1,923 research outputs found

    Anonymity as an instructional scaffold in peer assessment : its effects on peer feedback quality and evolution in students’ perceptions about peer assessment skills

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in European Journal of Psychology of Education 33.1 (2018): 75-99. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10212-017-0339-8Although previous research has indicated that providing anonymity is an effective way to create a safe peer assessment setting, continuously ensuring anonymity prevents students from experiencing genuine two-way interactive feedback dialogues. The present study investigated how installing a transitional approach from an anonymous to a non-anonymous peer assessment setting can overcome this problem. A total of 46 bachelor’s degree students in Educational Studies participated in multiple peer assessment cycles in which groups of students assessed each other’s work. Both students’ evolution in peer feedback quality as well as their perceptions were measured. The content analysis of the peer feedback messages revealed that the quality of peer feedback increased in the anonymous phase, and that over time, the feedback in the consecutive non-anonymous sessions was of similar quality. The results also indicate that the transitional approach does not hinder the perceived growth in peer feedback skills, nor does it have a negative impact on their general conceptions towards peer assessment. Furthermore, students clearly differentiated between their attributed importance of anonymity and their view on the usefulness of a transitional approach. The findings suggest that anonymity can be a valuable scaffold to ease students’ importance level towards anonymity and their associated need for practiceThe first author’s research was funded by Ghent University BOF fund number BOF13/24J/115. The second author’s research was funded by the Spanish Ramón y Cajal program number RYC-2013-1346

    'Now you know what you’re doing right and wrong!' Peer feedback quality in synchronous peer assessment in secondary education

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    This study explores the effects of peer assessment (PA) practice on peer feedback (PF) quality of 11th grade secondary education students (N= 36). The PA setting was synchronous: anonymous assessors gave immediate PF using mobile response technology during 10 feedback occasions. The design was quasi-experimental (experimental vs. control condition) in which students in one condition received a scaffold to filter out relevant information they received. It was expected that this filter-out scaffold would influence PF quality in subsequent tasks in which they were assessors. PF content analysis showed that offering multiple PF occasions improved PF quality: messages contained more negative verifications and informative and suggestive elaborations after the intervention. However, no effects were found of filtering out relevant information on PF quality. Moreover, students’ perceived peer feedback skills improved which was in correspondence with their actual quality improvement over time. Additionally, the perceived usefulness of the received feedback was rated high by all participants

    Desarrollo de un widget para presentación de lineas de tiempo y datos multimedia asociados

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    Actualmente hay una gran facilidad de herramientas, métodos y librerías que permiten realizar casi cualquier tipo de representación de datos en la web. Sin embargo hay un tipo especial de gráficas, los cronogramas o TimeLines, ya sea por que no se les ha dado importancia o por que cuando surge la necesidad se tiende a recurrir a soluciones propias hechas ex proceso para ello, para las cuales no hay casi librerías que permitan realizarlas con facilidad y con una interfaz adaptable por el desarrollador. Además, hoy en día es prácticamente obligatorio tener en cuenta las interfaces táctiles ya que los móviles y las tabletas se han vuelto ubicuas y usan este tipo de interfaces, además, las pocas librerías pre-existentes no están diseñadas con esta faceta en mente. El proyecto surge de la necesidad de cubrir los requisitos expresados por el cliente, de presentar un timeline que se pueda adaptar fácilmente, que funcione adecuadamente con las interfaces táctiles, además de otros requisitos que las librerías pre-existentes no cumplen de la forma requerida por el cliente. En este proyecto, se ha intentado abordar el problema de una forma mas general, que permite ser usado en otros casos de uso no previstos inicialmente por el cliente, y además con una mentalidad de código libre (aunque no lo es todavía) de la librería para que el resto de la comunidad pueda beneficiarse de ella y así mismo pueda contribuir en ella y mejorarla. En el documento que se expone a continuación recoge un pequeño análisis del tipo de gráfica que hablamos, los timeline, con algún ejemplo gráfico. También, en estado del arte se comenta las librerías pre-existentes, indicando sus problemas y logros. En entorno de desarrollo, se explica el entorno de desarrollo y tecnologías usadas para su implementación. En el capitulo de Diseño y desarrollo se detalla el diseño y el desarrollo haciendo hincapié en algunos detalles de implementación que el autor ha considerado importantes. Y finalmente, en las secciones de pruebas y conclusiones, se evalúa lo que se ha conseguido y las posibles mejoras futuras que podría aplicarse

    Del pluralismo médico a la profesionalización de la medicina

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    El proceso de profesionalización de la medicina tuvo lugar en Europa en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX dentro de un contexto social cambiante: el surgimiento de las ideas democráticas y liberales, la formación de los primeros Estados nacionales, la expansión de la industrialización y el desarrollo urbano. Dicho proceso se produjo desplazando otros recursos terapéuticos que tradicionalmente habían ocupado un espacio “legítimo” dentro del pluralismo médico.The process of professionalization of medicine took place in Europe during the second half of XIX century, within a changing social context: the emergence of democratic and liberal ideas, the creation of the first national States, industrial expansion, and urban-industrial development. Such process involved the displacement of several types of medicine, which had traditionally occupied their own “legitimate” space within medical pluralism

    Género y estilos de vida: el uso de medicinas complementarias y alternativas en las sociedades avanzadas

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    La ponencia indaga en las diferencias en el uso de Medicinas Complementarias y Alternativas (MCA) según el género de que se trate. Asimismo, aborda la utilización de MCA en relación a las múltiples opciones de estilos de vida de que disponen los individuos en las sociedades avanzadas. Autores como Bauman (2001, 2006) o Giddens (1995), entre otros, analizan el cambio producido en los estilos de vida en las últimas décadas en las sociedades modernas. Diversos estudios realizados (Sharma, 1996); (Scott, 1998); (Panadero, 2003, 2006, 2008) sobre la utilización de MCA, destacan los distintos usos que hacen hombres y mujeres de dichas medicinas. Aquí, el género se entiende no sólo como un constructo válido para abordar el análisis de las relaciones de género, sino como una variable trasversal indispensable para el estudio de cualquier dimensión de la realidad social. La metodología empleada es cuantitativa y cualitativa. Se aportan datos cuantitativos sobre el consumo de MCA, extraídos de la Encuesta Social Europea de 2004. La entrevista en profundidad es la técnica cualitativa fundamental para explorar en los distintos vectores culturales analizados

    A simheuristic algorithm for solving an integrated resource allocation and scheduling problem

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    Modern companies have to face challenging configuration issues in their manufacturing chains. One of these challenges is related to the integrated allocation and scheduling of resources such as machines, workers, energy, etc. These integrated optimization problems are difficult to solve, but they can be even more challenging when real-life uncertainty is considered. In this paper, we study an integrated allocation and scheduling optimization problem with stochastic processing times. A simheuristic algorithm is proposed in order to effectively solve this integrated and stochastic problem. Our approach relies on the hybridization of simulation with a metaheuristic to deal with the stochastic version of the allocation-scheduling problem. A series of numerical experiments contribute to illustrate the efficiency of our methodology as well as their potential applications in real-life enterprise settings


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    The gendered language system is often used in literary works to present distinct character perspectives however, the issue of representation is accentuated when a writer presents a perspective of a different gender. Kawabata Yasunari and Gabriel Garcia Marquez who depicted female perspectives in their stories, have to face the issue of reliability of representation: theirs is argued asa patriarchal perception of a female’s perspective. Employing Spivak’s argument in Can the Subaltern Speak?, this paper positioned her statement as “through the perspective of the West (men), subaltern (women) become/s dependent on them (men) to speak for their condition rather than allowing them to speak for themselves.” This paper discussed the gendered language by examining the characters’ uncertain finitude utilizing Asher-Greve’s established gender markers to identify gender associations. Withthe stories of the two Nobel Laureates, this paper has established that through exploring the narrators’ usage of gendered language, both writers have inadvertently revealed their own male biases. The narrators of both writers turned out to be the voice of the other not because they have truthfully and successfully spoken for the marginalized; instead, they have become estranged voices of the subjects they are supposed to represent.Hence, the voices that cry for connection and understanding

    Paisaje y turismo. El corredor bético de Alcaraz (Albacete)

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    It is our intention to raise some considerations concerning the function played by cultural tourism and the emerging role of landscape as a resource. A relevant case of this process in Castilla-La Mancha is the territory organized by the Guadalmena River, in the province of Albacete, and its immediate surroundings. The most relevant aspect of this valley is its relief, which creates its characteristic sharp lines. This relief contains several landscape units. The biogeographic characters of this climatologic crossroad result in a new singular element in the territory. Today, an interesting landscape tourist route, which starts at the historic town of Alcaraz, can be created by implementing the inventory of natural and cultural resources in the Valley of Gualdamena River.Se plantea una reflexión introductoria acerca de la función del turismo cultural y del papel emergente del paisaje como recurso territorial. En Castilla-La Mancha un caso relevante de este proceso lo constituye el territorio que ocupa el valle del río Guadalmena, en la provincia de Albacete, y su entorno inmediato. El elemento más destacado y por el que el valle adquiere sus caracteres mejor definidos es el relieve, que comprende varias unidades de paisaje. Los caracteres biogeográficos propios de una encrucijada climatológica añaden un nuevo elemento de singularidad a este territorio. La integración de los recursos naturales y culturales del valle del río Guadalmena facilita el desarrollo de una interesante ruta turística paisajística que tiene a la histórica ciudad de Alcaraz como punto de partida