115 research outputs found

    Consideraciones sobre el género Jasonia (Compositae, Inuleae): Sistemática y usos.

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    Consideraciones sobre el género Jasonia (Compositae, Inuleae). Sistemática y usos. En este trabajo se estudia el género Jasonia en la Península Ibérica, en la que viven J. tuberosa y J. glutinosa. Además se aportan datos sobre las especies insulares mediterráneas y del norte de África. El género Chiliadenus se incluye razonadamente en la sinonimia de Jasonia. Se confirma la validez nomenclatural de J. glutinosa y se cita correctamente su basiónimo. Además se aportan datos nomenclaturales y morfológicos y se incluyen dos mapas de distribución de las especies. Se proponen dos nuevas combinaciones: J. bocconei y J. lopadusanus. Dada la importancia del té de roca (J. glutinosa) como planta medicinal de extendido uso popular en España, se detallan sus usos y la distribución de los mismos

    Ethnobotany: traditional management of plants and cultural heritage

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    The scope of Ethnobotany is to study the relationships between plants and people. The discipline has been growing rapidly in Spain over the last twenty years. Its main objective is to study traditional uses and knowledge of plants. Radical change in life style and in the relationship internature have been brought about by modifications to rural societies over the last few decades. Not many years ago knowledge of plants and their uses was essential to settle basic needs of the population. Migration from rural areas and social and cultural changes have forged a gap between generations that has interrupted communication of this kind of knowledge and loss of a rich heritage. Gathering popular wisdom and traditions, that are important part of the identity and cultural personality of people, is a priority.La etnobotánica estudia las relaciones entre los seres humanos y los vegetales. En España ha recibido un notable desarrollo en los últimos veinte años. Su principal objetivo son los conocimientos sobre plantas y sus utilidades en la cultura popular tradicional. Las transformaciones acontecidas en las sociedades rurales en las últimas décadas han provocado cambios radicales en los modos de vida y especialmente en las relaciones con la naturaleza. Hasta no hace muchos años el conocimiento de las plantas y sus usos era fundamental para solucionar las necesidades vitales de la población. El despoblamiento rural y los cambios socioculturales han provocado un salto generacional que impide la transmisión oral de estos conocimientos, perdiéndose así gran parte de este rico patrimonio. Urge recopilar todas estas sabidurías y tradiciones, parte sustantiva de la identidad y personalidad cultural de cada pueblo.Peer reviewe

    Ethnobotany: traditional management of plants and cultural heritage

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    The scope of Ethnobotany is to study the relationships between plants and people. The discipline has been growing rapidly in Spain over the last twenty years. Its main objective is to study traditional uses and knowledge of plants. Radical change in life style and in the relationship internature have been brought about by modifications to rural societies over the last few decades. Not many years ago knowledge of plants and their uses was essential to settle basic needs of the population. Migration from rural areas and social and cultural changes have forged a gap between generations that has interrupted communication of this kind of knowledge and loss of a rich heritage. Gathering popular wisdom and traditions, that are important part of the identity and cultural personality of people, is a priority.La etnobotánica estudia las relaciones entre los seres humanos y los vegetales. En España ha recibido un notable desarrollo en los últimos veinte años. Su principal objetivo son los conocimientos sobre plantas y sus utilidades en la cultura popular tradicional. Las transformaciones acontecidas en las sociedades rurales en las últimas décadas han provocado cambios radicales en los modos de vida y especialmente en las relaciones con la naturaleza. Hasta no hace muchos años el conocimiento de las plantas y sus usos era fundamental para solucionar las necesidades vitales de la población. El despoblamiento rural y los cambios socioculturales han provocado un salto generacional que impide la transmisión oral de estos conocimientos, perdiéndose así gran parte de este rico patrimonio. Urge recopilar todas estas sabidurías y tradiciones, parte sustantiva de la identidad y personalidad cultural de cada pueblo.Peer reviewe

    Ethnobotanical review of wild edible plants in Spain

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    [EN]This paper compiles and evaluates the ethnobotanical data currently available on wild plants traditionally used for human consumption in Spain. Forty-six ethnobotanical and ethnographical sources from Spain were reviewed, together with some original unpublished field data from several Spanish provinces. A total of 419 plant species belonging to 67 families was recorded. A list of species, plant parts used, localization and method of consumption, and harvesting time is presented. Of the seven different food categories considered, green vegetables were the largest group, followed by plants used to prepare beverages, wild fruits, and plants used for seasoning, sweets, preservatives, and other uses. Important species according to the number of reports include: Foeniculum vulgare , Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum , Origanum vulgare , Rubus ulmifolius , Silene vulgaris , Asparagus acutifolius , and Scolymus hispanicus . We studied data on the botanical families to which the plants in the different categories belonged, overlapping between groups and distribution of uses of the different species. Many wild food plants have also been used for medicinal purposes and some are considered to be poisonous. This review highlights the rich traditional knowledge on edible plants that has remained in rural Spain. Until recently, many wild plants were used as dietary supplements. However, most of this knowledge survives only in the memory of the elderly, and will probably disappear in a few decades. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006,152, 27–71.Peer reviewe

    Ethnobotanical review of wild edible plants in Spain

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    [EN]This paper compiles and evaluates the ethnobotanical data currently available on wild plants traditionally used for human consumption in Spain. Forty-six ethnobotanical and ethnographical sources from Spain were reviewed, together with some original unpublished field data from several Spanish provinces. A total of 419 plant species belonging to 67 families was recorded. A list of species, plant parts used, localization and method of consumption, and harvesting time is presented. Of the seven different food categories considered, green vegetables were the largest group, followed by plants used to prepare beverages, wild fruits, and plants used for seasoning, sweets, preservatives, and other uses. Important species according to the number of reports include: Foeniculum vulgare , Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum , Origanum vulgare , Rubus ulmifolius , Silene vulgaris , Asparagus acutifolius , and Scolymus hispanicus . We studied data on the botanical families to which the plants in the different categories belonged, overlapping between groups and distribution of uses of the different species. Many wild food plants have also been used for medicinal purposes and some are considered to be poisonous. This review highlights the rich traditional knowledge on edible plants that has remained in rural Spain. Until recently, many wild plants were used as dietary supplements. However, most of this knowledge survives only in the memory of the elderly, and will probably disappear in a few decades. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006,152, 27–71.Peer reviewe

    Las plantas en la cultura tradicional de la antigua merindad de Campoo

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita, leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología. Fecha de lectura: 12-05-200