4,921 research outputs found

    Family centred neonatal palliative care in children's hospices: A qualitative study of parents' experiences

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    Since 1982, children's hospices in the UK have provided services where families can care for their children at the end of life (EOL) in a less medicalised environment. More recently, the services of many children's hospices have extended to newborn babies and their families. This paper explores the experiences of three families (five parents) who availed of children's hospices services when their babies required a palliative approach to care. Early diagnosis of a life-limiting condition in pregnancy allowed advanced care planning and enabled parental participation in decision-making before birth. A homely environment, as well as constant support and a sensitive approach from expert staff encouraged parental involvement in all aspects of their baby's care whilst in hospice. Extended time with their baby after death enabled parents to feel connected with their infant. The holistic and family-centred approach to care from children's hospices is highly valued by parents of newborn babies

    Marking and Quantifying IL-17A-Producing Cells In Vivo

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    Interleukin (IL)-17A plays an important role in host defense against a variety of pathogens and may also contribute to the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. However, precise identification and quantification of the cells that produce this cytokine in vivo have not been performed. We generated novel IL-17A reporter mice to investigate expression of IL-17A during Klebsiella pneumoniae infection and during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, conditions previously demonstrated to potently induce IL-17A production. In both settings, the majority of IL-17A was produced by non-CD4+ T cells, particularly γδ T cells, but also invariant NKT cells and other CD4−CD3ε+ cells. As measured in dual-reporter mice, IFN-γ-producing Th1 cells greatly outnumbered IL-17A-producing Th17 cells throughout both challenges. Production of IL-17A by cells from unchallenged mice or by non-T cells under any condition was not evident. Administration of IL-1β and/or IL-23 elicited rapid production of IL-17A by γδ T cells, invariant NKT cells and other CD4−CD3ε+ cells in vivo, demonstrating that these cells are poised for rapid cytokine production and likely comprise the major sources of this cytokine during acute immunologic challenges

    A Prolific Solvate Former, Galunisertib, under the Pressure of Crystal Structure Prediction, Produces Ten Diverse Polymorphs

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    The solid form screening of galunisertib produced many solvates, prompting an extensive investigation into possible risks to the development of the favored monohydrate form. Inspired by crystal structure prediction, the search for neat polymorphs was expanded to an unusual range of experiments, including melt crystallization under pressure, to work around solvate formation and the thermal instability of the molecule. Ten polymorphs of galunisertib were found; however, the structure predicted to be the most stable has yet to be obtained. We present the crystal structures of all ten unsolvated polymorphs of galunisertib, showing how state-of-the-art characterization methods can be combined with emerging computational modeling techniques to produce a complete structure landscape and assess the risk of late-appearing, more stable polymorphs. The exceptional conformational polymorphism of this prolific solvate former invites further development of methods, computational and experimental, that are applicable to larger, flexible molecules with complex solid form landscapes

    Strategically Equivalent Contests

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    Using a two-player Tullock-type contest, we show that intuitively and structurally different contests can be strategically equivalent. Strategically equivalent contests generate the same best response functions and, as a result, the same equilibrium efforts. However, strategically equivalent contests may yield different equilibrium payoffs. We propose a simple two-step procedure to identify strategically equivalent contests. Using this procedure, we identify contests that are strategically equivalent to the original Tullock contest, and provide new examples of strategically equivalent contests. Finally, we discuss possible contest design applications and avenues for future theoretical and empirical research

    Surface structure and frictional properties of the skin of the Amazon tree boa Corallus hortulanus (Squamata, Boidae)

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    The legless locomotion of snakes requires specific adaptations of their ventral scales to maintain friction force in different directions. The skin microornamentation of the snake Corallus hortulanus was studied by means of scanning electron microscopy and the friction properties of the skin were tested on substrates of different roughness. Skin samples from various parts of the body (dorsal, lateral, ventral) were compared. Dorsal and lateral scales showed similar, net-like microornamentation and similar friction coefficients. Average friction coefficients for dorsal and lateral scales on the epoxy resin surfaces were 0.331 and 0.323, respectively. In contrast, ventral scales possess ridges running parallel to the longitudinal body axis. They demonstrated a significantly lower friction coefficient compared to both dorsal and lateral scales (0.191 on average). In addition, ventral scales showed frictional anisotropy comparing longitudinal and perpendicular direction of the ridges. This study clearly demonstrates that different skin microstructure is responsible for different frictional properties in different body regions

    A Demonstration of New Techniques for Low-Cost Small House Construction

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    This study was undertaken as a field proof or demonstration of those construction techniques, design features, and structural details which have been proven through research to materially-reduce the cost or increase the quality of small house construction. As part of the study, a program was written, and a low-cost house, of approximately 1,000 sq ft of floor area (30' x 34') was designed. Variations in the placing of the house on the lot for different orientations were studied, and a site plan was made for a small development showing how these variations could be used by a builder to produce an interesting street scene.Housing and Home Finance Agenc

    Transition between child and adult services for young people with ADHD: findings from a British national surveillance study

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Cambridge University Press via the DOI in this record.Data Availability: Data is currently stored securely by the University of Exeter Medical School, under embargo until the end of the CATCh-uS project (2019).Background: Optimal transition involves continuity, joint care, planning meetings and information transfer. To plan services, commissioners and service providers need data on how many people require that service. Although Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) frequently persists into adulthood, evidence is limited on transitions between child and adult services. Aims: To estimate the national incidence of young people taking medication for ADHD that require and complete transition, and describe the proportion that experienced optimal transition. Methods: Surveillance over twelve months using the British Paediatric Surveillance Unit and the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Surveillance System, including baseline notification and follow up questionnaires. Results: Questionnaire response was 79% at baseline and 82% at follow up. For cases aged 17-19, incident rate (range adjusted for non-response) of transition need was 202-511 per 100,000 people aged 17-19 per year, with successful transition of 38-96 per 100,000 people aged 17-19 per year. Cases were mostly male (77%) with a comorbid condition (62%). Half were referred to specialist adult ADHD and 25% to general adult mental health services; 64% had referral accepted but only 22% attended a first appointment. Only 6% met optimal transition criteria. Conclusions: As inclusion criteria required eligible cases to be on medication, these estimates will represent the lower limit of the need for transition. Two critical points were apparent; referral acceptance and first appointment attendance. The low rate of successful transition and limited guideline adherence indicates significant need for commissioners and service providers to improve service transition experiences.National Institute for Health Research (NIHR