794 research outputs found

    La experiencia de la aplicación de un modelo de acreditación de carreras en Chile (2000 – 2007)

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    This work is made from the academics views considered "key players" in five higher education institutions in the region of Valparaiso (Chile), for having participated with different degrees of responsibility in accreditation processes of degree careers in education, both public and private universities. After a brief contextualization of the development and characterization of the accreditation model adopted in Chile at the level of institutions and courses, analyses their views from different experiences and views about studied institutions accreditation processes, evaluation criteria, the concept of quality used and the expectations concerning the improvement of the teaching careers. Finally, raised some proposals in order to refine this evaluative process, in response to the reality of our institutions. Keywords Accreditation; careers evaluation; quality; higher educationEste trabajo se elabora a partir de las opiniones de académicos considerados “actores claves” dentro de cinco instituciones de educación superior de la región de Valparaíso (Chile), por haber participado con diferentes grados de responsabilidad en procesos de acreditación de carreras de Licenciatura en educación, tanto en universidades públicas y privadas. Luego de una breve contextualización del desarrollo y caracterización del Modelo de Acreditación adoptado en Chile a nivel de instituciones y de carreras, se analizan sus opiniones desde distintas experiencias y visiones acerca de los procesos de acreditación en las instituciones estudiadas, los criterios de evaluación, la concepción de calidad utilizada y las expectativas respecto al mejoramiento de las carreras pedagógicas. Finalmente, se plantean algunas propuestas en orden a perfeccionar este proceso evaluativo, atendiendo a la realidad de nuestras institucione

    Ejercicio del liderazgo pedagógico en el CEIP Lledoner, comunidad de aprendizaje: un estudio de casos

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    [spa] Estudio de casos sobre el ejercicio del liderazgo pedagógico en un centro de educación pública (infantil y primaria) español que trabaja bajo el proyecto de Comunidades de Aprendizaje, definido por sus actores como de transformación y re-significación de la escuela a partir del trabajo colaborativo de padres, familias, voluntarios, profesores y directivos. Las principales técnicas utilizadas dentro del estudio se encuentran las entrevistas en profundidad, los grupos de discusión, la observación participante, la revisión documental interna del centro y la toma de notas en un diario de campo. El estudio de corte cualitativo fue desarrollado entre los cursos académicos 2011-2012 y 2012-2013, y contó con el financiamiento del estado chileno a partir del programa de formación de capital humano avanzado Becas-Chile. Se logró determinar la importancia que tiene el correcto ejercicio del liderazgo pedagógico compartido dentro de la escuela, que corresponsabiliza a todos los actores en la mejora de los aprendizajes de los estudiantes y a su vez se hace necesario para dotar de sostenibilidad al proyecto educativo del centro.[eng] Cases study about educational leadership in a Spanish public education center (pre-school and primary school) working under the project Learning Communities, defined by its actors as transformation and re-signification of the school from then collaborative work of parents, families, volunteers, teachers and directors. The main techniques used in the study were in-depth interviews, focus groups, participant observation, internal document review center and taking notes in a field journal. The qualitative study was developed between the academic years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013, and was financing by the Chilean state from training program for advanced human capital Becas-Chile. It was possible to determine the importance of the proper exercise of shared pedagogical leadership within the school, that the joint responsibility of all participant is required to improving student learning, which in turn is necessary to provide sustainability to educational project center

    ELKS2α/CAST Deletion Selectively Increases Neurotransmitter Release at Inhibitory Synapses

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    SummaryThe presynaptic active zone is composed of a protein network that contains ELKS2α (a.k.a. CAST) as a central component. Here we demonstrate that in mice, deletion of ELKS2α caused a large increase in inhibitory, but not excitatory, neurotransmitter release, and potentiated the size, but not the properties, of the readily-releasable pool of vesicles at inhibitory synapses. Quantitative electron microscopy revealed that the ELKS2α deletion did not change the number of docked vesicles or other ultrastructural parameters of synapses, except for a small decrease in synaptic vesicle numbers. The ELKS2α deletion did, however, alter the excitatory/inhibitory balance and exploratory behaviors, possibly as a result of the increased synaptic inhibition. Thus, as opposed to previous studies indicating that ELKS2α is essential for mediating neurotransmitter release, our results suggest that ELKS2α normally restricts release and limits the size of the readily-releasable pool of synaptic vesicles at the active zone of inhibitory synapses

    Target cell-specific plasticity rules of NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission in the hippocampus

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    Long-term potentiation and depression of NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission (NMDAR LTP/LTD) can significantly impact synapse function and information transfer in several brain areas. However, the mechanisms that determine the direction of NMDAR plasticity are poorly understood. Here, using physiologically relevant patterns of presynaptic and postsynaptic burst activities, whole-cell patch clamp recordings, 2-photon laser calcium imaging in acute rat hippocampal slices and immunoelectron microscopy, we tested whether distinct calcium dynamics and group I metabotropic glutamate receptor (I-mGluR) subtypes control the sign of NMDAR plasticity. We found that postsynaptic calcium transients (CaTs) in response to hippocampal MF stimulation were significantly larger during the induction of NMDAR-LTP compared to NMDAR-LTD at the MF-to-CA3 pyramidal cell (MF-CA3) synapse. This difference was abolished by pharmacological blockade of mGluR5 and was significantly reduced by depletion of intracellular calcium stores, whereas blocking mGluR1 had no effect on these CaTs. In addition, we discovered that MF to hilar mossy cell (MF-MC) synapses, which share several structural and functional commonalities with MF-CA3 synapses, also undergoes NMDAR plasticity. To our surprise, however, we found that the postsynaptic distribution of I-mGluR subtypes at these two synapses differ, and the same induction protocol that induces NMDAR-LTD at MF-CA3 synapses, only triggered NMDAR-LTP at MF-MC synapses, despite a comparable calcium dynamics. Thus, postsynaptic calcium dynamics alone cannot predict the sign of NMDAR plasticity, indicating that both postsynaptic calcium rise and the relative contribution of I-mGluR subtypes likely determine the learning rules of NMDAR plasticity.This research was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), R01-NS113600, R01-MH125772, R01-MH116673, and R01-MH081935 to PC, and by The Basque Government (IT1620-22), Red de Investigación en Atención Primaria de Adicciones (RIAPAd), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (RD21/0009/0006), and Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-107548RB-I00) to PG

    Description and molecular phylogeny of one new and one known needle nematode of the genus Paralongidorus (Nematoda: Longidoridae) from grapevine in Portugal using integrative approach.

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    A new and a known longidorid nematode, Paralongidorus lusitanicus n. sp. and Paralongidorus plesioepimikis, are described and illustrated from populations extracted from soil associated with grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) from Escaroupim and Pó (central-Western Portugal), respectively. The new needle nematode P. lusitanicus n. sp. is characterised by a very large body size (8072–12,022 μm), an expanded and rounded lip region, ca 30 μm wide, with a clear constriction followed by a depression posterior to the amphidial aperture, amphidial fovea very large (11.0–19.0 μm), stirrupshaped, with conspicuous slit-like aperture as shown in scanning electron microscopy studies, a very long and flexible odontostyle (180.0–223.0 μm), guiding ring located at 28.0–41.5 μm from anterior end, vulva anterior to the mid-body (34–41%), a dorsally convex-conoid tail with rounded terminus (29–42 μm long), bearing two or three pairs of caudal pores and males common (ratio 1:1.6 females) with spicules ca 80 μm long. Morphological and morphometric traits for P. plesioepimikis fit well with the original description, and is reported for the first time in Portugal. Integrative diagnosis of both species was completed with molecular data obtained using D2-D3 expansion segments of 28S rDNA, ITS1-rDNA and partial 18S–rDNA. The phylogenetic relationships of these species with other Paralongidorus spp. using these three molecular markers indicated that P. lusitanicus n. sp. clustered together with other Paralongidorus spp. forming a sister clade with P. plesioepimikis, both of them sharing a large body, long odontostyle, an anteriorly located vulva and an expanded and rounded lip region with a clear constriction followed by a depression posterior to the amphidial apertur

    First report of root-knot nematode Meloidogyne hispanica infecting grapevines in southern Spain

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    Artículo open access.Some commercial vineyards producing the ‘Condado de Huelva’ wine denomination of origin in Almonte, Bonares, and Rociana (Huelva Province), southern Spain, showed general decline in sandy soils in 2009. Disease surveys revealed severe infections of grapevine rootstock Richter 110 feeder roots and heavy soil infestations by a root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne sp.).Peer Reviewe

    Theoretical Investigation on Monomer and Dimers of Inhibitor of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes: 1-Aminobenzotriazole

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    In this research, structures and properties of monomer and two dimers (1 and 2) of inhibitor of cytochrome P450 enzymes, 1-Aminobenzotriazole (ABT) have been studied by using functional hybrid B3LYP/6-311++G** calculations. The very good correlations observed between theoretical and experimental 1H-, 13C-NMR, FT-IR and FT-Raman spectra suggest that C-H···N interactions of dimeric species should be expected in the solid phase, as was observed in the experimental crystalline structure of a quinolin benzotriazole derivative. NBO and AIM calculations suggest that dimer 2 with inverted positions of its monomers could be present in the solid phase because it evidence higher stabilities in both media. On the other hand, frontier orbitals studies support a higher reactivity of dimer 2 of ABT higher than the monomer and dimer 1, for which, the presence of dimer 2 containing N-NH2 groups in ABT could justify the biological activities observed for this species with gap values between 4.5933 and 4.8164 eV different from antiviral agents containing the C-NH2 moiety, as amantadine and chloroquine whose gap values are around 4.3012-4.1116 eV. Finally, the presence of bands of monomer and of both dimers are predicted in the vibrational spectra and, hence, its completes assignments have been performed. The scaled force constants for the three studied species are also reported

    La experiencia de la aplicación de un modelo de acreditación de carreras en Chile (2000 – 2007)

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    Aquest treball s’elabora a partir de les opinions d’acadèmics considerats «actors claus» dins de cinc institucions d’educació superior de la regió de Valparaíso (Xile), per haver participat amb diferents graus de responsabilitat en processos d’acreditació de carreres de llicenciatura en Educació, tant en universitats públiques com privades. Després d’una breu contextualització del desenvolupament i caracterització del Model d’Acreditació adoptat a Xile en l’àmbit d’institucions i de carreres, s’analitzen les seves opinions des de diferents experiències i visions sobre els processos d’acreditació en les institucions estudiades, els criteris d’avaluació, el concepte de qualitat utilitzada i les expectatives respecte a la millora de les carreres pedagògiques. Finalment, es plantegen algunes propostes amb vista a perfeccionar aquest procés avaluatiu, atenent a la realitat de les nostres institucions.This work is made from the academics views considered "key players" in five higher education institutions in the region of Valparaiso (Chile), for having participated with different degrees of responsibility in accreditation processes of degree careers in education, both public and private universities. After a brief contextualization of the development and characterization of the accreditation model adopted in Chile at the level of institutions and courses, analyses their views from different experiences and views about studied institutions accreditation processes, evaluation criteria, the concept of quality used and the expectations concerning the improvement of the teaching careers. Finally, raised some proposals in order to refine this evaluative process, in response to the reality of our institutions.Este trabajo se elabora a partir de las opiniones de académicos considerados “actores claves” dentro de cinco instituciones de educación superior de la región de Valparaíso (Chile), por haber participado con diferentes grados de responsabilidad en procesos de acreditación de carreras de Licenciatura en educación, tanto en universidades públicas y privadas. Luego de una breve contextualización del desarrollo y caracterización del Modelo de Acreditación adoptado en Chile a nivel de instituciones y de carreras, se analizan sus opiniones desde distintas experiencias y visiones acerca de los procesos de acreditación en las instituciones estudiadas, los criterios de evaluación, la concepción de calidad utilizada y las expectativas respecto al mejoramiento de las carreras pedagógicas. Finalmente, se plantean algunas propuestas en orden a perfeccionar este proceso evaluativo, atendiendo a la realidad de nuestras instituciones

    El liderazgo compartido como factor de sostenibilidad del proyecto de comunidades de aprendizajes

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    El presente artículo indaga sobre los significados y valoraciones que los miembros de una Comunidad de Aprendizaje le atribuyen al fenómeno del liderazgo. Utilizamos una metodología cualitativa de estudio de casos, desde una perspectiva comunicativo-crítica. A pesar de las diversas conceptualizaciones, existe una alta valoración sobre la importancia que tiene el liderazgo como base de la mejora y cambio educativo. Nuestro estudio pone de manifiesto también que la sostenibilidad del proyecto depende de la participación y corresponsabilidad en el aprendizaje de todos sus miembros

    Presynaptic Protein Synthesis Is Required for Long-Term Plasticity of GABA Release

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    Long-term changes of neurotransmitter release are critical for proper brain function. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these changes are poorly understood. While protein synthesis is crucial for the consolidation of postsynaptic plasticity, whether and how protein synthesis regulates presynaptic plasticity in the mature mammalian brain remain unclear. Here, using paired whole-cell recordings in rodent hippocampal slices, we report that presynaptic protein synthesis is required for long-term, but not short-term, plasticity of GABA release from type 1 cannabinoid receptor (CB1)-expressing axons. This long-term depression of inhibitory transmission (iLTD) involves cap-dependent protein synthesis in presynaptic interneuron axons, but not somata. Translation is required during the induction, but not maintenance, of iLTD. Mechanistically, CB1 activation enhances protein synthesis via the mTOR pathway. Furthermore, using super-resolution STORM microscopy, we revealed eukaryotic ribosomes in CB1-expressing axon terminals. These findings suggest that presynaptic local protein synthesis controls neurotransmitter release during long-term plasticity in the mature mammalian brain