28 research outputs found

    Study of Computational Intelligence Algorithms to Detect Behaviour Patterns

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    In order to achieve the game flow and increase player retention, it is important that games difficulty matches player skills. As a consequence, to evaluate how people play a game is a crucial component, because detecting gamers strategies in video-games, it is possible to fix the game difficulty. The main problem to detect the strategies is whether attributes selected to define the strategies correctly detect the actions of the player. To study the player strategies, we will use a Real Time Stategy (RTS) game. In a RTS the players make use of units and structures to secure areas of a map and/or destroy the opponents resources. In this work, we will extract the real-time information about the players strategies using a platform base on the RTS game. After gathering information, the attributes that define the player strategies are evaluated using unsupervised learning algorithm (K-Means and Spectral Clustering). Finally, we will study the similitude among several gameplays where players use different strategies.A fin de lograr que el flujo del juego mejore y la captación de jugadores aumente, es importante que la dificultad del juego se ajuste a las habilidades del jugador. Como consecuencia, evaluar como juega la gente un juego es un aspecto importante, porque detectando las estrategias de los jugadores en los vídeo juegos, permite adapta la dificultad del juego. El problema principal para detectar las estrategias es si los atributos seleccionados para definir las estrategias definen correctamente las acciones del jugador. Para estudiar las estrategias de los jugadores, usaremos un juego de estrategia en tiempo real (Reat Time Strategy (RTS) en inglés). En un RTS los jugadores hacen uso de unidades y estructuras para asegurar áreas del mapa y/o destruir los recursos de los oponentes. En este trabajo, extraeremos información en tiempo real acerca de las estrategias usando una plataforma basada en un juego de RTS. Después de recoger la información, los atributos que definen las estrategias de los jugadores son evaluados mediante algoritmos de aprendizaje no supervisado (K-Means y Spectral Clustering). Finalmente, estudiaremos la similitud entre diversas partidas donde los jugadores utilizar diferentes estrategias.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por Airbus Defence & Space (Proyecto Savier: FUAM-076914) y parcialmente por TIN2010-19872

    Online Gamers Classification using K-means

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-10422-5_22In order to achieve flow and increase player retention, it is important that games di culty matches player skills. Being able to evaluate how people play a game is a crucial component for detecting gamers strategies in videogames. One of the main problems in player strategy detection is whether attributes selected to define strategies correctly detect the actions of the player. In this paper, we will study a Real Time Strategy (RTS) game. In RTS the participants make use of units and structures to secure areas of a map and/or destroy the opponents resources. We will extract real-time information about the players strategies at several gameplays through a Web Platform. After gathering enough information, the model will be evaluated in terms of unsupervised learning (concretely, KMeans). Finally, we will study the similitude between several gameplays where players use di erent strategies

    An Empirical Study on Collective Intelligence Algorithms for Video Games Problem-Solving

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    Computational intelligence (CI), such as evolutionary computation or swarm intelligence methods, is a set of bio-inspired algorithms that have been widely used to solve problems in areas like planning, scheduling or constraint satisfaction problems. Constrained satisfaction problems (CSP) have taken an important attention from the research community due to their applicability to real problems. Any CSP problem is usually modelled as a constrained graph where the edges represent a set of restrictions that must be verified by the variables (represented as nodes in the graph) which will define the solution of the problem. This paper studies the performance of two particular CI algorithms, ant colony optimization (ACO) and genetic algorithms (GA), when dealing with graph-constrained models in video games problems. As an application domain, the "Lemmings" video game has been selected, where a set of lemmings must reach the exit point of each level. In order to do that, each level is represented as a graph where the edges store the allowed movements inside the world. The goal of the algorithms is to assign the best skills in each position on a particular level, to guide the lemmings to reach the exit. The paper describes how the ACO and GA algorithms have been modelled and applied to the selected video game. Finally, a complete experimental comparison between both algorithms, based on the number of solutions found and the levels solved, is analysed to study the behaviour of those algorithms in the proposed domain

    Librerías Wrapper para el acceso a cámaras Kinect y herramientas para el calibrado de las cámaras RGB y profundidad

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    Palero Molina, FJ. (2012). Librerías Wrapper para el acceso a cámaras Kinect y herramientas para el calibrado de las cámaras RGB y profundidad. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/15250.Archivo delegad

    Interpretando la Mina Rica (Pulpí, Almeria): estructura, mineralogía y geoquímica.

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    En este trabajo se presenta la estructura, mineralogía y geoquímica de la Mina Rica, un excelente ejemplo de la metalogenia del SE peninsular. Para ello se ha realizado la cartografía geológica detallada de las galerías, el estudio etrográfico de las zonas mineralizadas y no mineralizadas y el análisis isotópico de los sulfatos y sufuros

    Mineralochemical Mechanism for the Formation of Salt Volcanoes: The Case of Mount Dallol (Afar Triangle, Ethiopia)

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    The Supporting Information is available free of charge at https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsearthspacechem. 2c00075.A genetic model is proposed for the formation and evolution of volcano-like structures from materials other than molten silicate rocks. The model is based on Mount Dallol (Afar Triangle, Ethiopia), currently hosting a conspicuous hydrothermal system with hot, hyper-acidic springs, forming a colorful landscape of unique mineral patterns. We reason that Mount Dallol is the last stage of the formation of a salt volcano driven by the destabilization of a thick sequence of hydrated minerals (the Houston Formation) after the emplacement of an igneous intrusion beneath the thick Danakil evaporitic sequence. Our claim is supported by field studies, calculations of the mineral/water volume balance upon mineral dehydration, and by a geothermal model of the Danakil basin predicting a temperature up to 220 °C at the Houston Formation after the intrusion of a basaltic magma without direct contact with the evaporitic sequence. Although insufficient for salt melting, this heating triggers mineral dehydration and hydrolysis, leading to a total volume increase of at least 25%. The released brine is segregated upward into a pressurized chamber, where the excess volume produced the doming of Mount Dallol. Later, the collapse of the dome formed a caldera and the emission of clastic flows. The resulting structures and materials resemble volcanic lava flows in distribution, structure, and texture but are entirely made of salty materials. This novel mechanism of the generation of pressurized brines and their later eruption extends the relevance of volcanologic studies to lower temperature ranges and unanticipated geologic contexts on Earth and possibly also on other planets.European Research Council under the European Union’s seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007− 2013)/ERC grant agreement no. 340863Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia for the financial support of the projects CGL2016-78971-P and P18-FR500

    Las opiniones en 2021 e interacciones de los fanáticos limeños del universo cinematográfico de Marvel sobre su narrativa transmedia en las 3 primeras fases

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    El Universo cinematográfico de Marvel es una de las franquicias más conocidas de mundo, donde nos muestra una serie de películas de los superhéroes más famosos del mundo, como Iron Man, Hulk, Capitán América, etc, las cuales después esparcen sus historias por otros medios como los comics, animaciones, videojuegos, series,merchandising, etc. Esta investigación identificará las opiniones en 2021 e interacciones de los fanáticos limeños del universo cinematográfico de Marvel sobre su narrativa transmedia en las 3 primeras fases, utilizando el tipo de investigación básica, enfocándolo como una investigación cualitativa porque queremos recolectar opiniones, punto de vista y las formas de interacciones que utilizan estos fanáticos, y estructurando un diseño de investigación fenomenológico por el saber más sobre la narrativa transmedia de este universo mediante las opiniones de los fanáticos. Para llegar a ello se hará uso de la técnica de la entrevista estructurada virtual, con la elaboración de una guía de entrevista como instrumento, donde se tendrá en cuenta a la población de todos los fanáticos limeños del universo cinematográfico de Marvel, para luego seleccionar una muestra de 20 personas, con el fin de que después se contemple la dispersión existente entre los distintos perfile

    Protective role of DNJ-27/ERdj5 in Caenorhabditis elegans models of human neurodegenerative diseases

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    Aims: Cells have developed quality control systems for protection against proteotoxicity. Misfolded and aggregation-prone proteins, which are behind the initiation and progression of many neurodegenerative diseases (ND), are known to challenge the proteostasis network of the cells. We aimed to explore the role of DNJ-27/ERdj5, an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident thioredoxin protein required as a disulfide reductase for the degradation of misfolded proteins, in well-established Caenorhabditis elegans models of Alzheimer, Parkinson and Huntington diseases. Results: We demonstrate that DNJ-27 is an ER luminal protein and that its expression is induced upon ER stress via IRE-1/XBP-1. When dnj-27 expression is downregulated by RNA interference we find an increase in the aggregation and associated pathological phenotypes (paralysis and motility impairment) caused by human β-amyloid peptide (Aβ), α-synuclein (α-syn) and polyglutamine (polyQ) proteins. In turn, DNJ-27 overexpression ameliorates these deleterious phenotypes. Surprisingly, despite being an ER-resident protein, we show that dnj-27 downregulation alters cytoplasmic protein homeostasis and causes mitochondrial fragmentation. We further demonstrate that DNJ-27 overexpression substantially protects against the mitochondrial fragmentation caused by human Aβ and α-syn peptides in these worm models. Innovation: We identify C. elegans dnj-27 as a novel protective gene for the toxicity associated with the expression of human Aβ, α-syn and polyQ proteins, implying a protective role of ERdj5 in Alzheimer, Parkinson and Huntington diseases. Conclusion: Our data support a scenario where the levels of DNJ-27/ERdj5 in the ER impact cytoplasmic protein homeostasis and the integrity of the mitochondrial network which might underlie its protective effects in models of proteotoxicity associated to human ND

    Diseño y primeros resultados de una cámara PET para animales pequeños basada en cristales LYSO continuos y fotomulplicadores sensibles a la posición

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    [ES] En este artículo presentamos el diseño de un nuevo escáner PET para animales pequeños basado en una tecnología completamente innovadora. Los resultados preliminares son muy prometedores, permitiendo obtener imágenes funcionales de alta resolución con una instrumentación compacta y de bajo coste. Los prototipos desarrollados se encuentran actualmente en pruebas en diversos centros de investigación médica, obteniéndose imá- genes de alta calidad en los campos de oncología, neurología y cardiología. Este diseño puede ser fácilmente extendido a cámaras PET dedicadas a la exploración del cerebro o de la mama. La innovación más notable de la presente tecnología consiste en el uso de un único cristal continuo por módulo, a diferencia de otras cámaras PET comerciales donde se utilizan cientos de cristales pixelados. El uso de un único cristal continuo permite abaratar el coste de fabricación, al tiempo que mejora las características de funcionamiento: resolución intrínseca en posición de 1,2 mm, resolución en energía media del 14%, resolución en la profundidad de interacción de 3 mm, sensibilidad > 4% y campo de visión transaxial de 80 mm de diámetro. En el presente artículo se describen en detalle el diseño de esta nueva cámara PET, los principios de funcionamiento, el método utilizado para su calibración y se anticipan algunas imágenes "in vivo" del miocardio y el cerebro de un ratón, permitiendo apreciar de forma preliminar la resolución y calidad alcanzadas.[EN] In this paper we present the design of a new small animal PET scanner based on a completely innovative technology. The achieved results are very promising, showing the possibility to obtain high resolution functional images with a compact and low cost scanner. Several prototypes have been developed and are currently being used at different research medical institutions. High resolution images are being obtained in application fields like oncology, neurology and cardiology. This technology can be easily applied in PET cameras for brain or breast exploration. The most significant innovation of the design is the fact of using a single crystal per module instead of hundreds of pixellated crystals as in other commercial PETs. It has the advantage of decreasing the manufacturing costs and simultaneously improves its performance: 1.2 mm position intrinsic resolution, mean energy resolution as good as 14%, 3 mm depth of interaction resolution, sensitivity above 4%, and 80 mm diameter of transaxial field of view. In this paper we describe in detail the design of this new PET camera, its principle, the calibration methodology and also some preliminary "in vivo" images of a mouse myocardium and brain, showing the achieved image resolution and qualityBenlloch Baviera, JM.; González Martínez, AJ.; Carrilero, V.; Catret, JV.; Correcher, C.; Lerche, CW.; Morera, C.... (2007). Diseño y primeros resultados de una cámara PET para animales pequeños basada en cristales LYSO continuos y fotomulplicadores sensibles a la posición. Revista de física médica. 8(2):315-321. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/79285S3153218