93 research outputs found

    Kostroma cattle breed in the new century: the state and the prospects (review)

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    The article reflects the current state and the prospects of the Kostroma cattle breed development. The creation and improvement of the breed anticipated the formation and further breed development in the domestic and world zoo technical science. In recent years, the number of Kostroma cattle breed has been unreasonably reducing despite its economic valuable traits. At the same time in the Kostroma region there are prospects for preserving the valuable gene pool of one of the best domestic dairy and meat cattle breeds. As a result of directed selection and breeding work with the use of Brown Swiss bulls, a stud milk breed "Karavaevsky KK-1" has been developed. At present cow-champions of the Kostroma breed give up to 12,000 kg of milk per lactation. The milk of the Kostroma breed cows has a high content of protein and fat. The animals of Kostroma breed have good meat qualities, high resistance to a number of diseases, strong ungulate horn, easy adaptability to intensive technologies, good fertility and high productive longevity. To save the Kostroma breed it is important to put on 8-10 bulls of 8 planned lines and related groups for the validation and accumulation of sperm every year. The restoration of previously created lines with high genetic potential should be foreseen. It is necessary to identify and actively use the stud bulls bred in their own breeding farms; to conduct a linear assessment of bulls and daughter heifers by body type for more competent selection. In addition to the generally accepted forms and methods of selection, it is necessary to continue immunogenetic control of the authenticity of the origin of breeding animals and introduce modern methods of DNA technology to assess the breeding and productive qualities of cattle, which will reveal valuable genetic complexes in the best breeding animals and thus 1.5-2 times accelerate the selection processes.Conflict of interest: the authors stated that there was no conflict of interest

    The balance of elements in the system “Luvic Chernozems – agricultural plants” on the Plavsk upland (Tula region of Russia)

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    To assess the transfer of macro (K, P, S, Mg, Ca, as well as Si, Na, Fe, Al, Mn and Ti) and microelements (Zn, Ba, Cu, Sr, Mo, as well as As, Zr, Pb, Co, Ni, V and Cr) from Luvic Chernozems (Aric, Loamic, Pachic) into agricultural plants, we studied the inventories of chemical elements in three agrocenoses (wheat, soybean, Galega orientalis Lam. and Bromopsis inermis Leyss grass mixtures) from the Plavsk upland (Tula Region). This territory is subjected to intensive industrial and agricultural impacts: it is 40 km away from the town of Shchekino with a nitrogen fertilizer plant and a thermal power plant, 60 km away from Tula with large metallurgical enterprises, 70 km away from the town of Novomoskovsk with several chemical enterprises and state district power plant. In soils, the total content of elements was determined by the X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The elemental composition of plants after autoclave decomposition with a mixture of concentrated nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide and the content of the bioavailable fraction (extracted by an ammonium acetate buffer with pH 4.8) of elements in soil were estimated by the atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma. In topsoil (a 10-cm layer), maximal inventories are typical for total Si (40 ± 4 kg/m2), Al (7.0 ± 0.8 kg/m2) and Fe (3.4 ± 0.3 kg/m2) and for bioavailable Ca (570 ± 48 g/m2), Mg (43 ± 4 g/m2), K (22 ± 6 g/m2). In plants, the main inventories (g/m2) of K, P, S, Mg, Si, Mn, Zn, Ba, Cu, Mo occur in the above ground phytomass. The most effectively plants assimilate bioavailable fractions of K, P, Ti, Mo, As, Zr, V. Based on the resource method for soil quality assessment, the studied Chernozems are characterized by a low level of Ni contamination, a moderate supply of bioavailable K with a lack of bioavailable P

    A new estimation of the recent tropospheric molecular hydrogen budget using atmospheric observations and variational inversion

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    This paper presents an analysis of the recent tropospheric molecular hydrogen (H2) budget with a particular focus on soil uptake and European surface emissions. A variational inversion scheme is combined with observations from the RAMCES and EUROHYDROS atmospheric networks, which include continuous measurements performed between mid-2006 and mid-2009. Net H2 surface flux, then deposition velocity and surface emissions and finally, deposition velocity, biomass burning, anthropogenic and N2 fixation-related emissions were simultaneously inverted in several scenarios. These scenarios have focused on the sensibility of the soil uptake value to different spatio-temporal distributions. The range of variations of these diverse inversion sets generate an estimate of the uncertainty for each term of the H2 budget. The net H2 flux per region (High Northern Hemisphere, Tropics and High Southern Hemisphere) varies between −8 and +8 Tg yr−1. The best inversion in terms of fit to the observations combines updated prior surface emissions and a soil deposition velocity map that is based on bottom-up and top-down estimations. Our estimate of global H2 soil uptake is −59±9 Tg yr−1. Forty per cent of this uptake is located in the High Northern Hemisphere and 55% is located in the Tropics. In terms of surface emissions, seasonality is mainly driven by biomass burning emissions. The inferred European anthropogenic emissions are consistent with independent H2 emissions estimated using a H2/CO mass ratio of 0.034 and CO emissions within the range of their respective uncertainties. Additional constraints, such as isotopic measurements would be needed to infer a more robust partition of H2 sources and sinks

    Peculiarities of immunological manifestations in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in the presence of chronic infection with <i>Helicobacter pylori</i> variant encoding cytotoxin-associated gene A

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    The study aimed to evaluate the association between cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody seropositivity and chronic Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We examined 92 women with moderate RA activity. Serum antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide (antiCCP), antibodies to H. pylori (anti-H. pylori-IgG), and total antibodies to H. pylori CagA antigen (antiCagA) were determined by enzyme immunoassay; the presence of anti-CagA-IgG positivity was confirmed by immunoblot. 68.5% of RA patients were positive for anti-H. pylori-IgG, and 44.4% of patients in this group were positive for anti-CagA-IgG. All the study participants were divided into three groups: I – H. pylori seronegative (H. pylori- ); II – H. pylori positive, CagA negative (H. pylori+/CagA- ); III – H. pylori positive and CagA positive (CagA+). The anti-CCP values in RA patients with CagA+ (group III) were significantly higher not only in comparison with patients seronegative for H. pylori (p &lt; 0.001), but also in comparison with patients from group II (H. pylori+/CagA- ) (p = 0.041). A study of the influence of the RA activity, the presence of RF and H. pylori on anti-CCP content demonstrated a small proportion of anti-CCP variability (R2 = 0.09), with a high contribution of H. pylori (beta = 0.25). The addition of the CagA(+) index (beta = 0.503) to the presented model allowed us to describe the variability of anti-CCP in almost 30% of cases (R2 = 0.29). In the group of RA patients with anti-CCP values exceeding the established threshold value of 20 U/mL (normal index), there was an increase in the proportion of patients infected with H. pylori (p &lt; 0.001), but not the proportion of CagA-positive patients (p = 0.06). When the threshold level was increased to 60 U/mL (three times the upper limit of normal) in patients with significantly high anti-CCP, the association with positivity for CagA became significant (p = 0.005). CagA is highly immunogenic and is capable of inducing an inflammatory response in the host that goes beyond the effect of H. pylori itself. Additional experimental studies are needed to investigate possible clinical and laboratory associations that may influence the treatment tactics of CagA+ patients with RA who are seropositive for anti-citrullinated antibodies, as well as to evaluate the possible effects of therapeutic intervention aimed at the eradication of H. pylori in this group

    Internal scheme of the body assessment in an experiment with environmental uncertainty

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    The aim of the work was to analyze the influence of various environmental factors forming environmental uncertainty on the nature of the transformation of the "internal scheme of the body". Materials and methods. For the study, a group of healthy volunteers (n = 90) was selected. The results in this paper are median, 75 and 25 percentiles (Me [UQ / LQ]). The study was conducted in several stages. At the first stage, the criteria for excluding potential participants from the experiment were formed. At the second stage of the study, a video analysis of the main anatomical orientations of the pelvic region in static and dynamic samples was conducted for all participants. Conclusion. In the course of the study, specific patterns of spatial deviations of biomechanical blocks of the pelvic region were established, triggered by changes in the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the external environment. So, in conditions of static equilibrium, coordination is activated with involvement of the anterior and posterior half-rings of the pelvis (frontal biomechanical blocks); in conditions of dynamic equilibrium, diagonal biomechanical blocks of the pelvic region are activated; in conditions of deprivation of visual afferentation, the compensatory reactions of the lateral semirings of the pelvic region (lateral biomechanical blocks) are formed

    Follicular Occlusion Syndrome — a Possible Option of Follicular-Retension Origin of Pilonidal Sinus

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    Аim: to analyze and evaluate the clinical and morphological manifestations of pilonidal sinus disease (PSD) as a part of follicular occlusion syndrome (FOS).Materials and methods. In the Clinic of Coloproctology and Minimally Invasive Surgery, 80 patients with PSD underwent surgeries from November 2018 to December 2019: 62 (77.5 %) patients — with primary PSD, 18 (22.5 %) — with recurrence of the disease.Results. There were 80 patients, 6 patients (9.7 %) with primary and one (5.6 %) patient with recurrent cyst had concomitant manifestations of follicular occlusion syndrome. Thus, the frequency of combination of PSD with other variants of FOS course amounted to 8.8 %. Hidradenitis suppurativa of axillary and inguinal areas was found in 5 out of 7 patients. Acne conglobata, as one of the components of FOS, was noted in three patients. Dissecting cellulitis of the scalp was diagnosed in one patient. Follicular occlusion triad was observed in two patients. Follicular occlusion tetrad was not noted in any observation. All patients were treated with excision of the pilonidal sinus disease with local tissue-plasty of the defect. At present, no recurrences have been noted in any of the cases, and the mean follow-up time was 14 ± 5.6 months (6–27 months). PSD as a manifestation of follicular occlusion syndrome is characterized by a more cranial and more superficial location of the cavity in the sacrococcygeal region. According to the data of histologic examination of patients with FOS, the morphologic picture is identical with patients with isolated PSD. All patients with confirmed FOS have received pathogenetic local and conservative therapy. After the therapy remission of combined diseases is noted.Conclusion. Deroofing of the lining of the cavity, often used in dermatologic practice, along with complex treatment within the framework of multidisciplinary (together with a dermatologist) management of patients with FOS, looks promising

    Печеночная недостаточность при механическом холестазе паразитарного генеза

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    In Tomsk zonal hepatologic center 358 patients with obstructive parasitogenic jaundice have been operated (alveococcosis-based — 43, echinococcosis-based — 17, opisthorchosis-based — 298). Clinical presentations of hepatic failure before the surgery have been observed at 30,7% of patients, more often — under long and intensive cholestasis. Postsurgical hepatic failure has developed at 23,1%. Intraportal medicine infusions play an important role in prophylaxis and treatment of hepatic failure along with timely and optimal surgery. Infusions permit to decrease the hepatic failure progress probability from 60,6 to 30,5%, probability of suppurative complications from 10,3 to 3,1% and postsurgical lethality from 38,2 to 9,5%.В Томском зональном гепатологическом центре оперировано по поводу механической желтухи паразитарного генеза 358 человек (на почве альвеококкоза — 43, эхинококкоза — 17, описторхоза — 298). Клинические проявления печеночной недостаточности до операции наблюдались у 30,7% пациентов, чаще при длительном и интенсивном холестазе. Послеоперационная недостаточность печени развилась у 23,2%. В профилактике и лечении печеночной недостаточности наряду со своевременностью и оптимальностью оперативного вмешательства важную роль играют внутрипортальные инфузии лекарственных средств, позволяющие снизить вероятность прогрессирования недостаточности печени с 60,6 до 30,5%, развития гнойных осложнений с 10,3 до 3,1%, уменьшить послеоперационную летальность с 38,2 до 9,5%

    Алгоритм анализа кинематических характеристик бега

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    Biomechanics of motor actions solves the problems of analysis of external motor events - kinematic and dynamic movement parameters. Inertial measurement devices such as gyroscope and accelerometer are used for biomechanical analysis of human movements. The paper describes an algorithm for analysis of kinematic characteristics of the running based on inertial gyro signals. Running is used to estimate the physical performance, endurance, coordination abilities of a person. Gyroscope signals were registered using the TrignoTM Wireless System. For data analysis in the MATLAB, the software for automated evaluation of electromyographic and biomechanical motion patterns was developed. The algorithm allows one to calculate time, spatial and spatial-to-time parameters of motion, symmetry of movements of the left and right limbs, and also stability of repetition of biomechanical movement pattern. The algorithm includes the following stages: 1) adaptive filtering of signals; 2) identification of movement phases; 3) calculation of spatial and time symmetry of left and right limbs; 4) analysis of the repetition stability of biomechanical movement pattern. The proposed algorithm was used to estimate the motor coordination potential of high-skilled athletes in longdistance running. The research made it possible to estimate individual features of work of each group of muscles for each sportsman while performing a test task with stepwisely increasing load on a running track. This approach is a tool to detect asymmetric work of paired muscle groups and of muscle groups with irrational workability. The proposed algorithm for the analysis of running kinematic characteristics can be used to develop new criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of solving a movement problem, as well as to assess the correctness of the movement technique and identify errors that can lead to injuries.Биомеханика двигательных действий решает задачи анализа внешних двигательных проявлений – кинематических и динамических параметров движения. Для биомеханического анализа движений человека используются устройства инерциального измерения, такие как гироскоп и акселерометр. В работе рассмотрен алгоритм анализа кинематических характеристик бега на основе сигналов инерциального гироскопа. Бег используется для оценки физической работоспособности, выносливости, координационных способностей человека. Регистрация сигналов гироскопа осуществлялась с помощью беспроводной системы TrignoTM Wireless System. Для анализа данных в среде технических вычислений MATLAB было разработано программное обеспечение для автоматизированной оценки электромиографического и биомеханического паттерна движений. Представленный алгоритм позволяет количественно оценить пространственные, временные и пространственно-временные параметры движения, симметрию движений левых и правых конечностей, а также стабильность повторения биомеханического паттерна движения. Алгоритм включает в себя следующие этапы: 1) адаптивная фильтрация сигналов; 2) определение фаз движения; 3) расчет пространственно-временной симметрии левых и правых конечностей; 4) анализ стабильности повторения биомеханического паттерна движения. Предложенный алгоритм был использован для оценки двигательно-координационного потенциала высококвалифицированных представителей легкой атлетики в беге на длинные дистанции. Проведенное исследование позволило оценить индивидуальные особенности работы каждой группы мышц для каждого спортсмена при выполнении тестового задания со ступенчато повышающейся нагрузкой на беговой дорожке. Такой подход является наглядным инструментом для выявления асимметричной работы парных групп мышц, а также выявления групп мышц с нерациональной врабатываемостью. Предлагаемый алгоритм анализа кинематических характеристик бега может быть использован для разработки новых критериев оценки эффективности решения двигательной задачи, а также оценки правильности выполнения техники движения и обнаружения критических ошибок, которые приводят к травмам

    Sweet Sorghum Genotypes Testing in the High Latitude Rainfed Steppes of the Northern Kazakhstan (for Feed and Biofuel)

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    Twenty-eight sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) genotypes of the different ecological and geographic origins: Kazakhstan, Russia, India, Uzbekistan, and China were tested in the high latitude rainfed conditions of northern Kazakhstan. The genotypes demonstrated high biomass production (up to 100 t·ha-1 and more). The genotypes ripening to full reproductive seeds were selected for seed production and introduction in the northern Kazakhstan. Lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum S-1, Streptococcus thermophilus F-1 and Lactococcus lactis F-4 essentially enhance the fermentation process, suppressing undesirable microbiological processes, reducing the loss of nutrient compounds, accelerating in 2 times maturation ensilage process and providing higher quality of the feed product

    Epileptic Focus in Drug-Resistant Epilepsy: Structure, Organization, and Pathophysiology

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    The chapter focuses on how different cutting-edge techniques can be used to study electrophysiological, pathomorphological, and biochemical changes in the “epileptic focus” area of the cerebral cortex and white matter to see how epileptic seizures become drug-resistant and how it affects the other regions of the brain. The authors highlight the significance of neuroinflammation and apoptosis in the epilepsy pathogenesis providing EEG characteristics and describing structural changes in the cortex and white matter under such conditions as focal cortical dysplasia and epileptic leukoencephalopathy. Particular focus is given to structural and functional changes in the hippocampus and the role of hippocampal sclerosis in epilepsy. Key conceptions regarding the epileptic focus formation are outlined