206 research outputs found

    Resistance of Staphylococci to Macrolides-Lincosamides- Streptogramins B (MLSB): Epidemiology and Mechanisms of Resistance

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    A total of 92 genes that confer resistance to MLS antibiotics have been described to date. They can be roughly divided into three groups, depending on the mechanisms by which they confer resistance to one or all of these groups of antibiotics. Three main mechanisms of resistance to MLS antibiotics have been described: methylation of rRNA (target modification), active efflux and inactivation of the antibiotic. Target modification is achieved through the action of the protein product of one of more than 42 different erm (erythromycin rRNA methylase) genes. They confer cross resistance between macrolides, lincosamides and streptogramin B (so-called MLSB resistance) and evoke most concerns. Active efflux and inactivating enzymes (M and L) represent two additional mechanisms of resistance that are targeted only to particular antibiotics or antibiotic classes. Based on the mechanisms of resistance, various resistant phenotypes are expressed. The most prevalent phenotypes are ÎœLSB (constitutive or inducible), which is associated with the presence mainly of ermA and ermC genes, followed by the MSB phenotype due to the presence of msrA gene. In livestock S. aureus strains, such as CC 398, other genes such as ermT, lnuA, lsaE and mphC genes are detected

    Characterization of NDM-Encoding Plasmids From Enterobacteriaceae Recovered From Czech Hospitals

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    The aim of the present study was to characterize sporadic cases and an outbreak of NDM-like-producing Enterobacteriaceae recovered from hospital settings, in Czechia. During 2016, 18 Entrobacteriaceae isolates including 10 Enterobacter cloacae complex (9 E. xiangfangensis and 1 E. asburiae), 4 Escherichia coli, 1 Kluyvera intermedia, 1 Klebsiella pneumoniae, 1 Klebsiella oxytoca, and 1 Raoultella ornithinolytica that produced NDM-like carbapenemases were isolated from 15 patients. Three of the patients were colonized or infected by two different NDM-like producers. Moreover, an NDM-4-producing isolate of E. cloacae complex, isolated in 2012, was studied for comparative purposes. All isolates of E. cloacae complex, except the E. asburiae, recovered from the same hospital, were assigned to ST182. Additionally, two E. coli belonged to ST167, while the remaining isolates were not clonally related. Thirteen isolates carried blaNDM−4, while six isolates carried blaNDM−1 (n = 3) or blaNDM−5 (n = 3). Almost all isolates carried blaNDM-like-carrying plasmids being positive for the IncX3 allele, except ST58 E. coli and ST14 K. pneumoniae isolates producing NDM-1. Analysis of plasmid sequences revealed that all IncX3 blaNDM-like-carrying plasmids exhibited a high similarity to each other and to previously described plasmids, like pNDM-QD28, reported from worldwide. However, NDM-4-encoding plasmids differed from other IncX3 plasmids by the insertion of a Tn3-like transposon. On the other hand, the ST58 E. coli and ST14 K. pneumoniae isolates carried two novel NDM-1-encoding plasmids, pKpn-35963cz, and pEsco-36073cz. Plasmid pKpn-35963cz that was an IncFIB(K) molecule contained an acquired sequence, encoding NDM-1 metallo-β-lactamase (MβL), which exhibited high similarity to the mosaic region of pS-3002cz from an ST11 K. pneumoniae from Czechia. Finally, pEsco-36073cz was a multireplicon A/C2+R NDM-1-encoding plasmid. Similar to other type 1 A/C2 plasmids, the blaNDM−1 gene was located within the ARI-A resistance island. These findings underlined that IncX3 plasmids have played a major role in the dissemination of blaNDM-like genes in Czech hospitals. In combination with further evolvement of NDM-like-encoding MDR plasmids through reshuffling, NDM-like producers pose an important public threat

    Inverse Correlation between Promoter Strength and Excision Activity in Class 1 Integrons

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    Class 1 integrons are widespread genetic elements that allow bacteria to capture and express gene cassettes that are usually promoterless. These integrons play a major role in the dissemination of antibiotic resistance among Gram-negative bacteria. They typically consist of a gene (intI) encoding an integrase (that catalyzes the gene cassette movement by site-specific recombination), a recombination site (attI1), and a promoter (Pc) responsible for the expression of inserted gene cassettes. The Pc promoter can occasionally be combined with a second promoter designated P2, and several Pc variants with different strengths have been described, although their relative distribution is not known. The Pc promoter in class 1 integrons is located within the intI1 coding sequence. The Pc polymorphism affects the amino acid sequence of IntI1 and the effect of this feature on the integrase recombination activity has not previously been investigated. We therefore conducted an extensive in silico study of class 1 integron sequences in order to assess the distribution of Pc variants. We also measured these promoters' strength by means of transcriptional reporter gene fusion experiments and estimated the excision and integration activities of the different IntI1 variants. We found that there are currently 13 Pc variants, leading to 10 IntI1 variants, that have a highly uneven distribution. There are five main Pc-P2 combinations, corresponding to five promoter strengths, and three main integrases displaying similar integration activity but very different excision efficiency. Promoter strength correlates with integrase excision activity: the weaker the promoter, the stronger the integrase. The tight relationship between the aptitude of class 1 integrons to recombine cassettes and express gene cassettes may be a key to understanding the short-term evolution of integrons. Dissemination of integron-driven drug resistance is therefore more complex than previously thought

    Clinically Relevant Plasmid-Host Interactions Indicate that Transcriptional and Not Genomic Modifications Ameliorate Fitness Costs of Klebsiella pneumoniae Carbapenemase-Carrying Plasmids

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    The rapid dissemination of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) around the globe is largely due to mobile genetic elements, such as plasmids. They confer resistance to critically important drugs, including extended-spectrum beta-lactams, carbapenems, and colistin. Large, complex resistance plasmids have evolved alongside their host bacteria. However, much of the research on plasmid-host evolution has focused on small, simple laboratory plasmids in laboratory-adapted bacterial hosts. These and other studies have documented mutations in both host and plasmid genes which occur after plasmid introduction to ameliorate fitness costs of plasmid carriage. We describe here the impact of two naturally occurring variants of a large AMR plasmid (pKpQIL) on a globally successful pathogen. In our study, after pKpQIL plasmid introduction, no changes in coding domain sequences were observed in their natural host, Klebsiella pneumoniae. However, significant changes in chromosomal and plasmid gene expression may have allowed the bacterium to adapt to the acquisition of the AMR plasmid. We hypothesize that this was sufficient to ameliorate the associated fitness costs of plasmid carriage, as pKpQIL plasmids were maintained without selection pressure. The dogma that removal of selection pressure (e.g., antimicrobial exposure) results in plasmid loss due to bacterial fitness costs is not true for all plasmid/host combinations. We also show that pKpQIL impacted the ability of K. pneumoniae to form a biofilm, an important aspect of virulence. This study used highly relevant models to study the interaction between AMR plasmids and pathogens and revealed striking differences from results of studies done on laboratory-adapted plasmids and strains

    Plasmid-mediated colistin resistance among human clinical Enterobacterales isolates: national surveillance in the Czech Republic

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    The occurrence of colistin resistance has increased rapidly among Enterobacterales around the world. We performed a national survey of plasmid-mediated colistin resistance in human clinical isolates through a retrospective analysis of samples from 2009 to 2017 and a prospective sampling in 2018–2020. The aim of this study was to identify and characterize isolates with mcr genes from various regions of the Czech Republic using whole genome sequencing (WGS). Of all 1932 colistin-resistant isolates analyzed, 73 (3.8%) were positive for mcr genes. Most isolates carried mcr-1 (48/73) and were identified as Escherichia coli (n = 44) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (n = 4) of various sequence types (ST). Twenty-five isolates, including Enterobacter spp. (n = 24) and Citrobacter freundii (n = 1) carrying the mcr-9 gene were detected; three of them (Enterobacter kobei ST54) co-harbored the mcr-4 and mcr-9 genes. Multi-drug resistance phenotype was a common feature of mcr isolates and 14% (10/73) isolates also co-harbored clinically important beta-lactamases, including two isolates with carbapenemases KPC-2 and OXA-48. Phylogenetic analysis of E. coli ST744, the dominant genotype in this study, with the global collection showed Czech isolates belonged to two major clades, one containing isolates from Europe, while the second composed of isolates from diverse geographical areas. The mcr-1 gene was carried by IncX4 (34/73, 47%), IncHI2/ST4 (6/73, 8%) and IncI2 (8/73, 11%) plasmid groups. Small plasmids belonging to the ColE10 group were associated with mcr-4 in three isolates, while mcr-9 was carried by IncHI2/ST1 plasmids (4/73, 5%) or the chromosome (18/73, 25%). We showed an overall low level of occurrence of mcr genes in colistin-resistant bacteria from human clinical samples in the Czech Republic

    Architecture of Class 1, 2, and 3 Integrons from Gram Negative Bacteria Recovered among Fruits and Vegetables

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    The spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria throughout the food chain constitutes a public health concern. To understand the contribution of fresh produce in shaping antibiotic resistance bacteria and integron prevalence in the food chain, 333 antibiotic resistance Gram negative isolates were collected from organic and conventionally produced fruits (pears, apples, and strawberries) and vegetables (lettuces, tomatoes, and carrots). Although low levels of resistance have been detected, the bacterial genera identified in the assessed fresh produce are often described not only as environmental, but mostly as commensals and opportunistic pathogens. The genomic characterization of integron-harboring isolates revealed a high number of mobile genetic elements and clinically relevant antibiotic resistance genes, of which we highlight the presence of as mcr-1, qnrA1, blaGES−11, mphA, and oqxAB. The study of class 1 (n = 8), class 2 (n = 3) and class 3 (n = 1) integrons, harbored by species such as Morganella morganii, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, led to the identification of different integron promoters (PcW, PcH1, PcS, and PcWTNG−10) and cassette arrays (containing drfA, aadA, cmlA, estX, sat, and blaGES). In fact, the diverse integron backbones were associated with transposable elements (e.g., Tn402, Tn7, ISCR1, Tn2 ∗ , IS26, IS1326, and IS3) that conferred greater mobility. This is also the first appearance of In1258, In1259, and In3-13, which should be monitored to prevent their establishment as successfully dispersed mobile resistance integrons. These results underscore the growing concern about the dissemination of acquired resistance genes by mobile elements in the food chain

    Urban open spaces as a commons: The credibility thesis and common property in a self-governed park of Athens, Greece

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    Although abandoned, unused or underused urban open spaces can play an important role in urban well-being, the traditional approaches of state management and privatization have failed to revive them, due to the lack of necessary public funds, low private investment interest or the vagueness of property rights. Therefore, a solution might be to manage this land as a commons, where local users collectively undertake governance of the resource. The current paper explores a successful initiative, the Navarinou Park initiative in downtown Athens, in an attempt to consolidate the experience gained and to draw policy recommendations for the success of such actions. In this endeavour, the paper employs Ostrom's Socio-Ecological Systems (SES) framework to analyse the park as a commons and then, building upon this, proceeds to explore the credibility of the institution along the lines of the credibility thesis and its underlying theory, with particular reference to the Formal, Actual and Targeted (FAT) institutional framework. The paper concludes that Navarinou Park is a functional, long-standing and credible institution, successfully serving the manifold needs (recreational, environmental, social and political) and interests of the local population. Thus, in line with the Credibility Scales and Intervention (CSI) checklist, an advisable intervention would likely comprise a subtle blend of condoning and co-opting; governments to leave the daily praxis undisturbed while fostering a regime within which this praxis is permitted to flourish. © 2019 Elsevier Lt

    Urban open spaces as commons: The case of the self-governed navarinou park

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    Creating commons in vacant, open, urban spaces constitutes an innovative solution for the sustainable management of these places and the mitigation of the environmental, economic and social burdens that urban dwellers face. The paper uses the self-governed Navarinou park as a case study, in order to discuss the issue, evaluate its experience and propose possible policies for successful such actions. In particular, it employs the SES methodological framework of the Ostromian approach to outline the Park as a commons institution and to explore its variables. It concludes that the Park constitutes a functional and credible institution, and as such an advisable intervention would be the recognition of collective rights and practices alongside the development of a framework that would allow such endeavors to thrive. © 2020 National Centre for Social Research
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