112 research outputs found

    Mocorito and San Benito. Missionary action and Hispanic settlement in the south of the Province of Sinaloa 1592-1767.

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    By contrast of historical sources, this article offers an account of the founda-tion of Mocorito as a mission pueblo and of San Benito as an alternative settlement of Hispanic residents. We follow the historical process of the mission and the context of the settlement around it, until the establishment of a parish in San Benito in the early 1730s. One of our primary sources for characterizing the mission and its life are two inventories of Mocorito’s mission that provide a religious’ goods detailed account of both temples, and that help us to evoke the final time of the Jesuits in Sinaloa. We be-lieve that following the history of a specific mission can contribute to the understanding of the history of the Society of Jesus in New Spain, as well as the relations of the mem-bers of the Order with the Indians under their religious administration and with the sur-rounding Hispanic population

    Estado del arte del proyecto

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    Cuatro elementos estructuran esta investigación: la acupuntura urbana como marco estratégico, el diseño participativo como mecanismo, el espacio público como objeto y las ciudades del Caribe Colombiano como contexto. La acupuntura urbana resulta de una conceptualización de fundamentos procedentes de la cultura oriental, su utilización en la producción urbana alude a un modelo de trabajo en la ciudad basado en intervenciones de pequeño formato capaces de catapultar el desarrollo urbano en el contexto en el que emergen, de manera progresiva, articulándose como sistema urbano en red para el conjunto de la ciudad. Abordamos la participación ciudadana como mecanismo fundamental en el hacer ciudad, particularmente, en la emergencia del espacio público como estructurante de las dinámicas comunitarias y generador de condiciones de calidad de vida urbana. En este sentido, relacionar los procesos de acupuntura urbana con dinámicas participativas en la producción de espacio público, nos ubica en un marco estratégico de trabajo concreto, en una tipología de proyecto y en una escala urbana centrada en lo local. La propuesta está encaminada a una indagación que permita establecer un modelo de actuación urbana para el Caribe Colombiano, basado en estrategias de acupuntura urbana. El proyecto apunta a la búsqueda de sistema multicriterio de diseño, proyección y gestión del espacio público, basado en la implementación de estrategias de acupuntura urbana estrechamente relacionadas con esquemas participativos. Un instrumento que, pretende ser un soporte para la mejora de las prácticas de diseño urbano, desde la dimensión proyectual y social, permitiendo incorporar diversos elementos y criterios para el diseño, materialización y gestión del espacio público teniendo como caso de estudio la ciudad de Barranquilla

    A comparison of missing value imputation methods applied to daily precipitation in a semi-arid and a humid region of Mexico

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    [Abstract:] Climatological data with unreliable or missing values is an important area of research, and multiple methods are available to fill in missing data and evaluate data quality. Our study aims to compare the performance of different methods for estimating missing values explicitly designed for precipitation and multipurpose hydrological data. The climate variable used for the analysis was daily precipitation. We considered two different climate and orographic regions to evaluate the effects of altitude, precipitation regime, and percentage of missing data on the Mean Absolute Error of imputed values and performed a homogeneity evaluation of meteorological stations. We excluded meteorological stations with more than 25% missing data from the analysis. In the semi-arid region, ReddPrec (optimal for nine stations) and GCIDW (optimal for eight stations) were the best-performing methods for the 23 stations, with average MAE values of 1.63 mm/day and 1.46 mm/day, respectively. In the humid region, GCIDW was optimal in ~59% of stations, EM in ~24%, and ReddPrec in ~17%, with average MAE values of ~6.0 mm/day, 6.5 mm/day, and ~9.8 mm/day, respectively. This research makes a valuable contribution to identifying the most appropriate methods to impute daily precipitation in different climatic regions of Mexico based on efficiency indicators and homogeneity evaluation.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT), Mexico; 1015533The authors thank two anonymous reviewers and an associate editor for their objective comments and constructive criticism, which helped to improve the quality of this paper. In addition, J.M.N.C thanks the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) of Mexico for financial support throughout the Doctoral Program of Ciencia y Tecnología del Agua, Grant No. 1015533, Universidad de Guanajuato and Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas

    No Place Like Home: Examining a Bilingual-Bicultural, Self-Run Substance Abuse Recovery Home for Latinos

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    Latinos often do not seek substance abuse services, and this might be correlated to the lack of culturally-modified substance abuse treatment approaches. Oxford House is the largest self-help residential recovery program in the U.S., yet few Latinos are among their current residents. In an effort to change this, bilingual-bicultural recovery homes were recently developed for Latinos. This article describes the process in opening these bilingual-bicultural houses and how sociocultural factors such as the family, simpatía, and gender roles impacted the living environment of these houses. In addition, language is highlighted as a key factor to the comfort and success of Latinos living in Oxford Houses. Based on these experiences, the article addresses several obstacles/barriers that impacted this process and possible feasible solutions to these challenges. One challenge is the Latino family system. While this may provide a supportive, cost-effective option for some; it can also perpetuate a cycle of codependence and substance abuse

    Encuesta seroepidemiológica de pian en la Costa Pacífica colombiana

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    Yaws has been endemic in the Pacific Coast of Colombia, but the actual prevalence is not known. For this reason we carried out a survey in the communities of this part of the countty where cases had been observed. The active search for cases was based on clinical observations of patients with dermatological disorders, to whom VDRL and FA-ABS tests were administered. The epidemiological survey included 4 intradomiciliary cases for each of the clinical patients detected and also 42 extradomiciliary cases. From a total of 1,830 persons examined, only 6 presented positive results for the VDRL and FTA-ABS tests, which represents a treponema infection prevalence of 0.3%. None of the clinically suspected yaw cases reacted positively to the mentioned tests. These findings permit us to conclude that yaws is not a public health problem in the Pacific Coast of Colombia, and that the sole use of clinical parameters induces to mistaken diagnosis.El pian ha sido endémico en la Costa Pacífica colombiana, pero actualmente su frecuencia real es desconocida, razón por la cual se realizó un estudio en las comunidades de esta zona del país donde se habían conocido casos de pian. Se hizo búsqueda activa de casos clínicos sospechosos a través de examen físico de personas con problemas dermatológicos; a todos ellos se les practicaron exámenes serológicos de VDRL y FTA-ABS. Por cada caso clínico sospechoso de pian, se estudiaron - por clínica y serologia - 4 contactos intradomiciliarios y 42 contactos extradomiciliarios. De las 1.830 personas examinadas, sólo 6 fueron reactivas a las pruebas de VDRL y FTA-ABS, lo cual representa una prevalencia de treponematosis de 0,3%. Ninguna de las pruebas serológicas fue reactiva en los casos clínicos sospechosos de pian. Esto nos lleva a concluir que, en la Costa Pacífica colombiana, el pian no es un problema de salud pública y que se registran como pian otras enfermedades cuando el diagnóstico tiene sólo bases clínicas

    Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Mexico and Latin America

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    This chapter presents some insights into COVID-19 in children. We begin by summarizing the fundamental aspects of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. We also cover issues about the severity of the disease and fatality and factors associated with the outcome of pediatric patients with COVID-19. Most evidence treated in this chapter comes from reports in Mexico, but a general landscape in Latin America is pictured. COVID-19 does not seem to be so severe among children. It is worth noting that those at higher risk are the children between 0 and 2 years who develop pneumonia. In this chapter, we did not discuss extensively the Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome nor the social impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on children. Many studies used for this chapter relied on open data sources resulting from a surveillance system designed for the general population. Therefore, specific variables for children were not analyzed

    Treatments for the Infection by SARS-CoV-2

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    In late 2019, pneumonia cases from unknown origin were detected in Wuhan, China. The cause was a new coronavirus. The World Health Organization (WHO) named the virus SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 the associated disease. In the first months of 2020, this disease became a pandemic with a high lethality reported. Since then, the search for treatments began. We started by searching among treatments previously approved for human use that were not designed for COVID-19 and were considered to treat this condition. We continued searching on the therapeutics guidelines published by the WHO for the management of infection by SARS-CoV-2. Based on these results, we searched for the literature in PubMed to obtain further evidence on the drugs against SARS-CoV-2. The treatments presented in this chapter are Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Nitazoxanide, Azithromycin, Molnupiravir, Casirivimab-Imdevimab, Ritonavir-Nirmatrelvir, Ritonavir-Lopinavir, Remdesivir, and Favipiravir. Two years ahead of the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, a plenty of options for treatment have been investigated. Only a few of them have been shown to be efficient and safe. According to the WHO, Ritonavir-Nirmatrelvir outperforms other proposed therapeutics

    Vaccination Barriers in Mexico

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    Immunization is a simple, effective, and low-cost way to protect the child population against infectious diseases. However, various barriers interrupt compliance with the necessary vaccination schedule. For example, anti-vaccine groups that encourage fear and misinform—in this scenario, social networks are an unreliable source of information with high diffusion. Health personnel must help generate trust in patients, provide truthful information and reduce vaccination hesitancy among the population. The main objective of the universal vaccination program is to obtain the greatest possible coverage of vaccines in the entire population, so as to prevent the development of certain pathologies

    Post-COVID-19 Condition and Its Presence in Mexico

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    In this chapter, we discuss general information about the post-COVID-19 condition, also known as long COVID. Since it is still under research, many questions remain unanswered. Nevertheless, post-acute complications due to infections have been previously reported for other viruses. Among those complications that remain are anosmia, fatigue, cardiovascular, and pulmonary. The evidence so far suggests that these complications decrease with time. The most worrying persistent symptoms due to COVID-19 are related to neurological damage. Most post-COVID-19 complications can be treated in a standard way, but their impact on life quality is unknown. Finally, we present a rough landscape of long COVID-19 in Mexico and Latin America. More studies are needed to study this condition and its impact on public health

    Transplante hepático em sarcoma embrionário indiferenciado de fígado em adultos: relato de caso

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    Undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma of the liver (UESL) consists of a rare malignant neoplasm with a still poorly known etiopathogenesis, affecting mostly children between the ages of 6 and 10 years. It corresponds to 7% of primary liver tumors, and is the fourth most common liver cancer in pediatrics. The diagnosis of UESL is based on a set of imaging findings, age and level of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), which is usually normal, as well as liver function tests. Early diagnosis is hampered by non-specific symptoms, such as abdominal pain, a rapidly growing palpable abdominal mass, fever, weight loss, and gastrointestinal symptoms. The most characteristic image finding is that of a large, unique, and well-defined mass. Ultrasonography shows a predominantly solid and echogenic mass. Computed tomography, on the other hand, shows a mass that takes on a mainly cystic characteristic. Histologically, myxoid tissue with spindle-shaped neoplastic cells is evidenced. Some immunohistochemical studies indicate UESL mesenchymal origin. The macroscopic aspect of the tumor appears as a large hepatic mass, with a predominantly solid component, with some cystic areas, hemorrhage, and necrosis in up to 80% of its surface. The best approach for the treatment of primary liver sarcoma is not yet well defined. Therapeutic options include surgical resection, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and liver transplantation (LT). However, in cases of unresectable tumors, LT is an option that must be considered, since in this histological type both chemotherapy and radiotherapy have questionable benefits. This article aims to report a case of giant UESL, with vascular invasion, submitted to LT with good postoperative evolution and without signs of recurrence after nine months of LT.O sarcoma embrionário indiferenciado de fígado (SEIF) consiste em uma neoplasia maligna rara com etiopatogenia ainda pouco conhecida, acometendo em sua maioria crianças na faixa etária entre 6 e 10 anos. Corresponde a 7% dos tumores primários de fígado, e é a quarta neoplasia hepática mais frequente na pediatria. O diagnóstico do SEIF se dá em um conjunto de achados de imagem, idade e nível de alfa-fetoproteína (AF), que geralmente está normal, assim como as provas de função hepática. O diagnóstico precoce é prejudicado pelos sintomas inespecíficos, como dor abdominal, massa abdominal palpável de rápido crescimento, febre, perda de peso e sintomas gastrintestinais. O achado de imagem mais característico é o de massa grande, única e bem-delimitada. A ultrassonografia mostra massa predominantemente sólida e ecogênica. Já a tomografia computadorizada evidencia uma massa que assume característica principalmente cística. Histologicamente é evidenciado tecido mixoide com células neoplásicas fusiformes. Alguns estudos imuno-histoquímicos indicam origem mesenquimal do SEIF. O aspecto macroscópico do tumor se apresenta como grande massa hepática, de componente sólido predominantemente, com algumas áreas císticas, hemorragia e necrose em até 80% de sua superfície. Ainda não é bem-definida a melhor abordagem para o tratamento do sarcoma primário de fígado. As opções terapêuticas incluem ressecção cirúrgica, quimioterapia, radioterapia e transplante hepático (TH). Porém, nos casos de tumores irressecáveis, o TH é uma opção que deve ser considerada, uma vez que nesse tipo histológico tanto quimioterapia como radioterapia têm benefício questionável. Este artigo tem por objetivo relatar um caso de SEIF gigante, com invasão vascular, submetido a TH com boa evolução pós-operatória e sem sinais de recidiva após nove meses de TH