19 research outputs found

    Pseudo-Nitzschia pseudodelicatissima Isolated From Hurun Bay: Salinity Tolerance and Domoic Acid Content

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    Pseudo-nitzschia pseudodelicatissima dari sampel perairan Teluk Hurun, Lampung berhasil diisolasi dan dikultur dalam medium F/2 dengan penyinaran 2500 luks 12 jam per hari pada suhu 24-250C. Perlakuan salinitas menunjukkan bahwa P. pseudodelicatissima tidak toleran terhadap salinitas kurang dari 15 PSU dan sangat toleran terhadap salinitas yang tinggi hingga mencapai 45 PSU (Pressure Salinity Unit). Salinitas optimum untuk pertumbuhan P.pseudodelicatissima yaitu pada 30 dan 35 PSU. Analisis ekstrak P. pseudodelicatissima, 9 hari sesudah inokulasi, menggunakan HPLC-UV tidak menunjukkan adanya kandungan asam domoat

    Abundance of Giant Clam in Coral Reef Ecosystem at Pari Island: a Population Comparison of 2003's to 1984's Data

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    A survey on abundance of Giant Clam in coral reef ecosystem at PariIslandhas not been done long after the first survey on 1984. The survey itself is very important because Indonesian government has been release SK Menteri Kehutanan No. 12/Kpts-II/1987 and PP No. 7. th.1999 that states the giant clam is protected species. Indonesia has seven species of giant clam out of nine species presence in the world, i.e. Tridacna gigas, T.crocea, T. maxima, T. derasa, T. squamosa, Hippopus hippopus, and H. porcellanus (Rohmimohtarto dkk, 1987, Knop, 1996

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Nitrogen Dan Fosfor Terhadap Pertumbuhan, Kandungan Protein, Karbohidrat Dan Fikosianin Pada Kultur Spirulinafusiformis [Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorous Concentration on the Growth, Protein, Carbohydrate and Phycocyanin Content

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    An experiment was carried out to find out the optimum nitrogen and phosphorous concentration for growth and phycocyanin production in Spirulina fusiformis culture. The cultures were grown in Zarouk medium at various nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations, which were 0.0 mM N, 7.5 mM N, 15.0 mM N, 22.5 mM N, and 30.0 mM N, as well as 0 raM P, 90 mM P, 180 mM P, 270 mM P, and 360 mM P, with four replications each. The result shows that optimal growth of the alga, which is expressed in terms of the biomass yield, was achieved at nitrogen and phosphorous concentration of 7.5 mM and 270 mM, respectively.At the same time, the highest phycocyanin content was obtained at nitrogen concentration of 22.5 mM, which was 1,2% of the biomass, and phosphorous concentration of 360 mM, which was 1.1% of the biomass. According to this result, it is suggested the optimum concentration of nitrogen and phosphorous in the media of Spirulina culture for phycocyanin production is 22.5 mM and 360 mM, respectively

    SEQUENCE ANALYSIS OF 18s DNA OF Melosira sp., Dunaliella sp., Isochrysis sp. AND Porphyridium sp.

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    Phytoplankton has high level of biodiversity. In previous years phytoplankton was identified by their morphological characters. However, their morphology might change in different environments. These difficulties can be overcome by comparing their 18S rDNA sequences. This research is aimed to verify the identity of Melosira sp., Dunaliella sp., Isochrysis sp. and Porphyridium sp. Here, PCR method was used to amplify 18s DNA sequences. Three primer pairs were used, i.e. 18S-F and 18S-R; 501F and 1700R; 18S-2F and 18S-2R. PCR products were sequenced. MEGA5 was used to make phylogenetic tree. Genus verification for Isochrysis sp., Dunaliella sp. and Melosira sp. were conducted successfully using Blast and phylogenetic tree. 18s DNA sequence of Porphyridium sp. shows an interesting result and needs further verification.Keywords: Phytoplankton, Melosira sp., Dunaliella sp., Isochrysis sp., Porphyridium sp


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    Kima (Tridagnidae) merupakan salah satu komoditas air laut yang prospektif secara ekonomis, tercatat harga di Taiwan adalah 3535--142 per kg. Dalam pengembangan akuabisnis kima masih dijumpai kendala di antaranya adalah adanya aturan bahwa hanya turunan kedua atau F2 yang boleh diperdagangkan karena masuk dalam daftar CITES (Convention on Trade of Endangered Species) menurut PP No. 8 tahun 1999 tentang pemanfaatan satwa. Karena pertumbuhannya yang relatif lambat serta adanya negara lain, misalnya Filipina, Fiji, dan Taiwan yang memperdagangkan hasil budidaya pada turunan F1, maka keadaan ini sangat merugikan pihak Indonesia. Kajian tentang permasalahan penurunan variasi genetik merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk mendukung adanya pelonggaran persyaratan perdagangan kima tersebut. Kajian genetika dengan menggunakan marker genetik menunjukkan bahwa tidak terjadi penurunan variasi genetik seperti yang dikuatirkan sebelumnya. Keragaman genetik pada F1 meningkat dibandingkan dengan induknya, yaitu 0,073 dan 0,023. Jarak genetik antar populasi yang diuji adalah sebesar 0,016


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    An experiment was carried out to find out the optimum nitrogen and phosphorous concentration for growth and phycocyanin production in Spirulina fusiformis culture. The cultures were grown in Zarouk medium at various nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations, which were 0.0 mM N, 7.5 mM N, 15.0 mM N, 22.5 mM N, and 30.0 mM N, as well as 0 raM P, 90 mM P, 180 mM P, 270 mM P, and 360 mM P, with four replications each. The result shows that optimal growth of the alga, which is expressed in terms of the biomass yield, was achieved at nitrogen and phosphorous concentration of 7.5 mM and 270 mM, respectively.At the same time, the highest phycocyanin content was obtained at nitrogen concentration of 22.5 mM, which was 1,2% of the biomass, and phosphorous concentration of 360 mM, which was 1.1% of the biomass. According to this result, it is suggested the optimum concentration of nitrogen and phosphorous in the media of Spirulina culture for phycocyanin production is 22.5 mM and 360 mM, respectively

    Potensi Antibakteri Diatom Laut Skeletonema costatum terhadap Bakteri Vibrio sp

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    Budidaya udang di Indonesia berkembang dengan cukup pesat karena udang merupakan salah satusumber devisa bagi negara. Akan tetapi perkembangan ini menghadapi permasalahan seperti adanyapenyakit bakterial. Salah satu bakteri patogen pada budidaya udang adalah Vibrio sp. Upaya untukmengatasi hal ini dapat dilakukan antara lain dengan menggunakan bahan antibakteria S. costatum. Padapenelitian ini, kulitivasi diatum S. costatum dilakukan dalam botol schott yang berisi f medium yangdilengkapi dengan aerator dan cahaya dengan intensitas 2000 luks. Kulivitasi dilakukan pada suhu 25oC.Kurva pertumbuhan S. costatum ditentukan dengan menghitung jumlah sel setiap harinya. Untuk ekstraksiantibakteri, kultur dipanen pada hari ke-6, selanjutnya dilakukan ekstraksi terhadap biomasanya denganmenggunakan metanol untuk mendapatkan ekstrak antibakteri. Ekstrak antibakteri ini diujikan pada bakteriVibrio sp dengan metode difusi agar. Hasil pengujian terhadap aktivitas penghambatan bakteri tersebutmenunjukkan bahwa ekstrak kasar (crude) intraseluler S. costatum mampu menghambat pertumbuhanbakteri Vibrio sp dengan potensi hambatan (inhibitor potention) 75,47% (pada konstertasi ekstrak 2000ppm), 52,08% (pada 1000 ppm), 30,43% (pada 500 ppm), 23,81% (pada 250 ppm) dan 15,79% (pada 100ppm) dibandingkan dengan kloramfenikol.Key word: antibakteri, Skeletonema costatum, Vibri

    Triglyceride Composition of Sixteen Strains of Marine Diatom

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    Trigliceride or triacylglicerol (TAG) composition in crude oil of sixteen strain of marine diatom has been detected by spectra analyses on an Electrospray - Ion Trap – Mass Spectrometry (ESI-IT-MS) HCT Bruker-Daltonic GmbH instrument with AgNO3 used as coordination ionization agent. Biomass samples of each microalga strain were taken from early and late stationary cultures in f/2 enriched seawater and algal oils were extracted according to Bligh and Dyer. Results from spectra analysis showed that P-Pt-P (C16:0-C16:1-C16:0) were distinguished in TAG from diatom strains Chaetoceros sp.1, Chaetoceros sp.2, Thalasiossira sp.1, Thalasiossira sp.2, Thalasiossira sp.3, Navicula sp. 1, Navicula sp. 2, Navicula sp. 3, Navicula sp. 4, Nitzschia sp. 2 and Amphora sp. In contrast, TAGs in Melosira sp. included P-P-P (C16:0-C16:0-C16:0) and P-P-O (C16:0-C16:0-C18:1) were identified. TAGs from Chaetoceros sp. were the most varies among samples, i.e. P-Pt-P (C16:0-C16:1-C16:0), A-P-M (C20:4-C16:0-C14:0), P-Pt-Lt (C16:0-C16:1-C18:3), P-Pt-A (C16:0-C16:1-C20:4), D-P-P (C22:6-C16:0-C16:0), A-Ln-P (C20:4-C18:2-C16:0). Various TAGs were also detected in Nitzschia sp.2, i.e. P-Pt-M (C16:0-C16:1-C14:0), P-Pt-P (C16:0-C16:1-C16:0), P-Pt-S (C16:0-C16:1-C18:0), P-Pt-A (C16:0-C16:1-C20:4). TAGs composition in Skeletonema strains that similar to those in Nitzschia sp.1 has longer carbon, i.e. P-P-O (C16:0-C16:0-C18:1), P-O-O (C16:0-C18:1-C18:1) and O-O-O (C18:1-C18:1-C18:1). TAGs with longer carbon chain and more double bond including highly unsaturated fatty acid C20:4 were increased with culture age in diatoms Chaetoceros sp.1, Chaetoceros sp.2, Thalasiossira sp.2, Navicula sp.1 and Nitzschia sp. 2

    Ekstrasi Senyawa Antibakteri Dari Diatom Chaetoceros Gracilis Dengan Berbagai Metode

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    Extraction of Antibacterial Compound from Diatom Chaetoceros gracilis WithDifferent Methods. Diatom is phytoplankton which is commonly found in off shore.Chaetoceros produce antibacterial which inhibit some bacteria. This research was donein 3 steps. At first, Chaetoceros gracilis was cultivated in temperate controlled roomwith lighting 24 hours. The culture was harvested on 14 days, then it was dried andweighted. The second step, biomass was disrupted by different method such as sonicator,glass beads, and undisrupting. Then the biomass was maserated, filtrated, and evaporated.The crude extracts were tested to pathogen bacterial. The third step, the extraction wasconducted using hexana (non polar solvent), ethyl acetate (semi polar solvent), andmethanol (polar solvent). The crude extracts were tested to the pathogenic bacteria.The result showed that the produce cell disruption antibacterial activity by sonicator.The biggest inhibition zone was obtained by hexana but produced lower yield