90 research outputs found

    Fotobiografia de Elysio de Moura : projeto editoria

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    Mestrado em Estudos EditoriaisEnvolve o presente projeto a elaboração de uma fotobiografia sobre a vida e obra de Elysio de Moura, desde a ideia inicial à sua concretização física na forma de livro. Abordam-se os aspetos essenciais de um percurso de vida quase secular, contracenando a informação de caráter biográfico com a iconografia recolhida, procurando proporcionar ao leitor um melhor conhecimento da vida deste vulto da cultura portuguesa em diversas vertentes: académica, médica e filantrópica. Para a sua concretização foi necessário localizar documentação de diversas tipologias em diferentes arquivos e bibliotecas, após o que se procedeu a um trabalho de investigação, recolha, seleção, digitalização, análise e interpretação do material documental e iconográfico. Percorreu-se toda a trajetória de um livro, desde a fase concetual até à sua materialização, descrevendo-se como se devem perspetivar as diversas opções possíveis nas várias fases do processo editorial e como as mesmas foram tomadas.This project involves the development of a photobiography about the life and work of Elysio de Moura, from conception of the initial idea to its physical instantiation in the form of a book. It addresses the essential aspects of a life journey of almost one hundred years and intertwines the biographical nature of the collected information with an iconography. It seeks to provide the reader with a better understanding of the life of this figure of Portuguese culture in his various principal roles: as an academic, a doctor and a philanthrope. The implementation of this work required research and the collection, sorting, scanning, analysis and interpretation of documentary and iconographic material of various types, dispersed in several different archives and libraries. The full life cycle of book creation is described, from the conceptual stage to materialization, with comments on how options in the various stages of the publishing process should be considered and how they were selected

    State of the Art - Ergonomics and Modeling of Functional Clothing Products with Biosignals Sensor Integration

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    This literature review aims to introduce and investigate the topics addressed in the development of this project, where we assess the development of functional clothing with integration of bio-signals sensors, exploring the textile materials, ergonomics, andrometry, usability and wearability. Keywords: Ergonomics/Andrometry, Biosignals sensors, Usability/Wearability, Conforto, Textile material

    Growing up in Portugal: Cape Verdean ancestry children exhibit low overweight and obesity compared to Portuguese in urban Lisbon

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    Portugal has one of the highest rates of childhood overweight and obesity (OW/OB) in Europe. However little is known about the health of ethnic minorities living in its capital city, Lisbon. The Cape Verdean community in Lisbon tend to have low educational levels, material deprivation and they struggle with discrimination and racism, factors that would likely be associated with a higher prevalence of OW/OB. Data for the Cape Verdean population were collected in three different time periods by three different research teams in 1993, 2009 and 2013 and included children from 6 to 12 years living in Cova da Moura neighbourhood, Great Lisbon Metro Area (GLMA). The Portuguese national survey was collected between 2009/2010 at public and private schools in mainland Portugal and included height, weight, skinfolds, arm, and waist circumferences. From these survey data body mass index (BMI) and the prevalence of stunting, (chronic malnutrition - low height-for-age) and underweight (low-weight-for-age) were calculated according to reference values proposed by Frisancho (2008). Overweight and obesity values were defined based on the references established by the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF). Results show that there are significant differences in height for boys and girls between Cape Verdean and Portuguese children. Generally, Cape Verdeans’ growth falls within the healthy range of International growth references across all of the survey data collected. Cape Verdean rates for combined overnutrition (overweight and obesity) in 2013 (9.8% for boys and 16.7% for girls) are lower than the Portuguese (33% for boys and 31.7% for girls). Logistic regression models showed that Cape Verdean children have a lower risk of being OW/OB when accounting for breastfeeding,birthweight,maternal education and occupation. Despite living in a deprived neighbourhood these Cape Verdean children seem to have grown more healthily than Portuguese ancestry children. The challenge for policy makers will be to support improvement of the poverty related living conditions of this community without creating a risky environment for increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity

    Association between the perceived environment and overweight in adults and elderly: a cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Background Overweight is a global issue of epidemic proportions, and its negative influence on individual health is clear. However, the relation between environment and overweight is not thoroughly clear, especially concerning to the perceived environment and the physical and social aspects. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze potential associations between the perceived environment and overweight in adults and elderly in a medium-sized city. Methods A cross-sectional population-based study was conducted with 808 adult and elderly individuals. Overweight was defined as body mass index ≥25 kg/m2 based on the World Health Organization criteria. The Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale was used evaluating the perceived environment. Poisson regression was performed evaluating the relationships between the perceived environment and overweight. Results The frequency of overweight was 50.4 %. Adjusted models showed association between overweight and the variable of surrounding neighborhood as follows: “1- to 3-story apartments or condos” (most category; PR = 0.30; CI 0.12–0.76) and “4- to 6-story apartments or condos” (all categories) (PR ranged 0.40 to 0.46; p &lt; 0.05), and also, “land-use mix-diversity” was associated with overweight in this population (PR 0.81; CI 0.66–0.99). Conclusions In addition to individual characteristics, the environmental aspects are relevant to the occurrence of overweight in this population. Population-based studies using primary data on overweight remain scarce in Brazil. Finally, this study contributes to improve the understanding of the complex relationship between perceived environment and overweight, and we believe that our findings provide further justification for the development of future interventions and health promotion strategies. </jats:sec

    Socio-demographic and behavioural risk factors associated with the high prevalence of overweight and obesity in Portuguese children

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    Objectives: Childhood obesity is a public health concern in Portugal. Socio-demographic and behavioral factors are highly associated with obesity but are not clearly understood. This article aims to update the prevalence of overweight and obesity in Portuguese children and to explore the influence and risks of socio-demographic factors and behavioral factors. Methods: A cross-sectional study of Portuguese children aged 3–10 years from all 18 mainland districts took place between March 2009 and January 2010. The sample was composed by 17,136 children, 3–10 years of age (8,455 boys; 8,681 girls). Height, weight, and other anthropometric measurements were obtained by trained technicians. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated along with other anthropometric variables. Data analyses took place between April and September 2012. The overweight/obesity classification was established by age-and sex-specific BMI cut-off points as defined by the International obesity task force (IOTF). Parents completed questionnaires about socio-demographic and behavioral characteristics of the family. Results: Almost 28% of the Portuguese children were overweight or obese (19.7% overweight; 8.2% obese). Prevalence was greater in girls than in boys. Logistic regression models found that the odds of childhood obesity were significantly affected by biological, socio-demographic, and behavioral factors. Conclusions: The protective factors against childhood overweight/obesity in this sample of Portuguese children are: (i) being male; (ii) having been breastfeed; (iii) having been born from mothers who did not smoke during pregnancy; (iv) engaging in little sedentary behaviors (TV, PC, and playing electronic games); (iv) performing at least 1 h of moderate physical activity every day; and (v) having parents with higher educational levels who also have their BMI within the healthy ranges

    BMI and self-perceived body shape in Portuguese children

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    Objectives: This study examined the relationship between Portuguese children's self-perceived body shape and body mass index (BMI) by gender, and BMI values were determined for each silhouette. Method: A sample of 4,211 children aged 7-10 was used. Their body image was assessed using Collins's body image silhouettes, while cole et al.'s cutoffs were used to define obesity. Results: The higher the number of the selected silhouette, the higher the mean BMI, except in the case of silhouettes 2 and 7 for boys and 7 for girls. Most of the individuals who selected silhouette number 5 or higher were obese. For both sexes, the ANOVA showed significant differences in the BMI depending on the selected figures (p < .001). The correlation coefficient between the body image silhouettes and the BMI was .54 (p < .001) for the total sample, .50 (p < .001) for males and .57 (p < .001) for females, in the regression models, the percentage of variance in the BMI explained by the selected images was 25.6% in boys and 30.8% in girls. Conclusion: The study suggested that in childhood (7-10 years), no stable awareness of body shape has been developed, with girls being more accurate than boys. The body shape obtained with the scale was moderately correlated with the BMI, suggesting that Collins' silhouettes could be a valid measure for assessing obesity in Portuguese children

    Self-reported symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress in Portuguese primary school-aged children

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    Costa D, Cunha M, Ferreira C, et al. Self-reported symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress in Portuguese primary school-aged children. BMC Psychiatry. 2020;20(1): 87

    Parental Perception of Their Child’s Weight Status in Portugal: An Observational Study

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    Introduction: Parental perceptions of a child’s weight status may influence family readiness to foster healthy behaviors. Our aim was to observe parental perceptions of their child’s weight status in two time periods and in multiple population subgroups. Methods: Data were collected in two national projects, 2009 - 2010 (n = 6577) and 2016 - 2017 (n = 7594), in public and private kindergartens and primary schools in Portugal (children aged three to 10 years old). Parents filled out a questionnaire regarding their perception of their child’s weight status, namely: 1) too thin, 2) thin, 3) normal weight, 4) with some excess weight, or 5) with a lot of excess weight. Children’s height and weight were objectively collected, and the International Obesity Task Force cut-offs were used to classify overweight and obesity. Accurate and misclassification levels were calculated for children according to their sex, age, as well as child and parental weight status, while considering differences within and between the two time periods. Results: Overall, accuracy in parental perception of their child’s weight was higher in 2016 - 2017 than in 2009 - 2010, regardless of children’s sex, age, parental weight status, and education (65.7% and 60.5%, respectively). However, the ability of parents to detect obesity was ~ 50% lower in 2016 - 2017 compared with 2009 - 2010. Conclusion: Even though parental perception of their child’s weight was better in 2016 - 2017 than in 2009 - 2010 , the inverse result was found among children with obesity. Strategies are needed to encourage parents to improve their perception of the appropriate weight for their child
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