696 research outputs found

    Correlating magnetic fabrics with finite strain : comparing results from mudrocks in the Variscan and Appalachian Orogens

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    New magnetic anisotropy data from Variscan mudstones collected in the Cantabrian Arc, N Spain constrain the corresponding strain (shortening). The results are based on our previous study of mudrocks from the Valley and Ridge Province (Appalachians) where independent strain quantification of pencil structures permitted a correlation between magnetic fabric and tectonic strain. An exponential relationship between the AMS shape parameter T and tectonic shortening was found for the interval of 10-25% shortening: shortening (%)=17*exp(T), relationship that appears to be supported by tectonic strains up to 40%. The T parameter describes the shape of the magnetic susceptibility ellipsoid, which in pelitic rocks appears more sensitive to strain than the degree of anisotropy parameter P (or P'). In mudrocks from the Cantabrian Arc a positive correlation between T parameter and deformation intensity, reflected by cleavage domains spacing, is observed. Using the above relationship, we estimate the range of tectonic shortening for the Cantabrian mudstones. The correlation between strain and AMS offers a robust estimate of strain magnitude of 10-40% in weakly to moderately deformed clay-rich rocks, where other strain indicators are often lacking or are poorly preserved

    Skull asymmetries in wild boar (Sus scrofa LINNAEUS, 1758)

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    Organisms can develop different kinds of asymmetry when deviations from expected perfect symmetry occur. Among others are fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and directional asymmetry (DA). FA represents small random differences between corresponding parts on the left and right sides of an individual in bilaterally paired structures. It is thought that FA reflects an organism’s ability to cope with genetic and environmental stress during growth. DA occurs whenever one side on the plane of symmetry develops more than the other side, and has a genetic component. In this research, we examined the expression of morphological symmetry in 38 skulls of different age groups of wild boar (Sus scrofa), on their ventral aspect, using two-dimensional coordinates of 27 landmarks. Analyses showed the presence of significant FA and DA in the entire sample, detecting also distinctive differences between age groups. The obtained results show that the shape differences in different age groups could reasonably be a consequence of a response to environmental factors for FA and a masticatory lateralization for DA.Os organismos podem desenvolver diferentes tipos de assimetria quando ocorrem desvios da pefeita simetria esperada. Entre os diversos tipos de assimetria existentes duas merecem especial destaque: a flutuante (AF) e a directional (AD). A AF é representada por pequenas diferenças casuais entre as partes correspondents das laterais direita e esquerda de um indivíduo em estruturas pareadas bilateralmente; acredita-se que elas reflitam a habilidade de um organismo adaptar-se a fatores estressantes genéticos e ambientais observados durante o seu crescimentos. A AD ocorre quando um lado da assimetria plana desenvolve-se mais do que o outro e há um componente genético. No presente trabalho foi analisada a expresssão da simetria morfológica de 38 crânios de diferentes grupos etários de javalis (Sus scrofa), nos seus aspectos ventrais, com o emprego de duas coordenadas dimensionais de 27 pontos anatômicos homólogos. As análises efetuadas revelaram a existência de valores significantes de AF e AD em toda a amostra trabalhada, detectando inclusive diferenças entre os grupos etários. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que as diferentes formas observadas nos diferentes grupos etários podem ser consequência de uma resposta a fatores ambientais para a AF e a lateralização da mastigação para a AD

    Variación no alométrica en el cráneo del perezoso bayo Bradypus variegatus (Schinz, 1825) (Mammalia, Pilosa, Bradypodidae)

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    Brown-throated sloth Bradypus variegatus (Schinz, 1825) is a monomorphic mammal, and its skull ontogeny is poorly known. Here, we present a study of the ontogenetic allometric relationship between skull size and shape in 21 specimens of different sizes, for which size and shape were determined by means of geometric morphometric methods. Results indicate that skull shape variation can hardly be explained by skull size. Several studies have shown unique morphological traits of sloths from mammalian norms, affecting varied phenotypic traits from skeletal parts to soft tissues. This non-allometric scaling of skull form in sloth can be seen as another uniqueness of this taxonomic group.El perezoso bayo Bradypus variegatus (Schinz, 1825) es un mamífero monomórfico, de ontogenia craneal poco conocida. En este estudio analizamos la alometría estática entre tamaño y forma, utilizando 21 especímenes diferentes de edades diversas. El tamaño y la forma fueron determinados mediante técnicas de morfometría geométrica. De los resultados obtenidos se desprende que la variación en la forma craneal queda muy poco explicada por la variación en el tamaño. Muchos estudios han señalado características morfológicas únicas en los perezosos en relación al resto de mamíferos, características fenotípicas que van de la estructura esquelética a tejidos blandos. En este caso, el escalado no alométrico del cráneo debería ser visto como otra característica única de este grupo taxonómico


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    Breu trajectòria de la cooperativa sanitària "Farmàcia Mutualista" d'Igualada

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    La Farmàcia Mutualista d’Igualada es va crear en base a la Llei de Cooperatives de 22 de març de 1934. La seva trajectòria va estar plena d’obstacles i dificultats: l’oposició del Sindicat i el Col·legi de Farmacèutics, la guerra civil i, finalitzada aquesta, el canvi de les normatives sobre cooperativisme, que van comportar diverses clausures i reobertures fins que, a pesar del traspàs de la seva gestió a l’”Obra Sindical 18 de julio”, va quedar definitivament clausurada l’any 1942