316 research outputs found

    Physical Structure and Nature of Supernova Remnants in M101

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    Supernova remnant (SNR) candidates in the giant spiral galaxy M101 have been previously identified from ground-based H-alpha and [SII] images. We have used archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) H-alpha and broad-band images as well as stellar photometry of 55 SNR candidates to examine their physical structure, interstellar environment, and underlying stellar population. We have also obtained high-dispersion echelle spectra to search for shocked high-velocity gas in 18 SNR candidates, and identified X-ray counterparts to SNR candidates using data from archival observations made by the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Twenty-one of these 55 SNR candidates studied have X-ray counterparts, although one of them is a known ultra-luminous X-ray source. The multi-wavelength information has been used to assess the nature of each SNR candidate. We find that within this limited sample, ~16% are likely remnants of Type Ia SNe and ~45% are remnants of core-collapse SNe. In addition, about ~36% are large candidates which we suggest are either superbubbles or OB/HII complexes. Existing radio observations are not sensitive enough to detect the non-thermal emission from these SNR candidates. Several radio sources are coincident with X-ray sources, but they are associated with either giant HII regions in M101 or background galaxies. The archival HST H-alpha images do not cover the entire galaxy and thus prevents a complete study of M101. Furthermore, the lack of HST [SII] images precludes searches for small SNR candidates which could not be identified by ground-based observations. Such high-resolution images are needed in order to obtain a complete census of SNRs in M101 for a comprehensive investigation of the distribution, population, and rates of SNe in this galaxy.Comment: 37 pages, 4 Tables, 7 Figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    RXTE, ROSAT and ASCA Observations of G347.3-0.5 (RX J1713.7-3946): Probing Cosmic Ray Acceleration by a Galactic Shell-Type Supernova Remnant

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    (Abridged) We present an analysis of the X-ray spectrum of the Galactic shell-type supernova remnant (SNR) G347.3-0.5 (RX J1713.7-3946). By performing a joint spectral analysis of data from observations made of G347.3-0.5 using the ROSAT PSPC, the ASCA GIS and the RXTE PCA, we have fit the spectra of particular regions of this SNR (including the bright northwestern and southwestern rims, the northeastern rim and the interior diffuse emission) over the approximate energy range of 0.5 through 30 keV. Based on the parameters of the best fit to the spectra using the SRCUT model, we estimate the maximum energy of cosmic-ray electrons accelerated by the rims of G347.3-0.5 to be 19-25 TeV, assuming a magnetic field strength of 10 microGauss. We present a broadband (radio to gamma-ray) photon energy flux-spectrum for the northwestern rim of the SNR, using a synchrotron-inverse Compton model with a variable magnetic field strength to fit the spectrum. Our fit derived from this model yields a maximum energy of only 8.8 TeV for the accelerated cosmic-ray electrons and a magnetic field strength of 150 microGauss. However, our derived ratio of volumes for TeV emission and X-ray emission (approximately 1000) is too large to be physically acceptable. We argue that neither non-thermal bremsstrahlung nor neutral pion decay can adequately describe the TeV emission from this rim, and therefore the physical process responsible for this emission is currently uncertain. Finally, we compare the gross properties of G347.3-0.5 with other SNRs known to possess X-ray spectra dominated by non-thermal emission.Comment: 46 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (Volume 593, 10 August 2003 Issue

    Radio-Continuum study of the Nearby Sculptor Group Galaxies. Part 1: NGC 300 at lambda = 20 cm

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    A series of new radio-continuum (lambda=20 cm) mosaic images focused on the NGC 300 galactic system were produced using archived observational data from the VLA and/or ATCA. These new images are both very sensitive (rms=60 microJy) and feature high angular resolution (<10"). The most prominent new feature is the galaxy's extended radio-continuum emission, which does not match its optical appearance. Using these newly created images a number of previously unidentified discrete sources have been discovered. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a joint deconvolution approach to imaging this complete data-set is inferior when compared to an immerge approach.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, accepted to APSS, new version to correct the missing reference

    VMXR: a EUD Environment for Virtual Merchandizing in XR

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    This paper presents the current development state of VMXR, a Proof of Concept (PoC) environment allowing people without programming experience to create and configure product showcases in a Virtual and eXtended reality setting. The aim of the PoC is to identify proper metaphors and workflows for supporting showcase designers in creating interactions with the virtual product representation or enhancing the physical environment through additional information and media

    On the Expansion Rate, Age, and Distance of the Supernova Remnant G266.2-1.2 (Vela Jr.)

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    An analysis of Chandra ACIS data for two relatively bright and narrow portions of the northwestern rim of G266.2-1.2 (a.k.a. RX J0852.0-4622 or Vela Jr.) reveal evidence of a radial displacement of 2.40 +/- 0.56 arcsec between 2003 and 2008. The corresponding expansion rate (0.42 +/- 0.10 arcsec/yr or 13.6 +/- 4.2%/kyr) is about half the rate reported for an analysis of XMM-Newton data from a similar, but not identical, portion of the rim over a similar, but not identical, time interval (0.84 +/- 0.23 arcsec/yr, Katsuda et al. 2008a). If the Chandra rate is representative of the remnant as a whole, then the results of a hydrodynamic analysis suggest that G266.2-1.2 is between 2.4 and 5.1 kyr old if it is expanding into a uniform ambient medium (whether or not it was produced by a Type Ia or Type II event). If the remnant is expanding into the material shed by a steady stellar wind, then the age could be as much as 50% higher. The Chandra expansion rate and a requirement that the shock speed be greater than or equal to 1000 km/s yields a lower limit on the distance of 0.5 kpc. An analysis of previously-published distance estimates and constraints suggests G266.2-1.2 is no further than 1.0 kpc. This range of distances is consistent with the distance to the nearer of two groups of material in the Vela Molecular Ridge (0.7 +/- 0.2 kpc, Liseau et al. 1992) and to the Vel OB1 association (0.8 kpc, Eggen 1982).Comment: 30 pages, 7 figure

    Optical Spectra of SNR Candidates in NGC 300

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    We present moderate-resolution (<5A) long-slit optical spectra of 51 nebular objects in the nearby Sculptor Group galaxy NGC 300 obtained with the 2.3 meter Advanced Technology Telescope at Siding Spring Observatory, Australia. Adopting the criterion of [SII]/Ha>=0.4 to confirm supernova remnants (SNRs) from optical spectra, we find that of 28 objects previously proposed as SNRs from optical observations, 22 meet this criterion with six showing [SII]/Ha of less than 0.4. Of 27 objects suggested as SNRs from radio data, four are associated with the 28 previously proposed SNRs. Of these four, three (included in the 22 above) meet the criterion. In all, 22 of the 51 nebular objects meet the [SII]/Ha criterion as SNRs while the nature of the remaining 29 objects remains undetermined by these observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    High Human Herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) Prevalence, Clinical Correlates and High Incidence among Recently HIV-1-Infected Subjects in Sao Paulo, Brazil

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    Background: Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) is the etiological agent for Kaposi Sarcoma, which occurs especially in HIV-infected subjects. HHV-8 infection and its clinical correlates have not been well characterized in recently HIV-1-infected subjects, especially men who have sex with men (MSM).Methodology/Principal Findings: We assessed the HHV-8 seroprevalence, clinical correlates, and incidence after one year of follow-up in a cohort of 228 recently HIV-1-infected individuals, of whom 83.6% were MSM, using indirect immunofluorescence assay. the prevalence of HHV-8 infection at the time of cohort enrollment was 25.9% (59/228). in the univariate model, there were significant associations with male gender, black ethnicity, MSM practice, and previous hepatitis B virus and syphilis infections. in the multivariate model we could still demonstrate association with MSM, hepatitis B, and black ethnicity. No differences in mean CD4+ cell counts or HIV viral load according to HHV-8 status were found. in terms of incidence, there were 23/127 (18.1%) seroconversions in the cohort after 1 year.Conclusions: HHV-8 is highly prevalent among recently HIV-1-infected subjects. Correlations with other sexually transmitted infections suggest common transmission routes.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Div Infect Dis, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Div Infect Dis, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Murchison Widefield Array and XMM-Newton observations of the Galactic supernova remnant G5.9+3.1

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    In this paper we discuss the radio continuum and X-ray properties of the so-far poorly studied Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) G5.9+3.1. We present the radio spectral energy distribution (SED) of the Galactic SNR G5.9+3.1 obtained with the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA). Combining these new observations with the surveys at other radio continuum frequencies, we discuss the integrated radio continuum spectrum of this particular remnant. We have also analyzed an archival XMM-Newton observation, which represents the first detection of X-ray emission from this remnant. The SNR SED is very well explained by a simple power-law relation. The synchrotron radio spectral index of G5.9+3.1, is estimated to be 0.42±\pm0.03 and the integrated flux density at 1GHz to be around 2.7Jy. Furthermore, we propose that the identified point radio source, located centrally inside the SNR shell, is most probably a compact remnant of the supernova explosion. The shell-like X-ray morphology of G5.9+3.1 as revealed by XMM-Newton broadly matches the spatial distribution of the radio emission, where the radio-bright eastern and western rims are also readily detected in the X-ray while the radio-weak northern and southern rims are weak or absent in the X-ray. Extracted MOS1+MOS2+PN spectra from the whole SNR as well as the north, east, and west rims of the SNR are fit successfully with an optically thin thermal plasma model in collisional ionization equilibrium with a column density N_H~0.80x102210^{22} cm2^{-2} and fitted temperatures spanning the range kT~0.14-0.23keV for all of the regions. The derived electron number densities n_e for the whole SNR and the rims are also roughly comparable (ranging from ~0.20f1/20.20f^{-1/2} cm3^{-3} to ~0.40f1/20.40f^{-1/2} cm3^{-3}, where f is the volume filling factor). We also estimate the swept-up mass of the X-ray emitting plasma associated with G5.9+3.1 to be ~46f1/2M46f^{-1/2}M_{\odot}.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Aetiology and Clinical Presentation of Pneumonia in Hospitalized and Outpatient Children in Northeast Brazil and Risk Factors for Severity

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    Data on presentation, aetiology, and prognostic indicators of childhood pneumonia, which can help design strategies for controlling the disease, are generally scarce in developing countries. In this paper, the distribution of aetiologic agents, clinical presentation, and evolution of pneumonia cases are described, and the factors associated with duration of pneumonia episode and of hospital admission examined. During June 1994-June 1995, 472 children, aged 6-59 months, with clinical diagnosis of pneumonia, who were admitted to hospital or treated as outpatients, were investigated in Recife, Northeast Brazil. Pneumonia, in most cases, was confirmed by radiology. A combination of methods was used for investigating the aetiology of pneumonia. Data obtained on a large number of clinical, socioeconomic and biological variables were analyzed to determine the prognostic factors for the severity and outcome of pneumonia. Bacteria were identified in 26.7% of the cases, while viruses and mixed infections accounted for 8.4% and 2.7% respectively. Haemophilus influenzae (18.9%), Streptococcus pneumoniae (6.4%), and respiratory syncytial virus (5.0%) were most often identified. The pneumonia case-fatality rate was 0.8%. The best clinical predictors of severity were: lung complications at baseline, tachypnoea (for duration of episode), and chest-indrawing (for duration of hospital admission). Young age, low birth-weight, and prolonged fever prior to admission to the study also predicted a more prolonged illness, and under-nutrition was a predictor of longer hospital stay. While the development of new vaccines is an important measure for reducing morbidity and mortality due to pneumonia, emphasis on appropriate case management needs to be maintained, with particular attention to children who show the identified risk factors for a poor prognosis