31 research outputs found

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    La bibliothÚque précolombienne de Benjamin Péret

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    Philippe Cocatre-Zilgien, When Africans Were French Citizens

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    Le surrĂ©alisme dĂ©placĂ© : Inventaire, Ă©tablissement et Ă©tude des Ɠuvres des surrĂ©alistes exilĂ©s au Mexique

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    This thesis intends to explore and analyse the literary and visual work of anumber of exiled artists and writers who have a particular link with the surrealistmovement, and fled to Mexico. Several elements of the work of Remedios Varo,Leonora Carrington, Wolfgang Paalen, Alice Rahon, Kati Horna, JosĂ© Horna,Benjamin PĂ©ret, CĂ©sar Moro and Luis Buñuel are often unknown or rarelyaccessible to a large public. Their archives are scattered around the world and areoften ignored. Our aim is to establish a chronological reconstitution of their lives,to inventory their work –particularly from 1938 to 1963, focusing on the exilephase – as well as to examine the aesthetic dialogue between them. The basis,activities and relationships that connect these artists come not only from theirsurrealist past but also from the exile they share; nevertheless, their interactionschallenge their connection as a group. Their artworks communicate with eachother and their exile is our starting point in order to analyse the reception of theseworks. Is there an inherent poetry of the exile in the work of these artists? We willanswer this question by studying their common representations and by observingtheir strong influence in Latin American art and literature from the second half ofthe 20th century.Cette thĂšse explore et analyse l’Ɠuvre littĂ©raire et artistique de plusieursartistes et Ă©crivains qui ont eu un lien avec le mouvement surrĂ©aliste et se sontexilĂ©s au Mexique. Les oeuvres de Remedios Varo, Leonora Carrington, WolfgangPaalen, Alice Rahon, Kati Horna, JosĂ© Horna, Benjamin PĂ©ret, CĂ©sar Moro etLuis Buñuel sont pour plusieurs mĂ©connues ou peu accessibles au grand public.Leurs archives sont dispersĂ©es dans le monde et parfois ignorĂ©es. Nous avonsentrepris de reconstituer une chronologie de cet Ă©pisode spĂ©cifique de leur vie,d’inventorier leurs Ɠuvres, en particulier celles des annĂ©es d’exil au Mexique(1938-1963), de montrer le dialogue esthĂ©tique qui s’est crĂ©Ă© dans le momentexceptionnel de leur rencontre au Mexique, Ă  la fois Ă  partir de leur passĂ©surrĂ©aliste et du cƓur mĂȘme de l’expĂ©rience exilique qu’ils partagent. LesprĂ©occupations, les activitĂ©s et les relations qui rapprochent ces artistes conduisentĂ  s’interroger sur la possible dĂ©finition d’un mouvement. Leurs interactionsamicales et artistiques suggĂšrent, pour un temps au moins, la dĂ©termination depoints communs esthĂ©tiques, littĂ©raires et culturels. Le creuset crĂ©atif de leur exilcommun est aussi un point de dĂ©part pour analyser la rĂ©ception de ces Ɠuvres etse demander s’il existe une poĂ©tique de l’exil spĂ©cifique Ă  ces artistes qui ont vĂ©cuen proximitĂ© sur le sol mexicain. Pour traiter cette question, cette thĂšse analyse lesreprĂ©sentations communes Ă  ces artistes et observe le rĂŽle dĂ©terminant qu’ils ontsur l’art et la littĂ©rature latino-amĂ©ricains de la seconde moitiĂ© du XXe siĂšcle

    « Leonora Carrington: Mujer Conciencia »

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    Essai paru dans l’exposition virtuelle Leonora Carrington: Rebellion A Defingin Feature [en ligne : http://www.museodemujeres.com/en/exhibitions/469-leonora-carrington-en ] Museo de Mujeres Artistas Mexicanas. Versions anglaise

    Displaced surrealism : Inventory, establishment and study of the surrealist exiles' literary and artistic work in Mexico

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    Cette thĂšse explore et analyse l’Ɠuvre littĂ©raire et artistique de plusieurs artistes et Ă©crivains qui ont eu un lien avec le mouvement surrĂ©aliste et se sont exilĂ©s au Mexique. Les Ɠuvres de Remedios Varo, Leonora Carrington, Wolfgang Paalen, Alice Rahon, Kati Horna, JosĂ© Horna, Benjamin PĂ©ret, CĂ©sar Moro et Luis Buñuel sont pour plusieurs mĂ©connues ou peu accessibles au grand public. Leurs archives sont dispersĂ©es dans le monde et parfois ignorĂ©es. Nous avons entrepris de reconstituer une chronologie de cet Ă©pisode spĂ©cifique de leur vie, d’inventorier leurs Ɠuvres, en particulier celles des annĂ©es d’exil au Mexique (1938-1963), de montrer le dialogue esthĂ©tique qui s’est crĂ©Ă© dans le moment exceptionnel de leur rencontre au Mexique, Ă  la fois Ă  partir de leur passĂ© surrĂ©aliste et du cƓur mĂȘme de l’expĂ©rience exilique qu’ils partagent. Les prĂ©occupations, les activitĂ©s et les relations qui rapprochent ces artistes conduisent Ă  s’interroger sur la possible dĂ©finition d’un mouvement. Leurs interactions amicales et artistiques suggĂšrent, pour un temps au moins, la dĂ©termination de points communs esthĂ©tiques, littĂ©raires et culturels. Le creuset crĂ©atif de leur exil commun est aussi un point de dĂ©part pour analyser la rĂ©ception de ces Ɠuvres et se demander s’il existe une poĂ©tique de l’exil spĂ©cifique Ă  ces artistes qui ont vĂ©cu en proximitĂ© sur le sol mexicain. Pour traiter cette question, cette thĂšse analyse les reprĂ©sentations communes Ă  ces artistes et observe le rĂŽle dĂ©terminant qu’ils ont sur l’art et la littĂ©rature latino-amĂ©ricains de la seconde moitiĂ© du XXe siĂšcle.This thesis intends to explore and analyse the literary and visual work of a number of exiled artists and writers who have a particular link with the surrealist movement, and fled to Mexico. Several elements of the work of Remedios Varo, Leonora Carrington, Wolfgang Paalen, Alice Rahon, Kati Horna, JosĂ© Horna, Benjamin PĂ©ret, CĂ©sar Moro and Luis Buñuel are often unknown or rarely accessible to a large public. Their archives are scattered around the world and are often ignored. Our aim is to establish a chronological reconstitution of their lives, to inventory their work –particularly from 1938 to 1963, focusing on the exile phase – as well as to examine the aesthetic dialogue between them. The basis, activities and relationships that connect these artists come not only from their surrealist past but also from the exile they share; nevertheless, their interactions challenge their connection as a group. Their artworks communicate with each other and their exile is our starting point in order to analyse the reception of these works. Is there an inherent poetry of the exile in the work of these artists? We will answer this question by studying their common representations and by observing their strong influence in Latin American art and literature from the second half of the 20th century

    Gabriel Weisz, Chiki Weisz : une identité en mouvement perpétuel

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    Lourdes Andrade, De la monstruosidad carringtoniana

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    L’expĂ©rience du merveilleux poĂ©tique: la bibliothĂšque prĂ©colombienne de Benjamin PĂ©ret

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    Entrons dans la bibliothĂšque de Benjamin PĂ©ret. Ce n’est pas une bibliothĂšque exubĂ©rante, bien au contraire: ses voyages, l’exil et sa vie prĂ©caire l’empĂȘchĂšrent de conserver les livres qu’il possĂ©da tout au long de sa vie. Sa bibliothĂšque ne peut ĂȘtre reconstituĂ©e que partiellement Ă  partir des archives et des bibliographies de ses deux anthologies. Ayant vĂ©cu la plupart du temps avec le strict minimum, PĂ©ret a laissĂ© trĂšs peu de traces matĂ©rielles de son passage sur terre. L’inventaire de s..