222 research outputs found

    A literatura de Joseph Pilates e a produção acadêmica voltada ao método Pilates

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    Orientador : Sérgio Roberto AbrahãoMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Curso de Especialização em Ciência do Treinamento DesportivoInclui referência


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    En este documento se presenta la realización de la actividad, está conformada por la configuración de unos dispositivos aplicando los conceptos adquiridos en el desarrollo del diplomado y que pueden ser aplicables en situaciones problema de la vida cotidiana. Estos procesos están documentados a través de una serie de pasos que detallan primero la configuración básica del dispositivo, el nombramiento y asignación de los direccionamientos a utilizar, así como la implementación de VRF donde permita la asignación de multiples instancias de una tabla de enrutamiento y funcionen simultáneamente. Por último, se asignan una serie de pruebas de funcionamiento, donde se evidencia el envío de paquetes entre los dispositivos verificados y aceptados por su asignación de vlan y que demuestra el cumplimiento de lo solicitado.This document presents the performance of the activity, it is made up of the configuration of some devices applying the concepts acquired in the development of the diploma and that can be applied in problem situations of daily life. These processes are documented through a series of steps that first detail the basic configuration of the device, the naming and assignment of the addresses to be used, as well as the implementation of VRF where it allows the assignment of multiple instances of a routing table and they work simultaneously. Finally, a series of performance tests are assigned, where the sending of packets between the devices verified and accepted by their vlan assignment is evidenced and which demonstrates compliance with what was requested

    Understanding Postranslational Modifications Involved in Adi3 Programmed Cell Death Signaling

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    Programmed cell death (PCD) is an active process by which organisms coordinate the controlled destruction of cells. In tomato, the protein kinase Adi3 (AvrPto-dependent Pto-interacting kinase 3), acts as a negative regulator of PCD and shares important functional homologies with the mammalian anti-apoptotic AGC kinase PBK/Akt. Adi3 was originally identified as an interactor of the complex formed by the tomato resistance protein Pto and the Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) effector protein AvrPto. The complex formed by AvrPto and Pto causes a resistance response characterized by a rapid form of PCD that limits the spread of Pst and prevents the onset of the tomato bacterial speck disease. In an effort to characterize the mechanisms by which Adi3 regulates PCD, we identified Adi3 interacting partners in a Y2H screen. Here, I describe the interaction of Adi3 with two interacting partners identified: the Sucrose Non-fermenting (SNF1) kinase complex (SnRK) which is a eukaryotic master regulator of energy homeostasis and the E3 RING Ubiquitin ligase AdBiL. Using a combination of in vitro and in vivo approaches I found that AdBiL is an active ubiquitin ligase that ubiquitinates Adi3. Interestingly, Adi3 was found to be degraded in a proteasome-dependent manner suggesting ubiquitination could play a role in its degradation. On the other hand, Adi3 was found to inhibit the SnRK complex by directly interacting with its catalytic subunit as well as by phosphorylating the regulatory subunit SlGal83 at Ser26. SlGal83 is phosphorylated at multiple sites in vivo, and this phosphorylation state, as well as its intracellular localization was found to depend on a myristoylation signal present at its N-terminus. Phosphorylation at Ser26 by Adi3 was found to alter the localization of this subunit in a myristoylation-dependent manner. The interactions studied in this dissertation provide additional evidence on the functional homologies shared by Adi3 and PKB. In addition, the regulatory control of SnRK activity and cellular localization offers a novel connection between pathways involved in energy homeostasis and pathogen-mediated PCD

    Vertical Electrical Sounding Method to Detect Groundwater and Design of A Tubular Well for the Pampas District – Peru

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    In recent years, the occurrence of unexpected meteorological events during the dry season and population growth have generated shortages in the supply of drinking water in the city of Pampas. This situation led us to look for new search strategies for natural water sources, even underground. Faced with this problem, the possibility of detecting and parameterizing these sources was raised, while the design of a tubular well was raised that allows the economic extraction of water from the aquifer studied through the use of geophysical techniques, generating profile images of geological maps. of the strata and the location of the possible water table of the study area. The preferred locations for locating groundwater collections are alluvial fans and fractured valley bottoms. Using the Schlumberger array, eleven (11) VESs have been made, up to a depth of 150 m. For the field tests, a resistivity meter that we have manufactured by hand was used, this will emit current to the subsoil obtaining layers and horizons through their resistivities, these values vary in the range of 6.32-125.23 Ω.m. The PQWTS-150- Water Detector equipment was also used to measure the depth of the semi-confined aquifer and to know its groundwater flow, the value is 33.33 l/s, this value refers to the three celestial layers that can be seen in the image. description of the profile of the geological map, in this profile clayey, silty, sandy, gravel soils and a combination of them were found. This point 11 was taken in the nursery of the Daniel Hernández district, this area is flat, quite humid and its depth is 51m -115m. In addition, this aquifer has good hydrogeological possibilities making surface recharge possible. The water table was also determined, it is found at a depth of 4-8 m. With the data obtained lines above it was useful for the calculation and design of the tubular well. In conclusion, the designed well has a depth of 115 m and a thickness of 64 m, with a drilling diameter of 18 inches and equipped with a submersible pump with a 25 HP motor, achieving a flow rate of 1000 l/min, which complies with the water requirement of the population. In order to verify the quality of the water from this well, a physical-chemical and bacteriological analysis was carried out

    Efecto del tratamiento térmico post soldadura sobre la microestructura del acero inoxidable grado ca6nm para la construcción de rodetes hidráulicos

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    En los tratamientos térmicos de revenido para aceros inoxidables martensíticos grado CA6NM se busca obtener martensita revenida con un porcentaje de austenita retenida de hasta un 20% para conseguir las propiedades mecánicas y tribológicas del material que lo hacen adecuado para la fabricación de dispositivos hidráulicos. Sin embargo, éstos presentan un desgaste considerable durante su servicio, razón por la cual es necesario repararlos por medio de soldadura y someterlos a tratamientos térmicos posteriores para obtener propiedades similares a las del material original. En este trabajo se muestra el efecto de tratamientos térmicos post soldadura sobre el acero y una caracterización de la microestructura de la ZAT antes y después de los tratamientos. Los ensayos fueron realizados en probetas BOP a temperaturas de 600 ºC y 620 ºC con sostenimientos de 20, 40 y 60 minutos, sometidas a pruebas de microdureza y análisis metalográfico

    Efecto del tratamiento térmico post soldadura sobre la microestructura del acero inoxidable grado ca6nm para la construcción de rodetes hidráulicos

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    En los tratamientos térmicos de revenido para aceros inoxidables martensíticos grado CA6NM se busca obtener martensita revenida con un porcentaje de austenita retenida de hasta un 20% para conseguir las propiedades mecánicas y tribológicas del material que lo hacen adecuado para la fabricación de dispositivos hidráulicos. Sin embargo, éstos presentan un desgaste considerable durante su servicio, razón por la cual es necesario repararlos por medio de soldadura y someterlos a tratamientos térmicos posteriores para obtener propiedades similares a las del material original. En este trabajo se muestra el efecto de tratamientos térmicos post soldadura sobre el acero y una caracterización de la microestructura de la ZAT antes y después de los tratamientos. Los ensayos fueron realizados en probetas BOP a temperaturas de 600 ºC y 620 ºC con sostenimientos de 20, 40 y 60 minutos, sometidas a pruebas de microdureza y análisis metalográfico

    Abordagem nutrigenômica da obesidade: onde estamos?

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    Obesity is a multifactorial disease resulting from the interaction of multiple genetic and environmental factors. Research tools that allow exploring mechanisms of interaction between the genome and nutrition are required for its study. Nutritional genomics encompassing nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics have studied the role of genes in obesity. Although the latter two are closely linked, they take a different approach to understanding the relationship between genes and diet.La obesidad es una enfermedad multifactorial, es decir que resulta de la interacción de múltiples factores genéticos y ambientales. Para su estudio se hace necesario el uso de herramientas de investigación que permitan explorar mecanismos de interacción entre el genoma completo y la nutrición. La genómica nutricional que engloba la nutrigenética y la nutrigenómica ha estudiado el papel de los genes en la obesidad. Aunque estas dos últimas están íntimamente asociadas, toman un enfoque diferente para entender la relación entre los genes y la dieta.A obesidade é uma doença multifatorial, quer dizer, que resulta da interação de múltiplos fatores genéticos e ambientais. Para o seu estudo é necessário o uso de ferramentas de investigação que permitam explorar mecanismos de interação entre o genoma completo e a nutrição. A genômica nutricional que engloba a nutrigenética e a nutrigenômica tem estudado o papel dos genes na obesidade. Embora os dois estejam intimamente associados, eles adotam uma abordagem diferente para entender a relação entre genes e dieta

    Reversal of loss of bone mass in old mice treated with mefloquine

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    Aging is accompanied by imbalanced bone remodeling, elevated osteocyte apoptosis, and decreased bone mass and mechanical properties; and improved pharmacologic approaches to counteract bone deterioration with aging are needed. We examined herein the effect of mefloquine, a drug used to treat malaria and systemic lupus erythematosus and shown to ameliorate bone loss in glucocorticoid-treated patients, on bone mass and mechanical properties in young and old mice. Young 3.5-month-old and old 21-month-old female C57BL/6 mice received daily injections of 5 mg/kg/day mefloquine for 14 days. Aging resulted in the expected changes in bone volume and mechanical properties. In old mice mefloquine administration reversed the lower vertebral cancellous bone volume and bone formation; and had modest effects on cortical bone volume, thickness, and moment of inertia. Mefloquine administration did not change the levels of the circulating bone formation markers P1NP or alkaline phosphatase, whereas levels of the resorption marker CTX showed trends towards increase with mefloquine treatment. In addition, and as expected, aging bones exhibited an accumulation of active caspase3-expressing osteocytes and higher expression of apoptosis-related genes compared to young mice, which were not altered by mefloquine administration at either age. In young animals, mefloquine induced higher periosteal bone formation, but lower endocortical bone formation. Further, osteoclast numbers were higher on the endocortical bone surface and circulating CTX levels were increased, in mefloquine- compared to vehicle-treated young mice. Consistent with this, addition of mefloquine to bone marrow cells isolated from young mice led to increased osteoclastic gene expression and a tendency towards increased osteoclast numbers in vitro. Taken together our findings identify the age and bone-site specific skeletal effects of mefloquine. Further, our results highlight a beneficial effect of mefloquine administration on vertebral cancellous bone mass in old animals, raising the possibility of using this pharmacologic inhibitor to preserve skeletal health with aging

    Identifying therapeutic targets by combining transcriptional data with ordinal clinical measurements

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    The immense and growing repositories of transcriptional data may contain critical insights for developing new therapies. Current approaches to mining these data largely rely on binary classifications of disease vs. control, and are not able to incorporate measures of disease severity. We report an analytical approach to integrate ordinal clinical information with transcriptomics. We apply this method to public data for a large cohort of Huntington's disease patients and controls, identifying and prioritizing phenotype-associated genes. We verify the role of a high-ranked gene in dysregulation of sphingolipid metabolism in the disease and demonstrate that inhibiting the enzyme, sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase 1 (SPL), has neuroprotective effects in Huntington's disease models. Finally, we show that one consequence of inhibiting SPL is intracellular inhibition of histone deacetylases, thus linking our observations in sphingolipid metabolism to a well-characterized Huntington's disease pathway. Our approach is easily applied to any data with ordinal clinical measurements, and may deepen our understanding of disease processes