogeneity of the sample. The fact that it is a mixture of optically and radio selected objects may have introduced an unknown biases, for instance if the probability of radio emission is enhanced by the presence of close companions (Stocke, 1978, Heckman et al. 1985, Vettolani and Gregorini 1988) a bias could be present in their velocity distribution. However, this situation is bound to improve: a new sample of Abell clusters in the Southern Hemisphere has been constructed (Abell et al., 1988 hereafter ACO), which has several advantages over the original northern catalog. The plate material (IIIaJ plates) is of better quality and reaches fainter magnitudes. This makes it possible to classify the cluster types with a higher degree of accuracy, as well as to fainter magnitudes. The authors therefore decided to reconsider the whole problem constructing a new sample of dumb-bell galaxies homogeneously selected from the ACO survey. Details of the classification criteria are given

    Relativistic jet models for two low-luminosity radio galaxies: evidence for backflow?

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    We show that asymmetries in total intensity and linear polarization between the radio jets and counter-jets in two lobed Fanaroff-Riley Class I (FR I) radio galaxies, B2 0206+35 (UGC 1651) and B2 0755+37 (NGC 2484), can be accounted for if these jets are intrinsically symmetrical, with decelerating relativistic outflows surrounded by mildly relativistic backflows. Our interpretation is motivated by sensitive, well-resolved Very Large Array imaging which shows that both jets in both sources have a two-component structure transverse to their axes. Close to the jet axis, a centrally-darkened counter-jet lies opposite a centrally-brightened jet, but both are surrounded by broader collimated emission that is brighter on the counter-jet side. We have adapted our previous models of FR I jets as relativistic outflows to include an added component of symmetric backflow. We find that the observed radio emission, after subtracting contributions from the extended lobes, is well described by models in which decelerating outflows with parameters similar to those derived for jets in plumed FR I sources are surrounded by backflows containing predominantly toroidal magnetic fields. These return to within a few kpc of the galaxies with velocities of roughly 0.25c and radiate with a synchrotron spectral index close to 0.55. We discuss whether such backflow is to be expected in lobed FR I sources and suggest ways in which our hypothesis can be tested by further observations.Comment: 22 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Structure of the magnetoionic medium around the FR Class I radio galaxy 3C 449

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    The goal of this work is to constrain the strength and structure of the magnetic field associated with the environment of the radio source 3C 449, using observations of Faraday rotation, which we model with a structure function technique and by comparison with numerical simulations. We assume that the magnetic field is a Gaussian, isotropic random variable and that it is embedded in the hot intra-group plasma surrounding the radio source. For this purpose, we present detailed rotation measure images for the polarized radio source 3C 449, previously observed with the Very Large Array at seven frequencies between 1.365 and 8.385 GHz. We quantify the statistics of the magnetic-field fluctuations by deriving rotation measure structure functions, which we fit using models derived from theoretical power spectra. We quantify the errors due to sampling by making multiple two-dimensional realizations of the best-fitting power spectrum.We also use depolarization measurements to estimate the minimum scale of the field variations. We then make three-dimensional models with a gas density distribution derived from X-ray observations and a random magnetic field with this power spectrum. Under these assumptions we find that both rotation measure and depolarization data are consistent with a broken power-law magnetic-field power spectrum, with a break at about 11 kpc and slopes of 2.98 and 2.07 at smaller and larger scales respectively. The maximum and minimum scales of the fluctuations are around 65 and 0.2 kpc, respectively. The average magnetic field strength at the cluster centre is 3.5 +/-1.2 micro-G, decreasing linearly with the gas density within about 16 kpc of the nucleus.Comment: 19 pages; 14 figures; accepted for publication on A&A. For a high quality version use ftp://ftp.eso.org/pub/general/guidetti

    Multifrequency Study of The Radio Galaxy NGC326

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    We present the results of a multi-frequency study of the inversion symmetric radio galaxy NGC326 based on Very Large Array observations at 1.4, 1.6, 4.8, 8.5 and 14.9 GHz. The morphological, spectral and polarization properties of this peculiar object are studied at different levels of spatial resolutions. The interpretation of the data will be discussed in forthcoming papers.Comment: 15 pages, 15 ps figures, accepted by A&

    The lives of FR I radio galaxies

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    After a brief introduction to the morphological properties of FRI radio sources, we discuss the possibility that FRI jets are relativistic at their bases and decelerate quickly to non-relativistic velocities. From two-frequency data we determine spectral index distributions and consequently the ages of FRI sources. We show that in the large majority of cases synchrotron theory provides unambiguous and plausible answers; in a few objects re-acceleration of electrons may be needed. The derived ages are of the order 10^7-10^8 years, 2-4 times larger than the ages inferred from dynamical arguments and a factor 5-10 larger than the ages of FRII sources. The linear sizes of FRI and FRII sources make it unlikely that many FRII's evolve into FRI's. A brief discussion is given of the possibility that radio sources go through different cycles of activity.Comment: 19 pages, including 13 figures, to appear in `Life Cycles of Radio Galaxies', ed. J. Biretta et al., New Astronomy Review
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