21 research outputs found

    Separating individual contributions of major Siberian rivers in the Transpolar Drift of the Arctic Ocean

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    The Siberian rivers supply large amounts of freshwater and terrestrial derived material to the Arctic Ocean. Although riverine freshwater and constituents have been identified in the central Arctic Ocean, the individual contributions of the Siberian rivers to and their spatiotemporal distributions in the Transpolar Drift (TPD), the major wind-driven current in the Eurasian sector of the Arctic Ocean, are unknown. Determining the influence of individual Siberian rivers downstream the TPD, however, is critical to forecast responses in polar and sub-polar hydrography and biogeochemistry to the anticipated individual changes in river discharge and freshwater composition. Here, we identify the contributions from the largest Siberian river systems, the Lena and Yenisei/Ob, in the TPD using dissolved neodymium isotopes and rare earth element concentrations. We further demonstrate their vertical and lateral separation that is likely due to distinct temporal emplacements of Lena and Yenisei/Ob waters in the TPD as well as prior mixing of Yenisei/Ob water with ambient waters

    The drivers of biogeochemistry in beach ecosystems: A cross-shore transect from the dunes to the low water line

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    This study addresses key processes in high-energy beach systems using an interdisciplinary approach. We assess spatial variations in subsurface pore water residence times, salinity, organic matter (OM) availability, and redox conditions and their effects on nutrient cycles as well as on microbial community patterns and microphytobenthos growth. At the study site on Spiekeroog Island, southern North Sea, beach hydrology is characterized by the classical zonation with an upper saline plume (USP), a saltwater wedge, and a freshwater discharge tube in between. Sediment and pore water samples were taken along a cross-shore transect from the dunes to the low water line reaching sediment depths down to 5 m below sediment surface. Spatial variations in pore water residence time, salinity, and organic matter availability lead to steep redox and nutrient gradients. Vertical and horizontal differences in the microbial community indicate the influence of these gradients and salinity on the community structure. Modeled seawater flux through the USP and freshwater flux through the tube are on average 2.8 and 0.75 m3 per day and meter of shoreline, respectively. Furthermore, ridge sediments at the lower beach discharge seawater at rates of 0.5 and 1.0 m3 per day and meter of shoreline towards the runnel and seaside, respectively. Applying seawater and freshwater fluxes and representative nutrient concentrations for the discharge zones, nutrient fluxes to adjacent nearshore waters are 117 mmol NH4+, 55 mmol PO43 − and 575 mmol Si(OH)4 per day and meter of shoreline. We propose that this nutrient efflux triggers growth of microphytobenthos on sediment surfaces of the discharge zone. A first comparison of nutrient discharge rates of the beach site with a nearby sandy backbarrier tidal flat margin indicates that the beach system might be of less importance in supplying recycled nutrients to nearshore waters than the backbarrier tidal flat area

    230Th and 231Pa: Tracers for Deep Water Circulation and Particle Fluxes in the Arctic Ocean

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    230Th and 231Pa data from the central Arctic Ocean is very limited. 230Th and 231Pa are produced at a constant rate in the water column by radioactive decay of Uranium isotopes (234U and 235U respectively) (e.g. Anderson et al., 1983). They are both particle reactive and are scavenged on settling particles. As 230Th is more particle reactive than 231Pa, their distribution in the water column and activity ratio give us information about particle fluxes and circulation patterns and –intensities (Henderson et al., 1999; Scholten et al., 2001). The Arctic Ocean is an almost landlocked ocean with limited connections to the Atlantic and Pacific and a high input of river water. About 10 % of the global river run-off is delivered to the Arctic Ocean. Due to climate change the Arctic Ocean will undergo dramatic changes in sea ice cover and supply of fresh water, while increasing coastal erosion will cause an increased input of terrestrial material (Peterson et al., 2002). This will influence the biogeochemical cycling and transport of carbon, nutrients and trace elements (IPCC, 2007). We expect that the distribution of 230Th and 231Pa will reflect changes in particle fluxes and shelf-basin exchange (Roy-Barman, 2009). We will present the first results of 230Th and 231Pa, in combination with on board measured particulate 234Th, collected during the 2015 Polarstern section (GEOTRACES section GN04 2015) through the Nansen, Amundsen, and Makarov Basins

    (Table S3) Dissolved REE concentrations, PAAS-normalized Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*)N, Yb/Er ratios (Yb/Er)N and HREE/LREE ratios (HREE/LREE)N for seawater samples

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    Recent studies suggest that transport and water mass mixing may play a dominant role in controlling the distribution of dissolved rare earth element concentrations ([REE]) at least in parts of the North and South Atlantic and the Pacific Southern Ocean. Here we report vertically and spatially high-resolution profiles of dissolved REE concentrations ([REE]) along a NW-SE transect in the West Pacific and examine the processes affecting the [REE] distributions in this area. Surface water REE patterns reveal sources of trace element (TE) input near South Korea and in the tropical equatorial West Pacific. Positive europium anomalies and middle REE enrichments in surface and subsurface waters are indicative of TE input from volcanic islands and fingerprint in detail small-scale equatorial zonal eastward transport of TEs to the iron-limited tropical East Pacific. The low [REE] of North and South Pacific Tropical Waters and Antarctic Intermediate Water are a long-range (i.e., preformed) laterally advected signal, whereas increasing [REE] with depth within North Pacific Intermediate Water result from release from particles. Optimum multiparameter analysis of deep to bottom waters indicates a dominant control of lateral transport and mixing on [REE] at the depth of Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (?3000 m water depth; ~75-100% explained by water mass mixing), allowing the northward tracing of LCDW to ~28°N in the Northwest Pacific. In contrast, scavenging in the hydrothermal plumes of the Lau Basin and Tonga-Fiji area at 1500-2000 m water depth leads to [REE] deficits (~40-60% removal) and marked REE fractionation in the tropical West Pacific. Overall, our data provide evidence for active trace element input both near South Korea and Papua New Guinea, and for a strong lateral transport component in the distribution of dissolved REEs in large parts of the West Pacific

    Seawater‐Particle Interactions of Rare Earth Elements and Neodymium Isotopes in the Deep Central Arctic Ocean

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    International audienceThe sensitive and marked response of the Arctic to current climate warming requires a robust understanding of the natural conditions and biogeochemical processes in this area to allow for future evaluations of the impact of these changes on this unique environment (e.g., IPCC, 2014). Particularly, the nutrient and trace metal composition of the Arctic Ocean, that is, expected to change due to changes in, for example, sea ice cover, river discharge, and melting of the Arctic permafrost, are of high interest due to their high relevance for Arctic ecosystems. Through waters emerging from the Arctic Ocean through the Fram Strait, an

    TAG Plume: Revisiting the Hydrothermal Neodymium Contribution to Seawater

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    We present results on the distribution of εNd and [Nd] from the TAG hydrothermal vent field and adjacent locations collected during the GEOTRACES GA03 cruise in October 2011. Our results show that Nd isotopes directly below and above the plume do not significantly deviate from average NADW (εNd = −12.3 ± 0.2). Within the plume, however, isotope values are shifted slightly toward more radiogenic values up to εNd = −11.4. Interestingly at the same time a significant decrease in [Nd] along with rare earth element (REE) fractionation is observed, indicating enhanced scavenging within the plume despite the change in Nd isotopes. Elemental concentrations of Nd are reduced by 19.6–18.5 pmol/kg, coinciding with the maximum increase of mantle derived helium (xs3He) from 0.203 to 0.675 fmol/kg, resulting in an average 1.8 pmol/kg decrease in [Nd] relative to an expected linear increase with depth. The inventory loss of Nd within the plume sums up to 614 nmoles/m2, or 6%, if a continuous increase of [Nd] with depth is assumed. Compared to BATS and the western adjacent station USGT11-14, the local inventory loss is even higher at 10%. The tight relationship of xs3He increase and [Nd] decrease allows us to estimate scavenging rates at TAG suggesting 40 mol/year are removed within the TAG plume. A global estimate using power output along ocean ridges yields an annual Nd removal of 3.44 × 106 mol/year, which is about 71% of riverine and dust flux combined or 6–8% of the estimated global flux of Nd into the ocean. The change in Nd isotopic composition of up to 0.7 more radiogenic εNd values suggests an exchange process between hydrothermally derived particles and seawater in which during the removal process an estimated 1.1 mol/year of hydrothermal Nd is contributed to the seawater at the TAG site. This estimate is only 0.1% of the global Nd signal added to the ocean by boundary exchange processes at ocean margins, limiting the ability of changing the Nd isotopic composition on a global scale in contrast to the more significant estimated sink of elemental Nd in hydrothermal plumes from this study

    Particulate rare earth element concentrations and neodymium isotope compositions in the central Arctic Ocean during FS Polarstern PS94 (GEOTRACES GN04)

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    We present spatially highly resolved distributions of particulate seawater rare earth element concentrations and neodymium isotopes along a transect in the central Arctic Ocean from FS Polarstern cruise PS94 (GEOTRACES GN04) in August-October 2015. Particle samples were taken using in-situ pumps and Supor filters (pore size 0.45 μm)

    Dissolved rare earth element concentrations and neodymium isotope compositions in the central Arctic Ocean during FS Polarstern PS94 (GEOTRACES GN04)

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    We present spatially highly resolved distributions of dissolved seawater rare earth element concentrations and neodymium isotopes along a transect in the central Arctic Ocean from FS Polarstern cruise PS94 (GEOTRACES GN04) in August-October 2015. Seawater samples were collected using Niskin bottles and filtered through AcroPak 500 filter cartridges (pore size 0.8/0.2 µm) directly from the Niskin bottles onboard

    Silicon analysis and dissolved cation concentrations in the sandy beach ecosystem Spiekeroog, German North Sea

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    Dissolved silicon isotope compositions (d30Si) have been analysed for the first time in groundwaters of beach sediments, which represent a subterranean estuary with fresh groundwater discharge from a freshwater reservoir and mixing with recirculated seawater. The fresh groundwater reservoir has high and variable dissolved silica concentrations between 136 and 736 µM, but homogeneous d30Si of +1.0 ± 0.15 per mil. By contrast, the seawater is strongly depleted in dissolved silica with concentrations of 3 µM, and consequently characterised by high d30Si of +3.0 per mil. The beach groundwaters are variably enriched in dissolved silica compared to seawater (23-192 µM), and concentrations increase with depth at all sampling sites. The corresponding d30Si values are highly variable (+0.3 per mil to +2.2 per mil) and decrease with depth at each site. All groundwater d30Si values are lower than seawater and most values are lower than dissolved d30Si of freshwater discharge indicating a significant amount of lithogenic silica dissolution in beach sediments. In contrast to open North Sea sediments, diatom dissolution or formation of authigenic silica in beach sediments is very low (ca. 5 µmol Si g). Silica discharge from the beach to the coastal ocean is estimated as approximately 210 mol Si yr per meter shoreline. Considering the extent of coastline this is, at least for the study area, a significant amount of the total Si budget and amounts to ca. 1% of river and 3.5% of backbarrier tidal flat area Si input