287 research outputs found

    Missing-in-metastasis and IRSp53 deform PI(4,5)P-2-rich membranes by an inverse BAR domain-like mechanism

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    The actin cytoskeleton plays a fundamental role in various motile and morphogenetic processes involving membrane dynamics. We show that actin-binding proteins MIM (missing-in-metastasis) and IRSp53 directly bind PI(4,5)P-2-rich membranes and deform them into tubular structures. This activity resides in the N-terminal IRSp53/MIM domain (IMD) of these proteins, which is structurally related to membrane-tubulating BAR (Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs) domains. We found that because of a difference in the geometry of the PI(4,5)P-2-binding site, IMDs induce a membrane curvature opposite that of BAR domains and deform membranes by binding to the interior of the tubule. This explains why IMD proteins induce plasma membrane protrusions rather than invaginations. We also provide evidence that the membrane-deforming activity of IMDs, instead of the previously proposed F-actin - bundling or GTPase-binding activities, is critical for the induction of the filopodia/microspikes in cultured mammalian cells. Together, these data reveal that interplay between actin dynamics and a novel membrane-deformation activity promotes cell motility and morphogenesis

    Process in family business internationalisation: The state of the art and ways forward

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    Although the internationalisation of family businesses (FBs) has received increasing attention in recent years, much remains to be learned about how FB internationalisation unfolds as a process. Our review of 172 empirical studies from the period of 1991-2018 indicates that only 25 studies included both longitudinal data and strong process theorising, even though internationalisation is inherently processual, and FBs are longitudinal in nature. We acknowledge that both variance-and process-based theorising are needed to build an understanding of the FB internationalisation process. We contribute to the field by building an FB internationalisation process model based on a review analysis. Within the model, process-based internationalisation pathways are combined with variance-based capabilities (positive influences) and liabilities (negative influences) that affect internationalisation, with economic and non-economic goals viewed as driving the various internationalisation processes. On the basis of the model, we suggest that future research could adopt more longitudinal and individually focused approaches, as a means to understand the FB internationalisation process in various FBs and contexts, over various time periods, life cycles, and FB generations

    Family members’ perspectives of child protection services, a metasynthesis of the literature

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    This review is part of a EC research project funded by RDAP-GBW-AG-2018-2 Domestic Violence/European Commission.This metasynthesis brings together what is known about family members’ perspectives of their relationship with social care practitioners as a starting point for developing a pan-European training resource for practitioners. Four databases were searched for qualitative literature with search terms relating to family members and social care practitioners. After the application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 35 studies were critically appraised and were included in the metasynthesis. Three broad themes were identified through a thematic analysis of the studies’ findings: family members’ perspectives of the system; perceptions of how they were viewed by their worker; and view of their worker. The following aspects are discussed: whether partnership between family and worker is possible within a legal framework; the detrimental effects of cultural bias; and practical foundations for building trust. Recommendations are made for practical support, reflection on cultural practice and broader service provision.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Needs, expectations and consequences for the child growing up in a family with a parent with mental illness

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    Parental mental illness is considered one of the strongest risk-factors for development of offspring psychopathology. The lack of pan-European guidelines for empowering children of parents with mental illness led to EU project CAMILLE - Empowerment of Children and Adolescents of Mentally Ill Parents through Training of Professionals working with children and adolescents. The first task in this project, was to analyse needs, expectations and consequences for children, with respect to living with a parent with mental illness. The aim this paper is to report results of these analyses. The qualitative research was conducted in England, Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland and Scotland (N=96). There were 3 types of focus groups: (1) professionals (doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers), (2) adult children and partners of a person with mental illness, (3) parents who have experienced mental illness during their parenthood. Framework analysis method was used. Results of the study highlighted that the main consequences for children of parental mental illness were role reversal, emotional and behavioural problems, lack of parent’s attention and stigma. The main needs of these children were emotional support, security and multidisciplinary help. Implications for practice are: (1) professionals working with parents with mental illness should be aware of the specific consequences for the children; (2) to empower children they should focus on them, but not excluding parents from the parental roles; (3) the multi-agency collaboration is necessary; (4) schools should provide counselling and teach staff and students about mental health problems to reduce stigm

    Prolonged and tunable residence time using reversible covalent kinase inhibitors.

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    Drugs with prolonged on-target residence times often show superior efficacy, yet general strategies for optimizing drug-target residence time are lacking. Here we made progress toward this elusive goal by targeting a noncatalytic cysteine in Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) with reversible covalent inhibitors. Using an inverted orientation of the cysteine-reactive cyanoacrylamide electrophile, we identified potent and selective BTK inhibitors that demonstrated biochemical residence times spanning from minutes to 7 d. An inverted cyanoacrylamide with prolonged residence time in vivo remained bound to BTK for more than 18 h after clearance from the circulation. The inverted cyanoacrylamide strategy was further used to discover fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) kinase inhibitors with residence times of several days, demonstrating the generalizability of the approach. Targeting of noncatalytic cysteines with inverted cyanoacrylamides may serve as a broadly applicable platform that facilitates 'residence time by design', the ability to modulate and improve the duration of target engagement in vivo

    Psychosocial issues need more attention in COPD self-management education

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    Objective: To find out how regularly the contents of patient education regarded as essential for COPD patients' self-management are provided by healthcare professionals in specialised healthcare (SHC) and primary healthcare (PHC) in Finland. Design: A cross-sectional study based on an e-questionnaire with 42 items on the content of self-management education of COPD patients. Setting: The study sample included all public SHC units with pulmonary outpatient clinics (n = 29) and nine out of 160 health centres in Finland. Subjects: 83 doctors and 162 nurses. Main outcome measures: The respondents' answers on how regularly they included the contents regarded as essential for COPD patients' self-management in their education of COPD patients. Results: COPD patients were educated regularly on medical issues regarding COPD treatment, such as smoking cessation, exercise and pharmacological treatment. However, issues vital for coping with the disease, such as psychological well-being, stress management or fatigue, were often ignored. Patient education in SHC seemed to be more systematic than education in PHC. The education provided by the asthma/COPD nurses (n = 70) was more systematic than the education provided by the other nurses (n = 84). Conclusion: Healthcare professionals' continuous education should cover not only the medical but also the psychosocial aspects of coping with COPD. The role of doctors and nurses should be considered to ensure that there is no gap in COPD patients' education. Training asthma/COPD nurses and promoting specialised nurse-led asthma/COPD clinics in primary care could be beneficial while improving practices of patient education that enhance patients' ability to cope with the disease

    MyosinVIIa Interacts with Twinfilin-2 at the Tips of Mechanosensory Stereocilia in the Inner Ear

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    In vertebrates hearing is dependent upon the microvilli-like mechanosensory stereocilia and their length gradation. The staircase-like organization of the stereocilia bundle is dynamically maintained by variable actin turnover rates. Two unconventional myosins were previously implicated in stereocilia length regulation but the mechanisms of their action remain unknown. MyosinXVa is expressed in stereocilia tips at levels proportional to stereocilia length and its absence produces staircase-like bundles of very short stereocilia. MyosinVIIa localizes to the tips of the shorter stereocilia within bundles, and when absent, the stereocilia are abnormally long. We show here that myosinVIIa interacts with twinfilin-2, an actin binding protein, which inhibits actin polymerization at the barbed end of the filament, and that twinfilin localization in stereocilia overlaps with myosinVIIa. Exogenous expression of myosinVIIa in fibroblasts results in a reduced number of filopodia and promotes accumulation of twinfilin-2 at the filopodia tips. We hypothesize that the newly described interaction between myosinVIIa and twinfilin-2 is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of slower rates of actin turnover in shorter stereocilia, and that interplay between complexes of myosinVIIa/twinfilin-2 and myosinXVa/whirlin is responsible for stereocilia length gradation within the bundle staircase

    STM Simulation of Molecules on Ultrathin Insulating Overlayers Using Tight-Binding: Au-Pentacene on NaCl bilayer on Cu

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    We present a fast and efficient tight-binding (TB) method for simulating scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) imaging of adsorbate molecules on ultrathin insulating films. Due to the electronic decoupling of the molecule from the metal surface caused by the presence of the insulating overlayer, the STM images of the frontier molecular orbitals can be simulated using a very efficient scheme, which also enables the analysis of phase shifts in the STM current. Au-pentacene complex adsorbed on a NaCl bilayer on Cu substrate provides an intricate model system, which has been previously studied both experimentally and theoretically. Our calculations indicate that the complicated shape of the molecular orbitals may cause multivalued constant current surfaces -- leading to ambiguity of the STM image. The results obtained using the TB method are found to be consistent with both DFT calculations and experimental data.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Coibamide A Targets Sec61 to Prevent Biogenesis of Secretory and Membrane Proteins

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    Coibamide A (CbA) is a marine natural product with potent antiproliferative activity against human cancer cells and a unique selectivity profile. Despite promising antitumor activity, the mechanism of cytotoxicity and specific cellular target of CbA remain unknown. Here, we develop an optimized synthetic CbA photoaffinity probe (photo-CbA) and use it to demonstrate that CbA directly targets the Sec61 alpha subunit of the Sec61 protein translocon. CbA binding to Sec61 results in broad substratenonselective inhibition of ER protein import and potent cytotoxicity against specific cancer cell lines. CbA targets a lumenal cavity of Sec61 that is partially shared with known Sec61 inhibitors, yet profiling against resistance conferring Sec61 alpha mutations identified from human HCT116 cells su ests a distinct binding mode for CbA. Specifically, despite conferring strong resistance to all previously known Sec61 inhibitors, the Sec61 alpha mutant R66I remains sensitive to CbA. A further unbiased screen for Sec61 alpha resistance mutations identified the CbA-resistant mutation S71P, which confirms nonidentical binding sites for CbA and apratoxin A and supports the susceptibility of the Sec61 plug region for channel inhibition. Remarkably, CbA, apratoxin A, and ipomoeassin F do not display comparable patterns of potency and selectivity in the NCI60 panel of human cancer cell lines. Our work connecting CbA activity with selective prevention of secretory and membrane protein biogenesis by inhibition of Sec61 opens up possibilities for developing new Sec61 inhibitors with improved druglike properties that are based on the coibamide pharmacophore.Peer reviewe

    A pan-European review of good practices in early intervention safeguarding practice with children, young people and families : evidence gathering to inform a multi-disciplinary training programme (the ERICA project) in preventing child abuse and neglect in seven European countries

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    Funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Commission (European Commission 2019–2021).Child maltreatment has detrimental social and health effects for individuals, families and communities. The ERICA project is a pan-European training programme that equips non-specialist threshold practitioners with knowledge and skills to prevent and detect child maltreatment. This paper describes and presents the findings of a rapid review of good practice examples across seven participating countries including local services, programmes and risk assessment tools used in the detection and prevention of child maltreatment in the family. Learning was applied to the development of the generic training project. A template for mapping the good practice examples was collaboratively developed by the seven participating partner countries. A descriptive data analysis was undertaken organised by an a priori analysis framework. Examples were organised into three areas: programmes tackling child abuse and neglect, local practices in assessment and referral, risk assessment tools. Key findings were identified using a thematic approach. Seventy-two good practice examples were identified and categorised according to area, subcategory and number. A typology was developed as follows: legislative frameworks, child health promotion programmes, national guidance on child maltreatment, local practice guidance, risk assessment tools, local support services, early intervention programmes, telephone or internet-based support services, COVID-19 related good practices. Improved integration of guidance into practice and professional training in child development were highlighted as overarching needs. The impact of COVID-19 on safeguarding issues was apparent. The ERICA training programme formally responded to the learning identified in this international good practice review.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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