38 research outputs found

    Nucleosomal composition at the centromere: a numbers game

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    The Centromere is a unique chromosomal locus where the kinetochore is formed to mediate faithful chromosome partitioning, thus maintaining ploidy during cell division. Centromere identity is inherited via an epigenetic mechanism involving a histone H3 variant, called centromere protein A (CENP-A) which replaces H3 in centromeric chromatin. In spite of extensive efforts in field of centromere biology during the past decade, controversy persists over the structural nature of the CENP-A-containing epigenetic mark, both at nucleosomal and chromatin levels. Here, we review recent findings and hypotheses regarding the structure of CENP-A-containing complexes

    Investigation of the structure and dynamics of the centromeric epigenetic mark

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    Le centromère est le site chromosomal où le kinetochore se forme, afin d’assurer une ségrégation fidèles des chromosomes et ainsi maintenir la ploïdie appropriée lors de la mitose. L’identité du centromere est héritée par un mécanisme épigénétique impliquant une variante de l’histone H3 nommée centromere protein-A (CENP-A), qui remplace l’histone H3 au niveau de la chromatine du centromère. Des erreurs de propagation de la chromatine du centromère peuvent mener à des problèmes de ségrégation des chromosomes, pouvant entraîner l’aneuploïdie, un phénomène fréquemment observé dans le cancer. De plus, une expression non-régulée de CENP-A a aussi été rapportée dans différentes tumeurs humaines. Ainsi, plusieurs études ont cherchées à élucider la structure et le rôle de la chromatine contenant CENP-A dans des cellules en prolifération. Toutefois, la nature moléculaire de CENP-A en tant que marqueur épigénétique ainsi que ces dynamiques à l'extérieur du cycle cellulaire demeurent des sujets débat. Dans cette thèse, une nouvelle méthode de comptage de molécules uniques à l'aide de la microscopie à réflexion totale interne de la fluorescence (TIRF) sera décrite, puis exploitée afin d'élucider la composition moléculaire des nucléosomes contenant CENP-A, extraits de cellules en prolifération. Nous démontrons que les nucléosomes contenant CENP-A marquent les centromères humains de façon épigénétique à travers le cycle cellulaire. De plus, nos données démontrent que la forme prénucléosomale de CENP-A, en association avec la protéine chaperon HJURP existe sous forme de monomère et de dimère, ce qui reflète une étape intermédiaire de l'assemblage de nucléosomes contenant CENP-A. Ensuite, des analyses quantitatives de centromères lors de différenciation myogénique, et dans différents tissus adultes révèlent des changements globaux qui maintiennent la marque épigénétique dans une forme inactive suite à la différentiation terminale. Ces changements incluent une réduction du nombre de points focaux de CENP-A, un réarrangement des points dans le noyau, ainsi qu'une réduction importante de la quantité de CENP-A. De plus, nous démontrons que lorsqu'une dédifférenciation cellulaire est induite puis le cycle cellulaire ré-entamé, le phénotype "différencié" décrit ci-haut est récupéré, et les centromères reprennent leur phénotype "prolifératif". En somme, cet oeuvre décrit la composition structurale sous-jacente à l'identité épigénétique des centromères de cellules humaines lors du cycle cellulaire, et met en lumière le rôle de CENP-A à l'extérieur du cycle cellulaire.The centromere is a unique chromosomal locus where the kinetochore is formed to mediate faithful chromosome partitioning, thus maintaining ploidy during cell division. Centromere identity is inherited via an epigenetic mechanism involving a histone H3 variant, called centromere protein-A (CENP-A) which replaces histone H3 in centromeric chromatin. Defects in the centromeric chromatin can lead to missegregation of chromosomes resulting in aneuploidy, a ¬¬frequently observed phenomenon in cancer. Moreover, deregulated CENP-A expression has also been documented in a number of human malignancies. Therefore, much effort has been devoted to uncover the structure and role of CENP-A-containing chromatin in proliferating cells. However, the molecular nature of this epigenetic mark and its potential dynamics during and outside the cell cycle remains controversial. In this thesis, the development of a novel single-molecule imaging approach based on total internal reflection fluorescence and the use of this assay to gain quantitative information about the molecular composition of CENP-A-containing nucleosomes extracted from proliferating cells throughout the cell cycle as well as the dynamics and cellular fate of CENP-A chromatin in terminal differentiation are described. Here, we show that octameric CENP-A nucleosomes containing core Histones H2B and H4 epigenetically mark human centromeres throughout the cell cycle. Moreover, our data demonstrate that the prenucleosomal form of CENP-A bound by the chaperone HJURP transits between monomeric and dimeric forms likely reflecting intermediate steps in CENP-A nucleosomal assembly. Moreover, quantitative analyses of centromeres in myogenic differentiation and adult mouse tissue sections revealed that centromeres undergo global changes in order to retain a minimal CENP-A epigenetic code in an inactive state, upon induction of terminal differentiation. These include a robust decrease in the number of centromeric foci, subnuclear rearrangement as well as extensive loss of CENP-A protein. Interestingly, we show that forced dedifferentiation under cell cycle reentry permissive conditions, rescued the above-mentioned phenotype concomitantly with the restoration of cell division. Altogether, this work delineates the structural basis for the epigenetic specification of human centromeres during the cell cycle and sheds light on the cellular fate of the CENP-A epigenetic code outside the cell cycle

    CAL1 is the Drosophila CENP-A assembly factor

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    Centromeres are specified epigenetically by the incorporation of the histone H3 variant CENP-A. In humans, amphibians, and fungi, CENP-A is deposited at centromeres by the HJURP/Scm3 family of assembly factors, but homologues of these chaperones are absent from a number of major eukaryotic lineages such as insects, fish, nematodes, and plants. In Drosophila, centromeric deposition of CENP-A requires the fly-specific protein CAL1. Here, we show that targeting CAL1 to noncentromeric DNA in Drosophila cells is sufficient to heritably recruit CENP-A, kinetochore proteins, and microtubule attachments. CAL1 selectively interacts with CENP-A and is sufficient to assemble CENP-A nucleosomes that display properties consistent with left-handed octamers. The CENP-A assembly activity of CAL1 resides within an N-terminal domain, whereas the C terminus mediates centromere recognition through an interaction with CENP-C. Collectively, this work identifies the “missing” CENP-A chaperone in flies, revealing fundamental conservation between insect and vertebrate centromere-specification mechanisms

    The quantitative architecture of centromeric chromatin

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    The centromere, responsible for chromosome segregation during mitosis, is epigenetically defined by CENP-A containing chromatin. The amount of centromeric CENP-A has direct implications for both the architecture and epigenetic inheritance of centromeres. Using complementary strategies, we determined that typical human centromeres contain ∼400 molecules of CENP-A, which is controlled by a mass-action mechanism. This number, despite representing only ∼4% of all centromeric nucleosomes, forms a ∼50-fold enrichment to the overall genome. In addition, although pre-assembled CENP-A is randomly segregated during cell division, this amount of CENP-A is sufficient to prevent stochastic loss of centromere function and identity. Finally, we produced a statistical map of CENP-A occupancy at a human neocentromere and identified nucleosome positions that feature CENP-A in a majority of cells. In summary, we present a quantitative view of the centromere that provides a mechanistic framework for both robust epigenetic inheritance of centromeres and the paucity of neocentromere formation. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.02137.00

    Favorable impact of allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with therapy-related myelodysplasia regardless of TP53 mutational status

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    Therapy-related myelodysplastic syndrome is a long-term complication of cancer treatment in patients receiving cytotoxic therapy, characterized by high-risk genetics and poor outcomes. Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation is the only potential cure for this disease, but the prognostic impact of pre-transplant genetics and clinical features has not yet been fully characterized. We report here the genetic and clinical characteristics and outcomes of a relatively large cohort of patients with therapy-related myelodysplastic syndrome (n=67) who underwent allogeneic transplantation, comparing these patients to similarly treated patients with de novo disease (n=199). The 5-year overall survival was not different between patients with therapy-related and de novo disease (49.9% versus 53.9%; P=0.61) despite a higher proportion of individuals with an Intermediate-2/High International Prognostic Scoring System classification (59.7% versus 43.7%; P=0.003) and high-risk karyotypes (61.2% versus 30.7%;

    Anarchic centromeres:deciphering order from apparent chaos

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    Specialised chromatin in which canonical histone H3 is replaced by CENP-A, an H3 related protein, is a signature of active centromeres and provides the foundation for kinetochore assembly. The location of centromeres is not fixed since centromeres can be inactivated and new centromeres can arise at novel locations independently of specific DNA sequence elements. Therefore, the establishment and maintenance of CENP-A chromatin and kinetochores provide an exquisite example of genuine epigenetic regulation. The composition of CENP-A nucleosomes is contentious but several studies suggest that, like regular H3 particles, they are octamers. Recent analyses have provided insight into how CENP-A is recognised and propagated, identified roles for post-translational modifications and dissected how CENP-A recruits other centromere proteins to mediate kinetochore assembly