209 research outputs found

    Spatial distribution of reference crop evapotranspiration and effective rainfall in the central-northeastern provinces of Argentina

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    Este trabajo se enmarca en el Acuerdo FAO-INA (Instituto Nacional del Agua) “Identificación de potenciales nuevas áreas de regadío y áreas de riego complementario en las cuencas de la zona nordeste de Argentina". Sus objetivos: conocer la evapotranspiración mensual del cultivo de referencia (ETo), analizar su variabilidad y representarla espacialmente. El estudio comprendió el centro-noreste de Argentina, utilizó el programa CROPWAT 8.0 - FAO y los datos climáticos fueron obtenidos de la base CLIMWAT 2.0. La información se volcó en formato gráfico utilizando Arc View 3.2ª y las variables de interés se interpolaron mediante el método Kriging. Los resultados muestran: (a) la estación con mayor ETo anual es Santiago del Estero: 1767 mm.año-1; la mínima ETo (1150 mm.año-1) se observa en Loreto (Misiones), (b) la ETo media del área de estudio para enero varía entre 160 y 200 mm.mes-1 y la de julio está comprendida entre 35 y 90 mm.mes-1, (c) en el NE de Córdoba la ETo media de enero varía entre 165 y 185 mm.mes-1, mientras que en julio, la variabilidad es menor y (d) la lluvia para un año hidrológico medio varía entre 605 y 1825 mm.año-1 con una precipitación efectiva comprendida entre 500 y 1400 mm.año-1 aumentando hacia el noreste.This paper falls within the framework of the FAO-INA Agreement that was entered into to "identify new potential irrigated and supplementary-irrigated areas in the basins of northeastern Argentina". The agreement seeks to collect information on monthly reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo), analyze its variability, and show it on isoline maps. The study comprised the central northeastern part of Argentina; the program used was CROPWAT 8.0 – FAO; and climate data were obtained from CLIMWAT 2.0. The information was plotted with ArcView 3.2ª and the variables of interest were interpolated with the Kriging method. Results show that: a) Santiago del Estero is the station with the highest annual ETo: 1767 mm.year-1, while the lowest ETo value is found in Loreto (Misiones) with 1150 mm.year-1; b) the average ETo in January ranges between 160 to 200 mm.month-1, while in July it is between 35 - 90 mm.month-1; c) the average ETo in January in the northeastern part of Cordoba ranges between 165 - 185 mm. month-1 while in July the variability is less pronounced; and d) rainfall in an average hydrological year ranges between 605 and 1825 mm.year-1 with an effective rainfall of 500 and 1400 mm.year-1 that tends to increase towards the northeast.Fil: Morábito, José. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias AgrariasFil: Salatino, Santa. Instituto Nacional del Agua (Argentina). Centro Regional AndinoFil: Hernádez, Rocío. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias AgrariasFil: Schilardi, Carlos. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias AgrariasFil: Álvarez, Alisa. Instituto Nacional del Agua (Argentina). Centro Regional AndinoFil: Rodríguez Palmieri, Paula. Instituto Nacional del Agua (Argentina). Centro Regional Andin

    Digitalización agroalimentaria: Conceptos e ideas para la acción emergentes de diálogos amplios

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    Este documento expresa los principales conceptos emergentes de las presentaciones y diálogos suscitados durante la Semana de la Agricultura Digital. Los mismos se insertan y enriquecen el encuadre y lineamientos para la acción que IICA viene elaborando respecto a digitalización agroalimentaria. El documento se ofrece como una línea de base para interpretar el estado y proyección de la digitalización agroalimentaria y diseñar acciones para promoverla

    Dientes Rosas: Estallido del Paquete Vásculonervioso en la Cámara Pulpar Dental

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    En base a la experiencia de un odontólogo forense, que observó una característica común en muertes producidas por mecanismos asfícticos (ahorcaduras, sumersiones y otros tipos que involucran la falta de oxígeno y el aumento de la presión intracraneal), se decidió experimentar para lograr entender este fenómeno.Se realizó primeramente, una investigación bibliográfica, en donde el fenómeno fue encontrado en antecedentes desde el siglo XIX. La principal característica observada es una coloración rosada-parduzca en las piezas dentales de los cadáveres, que aumentaba la intensidad de su tonalidad con el pasar del tiempo, y por el cual el fenómeno es nombrado “dientes rosas” (post-mortem pink teeth)

    Estimation of potassium levels in hemodialysis patients by T wave nonlinear dynamics and morphology markers

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    Noninvasive screening of hypo- and hyperkalemia can prevent fatal arrhythmia in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients, but current methods for monitoring of serum potassium (K+) have important limitations. We investigated changes in nonlinear dynamics and morphology of the T wave in the electrocardiogram (ECG) of ESRD patients during hemodialysis (HD), assessing their relationship with K+ and designing a K+ estimator. Methods: ECG recordings from twenty-nine ESRD patients undergoing HD were processed. T waves in 2-min windows were extracted at each hour during an HD session as well as at 48 h after HD start. T wave nonlinear dynamics were characterized by two indices related to the maximum Lyapunov exponent (¿t, ¿wt) and a divergence-related index (¿). Morphological variability in the T wave was evaluated by three time warping-based indices (dw, reflecting morphological variability in the time domain, and da and daNL, in the amplitude domain). K+was measured from blood samples extracted during and after HD. Stage-specific and patient-specific K+ estimators were built based on the quantified indices and leave-one-out cross-validation was performed separately for each of the estimators. Results: The analyzed indices showed high inter-individual variability in their relationship with K+. Nevertheless, all of them had higher values at the HD start and 48 h after it, corresponding to the highest K+. The indices ¿ and dw were the most strongly correlated with K+ (median Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.78 and 0.83, respectively) and were used in univariable and multivariable linear K+ estimators. Agreement between actual and estimated K+ was confirmed, with averaged errors over patients and time points being 0.000 ± 0.875 mM and 0.046 ± 0.690 mM for stage-specific and patient-specific multivariable K+ estimators, respectively.ariability allow noninvasive monitoring of [K+] in ESRD patients. Significance: ECG markers have the potential to be used for hypo- and hyperkalemia screening in ESRD patient

    A Study on the Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Peptide 1018-K6 as Potential Alternative to Antibiotics against Food-Pathogen Salmonella enterica

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    Antimicrobial resistance has become one of the major global public health concerns, and it is indispensable to search for alternatives to conventional antibiotics. Recently, antimicrobial peptides have received great attention because of their broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity at relatively low concentrations, even against pathogens such as Salmonella enterica, which is responsible for most food-borne illnesses. This work aimed at evaluating the antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of the innate defense peptide, named 1018-K6, against S. enterica. A total of 42 strains, belonging to three different subspecies and 32 serotypes, were included in this study. The antibiotic resistance profile of all the strains and the cytotoxic effects of 1018-K6 on mammalian fibroblast cells were also investigated. Results revealed that MIC (minimum inhibitory concentrations) and MBC (minimum bactericidal concentrations) values were in the ranges of 8–64 μg/mL and 16–128 μg/mL, respectively, although most strains (97%) showed MICs between 16 and 32 μg/mL. Moreover, sub-inhibitory concentrations of 1018-K6 strongly reduced the biofilm formation in several S. enterica strains, whatever the initial inoculum size. Our results demonstrated that 1018-K6 is able to control and manage S. enterica growth with a large potential for applications in the fields of active packaging and water disinfectantsThis research was funded by: Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico “Packaging Bioattivi e bIOsanitizzanti: Sviluppo di stratEgie iNnovaTIve ed ecososteNibili pEr L’Industria Alimentare—(BIO-SENTINEL) project, grant number F/200092/01-03/X45. Fondo per la Crescita Sostenibile—Sportello “Agrifood” PON I&C 2014-2020; Regione Campania-“Sviluppo di una tecnologia Intelligente contro spoilage ed agenti patogeni: dal peptide antimicrobico ad un PACKaging innovativo nella filiera ittica del Mediterraneo (iPACK-Med)project, grant number PO FEAMP 2014/2020, MISURA 1.26 “INNOVAZIONE” DD n. 266/2019-n. B68D19001380009; Ministero della Salute-“Attività battericida ed anti-biofilm di nano-sistemi ibridi coniugati con peptidi antimicrobici: una nuova strategia per la formulazione di bio-sanitizzanti contro ceppi patogeni resistenti”- Ricerca Corrente 2018 project, grant number IZS ME 06/18 RCS

    Characterization of t wave amplitude, duration and morphology changes during hemodialysis: Relationship with serum electrolyte levels and heart rate

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    Objective: Chronic kidney disease affects more than 10% of the world population. Changes in serum ion concentrations increase the risk for ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death, particularly in end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients. We characterized how T wave amplitude, duration and morphology descriptors change with variations in serum levels of potassium and calcium and in heart rate, both in ESRD patients and in simulated ventricular fibers. Methods: Electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings from twenty ESRD patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD) and pseudo-ECGs (pECGs) calculated from twenty-two simulated ventricular fibers at varying transmural heterogeneity levels were processed to quantify T wave width (Tw), T wave slope-to-amplitude ratio (TS/A) and four indices of T wave morphological variability based on time warping (dw, dNLw, da and dNLa). Serum potassium and calcium levels and heart rate were measured along HD. Results: dNL with serum potassium, dw with calcium and da with heart rate, after correction for covariates. Median values of partial correlation coefficients were 0.75,−0.74 and −0.90, respectively. For all analyzed T wave descriptors, high inter-patient variability was observed in the pattern of such relationships. This variability, accentuated during the first HD time points, was reproduced in the simulations and shown to be influenced by differences in transmural heterogeneity. Conclusion: Changes in serum potassium and calcium levels and in heart rate strongly affect T wave descriptors, particularly those quantifying morphological variability. Significance: ECG markers have the potential to be used for monitoring serum ion concentrations in ESRD patients

    Distribución espacial de la evapotranspiración del cultivo de referencia y de la precipitación efectiva para las provincias del centro-noreste de Argentina

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    This paper falls within the framework of the FAO-INA Agreement that was entered into to "identify new potential irrigated and supplementary-irrigated areas in the basins of northeastern Argentina". The agreement seeks to collect information on monthly reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo), analyze its variability, and show it on isoline maps. The study comprised the central northeastern part of Argentina; the program used was CROPWAT 8.0 – FAO; and climate data were obtained from CLIMWAT 2.0. The information was plotted with ArcView 3.2ª and the variables of interest wereinterpolated with the Kriging method. Results show that: a) Santiago del Estero is the station with the highest annual ETo: 1767 mm.year-1, while the lowest ETo value is found in Loreto (Misiones) with 1150 mm.year-1; b) the average ETo in January ranges between 160 to 200 mm.month-1, while in July it is between 35 - 90 mm.month-1; c) the average ETo in January in the northeastern part of Cordoba ranges between 165 - 185 mm. month-1 while in July the variability is less pronounced; and d) rainfall in an average hydrological year ranges between 605 and 1825 mm.year-1 with an effective rainfall of 500 and 1400 mm.year-1 that tends to increase towards the northeast.Este trabajo se enmarca en el Acuerdo FAO-INA (Instituto Nacional del Agua) "Identificación de potenciales nuevas áreas de regadío y áreas de riego complementario en las cuencas de la zona nordeste de Argentina". Sus objetivos: conocer la evapotranspiración mensual del cultivo de referencia (ETo), analizar su variabilidad y representarla espacialmente. El estudio comprendió el centro-noreste de Argentina, utilizó el programa CROPWAT 8.0 - FAO y los datos climáticos fueron obtenidos de la base CLIMWAT 2.0. La información se volcó en formato gráfico utilizando Arc View 3.2ª y las variables de interés se interpolaron mediante el método Kriging. Los resultados muestran: (a) la estación con mayor ETo anual es Santiago del Estero: 1767 mm.año-1; la mínima ETo (1150 mm.año-1) se observa en Loreto (Misiones), (b) la ETo media del área de estudio para enero varía entre 160 y 200 mm.mes-1 y la de julio está comprendida entre 35 y 90 mm.mes-1, (c) en el NE de Córdoba la ETo media de enero varía entre 165 y 185 mm.mes-1, mientras que en julio, la variabilidad es menor y (d) la lluvia para un año hidrológico medio varía entre 605 y 1825 mm.año-1 con una precipitación efectiva comprendida entre 500 y 1400 mm.año-1 aumentando hacia el noreste

    SSR Locator: Tool for Simple Sequence Repeat Discovery Integrated with Primer Design and PCR Simulation

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    Microsatellites or SSRs (simple sequence repeats) are ubiquitous short tandem duplications occurring in eukaryotic organisms. These sequences are among the best marker technologies applied in plant genetics and breeding. The abundant genomic, BAC, and EST sequences available in databases allow the survey regarding presence and location of SSR loci. Additional information concerning primer sequences is also the target of plant geneticists and breeders. In this paper, we describe a utility that integrates SSR searches, frequency of occurrence of motifs and arrangements, primer design, and PCR simulation against other databases. This simulation allows the performance of global alignments and identity and homology searches between different amplified sequences, that is, amplicons. In order to validate the tool functions, SSR discovery searches were performed in a database containing 28 469 nonredundant rice cDNA sequences

    An overview of the European health examination survey pilot joint action

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    Background Health Examination Surveys (HESs) can provide essential information on the health and health determinants of a population, which is not available from other data sources. Nevertheless, only some European countries have systems of national HESs. A study conducted in 2006-2008 concluded that it is feasible to organize national HESs using standardized measurement procedures in nearly all EU countries. The feasibility study also outlined a structure for a European Health Examination Survey (EHES), which is a collaboration to organize standardized HESs in countries across Europe. To facilitate setting up national surveys and to gain experience in applying the EHES methods in different cultures, EHES Joint Action (2010-2011) planned and piloted standardized HESs in the working age population in 12 countries. This included countries with earlier national HESs and countries which were planning their first national HES. The core measurements included in all surveys were weight, height, waist circumference and blood pressure, and blood samples were taken to measure lipid profiles and glucose or glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c). These are modifiable determinants of major chronic diseases not identified in health interview surveys. There was a questionnaire to complement the data on the examination measurements. Methods Evaluation of the pilot surveys was based on review of national manuals and evaluation reports of survey organizers; observations and discussions of survey procedures during site visits and training seminars; and other communication with the survey organizers. Results Despite unavoidable differences in the ways HESs are organized in the various countries, high quality and comparability of the data seems achievable. The biggest challenge in each country was obtaining high participation rate. Most of the pilot countries are now ready to start their full-size national HES, and six of them have already started. Conclusions The EHES Pilot Project has set up the structure for obtaining comparable high quality health indicators on health and important modifiable risk factors of major non-communicable diseases from the European countries. The European Union is now in a key position to make this structure sustainable. The EHES core survey can be expanded to cover other measurements

    Effectiveness of Ginseng, Rutin and Moringa for the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction: A Systematic Review

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    Introduction, The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the current evidence for the effectiveness of ginseng, Rutin and Moringa for treating erectile dysfunction. Methods, A broad search of the Scopus, PubMed, Cochrane and Web of Science databases was performed in complicance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. The following criteria were required for articles to be included in the review: English language; observational studies (cohort studies, case control/comparative studies, single-arm studies); randomized controlled trials; non-randomized comparative studies; case series; number of participants: ≥5 for case series or ≥5 patients per group for comparative studies. The Cochrane risk of bias (RoB) assessment tool for RCTs was used to assess the risk of bias of included studies. Results, Seven full-text articles were included in this review. All studies were randomized controlled trials. No studies on Rutin and Moringa alone matched the inclusion criteria. The methodological quality of the RCTs was variable. In all studies, the group treated with ginseng reported an improvement of erectile function (EF) compared to the control groups. IIEF and IIEF-5 were used to evaluate erectile function in six studies and in four of them, the improvement of the scores in the group treated with ginseng over the control group reached the statistical significance. Conclusion, This review suggests a positive effect of ginseng on EF in men. The association of ginseng along with other nutritional components with potential beneficial effects on ED appears promising and deserves further investigation in large randomized controlled trials