380 research outputs found

    Wintering avifauna of Chaco and pantanal habitats in Bahí­a Negra (Northern Paraguay)

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    Se estudió la avifauna de hábitats típicos de dos ecorregiones, el Pantanal y el Chaco, en el norte de Paraguay (departamento de Alto Paraguay) mediante transectas y observaciones puntuales. Se detectaron 132 especies (109 en bosque y 75 en río), de las cuales 37 utilizaban además hábitats modificados. Las especies más abundantes fueron <i>Phalacrocorax olivaceus</i>, <i>Pitangus sulphuratus</i> y <i>Gnorimopsar chopi</i> en el río y <i>Agelaioides badius</i>, <i>Coryphospingus cucullatus</i> y <i>Sicalis luteola</i> en el bosque. Doce especies en el río y 11 en el bosque aparecieron en el 100% de los recorridos de las transectas, siendo 5 de ellas comunes a ambas zonas. Siete especies (6.4%) del bosque tuvieron un tamaño promedio de grupo de cinco o más individuos, mientras que en el río fueron seis (8%). En el bosque eran numerosas las bandadas mixtas de <i>Zonotrichia capensis</i>, <i>Sicalis luteola</i>, <i>Coryphospingus cucullatus</i>, <i>Paroaria coronata</i>, <i>Agelaioides badius</i> y <i>Molothrus bonariensis</i>. La diversidad de especies observada fue de 80.4 en el bosque y de 58.1 en el río.The avifauna of habitats typical of two ecoregions in northern Paraguay (Alto Paraguay Department), Chaco and Pantanal, was studied through transects and opportunistic observations. Of 132 species recorded, 109 were in the forest, 75 in the river, and 37 in disturbed habitats. The most common species were <i>Phalacrocorax olivaceus, Pitangus sulphuratus</i> and <i>Gnorimopsar chopi</i> in the river, and <i>Agelaioides badius, Coryphospingus cucullatus</i> and <i>Sicalis luteola</i> in the forest. Twelve species of river habitats and 11 species of forest habitats were recorded in all samplings, five of them common to both zones. Seven species (6.4%) of the forest and six (8%) of the river averaged a flock size of five or more individuals. In the forest, flocks were numerous and composed primarily of <i>Zonotrichia capensis, Sicalis luteola, Coryphospingus cucullatus, Paroaria coronata, Agelaioides badius</i> and <i>Molothrus bonariensis</i>. Species diversity was 80.4 in the forest and 58.1 in the river

    La colección herpetológica de Bolivia depositada en la Estación Biológica de Doñana

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    The collection consists of 822 specimens, of which 529 are amphibians, all of them anurans (5 families, 17 genera and 51 species) and 293 specimens are reptiles (10 families, 28 genera and 49 species). The collection has around 25% of the amphibians species known to occur in Bolivia and about 19% of the reptile species. They come from 55 localities of the Bolivian Departments of Beni, Chuquisaca, Cochabamba, La Paz, Potosí and Santa Cruz and represent the following bioregions: Puna, Chaco, Chiquitanian Forest, Wet Savannas, Ceja de Montaña, Yungas, Interandean Dry Valleys and Humid Lowland Forest. The specimens of Scinax chiquitanus and Phrynopus kempffi are paratypes. The record of Pleurodema borelli is the first for the Santa Cruz Department and second for Bolivia. Liolaemus dorbignyi also constitutes the second report for the country and Tropidurus melanopleurus is cited for the first time for the Beni Department.La colección se compone de 822 ejemplares, 529 anfibios y 293 reptiles. Los anfibios son todos anuros, pertenecientes a 51 especies de 17 géneros y cinco familias. Los reptiles estan representados por 49 especies, incluidas en 28 géneros de 10 familias. Los ejemplares provienen de 55 localidades repartidas en los Departamentos bolivianos de Beni, Chuquisaca, Cochabamba, La Paz, Potosí y Santa Cruz, y representan las siguientes bioregiones: Puna, Chaco, Bosque Chiquitano, Sabanas Húmedas, Ceja de Montaña, Yungas, Valles Secos Interandinos y Bosque Húmedo de Llanura. Los ejemplares de Scinax chiquitanus y Phrynopus kempffi son paratipos. Pleurodema borelli es citada por primera vez para el Departamento de Santa Cruz y por segunda vez para Bolivia; también el registro de Liolaemus dorbignyi constituye el segundo para el país y el de Tropidurus melanopleurus el primero para el Departamento Beni

    Nuevas citas de Eleutherodactylus Duméril y Bibron, 1841 (Anura, Leptodactylidae) para Bolivia

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    Five species of the genus Eleutherodactylus (Anura, Leptodactylidae) are reported from Bolivia for the first time: E. altamazonicus from Departments Pando and La Paz; E. carvalhoi from Cochabamba; and E. ockendeni, E. skydmainos and E. zimmermanae from Pando. New departmental records are provided for other species: E. cruralis for Department Pando, E. danae for Beni and La Paz, E. platydactylus for Beni, E. toftae for Pando and La Paz and E. ventrimarmoratus for La Paz. Currently, 25 species of Eleutherodactylus are known in Bolivia. The taxonomic status of some species remains uncertain, new species are being described and others are still to be discovered. Therefore, the actual number of Bolivian Eleutherodactylus species is still unknown.En este trabajo se publican los primeros registros de cinco especies del género Eleutherodactylus (Anura, Leptodactylidae) para Bolivia: E. altamazonicus en los Departamentos de Pando y La Paz; E. carvalhoi en Cochabamba; y E. ockendeni, E. skydmainos y E. zimmermanae en Pando. Además, se aportan las primeras citas de E. cruralis para el Departamento de Pando, de E. danae para Beni y La Paz, de E. platydactylus para Beni, de E. toftae para Pando y La Paz y de E. ventrimarmoratus para La Paz. La diversidad conocida de Eleutherodactylus en Bolivia es de 25 especies, aunque los problemas taxonómicos sin resolver, las especies en descripción y el alto número de especies aún no citadas que se considera probable encontrar, hacen que aún desconozcamos la verdadera diversidad de este género en Bolivia

    Correlates of species richness in the largest Neotropical amphibian radiation

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    Although tropical environments are often considered biodiversity hotspots, it is precisely in such environments where least is known about the factors that drive species richness. Here, we use phylogenetic comparative analyses to study correlates of species richness for the largest Neotropical amphibian radiation: New World direct-developing frogs. Clade-age and species richness were nonsignficantly, negatively correlated, suggesting that clade age alone does not explain among-clade variation in species richness. A combination of ecological and morphological traits explained 65% of the variance in species richness. A more vascularized ventral skin, the ability to colonize high-altitude ranges, encompassing a large variety of vegetation types, correlated significantly with species richness, whereas larger body size was marginally correlated with species richness. Hence, whereas high-altitude ranges play a role in shaping clade diversity in the Neotropics, intrinsic factors, such as skin structures and possibly body size, might ultimately determine which clades are more speciose than others

    Effects of carbohydrate–protein beverages on recovery of the exercise

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    Este artículo aporta una revisión del efecto de la coingesta de la proteína de suero de leche y proteína caseína administradas en bebidas carbohidratadas, sobre la recuperación y los parámetros del daño muscular en ejercicios de larga duración. La búsqueda se ha realizado en abril de 2013 en las bases de datos del ISI Web of Knowledge, SCOPUS, Sport Discuss, PubMed, Medline Sportdiscus, y en las bases de datos CINDOC en las redes CTI-CSIC, RESH, DICE y DIALNET cruzando los descriptores “Exercise”, “Resistance training” y “Recovery” con los términos “Ergogenic beverage”, “Casein Protein” y “Whey Protein”. La estrategia nutricional más respaldada es la ingesta de un preparado líquido carbohidratado en donde se combinan proteínas de diferentes fuentes sobre pruebas de esfuerzos prolongados similares a la competición tanto en deportes individuales como en colectivos, con resultados discrepantesThis manuscript shows a review about the effects of the whey and casein protein on recovery and parameters of muscle damage in long-term exercise. The search was conducted in April 2013 in the databases of ISI Web of Knowledge, SCOPUS, PubMed, Medline, SportDiscus, and databases on Spanish networks CINDOC CTI-CSIC, RESH, DICE, and DIALNET crossing the descriptors "Exercise", "Resistance training" and "Recovery" with the terms "Ergogenic Beverage", "Casein Protein" and "Whey Protein". The most used nutritional strategies are based in a carbohydrate beverage which combines different protein sources on prolonged exercise tests similar to sports competition, in both individual and collective sports, with discrepant result

    Zirconium Metal-Organic Polyhedra with Dual Behavior for Organophosphate Poisoning Treatment

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    Organophosphate nerve agents and pesticides are extremely toxic compounds because they result in acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition and concomitant nerve system damage. Herein, we report the synthesis, structural characterization, and proof-of-concept utility of zirconium metal-organic polyhedra (Zr-MOPs) for organophosphate poisoning treatment. The results show the formation of robust tetrahedral cages [((n-butylCpZr)3(OH)3O)4L6]Cl6(Zr-MOP-1; L = benzene-1,4-dicarboxylate, n-butylCp = n-butylcyclopentadienyl, Zr-MOP-10, and L = 4,4′-biphenyldicarboxylate) decorated with lipophilic alkyl residues and possessing accessible cavities of ∼9.8 and ∼10.7 Å inner diameters, respectively. These systems are able to both capture the organophosphate model compound diisopropylfluorophosphate (DIFP) and host and release the AChE reactivator drug pralidoxime (2-PAM). The resulting 2-PAM@Zr-MOP-1(0) host-guest assemblies feature a sustained delivery of 2-PAM under simulated biological conditions, with a concomitant reactivation of DIFP-inhibited AChE. Finally, 2-PAM@Zr-MOP systems have been incorporated into biocompatible phosphatidylcholine liposomes with the resulting assemblies being non-neurotoxic, as proven using neuroblastoma cell viability assays

    Zirconium Metal−Organic Polyhedra with Dual Behavior for Organophosphate Poisoning Treatment

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    Organophosphate nerve agents and pesticides are extremely toxic compounds because they result in acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition and concomitant nerve system damage. Herein, we report the synthesis, structural characterization, and proof-of-concept utility of zirconium metal−organic polyhedra (Zr-MOPs) for organophosphate poisoning treatment. The results show the formation of robust tetrahedral cages [((n-butylCpZr)3(OH)3O)4L6]Cl6 (Zr-MOP-1; L = benzene-1,4- dicarboxylate, n-butylCp = n-butylcyclopentadienyl, Zr-MOP-10, and L = 4,4′-biphenyldicarboxylate) decorated with lipophilic alkyl residues and possessing accessible cavities of ∼9.8 and ∼10.7 Å inner diameters, respectively. These systems are able to both capture the organophosphate model compound diisopropylfluorophosphate (DIFP) and host and release the AChE reactivator drug pralidoxime (2-PAM). The resulting 2-PAM@ Zr-MOP-1(0) host−guest assemblies feature a sustained delivery of 2-PAM under simulated biological conditions, with a concomitant reactivation of DIFP-inhibited AChE. Finally, 2-PAM@Zr-MOP systems have been incorporated into biocompatible phosphatidylcholine liposomes with the resulting assemblies being non-neurotoxic, as proven using neuroblastoma cell viability assays.Spanish MCIN/AEI PID2020-113608RB-I00FEDER/Junta de Andalucia-Conserjeria de Economia y Conocimiento B-FQM-364-UGR18 B-FQM-006-UGR18FEDER/Junta de Andalucia-Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades P18-RT-612 P20_00672Fondazione CRUIprograma Juan de la Cierva FormacionSpanish Government PID2020-118117RB-I00Center for Forestry Research & Experimentation (CIEF)European Commission SEJIGENT/2021/059 PROMETEU/2021/054La Caixa Foundation 100010434 LCF/BQ/PR20/11770014"Maria de Maeztu" Program for Centers of Excellence in RD CEX2019-000919-MH2020-MSCA-IF2019-888972-PSust-MO

    Heterometallic Titanium-Organic Frameworks as Dual Metal Catalysts for Synergistic Non-Buffered Hydrolysis of Nerve Agent Simulants

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    Heterometallic metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) can offer important advantages over their homometallic counterparts to enable targeted modification of their adsorption, structural response, electronic structure, or chemical reactivity. However, controlling metal distribution in these solids still remains a challenge. The family of mesoporous titanium-organic frameworks, MUV-101(M), displays heterometallic TiM2 nodes assembled from direct reaction of Ti(IV) and M(II) salts. We use the degradation of nerve agent simulants to demonstrate that only TiFe2 nodes are capable of catalytic degradation in non-buffered conditions. By using an integrative experimental-computational approach, we rationalize how the two metals influence each other, in this case, for a synergistic mechanism reminiscent of bimetallic enzymes. Our results highlight the importance of controlling metal distribution at an atomic level to span the interest of heterometallic MOFs to a broad scope of cascade or tandem reactions. Summary Mixed-metal or heterometallic metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are gaining importance as a route to produce materials with increasing chemical and functional complexities. We report a family of heterometallic titanium frameworks, MUV-101(M), and use them to exemplify the advantages of controlling metal distribution across the framework in heterogeneous catalysis by exploring their activity toward the degradation of a nerve agent simulant of Sarin gas. MUV-101(Fe) is the only pristine MOF capable of catalytic degradation of diisopropyl-fluorophosphate (DIFP) in non-buffered aqueous media. This activity cannot be explained only by the association of two metals, but to their synergistic cooperation, to create a whole that is more efficient than the simple sum of its parts. Our simulations suggest a dual-metal mechanism reminiscent of bimetallic enzymes, where the combination of Ti(IV) Lewis acid and Fe(III)–OH Brönsted base sites leads to a lower energy barrier for more efficient degradation of DIFP in absence of a base.Financial support for this work was provided by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowships (749359-EnanSET, N.M.P) within the European Union research and innovation framework programme (2014-2020

    Effect of Linker Distribution in the Photocatalytic Activity of Multivariate Mesoporous Crystals

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    The use of Metal-Organic Frameworks as crystalline matrices for the synthesis of multiple component or multivariate solids by the combination of different linkers into a single material has emerged as a versatile route to tailor the properties of single-component phases or even access new functions. This approach is particularly relevant for Zr6-MOFs due to the synthetic flexibility of this inorganic node. However, the majority of materials are isolated as polycrystalline solids, which are not ideal to decipher the spatial arrangement of parent and exchanged linkers for the formation of homogeneous structures or heterogeneous domains across the solid. Here we use high-throughput methodologies to optimize the synthesis of single crystals of UiO-68 and UiO-68-TZDC, a photoactive analogue based on a tetrazine dicarboxylic derivative. The analysis of the single linker phases reveals the necessity of combining both linkers to produce multivariate frameworks that combine efficient light sensitization, chemical stability, and porosity, all relevant to photocatalysis. We use solvent-assisted linker exchange reactions to produce a family of UiO-68-TZDC% binary frameworks, which respect the integrity and morphology of the original crystals. Our results suggest that the concentration of TZDC in solution and the reaction time control the distribution of this linker in the sibling crystals for a uniform mixture or the formation of core-shell domains. We also demonstrate how the possibility of generating an asymmetric distribution of both linkers has a negligible effect on the electronic structure and optical band gap of the solids but controls their performance for drastic changes in the photocatalytic activity toward proton or methyl viologen reduction.This work was supported by the EU (ERC Stg Chem-fs-MOF 714122) and Spanish government (CTQ2017-83486-P, RTI2018-098568-A-I00, RYC-2016-1981, CEX2019-000919-M, PID2019-106383GB-C44/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and RTI2018-098568-A-I00). B.L.-B. thanks the Spanish government for a FPU (FPU16/04162). S.T. thanks the Spanish government for a Ramón y Cajal Fellowship (RYC-2016-60719817). N.M.P. thanks the European Union for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowship (H2020-MSCA-IF-2016-GF-749359-EnanSET). J.G.P. thanks to the SIDIX at Servicios Generales de Apoyo a la Investigación (SEGAI) at La Laguna University. We also thank BSC-RES for computational resources (QS-2020-2-0024) and the University of Valencia for research facilities (Tirant and NANBIOSIS).Peer reviewe