357 research outputs found

    Iron Phosphate Glass for the Immobilization of Dehalogenated Salt Waste

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    Electrochemical reprocessing can be used to recycle presently stored nuclear fuel and consists of dissolving that used fuel in molten salt and the waste produced from these processes is a small amount of a high-level salt waste. Vitrification has been selected as the primary means of safely disposing high and low level radioactive waste. This is due to glass’ ability to incorporate many elements within its matrix, and it is chemically durable with the addition of network formers and other glass forming chemicals. With over 90,000 tonnes of nuclear waste in the United States, the avoidance of additional steps required for vitrification would be desired. Salt waste has a low solubility in borosilicate glass, the most prevalent waste form currently, so phosphate glass is one of the waste forms chosen for its immobilization. R2O3 oxides are required to be incorporated into the phosphate glass to replace water soluble -P-O-P- bonds to assist with the poor chemical durability (a crucial property to be controlled for nuclear waste storage). The processing of these glasses occurs at around 1150°C which allow for processing within a current glass melter technology. Characterization techniques were conducted to ensure the homogeneity of the glass and observe the chemical distribution. Leaching and ion irradiation testing was also crucial to this work as the chemical durability and radiation stability for a nuclear waste form are important characteristics to determine its capabilities within an underground long-term storage/repository

    Regulation and the trickle-down effect of women in leadership roles

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    We use an event study design to provide evidence demonstrating how the trickle-down effect is influenced by the introduction of regulation on board gender diversity. In 2011, a new regulation was suddenly introduced for firms listed on the United Kingdom’s FTSE 350 index, the regulatory intervention put forward recommendations to increase the representation of women on the boards of FTSE 350 listed firms – the most critical recommendation was a voluntary target of having twenty-five percent of board positions held by women. We argue this change in regulation represents an exogenous shock, we utilize this shock to investigate how regulation influences the trickle-down of women’s representation from board level to senior management. We find evidence of a positive relationship between women on boards and women’s representation in senior management during the pre-regulation era – otherwise referred to as the trickle-down effect. However, the introduction of regulation had the unintended consequence of weakening the relationship between women on boards and women in senior management. Our results suggest that the trickle-down effect varies between different contexts and settings. We discuss the implications for research and practice

    In the Right Ballpark? Assessing the Accuracy of Net Price Calculators

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    Large differences often exist between a college’s sticker price and net price after accounting for financial aid. Net price calculators (NPCs) were designed to help students more accurately estimate their actual costs to attend a given college. This study assesses the accuracy of information provided by net price calculators. Specifically, we compare NPC estimates of financial aid to actual aid packages for a sample of low-income, first-time college students at seven postsecondary institutions which all utilize the federal template NPC. We find that NPC estimates of grant aid correlate highly with actual grant aid on average, but variation in individual financial aid packages among socioeconomically similar students can be substantial. We offer four recommendations. First, NPC aid estimates should include information on variability, and potentially, on sources of that variability. Second, a basic metric of academic merit such as SAT/ACT scores and GPA should be an optional addition to the federal template NPC. Third, institutions should update the data underlying their NPCs annually. Finally, we recommend that institutions use the “Explanations and Caveats” options on the federal NPC template to include additional information that may be helpful for students and families in anticipating their likely college aid and expenses. Our findings have implications for federal policy related to NPCs

    Rose-Ringed Parakeets

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    Rose-ringed parakeets (Psittacula krameri; hereafter RRPA; Figure 1) are an invasive species in the United States, present in Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, and Virginia, and with established populations in California, Florida, and Hawaii. They are also the most successful species of invasive parakeet, worldwide. RRPA can cause significant damage to agriculture, including grains, oilseeds, fruits, and ornamental plants. Large flocks of RRPA roost near human infrastructure resulting in concerns about human health and safety (e.g., collisions with aircraft, disease transmission, feces accumulation, and noise complaints). The population growth and spread of RRPA is of conservation concern given the potential impact on native wildlife, spread of invasive plant seeds, and destruction of native plants. RRPA are an agricultural pest with a generalist diet and feeding behaviors that increase the severity of crop damage (Figure 2). RRPA damage corn by feeding on the anthers and pollen of the inflorescence, the tender cob stage, and the milky cob stage up until maturity. RRPA perch on sunflower heads and access the seeds that are hulled prior to consumption. Damage to tree fruits is greater on the top branches compared to the side and bottom branches. RRPA attack stored grains and eat unripe fruit, extending the damage period. RRPA often discard partially-eaten food. Crop damage varies with some fields experiencing more damage due to the timing of crop maturity or location (e.g., field or orchard edges have greater damage than interior). RRPA strip roosting trees (e.g., royal palms in Kauai) of their leaves. A long-term management plan that involves sustained lethal control is necessary to reduce invasive RRPA populations and their damage. In the meantime, the following damage management methods may provide short-term relief from RRPA damage

    Prospectus, March 9, 2005

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    “Where I am weak, they are strong”: Students’ Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Interprofessional Education

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    Purpose: Healthcare professionals strive for interprofessional practice to achieve optimal patient care. Extant research suggests that to best prepare students for interprofessional practice, interprofessional education (IPE) should be a key element in curriculum. The purpose of this mixed-methods study was to evaluate the impact of an IPE activity on participants’ attitudes and perceptions of IPE across five academic programs. Methods: This study utilized a modified version of the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale Questionnaire (RIPLS) pre and post IPE and reflective essays. Participants included 67 students from nursing, occupational therapy, athletic training, dietetics, and speech-language pathology programs. After reviewing a hypothetical case study, participants collaboratively developed assessment and treatment recommendations. Questionnaires were analyzed using statistical procedures and reflective essays underwent thematic analysis. Results: Collectively, data revealed significant changes in participants’ perceptions, attitudes, and implementation readiness. Occupational therapy student participants had statistically significant increases in the RIPLS composite score, Teamwork and Collaboration, and the Positive Professional Identity components (p≀0.03). Participants with previous IPE experience scored 4-points higher on the RIPLS composite score (p=0.03). The reflective essays revealed the themes of barriers associated with collaboration, a deeper understanding and appreciation of other discipline’s roles and the value of teamwork in achieving optimal patient care. Participants reported beginning the interprofessional education experience with anxiety and uncertainty about not only their involvement but also the roles of other healthcare professionals. Throughout the experience, participants emerged with an increased knowledge of their role, others’ roles, and the value of working together within a professional setting to achieve the same goal, optimal patient care. Conclusions: Our findings reveal the benefits of interprofessional education and the necessity to include several healthcare professionals associated with rehabilitation in interprofessional research and education. With more disciplines represented, students receive a broader, more in-depth understanding of not only patient care but also the roles of multiple disciplines they will collaborate with during actual rehabilitative practice

    Towards a Multi-Layered Phishing Detection.

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    Phishing is one of the most common threats that users face while browsing the web. In the current threat landscape, a targeted phishing attack (i.e., spear phishing) often constitutes the first action of a threat actor during an intrusion campaign. To tackle this threat, many data-driven approaches have been proposed, which mostly rely on the use of supervised machine learning under a single-layer approach. However, such approaches are resource-demanding and, thus, their deployment in production environments is infeasible. Moreover, most previous works utilise a feature set that can be easily tampered with by adversaries. In this paper, we investigate the use of a multi-layered detection framework in which a potential phishing domain is classified multiple times by models using different feature sets. In our work, an additional classification takes place only when the initial one scores below a predefined confidence level, which is set by the system owner. We demonstrate our approach by implementing a two-layered detection system, which uses supervised machine learning to identify phishing attacks. We evaluate our system with a dataset consisting of active phishing attacks and find that its performance is comparable to the state of the art
